Under the Yoshino Tree

Chapter 14

The Uchiha's argument

"Where have you been disappearing off to ?"

Ino shot her a knowing look. Ino was dressed in a blue dungaree that had been paired with a yellow t-shirt. She was leaning over the counter and paging through a fashion catalogue.

"What do you mean ? "

Ino smiled devilishly. She looked like a predator that was ready to pounce on it's helpless prey. A predator with eyes that resembled the ocean, skin as clear as an infant's and hair that looked like the sun in the noontime.

"Where have you been disappearing off to ?"

It was no suprise that Ino had noticed. She was her best friend. It would be next to impossible for her not to notice.

It was Saturday. Five days had passed since she had sought advice from Ino 's mother.

"What is this I'm hearing about Hinata disappearing off to somewhere ? "said Tenten.

The brunette had been strolling around the flower shop. She sat down on one of the high chairs Ino had brought out for them.

"So enlighten us Hina-chan. Who have you been disappearing off to see ? said Ino.

"Who says I've been slipping away to go see anyone ? "

"You think I wouldn't notice ? My intuition is telling me that someone is to blame for your disappearances."

She flipped a page of the catalogue.

"Is your intuition telling you that this person is a you-know-what ? " asked Tenten.

"You mean a..." Ino paused before arching an eyebrow and giving her the side-eye.

"A him ? "

Tenten smirked. The direction that this conversation was heading in was a headache she didn't need.

"Yes. A him." Tenten shot her a suspicious look.

"It's definitely a him. My intuition never lies."

She rolled her eyes.

"Well out with it Hinata. Are you seeing someone ? " said Tenten.

They would assume that she was dating Sasuke if she told them that he was the 'him' she often met up with. Why was it that whenever two members of the opposite sex spent time together people assumed they were romantically involved ?

Denying her involvement with Sasuke, which was purely platonic, would be the easy way out. But that would lead to a massive headache when they discovered the truth. It would seem as if she had something to hide. Her friends would be even more convinced that they were seeing each other.

"We're just friends. Nothing more."

Tenten and Ino shared a look.

"I knew it ! " shouted Ino. The smile on Tenten's face was irritating.

"Well ? Is he hot ? "

Ino was a glutton for such topics.

"I wouldn't know. We're just friends."

"Now that's just a load of nonsense Hina-chan. You don't have to date someone to know whether they're hot or not."

"I agree," supported Tenten. "That's utter nonsense."

"Is it someone we know ? "

Another presence appeared at the entrance. It was Kiba. He strolled into the shop with his hands deep inside the pockets of his leather jacket.

"What are you doing here ? You're here to poison my flowers aren't you ? "

Kiba smirked at Ino.

"Hey Sweetness. I missed you. Give me a kiss will ya ? "

Ino gagged. Tenten sighed.

"Not even if you were the last of your species."

Kiba was dressed as usual : standard-issue navy blue pants and a black leather jacket. He smelled like the forest.


"Kiba," Tenten acknowledged in response.

"I heard you're opening a weapons' shop."




His eyes settled on her. Something was bothering him. He looked fine on the outside but his eyes told a different tale.

"Can I talk to you outside for a second ? "

She followed him out of the shop. Akamaru was standing by the door.

"Let's talk over there," said Kiba, gesturing to a spot that was obscured from the flower shop's view. They moved there.

His carefree mask melted away in an instant. He stared at her with a anxious look in his eyes and a clenched jaw.

"What the hell does he want from you ?"

"Who ? "

"The Uchiha bastard."

Oh. He knew. It had been bound to happen. She wished she was back inside the shop. She preferred to have Ino question her about the nature of her relationship with Sasuke rather than having the conversation that was about to happen.

"I saw you two together the other day. It was raining on that day. I saw how comfortable you two looked around each other."

What was wrong with them being comfortable in each others' presences ? What was wrong with them enjoying one another's company ?

"I was running late for my mission so I couldn't approach you."

Approach her so he could do what ? Tell her to get away from Sasuke ? She felt an unpleasant sensation developing in her chest.

"Sasuke is my friend."

Kiba looked at her as if she was losing her sanity.

"Since when !"

A nosey passer-by openly stared at them.

"Please stop shouting," she replied. "Sasuke and I have been friends for some time."

He was quiet but the voice of his eyes was not silent. His eyes were roaring like a lion that had been provoked.

"Stay. Away. From. Him."

Something inside of her was on the brink of snapping. She took a deep breath.

"I won't allow you to put yourself in harm's way. I won't have it."

She was supposed to sever ties with Sasuke because Kiba wouldn't have it ? She was supposed to abandon Sasuke because Kiba didn't like what was going on between them ? What right did Kiba have to decide who she spent her time with ?

She loved Kiba. He was like a brother to her. But sometimes...sometimes his words bothered her. No. They didn't bother her. They angered her.

"You won't have it ? "


She tolerated his rashness. She tolerated his stubbornness and his impatience. But the one thing she failed to tolerate was his tendancy of sometimes treating her like a child. A naive child that couldn't stand up for herself or make her own decisions.

"I appreciate your concern but I won't stop talking to Sasuke."

His face reddened.

"Hinata listen to me. I-"

"Is there anything else you would like to discuss, Kiba-kun ? "

He watched her incredulously with a clenched jaw

"Then I guess this conversation is over."

She spun around and left.

"Hinata !"

She didn't look back.

He was hungry but didn't he didn't have the appetite for food. Hana had prepared his favourite meal for the evening but it did nothing to improve his mood.

His leg was shaking underneath the table. A painful tension was terrorising his neck. He needed a massage. And a training session to vent his emotions.

His mother and his sister 's conversation entered in one ear and exited out of the other. He couldn't be bothered to care about what they were discussing.

That damned Uchiha. That deceptive bastard.

"Ka-san. Kiba's acting crazy."

He looked up at the mention of his name. His sister observed him with a raised eyebrow. His mother's eyes were on him as she feasted on the stake in her hands. Her elbows were planted on the dinner table.

"I can see Hana."

"He's not even eating, Ka-san. He's just sitting there and looking like he might explode any minute."

His mother and his sister were still dressed in their shinobi attires. They had removed their gear and their flack jackets.

"Well it's a good thing humans don't explode."

Their spikey-haired mother exploded in laughter. She had a habit of laughing at her own jokes as if she they weren't her own.

"But now that I think of it, we once fought a guy who blew himself up back in the day," she said. "Back when I was even sexier than I am now."

Hana rolled her eyes.

Hinata had not even given him a chance to explain why he wanted her to stay away from the bastard.

"Of course Ka-san. It wouldn't be a normal day if you didn't remind us of how sexy you were back in the day."

Their mother smirked devilishly before biting off a chunk of meat.

"Don't blame me for having been so damn sexy."

"Don't blame me. Blame the genes. I know, I know," said Hana.

He rubbed his temples. Friends ? With Sasuke ? Since when did Sasuke have friends ?

"Guess what happened to me today. Some civilian guy tried to ask me out. He's younger than me so I asked him how old he thinks I am. Guess what he said."

Hana continued eating.

"I said guess what he said, Hana."

Her tone had became more forceful. In this household, getting bullied by their mother was a feature of everyday life. Hana sighed.

That Uchiha bastard. That snake.

"What did he say ? " Hana asked tiredly.

"He told me that I look thirty or thirty-one. Me ? Thirty ? "

She was beaming with satisfaction. Hana resumed eating.

His jaw involuntarily clenched. That damned Uchiha. That damned unstable traitor. What game was he playing ?

"Maybe Kiba's trying to dodge chores by acting upset so that we won't bother him tomorrow morning."

"Maybe I just want you to shut up."

His sister looked at him calmly.

"Hey ! What's with the hostility kid ? It's not like we're the reason you're having a bad day or something."

That damned Uchiha. That bastard. That...

He shot up from his seat.

"I'm heading out. I need to talk to Shino.

"Now ? While we're eating ?" asked Hana.

"It's urgent."


He stopped and turned back to his mother's direction.

"Ka-san ? "

"Can I have your steak ?"

"Your friend is here to see you," his father said to him before leaving.

The Inuzuka had just returned from his lengthy mission the day before. Evidently, he was furious.

"What's wrong ? "

"The Uchiha bastard is what's wrong."

They shifted away from the door for the sake of privacy.

"What did Sasuke do ? "

"He's playing some sort of game with Hinata. "

A cold chill ran up his spine.


"I saw the two of them together on the day when I left for my last mission. "

"And ? "

"I asked Hinata about it earlier today and she told me that she and him are... friends."

Friends ? That was an unexpected development. Being acquaintances was one thing. Being friends was another.

Hinata and Sasuke ? Sasuke Uchiha was the embodiment of antisocial behaviour.

"And ?"

"That's it."

"That's all ? You just discovered that they're friends and now you think he's playing some sort of game with her ? "

"Friends, Shino. Friends. The bastard doesn't do friends. Don't you find it suspicious that he's suddenly friends with Hinata of all people ? "

"It's odd but not suspicious. "

"Are you kidding me ? How is it not suspicious ? He's an unstable traitor. And he hates people. Ask yourself why he's interested in Hinata all of a sudden."

Interested in Hinata ? Those three words left a bitter taste in his mouth. Interested in Hinata ?

The Uchiha 's interest in Hinata could mean one of three things. One : he could be interested in her because he longed for her friendship. Two: he had malicious intentions - as Kiba had suggested. Three: he could be interested in her because of romantic or sexual reasons.

He doubted that Sasuke intended to hurt Hinata. But then again why had she reacted so negatively to seeing him that day ? Could it be because he had already hurt her ? He squashed the thought because it would lead him down a dark road he did not want to explore.

Sasuke being interested in Hinata in a romantic or sexual manner would be a problem. It would be an unnecessary complication. It would mean having to compete for Hinata's affections.

A fire ignited inside his chest. It burned so hotter than molten. He was almost completely convinced that it would ooze out of his pores. He realised that this boiling fire was determination.

He would fight for Hinata. He would face the Uchiha head on. He would not allow him to appear out of nowhere and rip Hinata away from him.

He had resolved that he would wait before making any advances on Hinata. He was throwing that plan in the trash. It was now an invalid plan of action.

Having to readjust his plan did not bother him. Good strategists understood that plans were not set in stone. They understood that strategies were dynamic. He would have to make his approach much sooner than he had anticipated. He was not certain about how he would execute the entire thing but he definitely needed to start acting.

He was a simple guy. He believed in simplicity. Simplicity birthed order and order birthed harmonious existence.

He strived to achieve simplicity in all aspects of life. He believed in simplicity above all else. He felt secure in simplicity. Simplicity gave him peace of mind. Without simplicity there was no order. Lack of order birthed chaos and chaos birthed destruction. Chaos frightened him.

He cherished simplicity but he would forsake it for Hinata. The readiness to do so was the reason he had been prepared to physically attack Sasuke when he had suspected the Uchiha of having hurt Hinata that day.

Fighting for a girl's affection was often chaotic. But he would do it if it was necessary. If it was a chaotic war for Hinata's heart that Sasuke wanted then he would give it to him.

With resolve and determination burning in his heart, he withdrew from his thoughts

"She didn't even want to hear me out ! "

"Calm down Kiba. There's no reason to worry about Sasuke."

"And then he actually told me to stop speaking to you," said Hinata. "You know what else he said ? "

It was Monday. The hardness of the yoshino tree was pressing against the back of his head. His eyes were shut. Sleep had had only come to him shortly before sunrise.

"What ?"

"He said that he wouldn't have it."

Her voice had an unusual sharpness to it. She was also speaking faster than usual. He didn't need to open his eyes to see the electricity in her eyes.

"I'm not his child. What right does he have to dictate who I talk to ? Are you even listening or am I talking to myself ? "

"I'm listening. What's with the hostility princess ? "

Her anger mellowed. It was strange how he had learned to notice changes in her mood without even looking at her.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be directing my anger to you. It's just that I become so angry when he treats me like a child."

Meeting there had become a routine. They discussed numerous things under the yoshino tree. They discussed their pasts, Konoha, literature and so on. On this particular occasion, they were discussing Hinata's teammate. The interaction consisted of Hinata venting and him listening - to be more accurate.

"It's as though he thinks that I still need to be protected. Doesn't he realise that I can take care of myself ? "

"I feel as if there's a deeper reason why this is bothering you so much ? Am I wrong to think so ?"

"You're right," she said softly.

"Tell me."

Was he a counselor now ? It was humorous. Him ? Playing therapist for Hinata Hyuga ? He realised that he didn't really mind. She often did the same thing for him.

He peeked open a tired eye after a lengthy period of silence.

"You don't want to tell me ?"

"It's embarrassing," she whispered. "It's childish actually. "

"Don't you think we've passed that point ?"

Her eyes squinted ever so slightly as she smiled.

"We have, haven't we ? "

"So spit it out."

She sighed.

"I guess it bothers me so much because it makes me feel like all the progress I have made in improving myself is nonexistent."

He smirked.

"You find it funny ? " She sounded hurt.

"I'm amused by the irony."

"What irony ? "

"I've felt the same thing before."

"Really ? "

"It's part of the reason why I left Konoha."

Images of the not-so-distant past that felt so...distant danced in his mind.

"It was after Naruto defeated Gaara during Suna's invasion."

He closed his eyes again. Even looking at bright sky offended him. This headache threatened to drive him insane.

"I had trained so passionately and dedicated all my efforts to becoming stronger and defeating Itachi. I figured that my dedication alone would make me leaps and bounds ahead of my classmates. For a while that seemed to be the case. I was rookie of the year when we graduated. "

The nostalgia he felt when he thought of his academy days made his chest buzz with warmth.

"But then the invasion came along and Naruto defeated Gaara whereas I had failed to lay a single scratch on Gaara."

"I could only think of how Naruto, the least promising student of our year, had defeated Gaara. He had defeated the very same Gaara who had also defeated Lee a month ago. Lee had wiped the floor with me before the first part of the exams."

He opened his eyes. They met sympathetic large lavender ones.

"I know how it feels when someone makes you feel like all your hard work is meaningless."

A peculiar expression appeared on her face - one he couldn't decipher.

"You're not the girl you used to be, right ?"

"I'm not."

"So why should you care about what Kiba says ? Why should he make you feel like you haven't become a better person ?"

He leaned his head against the tree and closed his eyes again.

"At the end of the day, you know what you've accomplished."

"I've never thought of it that way. "

He opened his eyes and faced her. Her eyes were teary.

"Thank you. You have no idea how this has been bothering me," she whispered - her voice heavy with emotion.

"Do you have a headache ?"

"I noticed that you were rubbing your temples earlier on."

She shifted closer to him.

"Are you trying to sit on my lap ?"

Hinata's eyes widened and her cheeks went bright red.

"I never thought you would be so bold, princess."

"No. I'm just- I was just trying.I wanted-"

"To sit on my lap ?"

"No !"

"Well ?"

"It's not like that. Give me a chance to explain."

"It's a simple explanation. You were trying to sit on my lap," he replied.

"Come on then," he said patting his lap."I honestly don't mind."

"Sasuke !" The pitch of her voice was unbelievably high.

The poor girl looked like she was about to faint. Her cheeks were blushing madly. He smirked.

"I'm joking."

She shot him a look of annoyance and scooted away from him.

"I was going to help you with your headache but nevermind."


She crossed her arms across her chest and stubbornly looked the opposite way. She was still blushing.

"I'm sorry."

She didn't budge.

"You're breaking my heart by acting this way."

She looked at him curiously.

"I'm what ?"

"You're breaking my heart into a million pieces."

"Sasuke, are you feeling okay ? "

"How can I possibly be feeling okay when you're breaking my heart, princess ?"

A smile creeped onto her lips.

"Really Sasuke ? "

He put his hand above his heart and pretended to be shocked.

"My heart has stopped breaking. Wait. I think it's actually getting mended back together."

She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not even doing anything," she said.

"You're smiling," he replied.

Her cheeks brightened.

"Keep smiling, princess. At this rate my arm might even grow back."

"You're being ridiculous, you know that ? " she said. Her eyes were beaming

"No one would even believe me if I told them what you've just said," she said.

"That's the beauty of it."

She shifted closer to him, activated her Byakugan and pressed two glowing fingers against the side of his neck. A sensation of extreme discomfort followed before the pounding in his head started receding.

"What was that ? "

"It's a clan secret. I would be putting your life in danger by telling you, " she replied in an exaggeratedly serious tone.

"You've shifted my perspective on a thing or two," he said.

"Really ? What in particular ? " She was staring at him in excitement.

He had previously underestimated the strength that a person could draw from others. Hinata had taught him that the road of life was easier to walk with others. This girl was changing his outlook to some degree. He could not deny it.

"I could tell you but I would be putting your life in danger."

She pouted.

An earthshaking banging sounded on the door.

"Is this necessary ? " a voice spoke from outside.

"I didn't force you to come here !"

The banging resumed. He sighed and made his way to the door. The banging stopped as his hand touched the door handle. He opened the door.

He stared at a seething Kiba. The Inuzuka had a terrible snarl. His eyes were burning with barely-restrained violence. Hinata's other teammate was standing a short distance behind him.

"Are you trying to break down my door ? "

The fire burning in the Inuzuka 's eyes burned hotter.

"What do you want from Hinata ? "

The Aburame sighed. He did not like Kiba's tone.

"I asked you a question. What do you want from Hinata ? "

"I don't need to explain myself to you."

Kiba looked even more furious. His reaction satisfied him. Who did the dog boy think he was ?

"Whatever she and I do together is none of your business."

Kiba bared his long canines and leaned foward. His hands were balled into tight fists. He looked like a beast that was about pounce on its victim. The nerve of the Inuzuka.

"Hinata is my teammate. That alone makes it my business."

"It's your business to moniter who she spends her time with ? Don't be ridiculous," he said. "The smell of all the dog crap must be getting to your brain."

"What did you say ?" Kiba said, stepping closer.

The Aburame pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

"I wouldn't care who she's spending her time with if it wasn't you. I know you. You're sick in the head," growled Kiba. His spit was flying in the air.

He was on a quest to let go of his pride. His pride was detrimental. Pride was after all the reason it had taken him so long to apologise to Hinata. He needed to let go of his pride.

If he ignored his pride then he would humble himself and attempt to convince Kiba that he had no ill intentions towards his teammate. He would ask Kiba to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Entertaining his pride would only escalate the situation. Pride always came with consequences. Despite painfully realising that, he couldn't help but let his pride get the better of him. Kiba had the gall to to show up at his door and talk to him like this ? Him ?

"You want me to stay away from your friend ?"


"Forget it."

Kiba's face darkened. He smirked. It was time for the finishing touch.

"Now tuck your little tail between your legs and run away like a smart little mutt before I lose my temper."

Kiba began trembling. He bared his fangs. His eyes had turned red. He took a step closer in a threatening manner.

He activated his Dojutsu. His deep red Sharingan blazed in one eye - the subtler Rinnegan in the other eye. Kiba flinched.

That was the difference between him and Kiba. He did not need to put in any effort to make someone afraid. All he had to do was activate his Dojutsu.

"Maybe you didn't understand me. I'm not asking you to stay away from," the shaking Inuzuka growled while pointing at him. Hinata's closeness to him was the only reason he didn't grab Kiba's finger and snap it into two.

"I don't see what the big deal is. Hinata likes me," he replied. "She likes me so much that I sometimes think that she wants to have my children."

"I'll kill you !"

"Come at me. It sounds like you're begging for a beating."

The Aburame was behind Kiba within a split second with his hand on Kiba's shoulder.

"That's enough from the both of you."

"Are you kidding me ? " shouted Kiba.

"There's no need for a fight," replied the sunglass-wearing Aburame.

"Don't allow your anger to let reason escape you. Firstly, if you fight Sasuke you'll definitely lose. Secondly, there's no evidence that suggests that Sasuke has any ill intentions towards Hinata. Thirdly, fighting him won't change anything. It won't stop him from talking to Hinata."

Kiba stubbornly maintained his stance. But it was evident that Shino's words had affected him.

He smirked. The action had the desired effect. Kiba bared his canines again.

"You smug bastard !"

Shino's hand tightened on Kiba 's shoulder.

"Kiba. Use your head."

It felt like an hour before Kiba broke eye contact with him. He roughly shrugged off Shino's hand. He spun around and dashed away - disappearing into the forest.

He was left alone with the Aburame.

"You told him that I'm not a threat and yet you looked ready to pounce on me when I crossed paths with you and Hinata three weeks ago."

The Aburame pushed up his glasses.

"Was I that obvious ? "


"I admit I did lose my composure that day. I was worried that you had hurt Hinata," replied Shino. "She has a way of making me through rationality out of the window."

He deactivated his Dojutsu.

"My reaction was irrational but my concern was justified. Hinata wouldn't have reacted like that if something unpleasant hadn't happened between the two of you. "

The Aburame had done a very cunning thing by telling Kiba that there was no evidence that he meant any harm to Hinata. Hinata's reaction to seeing him that day was evidence.

"Do you mind clearing up why she reacted like that ? "

His irrational pride had left him. So he felt no need to avoid owning up to his mistakes.

"I said some things I shouldn't have said. "

He couldn't tell what the Aburame was thinking since his eyes were obscured by his dark round glasses.

"I guess the fact that you're talking again means you've fixed things. "

He nodded.

"Kiba believes you're an unstable traitor who's bound to snap and revert to his old ways. I found myself thinking along the same lines in that moment when I lost my composure."

"Am I supposed to care about what you think ?"

The Aburame turned around.

"I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt Sasuke. And for you sake, I hope you don't hurt Hinata. I promise that you'll regret it if you do."

"I don't intend to hurt Hinata."

The Aburame lingered for a silent moment. He began walking but then stopped after a few steps.

"One more thing. You wouldn't be interested in Hinata in a romantic manner, would you ?"


The Aburame observed him from the corner of his eye. He caught a glimpse of his eye through the narrow space between his glasses and his face. They were hazel in colour.

"Good. That would lead to unnecessary complications since someone already has his eye on her."

He sensed the subtle warning in the Aburame's words.

"Would that someone be you ?"

"Have a nice day Sasuke."

Shino shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket and walked away at a leisurely pace.

"My day was much nicer before you came along."

"Come on Sasuke. I know you enjoyed our company, " replied the Aburame.

"For a while, you actually had me convinced that you're the intelligent one."

"I'm flattered that you think I'm intelligent," said the Aburame.

"But some honesty would do you some good. Just be honest about how you're dying to invite Kiba and I over for a cup of tea.

The Aburame moved out of earshot before he could retort.

"I want to show you something," was the first thing Sasuke said to her when he arrived at the yoshino tree.

He turned around before she could even greet him. He stopped after a few steps and glanced at her.

"Are you coming ?"

She shut the book in her hand and rose from the grass.

"Where are we going ? " she asked.

"You'll see."

The mystery surrounding the entire thing piqued her curiosity. They travelled through the outskirts of the village - avoiding the busy parts of Konoha.

Finally, they retreated back into the village walls through one of the multiple gates that surrounded it's perimeter. This part of the village was extremely familiar to her. It was not too far away from her clan's residence.

She took note of the direction they were heading in. It suddenly dawned on her. Goosebumps appeared on her skin as they went passed a gloomy multistorey building. It was the Konoha police headquarters. Or rather the building that had served as the police headquarters once upon a time.

They ventured into the part of the neighborhood which was avoid by the villagers. Even the most daring and disobedient children shied away from playing there.

She noticed the way Sasuke's back suddenly tensed. They stopped. Beyond the looming wooden structure standing before them was the Uchiha district. Home of the Uchiha clan. On one side of the gate-like structure was a symbol. The Uchiha crest.

Sasuke walked past the structure. She took a deep breath and followed. It was evident why this place was called the Uchiha district and not the Uchiha compound. It was like a miniature village that stood within Konoha. From what she could see there were multiple streets that fell under the district.

She shivered. It was not the weather that made her shiver. It was because of the black, ominous and eerie blanket that covered the area.

Sasuke's expression was as inexpressive as a stone and twice as cold. A gang of stray cats scurried away like guilty culprits as they approached the street corner. They kept on walking.

"Welcome to the Uchiha District. Don't get your hopes up. You won't see any Uchiha. They were all slaughtered."

She wished that she had not heard him say what he had just said. She followed behind him as they went through what used to be the commercial area of the district.

Everything was dilapidated. Years of neglect had taken their toll. The streets fittingly looked like they hadn't been swept in years. Branches, leaves, sand and plastic materials were only a few of the things that covered the paved streets. The buildings were in an even greater state of ruin.

Why had they come here ?

"I found many of my relatives sprawled out on this street. They were gathered up in one location like cows in a slaughterhouse."

She forced down the nausea.

He stopped walking. His gaze settled on one of the buildings.

"I found a girl I used to play with over there with her throat slit," he said.

"She was a year younger than me."


"Have you ever convinced yourself that what you are seeing is not real even though you know it's real ? Just because it's too horrifying to bear ?"

She gulped.

"I was barely nine years old and stepping over my relatives' corpses as I ran home."

The walking resumed. She matched his increasingly quickening pace.

They reached the residential section. The homes had a modern design with touches of traditional elements.

She froze. A realisation slammed into her. Her body shuddered. It was as if a veil was being lifted from her eyes. It was a strange feeling - truly understanding something after thinking for such a long time that you understood it.

People had lived here. Actual living, breathing people. The homes before her eyes made her realise that. She had thought she had understood the tragedy but realised that it had all been an abstract idea to her.

Living, breathing human beings had been massacred. People with hopes and dreams, fears, likes and dislikes. Each with their own unique characters. Every one of them loved. Every single one of them had a name. All of their hearts had stopped beating within a single night. Fathers had died alongside their sons and daughters. Grandparents had perished with their grandchildren.

She surveyed the area. The rows of houses were long and numerous. There had been so many of them.

"Imagine finding everyone you grew up around having been killed like meaningless animals."

She stared at Sasuke's back. She stared at the last Uchiha's back. The very last Uchiha.

The streets between the rows of houses were wide enough and the houses far-spaced enough so that they weren't cramped. There were patches between the houses that had probably been lawns once upon a time.

They finally reached a house that was more elaborate and traditional than the rest.

Sasuke's breath became shallow. He turned to her. Had the sadness in his eyes increased tenfold or was she finally realising the true magnitude of his sadness ?

He led her to the backyard of the home. The size of the backyard was impressive. There wooden garden chairs surrounding a circular table on one side. A tall sakura tree stood proudly next to table. There was a dried up garden surrounding a tiny pond on the opposite side.

"You like flowers, don't you ?"


"My mother loved flowers. There were flowers in the garden. There had to be five or six kinds. They were beautiful."

There was nothing beautiful about the garden she was looking at. The flowers had probably perished soon after their owner. Maybe the sadness surrounding this home had killed them.

"Why did you bring me here Sasuke ? "

He remained quiet for such a long time that she ended up thinking he was not going to answer her question.

"I wanted you to understand," he replied.

The sun was hanging in the sky but it didn't feel like it was daytime. It felt like it was pitch black.

"I want you to understand why should you give up on me. I want to show you why I'll never be okay. How can I ? "

She wanted to encourage him. To tell him that he would be alright but she could not. How could she tell him that when she was also drowning in doubt. She found herself not having a voice. At that point, she just wanted to go home, climb into her bed and shut her eyes to the world.

"Take this trauma and add guilt. After that, add a sense of emptiness and purposelessness that's so strong that it makes you feel like you can't breathe."

She casted her eyes to the ground.

"What do you have after that ? "

"A nightmare, " she whispered.

"A hopeless situation," he said.

"Do you understand now ? Will you finally stop talking about faith and me overcoming this darkness that is inside of me ? "

They went into the house. All the surfaces were covered in dust and the corners had massive cobwebs. She didn't miss the tightness in his jaw or his clenched fist. The house felt so... sinister.

"Home sweet home," he said as they stood in the kitchen.


He spun around and left before she could continue. He showed her the dining room, his father's study, the equipment room with various shinobi equipment. In each room, he would say a comment that left her wishing she was deaf.

He pointed out Itachi 's room and his own room but they did not go inside. She was not surprised by this.

She wrapped her arms around herself as they kept walking. She was sure she would revisit this place in her nightmares.

Sasuke stopped walking. On the end of the hallway was a sliding Shoji door. The Uchiha crest stood proudly on the door.

He spun around. The turn had been as quick as lightening. His face had gone pale.

"It's time to leave."

She did not need to be told twice. She retreated in the direction they had come from. She realised that he was still frozen in place. Her eyes were drawn to the droplets of sweat on his forehead.

"Sasuke ?"

Being here was aggravating old wounds. She blamed herself for Sasuke's current condition. He would not be here if it wasn't for her.

"Let's go."

It was as if he had not heard her. She returned to him and took him by the hand. She pulled him with her.

He suddenly halted. She faced him. His eyes were full of resolve.

"I need to see it."

He let go of her hand and approached the Shoji door. He touched the door. His hand jumped away as if he'd touched a hot plate.

"Sasuke. Let's just leave."

He seemed indecisive before he suddenly slid the door open.

The walls were painted a dull orange and floor was made of rich dark wood. The room was empty besides for a few sparse decorations.

"This is where I found them."

He was staring at an area that was covered in dark splotches. It was blood that had not been properly removed. He kneeled down and touched one of the splotches of blood with fearful fingers. His head dropped. His eyes hid behind a curtain of dark hair.

"Do you understand now ?"

He looked so defeated and pathetic in that position. The sight just squashed all the hope inside her. Would Sasuke ever see better days ?

He punched the wooden floor with so much force that it startled her.

"Revive the clan ? Me ? I can't revive the clan. Just look at me."

The cool, detached tone was gone. The raw emotion in his voice broke her heart.

Something landed on the floor. It took a moment for her to realise what it was - teardrops.

"Just look at me."

More teardrops fell onto the wooden floor. The hair on the back of her neck stood up.

"The Uchiha clan is cursed. It would end in blood and tears again."

He mumbled incoherent things between the sniffing. A tear trickled down her cheek.

She found herself on her knees.


Her voice had been transformed into a feeble dying whisper by the tragedy before her.

A lone bloodshot eye looked at her through a curtain of dark hair. She cupped his face. He leaned into her touch. He placed his larger hand on top of hers and squeezed tightly. He held to her hand as though he would fall to his death if he let go. He stared at her with distracted eyes. She had nothing to offer him but an insincere smile.

He buried his face into her chest. His tears seeped through the fabric of her cotton shirt. She held him close.

"You're not alone."

The words triggered something within him. A great tremor overtook his body as he sobbed. He grabbed onto her jacket and squashed her body against his own.

She stroked his hair as she cried with him.

Sorry for taking so long to update. But don't worry, I'm still passionate about this book and intend to keep on updating it until the end.

Thank you for your reviews. They're heavily appreciated. Please keep on reviewing. Please favourite and follow. And take care.

{The Immortal Sage}