AN- I really want to take the time to thank those who have left reviews. I know that leaving reviews can be hard but know that taking the time to do it means a lot to the writer. I'm getting an awesome response on this fic. I would say even better than the last chapter I posted on one of my more popular fics. Maybe I should switch fandoms? Nah. I write whatever I want to write when I want to write it. It's either you get a lot of something or none of something with me. No healthy in-between I'm afraid. This chapter is rated M and all chapters going forward will be rated M. Consider that the only warning. That escalated quickly… Enjoy!

Second Chances

A Tommy/Kimberly Fanfic

Chapter Three

During his first period class, he figured out that it was Friday, February 15, 1995. They were barely into the new year and everywhere he went people were talking about their plans for the long weekend.

For the life of him, he couldn't quite place the significance of this particular weekend.

What happened the weekend starting today, February 15-Monday February 18?

He racked his brain trying to remember what happened but kept coming up short. He had a feeling it was something big though. It wasn't Valentine's Day, as that would have been yesterday. He was screwed if someone brought up the events from yesterday. He was certain that he wasn't going to be able to recall how he and Kim celebrated. Hopefully that wouldn't get him into too much trouble with her later on.

Great. You had to go and mention you got drunk yesterday not knowing it was Valentine's Day, of all days. I'm so screwed.

As luck would have it, his third period class was Ms. Appleby's class, and one he shared with his fellow rangers. He had always been fond of this class as a teen and had a great deal of memories sitting in this very room that he carried with him into adulthood.

Tommy arrived early to class and took a seat in the back corner so he could feel like he was more in control of the situation.

One by one, he watched as students filtered in into the classroom. The first one through the door that he recognized was Billy. Tommy's face lit up as the boy walked into the room clad in a pair of dark blue jeans and a blue and white striped shirt. "Billy!" He called out, waving his arm to get his attention.

Billy gave him a quizzical look, his eyes squinting like they do when he is in deep thought or working on an invention.

Tommy dropped his expression, scooting back in his seat nonchalantly as Billy took a seat in front of him.

After a moment or two of silence, Billy swirled around in his chair to face him, gripping the side of the chair to keep himself centered. Billy stared at him hard in concentration. Billy's expression was a little unnerving and quite frankly, it was freaking him out.

"What's up Billy?" Tommy wondered hesitantly.

"Kimberly said something strange to me in first period." Billy said bluntly, completely ignoring his question.

"That so?" The long-haired teen thought. "What did she say?" He wetted his bottom lip nervously.

"She said you were hung over this morning." Billy cut right to the chase.

"Oh." He breathed out a sigh of relief. "Is that all?" He visibly relaxed a little.

"No. She suggested that there was something off about you today and I can't help but agree with her. That behavior is completely out of character for you." Billy informed him, skeptically.

"I'm not really feeling like myself today." Tommy admitted hastily.

"She is worried that you are being manipulated by an outside influence." He hypothesized.

"I can assure you that it is definitely not the case." He shot down the idea immediately.

"Prove it." Billy challenged.

They were interrupted when Rocky and Adam walked into class, casually sliding into their seats next to their team mates.

"Are we interrupting something?" Rocky wondered, leaning back into his seat.

"Yeah. You guys look like you're in the middle of something." Adam agreed.

"I don't know." Billy wondered aloud. "Does Tommy look or sound differently to you?" Billy asked the red and black rangers.

"How so?" Rocky questioned, raising a curious eyebrow.

"Do you want to tell them about what you said this morning or should I?" Billy provoked the teen in white.

Tommy shot a worried look toward Billy, his eyes silently begging him to not bring it up.

"Tommy told Kimberly he was hung over this morning." Billy broadcast to the two boys.

"I can explain—"

"And you didn't even invite me…" Rocky shook his head smiling.

"Was your evening with Kimberly that bad?" Adam sat on the edge of his seat.

At the sound of Kimberly's name, Tommy looked toward the door to see the subject of their current conversation walk through the door, Aisha trailing behind her. Both girls made eye contact with him before drawing their attention away and taking seats away from the rest of the group.

"Oh man. What did you do?" Rocky animatedly snapped his head in Tommy's direction.

"I wish I knew…" Tommy wondered aloud.

"Alright class. Let's settle down and get started." Ms. Appleby said after closing the door and striding to the front of the classroom to begin the day's lesson.

For the next 45 minutes Tommy had to endure uncomfortable glares from Aisha as well as side glances from the boys that surrounded him.

"Which period in history would you have liked to have lived? These are the subjects for your assignment. So, enjoy your three-day weekend, everyone." Ms. Appleby said, dismissing the class.

Tommy sprung up from his desk as the other students gathered their belongings, dodging other students in an attempt to reach Kimberly before she left the classroom. "Kim. Kim, wait!" He called out to her as she moved toward the front of the classroom.

She stopped as she heard her named called, refusing to turn around.

Her boyfriend vaulted over one of the desks, walking around to the front of the room to stand in front of her.

He stood awkwardly frozen as she looked everywhere but his eyes, knowing full well that if she did that she would be helpless against him. "Kim, I—" He stammered, trying to form the words that refused to come out. He searched her face, his own falling as he recognized the hurt and pain behind her eyes.

It was only the first day and already he was fucking things up between them. The worst part about it was that he didn't even remember what he did.

Her expression took him aback and he had to clench his jaw to keep his cool demeanor. "Kim… I don't know—"

"Are you serious?" Aisha spoke up from behind Kimberly. "Come on Kim, you don't have to do this right now." She said, coaxing Kimberly out of her trance-like state and pulled her away from him leaving a stunned Tommy in her wake.

"Ugh!" He slammed his fist down against the desk beside him. "I don't even know what I did." He yelled in frustration.

Rocky and Adam hung back, watching the exchange between the two rangers as Billy put a comforting hand on Tommy's shoulder.

"Is there something going on with your ability to remember?" He asked sincerely, concerned that his friend couldn't remember the events from the day before.

"I don't know." Tommy confessed, gripping the desk until his knuckles turned white and he left an indent in the wood. He pushed himself away from the desk, claiming a seat on top of another empty desk. "One day I'm in my living room and the next I'm here." He said quietly, despite his better judgement.

"Tommy—" The blue ranger said cautiously, his arm extended and on high alert.

Tommy responded by popping his head up, startling the blue ranger.

"Are you Tommy Oliver?" Billy proceeded to ask as Rocky and Adam moved to flank him.

"Of course, I'm me." Tommy huffed in frustration. "Well sort of. It's hard to explain."

Rocky and Adam shifted their stances, and Billy kept his guard up as he continued his inquiry.

"What do you mean sort of?" Billy tested.

"I don't really understand it myself. I'm me, but I'm me from the future." He confessed, his eyes darting to each of the boys standing near him to read their expressions.

"That's impossible. Time travel hasn't been done yet." Billy said, his mind refusing to reach the conclusion right in front of him.

"I don't know why I'm here. Or how. Or even how to get back." Tommy expressed.

Rocky and Adam dropped their defenses, rallying around Billy to ask questions.

"There has to be a way to decide if he's telling the truth." Rocky thought.

"If we take his word for it without confirming it first, it could spell disaster for the team." Adam agreed.

"Okay." Billy reasoned. "Tell us something only Tommy would know." The teen waited with baited-breath for his response.

"You." He pointed to Adam, who gestured to himself. "You have a romantic side to you that no one else knows about, but it's a shame that you aren't confident enough in yourself to share it." Tommy said before turning to take aim at the red ranger. "You spent all of last summer taking cooking classes to impress girls, but you really only succeeded in adding an extra five pounds to your waist line."

Rocky's jaw dropped in shock, watching helplessly on as Tommy confronted Billy, who stood his ground against the emotional attack.

"I respect you too much to reveal something that you told me in confidence, but you and I both know that I'm telling the truth." He told Billy, whose eyes glazed over in recognition. "I don't think you want the burden of knowing what I know." He confessed.

"And it's best that you don't. Your presence here could mean an interruption of the space-time continuum. You can't risk changing much. It could have disastrous consequences in the future." Billy explained.

"I would appreciate if you kept this to yourselves. I don't want the girls to know, especially Kimberly." He begged them.

They nodded their heads in affirmation, agreeing to the request.

"If you don't mind me asking, how far in the future have you come?" Billy wondered causing the other two rangers to lean in.

"I'm from the year 2004." Tommy declared.

"Which would make you—"

"26, almost 27 years old." He finished for them. "Now that we have that settled, can someone please fill me in on why Kimberly is so angry with me all of a sudden?" He all but shouted.

Tommy shifted from one person to the other, their expressions vacant.

"Oh, come on!" He bellowed.

"We don't know why she's mad at you. All I know is that you planned a special date for the two of you yesterday evening. I don't know what actually happened though." Adam relayed, taking pity on him.

"Why don't I remember any of this?" Tommy wondered, cursing the holes in his memory. "Each and every one of our dates is special. They all just seem to be blurring together." He provided.

"Think Tommy, at this stage in your relationship, where would you have taken her?" Billy supplied in an effort to help out.

"It would have been too cold to take her to my Uncle's lake house." He accessed. "And it was a school night, so I would have made the date for somewhere in the city. I wouldn't have strayed too far." He thought.

"Unless you forgot it was Valentine's Day and didn't take her anywhere…" Rocky considered causing everyone to stare at him in disapproval. "Hey!"

"It's Kim we are talking about. There is no way she would have allowed him to forget." Adam chimed in.

"He's right." Billy agreed. "We know she's angry about him drinking, but I think we are overlooking what she believes to be the motivation behind it." He reminded the group.

"Why were you drinking last night in your time?" Rocky asked, sticking with the same line of questioning.

"Without getting into specifics that could impact the future." Billy inserted.

"Without giving away too much?" He winced, unsure of himself. "Well first off, I'm not a big drinker. I wasn't even the one who brought out the alcohol. It's really all Jason's fault." He clarified in defense.

Billy coughed beside him, cutting him off.

"Too much information?" Tommy tried to read his mind only for Billy to nod his confirmation. "Okay. I suppose I was drinking socially to have a good time, but then—" He stopped mid-sentence, contemplating his next words. "Then it got heavy. Too heavy. From that point on, I suppose I was drinking to forget." He reasoned.

"Listen, we don't think your past self was drinking. But because your future self was, it means your past self is in a load of trouble." Adam speculated.

"Huh?" Rocky tried to wrap his head around the situation at hand.

"Thanks, Adam. That's a lot of help." Tommy rolled his eyes.

"There are many reasons people take to alcohol to solve their problems. It is a natural depressant." Billy provided.

"If Kim thinks I was drinking after our date to forget something. Then, what in the hell happened last night?" He wondered. "She also wasn't mad with me this morning after I told her. She must have built it up in her head after the fact." He addressed.

"Whatever it is. You need to find out soon. You can't put the team in jeopardy by fighting." Billy said.

"I know." Tommy recognized.

"I'll try to pump Aisha for information. You know she can't keep a secret and judging by the way she was clinging to Kim, she knows something." Adam volunteered.

"Someone had to be feeding her emotions." Rocky added.

"Let me know what you find out. I'm going to go try and find Kim." Tommy said, taking his leave.

Tommy found Kimberly at one of the tables in the courtyard talking to Aisha, their lunch spread out on the table.

"There you are." Tommy announced, drawing Kimberly's attention from her conversation with Aisha. "What are you ladies discussing?" He asked casually, an awkward silence falling over them.

"I'm going to go. I'll see you later." Aisha said quickly, gathering her stuff and scurrying off to get as far away from them as possible.

"If you must know, we were talking about the assignment for Ms. Appleby's class." She admitted, a tinge of annoyance in her voice.

"The one about…"

"The one about a time period you would have liked to live in." She finished for him.

"And? Did you decide which one?" He asked curiously.

"I made a joke to Aisha that I wish I could have gone back to last night." She recalled, watching him filter through an array of expressions. "But no, I haven't given it any serious thought."

Why did teachers have to sneak applicable life lessons into their studies and why did it have to be so relevant?

"Don't worry. I'm sure you will think of something." He told her trying to change the subject as he took a seat next to her.

"Do you have any thoughts about traveling and living in a different time?" She pressed.

He swallowed hard. "Time travel is a little hard to wrap my mind around." He nearly squeaked, the topic of conversation growing more intensely uncomfortable by the minute.

"You have a talking saber and time travel is where things start to get complicated?" She shook her head in disbelief.

"No. I just mean I don't think it is entirely possible so it's difficult to imagine." He recovered. "Anyway…" He started awkwardly. "I was hoping we could talk about last night." He prompted.

"What about last night?" She pursed her lips.

"Forgive me if I'm not supposed to say this but I get the distinct feeling that you are upset with me."

There. He finally said it.

"Really? What makes you think that?" She probed, toying with him.

"I really don't want to play this game with you." He told her honestly.

Kim sneered, her eyes piercing his own, but he wouldn't be deterred.

"Your feelings are important to me." He said sincerely, his words catching her off guard. "You are important to me." He took her hand in his own, commanding her attention. "If I have done something to offend you, don't you think I should know about it so I that I can fix it?" He pled.

"The fact that you don't even know what you did is the exact reason I'm upset." She pulled her hand away from his as if it were on fire leaving him stunned. She got up from the table, anger and betrayal bubbling under her skin as she glared at him.

"I'm sorry. Drinking as much as I did last night wasn't my greatest moment. It kind of impacted my memories from yesterday." He tried to find an excuse to get her to talk about it, but it only fueled her anger.

"Well maybe you shouldn't drink. It kills the brain cells that you clearly need in order to remember things." She spat close to his head. "Did last night really mean that little to you? That you would want to go and forget the whole thing?" She accused, her voice quaking as tears began to build in her eyes.

Did they? Was that the day? No, he would have remembered that. He DID remember that day. That day was NOT yesterday.

"Kim, I would never—" He denied adamantly. "I wish I could explain but I can't." He felt completely helpless.

He had been in this time period for less than a day and things between them were already ruined. Maybe they were meant to be apart…

"We might not have gone all the way but last night was special. I was just hoping it was special for you too." She allowed a tear to slip past her defenses.

Her words stirred something deep inside him and he had to close his eyes against the sudden onslaught of memories.

17 hours ago…

He had gone through a great deal of effort to set up a moonlit picnic in the park for them and he was hoping it went off without a hitch. Their dates had a track record for falling victim to one of Zedd and Rita's schemes. But not tonight. He wanted everything to be perfect.

He laid out a picnic blanket next to the pond overlooking the zen garden— the spot where they had shared their very first kiss. He placed the basket filled with her favorite foods on top of the blanket. There were strawberries, an assortment of cheeses, crackers, pasta salad, and chocolate chip cookies. He even packed a bottle of sparkling cider and two champagne flutes for them to enjoy under the stars.

Lastly, he stopped by the local flower shop to pick up white and pink roses. Leaving it until last minute on their busiest day got him a discount on flowers that they were unable to sell because no one wanted them, or they were slightly damaged. For what he needed them for, they didn't have to be perfect.

He spent a few minutes plucking the petals from their stems and sprinkled them all over the blanket before Kimberly's expected arrival. He told her earlier in the day that he had something to do after school and that he would be late picking her up, so he suggested they meet at the park. Little did she know this would be their actual destination.

After ensuring that every little detail was just right, he sprinted over to the spot where he told her he would meet her. Sure enough, she was there waiting for him.

She was absolutely gorgeous. She wore a floral pink baby doll dress and she had opted to wear flats rather than casual sneakers for the occasion. Her silky brunette hair was curled at her shoulders and she had applied the faintest amount of makeup to enhance her natural features.

She never failed to take his breath away each and every time he saw her.

Her face lit up as she saw him over the bend, jogging toward her with a flash light in his hand.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." He apologized, stretching his arms out to take her hands in his. "You look beautiful." He told her.

"You don't look so bad yourself." She couldn't help the blush that crept up on her cheeks at the compliment. He always seemed to have that effect on her.

Tommy looked down at his own attire. He was dressed head to toe in white. He had on a pair of white parachute pants, a white wife-beater, and a black leather motorcycle jacket. "I tried. Sometimes I feel like I always end up looking like I got dressed in the dark." He laughed.

"No. I like it." She smiled. "So, where are we headed?" She wondered.

"Ah. That. That is a surprise." He said, sensing her excitement. He retrieved the green bandana he had stashed in his pocket and proceeded to show it to her. "You're going to need this." He said, making a gesture for her to turn around.

Kimberly let out a small giggle as she turned around expectantly.

Tommy closed the distance between them, reaching his arms around her to place the bandana over her eyes and fastened it behind her head so she couldn't see where they were going. His nose grazed her exposed shoulder causing her breath to catch in her throat. He responded by dropping a kiss to her creamy skin and then retreated away from her.

"Tommy?" She called out to him.

"Right here, beautiful." He whispered, his breath ghosting the shell of her ear as he stood in front of her. He brushed the curve of her body with the back of his hand, her body jolting against his touch. He stopped at her hips, his hands closing around her hips to guide her to the location of their date. "This way." He led her toward the water.

"I'm going to fall." She told him.

"I'm not going to let you fall. I've got you. I always got you." He assured her, lessening the fear of her sensory deprivation. "We're almost there." He said.

They came to a halt in the garden, her back slamming against his chest as his hand traveled to her waist. "We're here." He stated before moving to remove her blindfold and reveal his hard work.

There was a sudden gasp of surprise from her as the blindfold fell away. The sight before her was absolutely breathtaking. She couldn't have planned a more romantic date if she tried.

"Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it. I love you." She turned around, wrapping her arms around him.

"Come on, let's go eat." He suggested.

She nodded her agreement and the two walked hand in hand to the picnic blanket.

"Are you surprised?" He smirked in amusement before helping himself to another cube of cheese.

"I think surprised is an understatement. You've truly outdone yourself. I don't know how you're going to be able to top this."

"You know I didn't really think about that." He laughed, shaking his head as a cold gust of air blew through their picnic.

Kimberly shivered and shifted her legs to block them from the cold.

"Here." He offered, extending his arms so that she could crawl into them.

She curled up into his body, her curves molding to his body as he held her closely against the chill.

"Are you still cold?" He asked her, placing his head into the crook of her neck.

"A little but your always so warm." She sighed, relaxing against him.

Tommy left the comfort of her body, reaching into the picnic basket where he had packed a fleece lined blanket in case it got chilly that evening. He wrapped her up and resumed his position behind her, his arm resting across her stomach as he nuzzled her neck.

She arched back into his embrace, her head lulling slightly as he began to kiss up her neck. Fed up with his pace, she turned her face toward his, his hand snaking out of the confines of the blanket to cup her face and pull her lips to his.

A soft moan escaped her lips as her arm wrapped around his neck for purchase, her lips molding themselves to his.

Tommy traced his tongue against her bottom lip, begging for access. She relented, sighing with contentment as his tongue swept against hers. In the heat of the kiss, he shifted himself against her, rolling them over so that his body covered hers.

Her kisses grew more incessant against his mouth as she instinctually rolled her hips against his, tearing a strangled groan from his lips.

His hands sought out hers in an effort to control her movements against him. His hands closed around hers, holding them against either side of her head as he thrust his hips into hers.

She keened underneath him, her body desperately seeking out his as she felt his erection pressing against the thin material of her shorts.

"Tommy…" She whined, a little unsure as to what she was asking for.

He lifted his head, his eyes searching hers for any hint of hesitation. He released her hand, moving his own to stroke her hair. He stared at her as she laid beneath him, her breathing labored, a bright pink flush to her cheeks, her eyes glossy and wild.

Any activity involving the removal of clothing was uncharted territory for the young couple. He hadn't had the pleasure of exploring her delicate flesh and hadn't had the honor of witnessing the look of rapture on her face as she fell apart. He had imagined it dozens of times, the visions usually accompanying his pumping fist around his cock.

The images his mind concocted paled in comparison to the real thing.

"Please…" She pled huskily, her fingers curled into the lapels of his jacket pulling him impossibly closer to her.

"Tell me what you need." He whispered hoarsely, never tearing his eyes from hers as he watched a range of expressions fluttered over her face.

"Touch me." She breathed out, tensing beneath him as another wave of arousal hit her and she had to clench her legs together to relieve some of the building pressure.

Perching himself up on his forearm, careful to keep a majority of his weight off of her petite form, he settled himself between her legs.

She shuttered under his touch, his strong fingers sweeping the skin of her leg in a slow methodical ascent. She sucked in a breath as his fingers slipped underneath her dress, sliding the material up until it was rolled underneath her breasts.

Tommy dropped a kiss to her navel, his hands caressing the exposed skin causing her to shiver. His lips formed a sensual smile at her body's response to the attention and took that as a sign to continue his advances.

He toyed with the hem of her shorts, enjoying the way she gasped as he teased her.

"Tommy… please…" She begged.

He bowed forward, his eyes level with hers, watching with rapt fascination as he gripped the sides of her shorts, easing them down and off her legs. He had to suppress a groan of approval as he took in the sight of what had laid beneath. Baring her sex from view was a pair of delicate white lace panties.

His color. She was wearing HIS color.

"God…" He cursed, his hands roving over the lace and the flesh of her creamy thighs, as his nose grazed her pubic bone. He traced the puckered outer lips of her sex experimentally, feeling her shift beneath him for better access.

He began to tentatively rub her using the palm of his hand, captivated by the heat and moisture that resided there.

Kim moaned at the sensations he created, the heat rising in her body. She pressed herself further into his hand, searching for more.

Sensing her urgency, he mercilessly locked his hands into the sides of her panties, pushing them off of her body and discarding them with her shorts. With an aura confidence, he pushed his arms up into his jacket, shucking it off his shoulders to allow himself more mobility.

He returned to Kim, weaving the fingers of one hand in her hair while the other sought out the warmth between her thighs. Using his middle finger, he dragged a line through her folds, eliciting a moan from the woman below him.

"Shhh." He chided, capturing her lips to silence her with his kiss. He probed her with his fingers, loving the way she yelped against his mouth as he circled her opening, not relenting just yet.

Using the wetness gathered on his fingers, he eased his finger into her depths, gliding in with ease. His eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head as she stretched around his finger, his digit pumping in and out of her.

She gripped his back, her nails raking over his shoulder blades as he added another finger. Using both fingers, he stroked her in earnest, her body rocking up into his touch for more friction. She goaded herself on his fingers, setting a pace that he had no choice but to follow.

He felt her grip his fingers, his movements rewarding him with another wave of moisture.

She impaled herself on his fingers, fucking herself on them as she buried her head in his shoulder to muffle her cries of pleasure. She was close. Her sex throbbed, and her clit ached with need to be touched in order to send her over the edge.

"Tommy…" She mewled desperately, her breath hot against his neck.

He drew his brows together in concentration, his thumb seeking out the neglected bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs. Upon locating it, he rolled the swollen flesh with his thumb sending her body arching off the blanket. He kissed her neck, sucking at her pulse as he increased the pressure of his thumb, still massaging her center with his unrelenting fingers.

Kim tightened her hold on him, the pressure building at the base of her spine. A litany of curses mixed with his name fell from her lips as he rubbed her clit with purpose, hitting the exact spot that sent her careening toward her orgasm.

She shook violently in his arms, throwing her head back in pleasure, concentrating on the sensations rocking her body. She was exquisite in the throes of her orgasm; her face contorted in mind-numbing pleasure and her eyes shut tightly as he coaxed the final remnants of ecstasy pulsing throughout her body.

The first thing she saw when she came-to was his handsome smile making her blush. "Hey."

"Hey, yourself." He laughed softly, an unmistakable grin plastered all over his face.

It was like waking up from a dream— a very good dream, only this one was real.

"I love you…" She confessed breathlessly, her eyes holding his.

"I love you Kim." He returned the sentiment, pressing a single kiss to her lips.

17 hours later…

How could he have possibly forgotten? He supposed that after they had had sex for the first time, everything they had done leading up to that step in their relationship was just unimportant. He had failed to see the importance in that first sexual encounter that had defined the current place in their relationship and had sent it on sex-filled crash course.

I'm such an asshole.

How could he have been so stupid? To allowed him to forget something that meant so much to her— to them. Then he had the audacity to admit he went home and got drunk after? It was a stupid mistake on his part and it had absolutely nothing to do with her, but how could she possibly know that?

"Did I not meet your expectations? Were you disappointed with the way I looked? Were you mad I didn't reciprocate? God, Tommy. Just tell me what I did wrong!" She begged, her voice rising to a high-pitched squeak as tears slid down her cheeks.

Tommy frowned, his heart clenching in his chest at seeing her so distraught and in so much pain.

"Kim…" He started, the overwhelming feeling of shame preventing him from speaking for a moment. "There is no excuse for my actions. There is absolutely nothing I can say or do to make things better." He reasoned.

Not one of the words that fell from his mouth was "I'm sorry," something she desperately needed and wanted to hear from him. Her feelings were so inconsequent to him.

Her heart sank into her stomach. She sniffled and nodded her head in acknowledgment as he confirmed what she already knew. "Are you even in love with me?" She wondered, shifting her feet nervously. "Or was that a lie too?"

She had misunderstood what he had been trying to say completely.

"Of course not!" He shot up from the table, vehemently denying the accusation. "Kim, you are my reason for living. Life without you…" He began, steeling himself as he was reminded of his current lifestyle without her. "Life without you is nothing. I'm nothing without you."

She stood paralyzed by his words, her vision blurring as more tears gathered in her eyes. She wavered slightly, sticking out her hand to still his advancements toward her as she tried to add the pieces together. "I don't understand then." She contemplated, trying to make sense of things. "If you love me as much as you claim to, why would you go home and drink yourself into a stupor?"

Tommy's face fell. How does he even begin to explain the events of the last few hours without telling her everything? If his cover is blown, his chances with her would die along with it. "I wasn't lying when I said that I wasn't feeling like myself." He attempted, taking a few cautionary steps toward her. "I can't explain it. You're just going to have to trust me." He stopped in front of her, regarding her sympathetically.

She was growing weaker in her argument, her resolve crumbling under his soft apologetic stare.

"I would never lie to you." He told her adamantly, his fingers reaching for hers.

There was a moment of hesitation as their fingers brushed, but he couldn't resist the temptation to take her hands in his. "You could never do anything wrong. You are perfect, and I love you." He said earnestly, squeezing her hands in his.

She rocked forward on her heel, giving up her resistance and falling into his chest.

"I love you Kim." He whispered against her hair, tucking her head underneath his neck, basking in their proximity.

"I love you too." She replied, her eyes falling closed as she wrapped herself in his strong masculine scent.

"How sweet." A deep voice taunted, garnering the attention of the couple.

The pink and white rangers separated, turning to face the incoming threat in their respective fighting stances. The creature before them was cloaked in black, his skull-like face hallowed out with flickering embers of red and yellow.

The Wizard of Deception.

He fumbled around, analyzing the area around him, his arms outstretched to defend himself and Kim against his attack.

The Wizard clutched his magic wand, poised to strike, a sinister laugh cutting through the air.


"Kim!" He called out desperately, watching helplessly as Kim disappeared in front of him. She was thrust back in time with the other rangers, far beyond his reach. "No!" He gritted his teeth in anger.

Knowing what was going to happen didn't give him any type of advantage. He had failed to determine where he was in the timeline until it was too late, and now Kim and the other rangers were lost in the late 1700's all over again.

"You're going to pay for that!" He vowed with an unwavering confidence and determination.

"Wouldn't be too sure about that…" He heard the unmistakable voice of the evil green ranger.

Tommy widened his fighting stance, glancing over his shoulder as his doppelgänger rounded him, but the anticipated presence of the green ranger did little to rattle him. He had just fought his previous ranger forms. He wasn't exactly out of practice when it came to fighting against himself.

He narrowed his eyes, an arrogant smirk creeping to his lips as he circled his opponent.

Here we go again.

AN- Um… is my math right on this? Oh, well. Small details I guess. Don't get too hung up on the math. I'm not an expert. This chapter really got away from me. I knew when I started the story, what episode I was starting on but re-watching it for details, I realized that the date would have had more significance and it just took off from there. I do realize that there had been a time travel related episode before when this took place but it seemed so different that it felt unrelated which is why the characters are a little skeptical but not entirely. I'm also really sorry for any plot holes, especially with Kim's reaction. I didn't plan this out very well. Most of my fics lack continuity in the beginning because I have no idea where I'm going with them. Hopefully everyone can overlook things and just enjoy it for what it is.