(A/N) Yes, thank you for all of the reviews making your opinions on where this ends clear… (sarcasm) This is the last chapter anyway, just an epilogue style and check in on how they're doin! It's a bit short, but it is an epilogue.

Hinata squeaked when she looked up and met the amber gaze of a woman looking at her curiously.

"Hello." The woman greeted.

"H-Hi," Hinata said, waving slightly. "I-I'm H-Hinata."

"Konan," she replied, nodding to Hinata. "You came with Naruto?"

Hinata nodded nervously, ducking her head and looking away.

"I applaud you for keeping up with them. Your abilities?"

"Ano, g-gentle fist, h-hiding in the m-mist no jutsu. That's m-mostly it." Hinata frowned. It didn't sound like a lot, not compared to the other's abilities.

"I can show you a few of my paper jutsu, if you are interested," Konan suggested. None of the jinchuuriki had the chakra control for it, and she did need a person to pass her skills on to.

Hinata lit up, then shrunk back. "I-if y-you don't m-mind, I-I'd like t-to."

Konan nodded solemnly. "We can begin once you are finished with your breakfast." She disappeared into the kitchen, and Hinata hurried to eat her food.

"Gaara," Sasori said calmly. "You are old enough to do it now. If you wish."

Gaara brightened slightly. "We can do it now?"

Sasori nodded. "Yes. I have requested leave, and we can do it now."

Gaara smiled slightly, and that was that.

"Have you seen Gaara?" Naruto wondered, plopping down next to Shisui.

"Gaara is busy with Sasori and will be back in a few days, Hinata is working with Konan, and unless you want papercuts everywhere, I wouldn't interrupt them," Shisui said, not even bothering to open his eyes. He got more comfortable as Naruto left, letting out a quiet sigh and going back to his nap.

"You're all shiny!" Fuu declared, poking at Gaara's arm.

"I am," Gaara replied, sounding mildly amused.

"Did you pull a Sasori?" Naruto asked suspiciously.

"What does that mean?" Hinata asked, examining Gaara's arm as well.

"Oh, Sasori's a puppet!" Fuu chirped, knocking on Gaara's arm, it sounded very hollow.

Hinata blinked, and activated her byakugan. "O-oh, you a-are mostly h-hollow," Hinata said, blinking to turn the dojutsu back off again.

"The operative word being mostly," Gaara replied, smirking very slightly.

"I don't wanna know what you put in there," Fuu decided.

"Ditto!" Naruto declared, grabbing Fuu and flouncing off.

"I-I think it's interesting," Hinata offered quietly.

Hiashi glared down at the ashes that was once his daughter's room. Or more specifically, the note, that was hidden in the ashes.


I apologize for not being able to remain in Konoha, but I do not regret my decision. If you are reading this, I have already left.

Please inform Neji and Hanabi that this is not personal, I have had problems with Konoha and the Hyuuga clan for quite a while.

Goodbye tou-san, I hope we do not meet in battle.

Hiashi growled at the Hyuuga that came to investigate the note. He backed off quickly, and Hiashi picked up the note, folding it and setting it in his pocket.

(Aaand, the random this is a few years in the future, have fun with it)

An older Shino waits in a clearing, poking at a few dead bodies. All had assorted water related injuries and paper cuts. Signs of his old friend.

"Shino," Hinata said, smiling as she stepped into the clearing. "Didn't expect to see you here."

"Likewise," Shino said, standing up and looking at his old friend. She had grown, of course, standing confidently with none of her old timidness. An Akatsuki cloak, was, of course, her primary clothing, with lavender being the primary color of the rest of her outfit, including boots and gloves. "Gaara." He looked exactly the same as he did a few years ago, when he left. But Hinata had explained the puppet thing.

"Shino," Gaara greeted, inclining his head.

"Do try and avoid the civilians?" Shino requested.

Hinata smiled. "We w-will do our best." Ah, the stutter. Forever there, a verbal tic she had tried to get rid of for years. With no success unfortunately.

"Everyone else doing well?" Shino asked.

"Yeah, Shisui's convinced he's dying of a c-cold, but that's normal," Hinata said, grinning.

"He's always convinced he's dying of something," Gaara replied dryly.

"Sounds about like Shisui-sensei," Shino replied, inclining his head.

"Of course," Hinata said, giggling. "We should be going. Have a good day Shino!"

Shino nodded to them as they disappeared into the undergrowth.

(A/N) Cool! So there's a poll up for what replaces this, yes, that is Miraculous Ladybug, no, I'm not kidding, that's an actual story. BYE!