APRIL 5, 2020

Roman stood ready in gorilla. No one was standing too close to him. He had asked for a bit of space so that no one would scare Horus sitting on his shoulder. His music started and he walked out on the ramp.

He quickly glanced at Horus to make sure the bird was okay. Of course Horus didn't seem to be bothered at all. As long as he felt safe, he didn't care what happened around him. For a long time only Robin could make Horus feel safe. That was until Roman came into their lives.

Horus was a smart bird. No doubt about it. Roman had no doubt that Horus knew from the first time they met that Roman was the one for Robin. Even before Roman and Robin knew they would fall in love, Horus knew. And not only did the bird know, he also approved of it. And over time he had grown to love Roman, just as Roman loved Horus.

Roman walked down the long ramp with all the screaming fans around him. He kept his focus on the ring until he finally reached it. He walked over to the red haired woman standing close by. His woman. Robin. Horus jumped from Roman's shoulder to Robin's shoulder.

"I love you," Roman mumbled lowly.
"I love you too," she mumbled back.

He really wanted to kiss her in that moment but he knew he couldn't. That would have to wait until after the show. Instead he jumped up on the apron, climbed up on the middle rope and did his signature pose. He looked down at Robin who smiled back at him before she and Horus were being escorted back out by a security guard. She would wait backstage for Roman's match to be over.

He knew it from the first second he heard her voice on the phone. She was special. How important she had ended up becoming in his life since that Summer day back in August he hadn't known back then. He just knew she was special.

In January she put her house up for sale and moved into his. Her and Horus arrived on a Sunny day. Only her smile shone brighter than the sun. Horus had made his way to his playroom. A room Roman had created over time after they became serious. This was Horus' home too. He didn't want the bird to feel any less important to Robin just because Roman was part of their lives too.

"Thank you," Robin thanked the security guard.

She had been escorted to a quiet room where she could watch the match on a monitor. The Usos were waiting there along with Naomi and Tamina. Horus knew these people and he was alright with them.

"Ready to see your man win?" Naomi grinned.
"Always," Robin grinned back.