This is my second, count it second, attempt at a serious fic. There's actually some humor in here, couldn't keep it out considering that well, it's me. This is sort of a sequel to my first 'serious' fic, 'Of Blades and Arrows'. You don't have to read that one to understand this, but I would really appreciate it! ;-)

Please make sure to review, makes less work me for. And bunny's watching..

"Hold him in place."

Aragorn's eyes were cold as the guards struggled to hold the Prince of Mirkwood. They forced him down on his knees, causing a cry of pain to erupt from the elf. One guard leaned down and yanked Legolas' head back by his hair, leaving his neck exposed.

"You cannot do this." The elf whispered, trying hard to conceal his agony.

"My wife is dead, along with my child. Who am I to blame?" Aragorn hissed through clenched teeth.

"You know it was not I."

"SILENCE!" Aragorn roared. He turned to the crowd who gathered under the stone arch.

"Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood, has been tried and found guilty of the murder of Arwen Evenstar and the unborn child. The sentence is clear under Gondorian law." He dropped his tone, and stared into Legolas' eyes.


Unable to control himself, Legolas began to tremble.

"Aragorn, you know it was not I! YOU KNOW IT WAS NOT I!" The elf was shouting now, desperate for anyone to hear.

The crowd cheered and laughed, jeering at the one who had murdered their Queen. However, there were those in the back who shrank back, crying that the friendship between the three had gone so sour.

They had been known as 'i nelde' or 'the three'. They were inseparable; Lady Arwen, Lord Aragorn, and the Prince Legolas. Always together, riding through the forests surrounding Gondor. No one could pull them apart. Until now.

Legolas swooned from hopelessness, and offered his soul to the Valinor. Aragorn took a sharp intake of breath, and raised the glittering sword of justice. Legolas closed his eyes, and a single tear ran down his cheek and into the dirt.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Ah Lady Arwen, you look ravishing today!"

Arwen Evenstar laughed, a lovely sound that reminded Legolas of songbirds.

"Why thank you, my prince."

"My prince?" Aragorn teased, coming up behind her and embracing the elf.

"You are my knightly king Aragorn," Arwen joked. "but Legolas will always be my prince."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"You took her life, now I take yours."

Then the fabled King of Gondor brought down his sword with a mighty swing

(A/N: Next chapter coming soon. Does Legolas die? Hmm..)