A/N: so its been a while since my last update i think, and i know everyone is going through a lot so i hope everyone is staying safe and inside right now. enjoy the chapter :)


"Are you sure?" The Queen asked.

"Yes your Grace, the rider arrived shortly before dawn, we came straight to you."

"Very well, you may go." The Queen turned to face Jeyne who had been listening intently. "Where is Shireen?"

"She is still asleep, your grace," Jeyne told her, "I did not wish to disturb her."

"My daughter has a right to know this," Queen Selyse replied, not unkindly, she was never unkind to Jeyne, she would be if she knew the truth though, "go and wake her."

Jeyne nodded and left the room. Since arriving at the Nightfort she had grown rather close to the Princess Shireen, she was a sweet girl, if a little bookish, but Jeyne was glad for the company of another girl her age. Their arrival at their new home had been rather rushed, they had not intended to move for another few weeks, but when Asha ran and news from King Stannis camp told them Theon too had escaped Queen Selyse began to worry about the strength of the security around herself and her family, especially as it happened so soon after Jon's disappearance.

Jeyne's new closeness to Shireen was in part thanks to them sharing a room due to the lack of liveable space at the Nightfort. The wildling Princess, Val, was given the room beside theirs and Queen Selyse took the ones above them. At first Jeyne had feared what sharing a room with Shireen might entail, since her escape from Winterfell she had suffered from such nightmares, I cannot control my mouth when I sleep, she thought, I may say things that she cannot be allowed to hear.

Fortunately, Jeyne's nightmares had affected her less and less since their arrival. And on the one occasion that she had woken from her dream drenched in sweat and unable to speak or breath, Shireen had woken from her own sleep and crawled into Jeyne's bed to spend the rest of the night cuddle up with her, stopping her bad dream immediately. The act had brought Jeyne to silent tears, though she was sure not to let Shireen see, it had just remained Jeyne so of the time in Kingslanding when Sansa had comforted her over the death of her father. I should not think of such things, the horrors of my past must stay in my past.

She woke Shireen as gently as she could, rocking her gently by the shoulders and speaking softly "Princess, you must wake up."

"Why, what has happened." Shireen opened her bleary eyes and lifted her face of off her pillow, exposing the cracked grey scar that covered her left cheek.

"It's your father, a rider came this morning."

"Is he alright?" At this news the little girl sat bolt up right and looked around the room for her mother.

"He's fine, he's begun his attack on Winterfell." Jeyne smiled, though she wasn't sure what there was to be so happy about her, the battle was not won, the Bolton's were still breathing and for all they knew Stannis could already be dead. "Your mother wishes both to prepare, we are to have a bag with some warm clothes and food incase, incase the battle does not go our way and we must run."

Shireen said nothing and nodded her head, but Jeyne could see tears beginning to well in the girls eyes. She reached out and took the girls hand, as Shireen looked up at her Jeyne saw that her tears were already falling, so she pulled the princess close and wrapped her arms tight around the girl as she began to sob.

"What is wrong, sweetling," Jeyne asked as they both sat down on the bed, "tell me so I may help."

"I-I," Shireen sniffed before finally choking out, "I'm worried for my father. I do not want the battle to go bad for him, I want him to be safe. But I know he needs Winterfell or none of us will ever be safe."

"You father is a great fighter," Jeyne had no idea whether this was true, but Stannis was a King, and kings should be good fighters, "and he has a loyal army that is growing bigger with every Norther house that joins them. And you are right, the Bolton's, they stole Winterfell and you father is taking it back so we can all be safe."

Shireen nodded and looked at the floor. "I know," she mumbled, "I'm still worried for him though."

Jeyne could understand that. She still remembered the fear and the pain she had felt when she lost her own father, how she had cried in Sansa's arms while the fighting happened outside their room. She had wanted to look for Vayon, but the Lannister's had taken her before she could. Sighing she closed her eyes, that wasn't you, that was Jeyne Poole, your name is Arya, Arya Stark. But for some reason recently, maintaining that lie even within herself was growing harder and harder. Every time she told herself who she was it felt as if the real Arya Stark were watching her, knowing what she was doing, knowing that she was lying.

"I know you are." She said at last. "But there's nothing else we can do but prepare and pray. Now start packing before your mother comes to tell us off."

Shireen smiled slightly and looked up at Jey- Arya! "Thank you." The little girl said."

The older girl placed her hands on either side of the Princess' face and kissed her gently on the fore head. "Go on." She whispered.

Shireen ran back to her bed and began looking through boxes and opening chests to find things to pack. Jeyne turned and left the room, going to tell the Queen that her daughter was awake.


Winter is here. The snows at the Gates of the Moon fell so deep now that it was almost impossible for and one to leave or enter the castle. Sansa did not mind the snows much, they were home for her, they gave her power in a place where she was powerless. And I am powerless.

Since little Roberts death Sansa's position in the Vale has dropped exponentially. Her "father" Lord Baelish was still an established politician and Lord of Harrenhal besides, but Harrenhal was a ruined castle in a Kingdom they could no longer reach do to bad weather. In the Vale, Baelish had relied on Robert Arryn's trust in him, and in the boys sickness. While Robert was a sickly child and easy to control, Baelish had not problem in becoming the regent and ruling the Vale as he saw fit. But now the Lord of the Vale was Harold Hardyng, and he was neither sickly nor a child, so he did not need a regent nor did he need Littlefinger's advice.

At the start of Harolds rule, Baelish had been unperturbed by the new Lord of the Vale's rejection, after all, making Harry the heir Lord of the Vale had been his goal all along. Everything he did, he did so Lord Hardyng could have the power, and the I could marry him and create a great Kingdom of the North and the Vale and probably the a Riverlands too for all I know. Since the attack of Ser Shadrich, Sansa had, in her heart, lost all faith in Lord Baelish. This change of heart was heightened when Mya had told her… he wanted a new Lord so badly, he had no faith in Robert. He had the maester put Sweetsleep in Roberts drinks. I should have listened to Robert, he told me his drinks tasted strange.

There was, however, one thing that brought Sansa joy, and that was to see the was Harold Hardyng refused to cooperate with Littlefinger's plan. Before she learned the truth about Roberts death, Sansa had played her role as the dutiful daughter well, she had made every effort to speak to Lord Hardyng and be gracious and courteous, but right from the start, he had been blind toward Sansa's advances. This, of course, was not part of Baelish's plan. She had heard gossip from Myranda, that Littlefinger had grown so frustrated by this that he had attempted to have a conversation with Harold about his future marriage whether there were any women he might consider. To which Harold had told him that there were many fine trueborn women of noble birth in the Vale and he would take his time to chose one of them.

Harold may not have said it in so many words, but his message was clear, "there is no was in all seven hells that I will ever marry your bastard daughter, Littlefinger, for I do not trust you and I do not trust her". Part of her felt offended, but Sansa knew this was the best option. If she had married Harold, she would still have been unable to escape Littlefinger and would have had to go through with his plan of uniting all the Kingdoms the Sansa had any direct blood ties to under her and Harolds reign, and then Sansa had no doubt that her poor husband would meet some tragic end and she would be forced to give her hand to the man who had created for her the life she lived, the life of a Queen. And thus Baelish would finally have what he craved above all else; power, over everyone and everything. That will never happen.

Even after the revelation the Alaine Stone was no option for Lord Harold Hardyng, Baelish's plan may still have worked. They could have washed her hair out and made Sansa Stark of Winterfell a candidate for Harry's hand, and she had no doubts in her mind that this was Baelish's plan. But this too had to be stopped.

Baelish had come to see her one morning, shortly after she had learned the real cause of Roberts death. He told her that she must be extra careful now, that she could not slip up, not once. She had asked him why.

"Our new Lord of the Vale is proving rather more difficult than I had anticipated." He had told her, sitting beside her on her bed and taking her hand. "There was a meeting, a council last night as you well know. At the meeting Lord Hardyng expresses a desire to secure and protect the Vale through Winter by going to Kingslanding, and bending the knee to King Tommen and Queen Margaery. He would side with them, somewhat begrudgingly I'll give you, but he does not with to cause more conflict. With Stannis Baratheon attacking Winterfell as we speak, I can almost understand that, and it is true that the Vale could not remain neutral for ever."

The information Sansa was interested in was skimmed over and hidden in Baelish speak, so she had had to ask him. "What did you say, a-about Stannis?"

"Ah," Littlefinger smirked "I thought you might like that. Stannis has been camped at the Wall for some time now, I told you that, but he left the wall and began to gather an army of Northmen some time ago. We received a raven from Winterfell yesterday, it was discussed at length at the meeting. It said that Stannis was laying siege to Winterfell and was likely to be victorious. I believe it is his intention to place one of your siblings as Lord or Lady of Winterfell."

"But all my siblings are dead," Sansa furrowed her brow, unsure of whether this was good news or not, "unless… Arya! She was never confirmed to be dead she was just missing, everyone says she's dead but she could be alive! She is alive, isn't she?"

"From the sound of it, yes," Baelish pulled another raven scroll from his pocket, "this came from my friend at Castle Black, I'm afraid it's slightly confusing. It says your half- brother, Jon Snow, is alive- I know, I said he was dead and according to this he was, but he's back now that's all that matters. Shortly after his… resurrection, Asha Greyjoy arrived at the castle with your sister, who is now Arya Bolton. For she was married to Roose Bolton's son, Ramsey. She ran from her husband and Stannis found her, sent her back to her brother. Unfortunately, it would appear whatever happened to your half brother gave him cause to abandon both his sister and his honour, he left the Watch, broke his vows and ran in the night."

"But they are both alive," Sansa breathed, she had not felt so happy in years. They're alive, my family is not all gone, "who will Stannis make ruler of Winterfell then, Arya is a girl and. Bolton now, and Jon is a bastard?"

"Perhaps neither of them." He held up yet another scroll, his grey eyes suddenly seeming full of anger and frustration, not joy for the survival of her family. "I received this from another source, it says that your youngest brother, Rickon, is not dead, and that he too is now travelling to the Wall, he will stay the Nightfort with Stannis Baratheon's wife and daughter, along with your sister, until such a time as Stannis moves them."

"But Rickon was dead, people saw his body and Bran's hung from the walls of Winterfell!"

"Apparently not, this is all said in confidence Sansa I hope you know, but Theon Greyjoy did not murder your brothers. He could not find them so he murdered to peasant boys n their place and burnt the bodies so no one would know. Now while Rickon has been recovered, Brans location is still unknown."

It had almost been too much for Sansa, she left Baelish seeking solitude and a reprieve from the mans schemes and wandering eyes. They're alive, all of them I know it I know they're alive, even Bran. Winter is here now, she could hear her fathers voice inside her head you are a Stark of Winterfell, you know our words. When the White Winds blow, only the wolves will endure, the lack survives.

Baelish had told her to keep these things to herself, she did not normally need telling to do this, she played her part well and she kept the mans secrets better than she had ever kept any of her own, but this was too much not to share. She practically ran through the hallways of the castle and did not stop to speak to anyone until she reached her destination. Sansa burst through the door of Mya's room, practically ripping it off its hinges.

"Hey!" Mya shouted, she was sitting at her desk, a basin of water in front of her and a knife in her hand. Mya always kept her hair short, but Sansa had never seen her cut it before. "Careful, this is a sharp knife and I happen to be quite fond of my ears."

"Sorry," Sansa calmed down a little and shrunk back to close the door, gently this time, "I sit, I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" Mya put her knife down and turned to give Sansa her full attention, leaving her hair only partly cut.

"I was speaking to Baelish," Sansa began "he said Stannis Baratheon is attacking Winterfell. If he wins he will make one of my siblings Lord or Lady of Winterfell and warden of the North."

"But, your siblings, I thought they had all died." Mya stood and beckoned Sansa to sit down beside her on a pair of armchairs.

"I thought so too, everyone did," it pained Sansa to think that she had given up on her family so easily, "but no one ever saw Arya die, they only assumed she had because she disappeared for so long, but now she's at the Wall. She would be with Jon except he left, I'm not sure what's happened with him but… he's alive anyway that's all that mattered."

"So your younger sister, Arya, she'll be made the Lady of Winterfell if your half brother is gone." Mya leaned forward in her seat. "Won't she?"

"I don't know, because my younger brothers are alive as well!" Sansa beamed, unable to contain her joy any longer. "Theon did not kill them, they escaped him he lied! Rickon has been found and is being taken to the Wall! He's only young I know, he must be five now I think, but he's alive! And bran too, I know it, he's still lost but of Arya was lost and returned to us then so can he!"

"I'm happy for you, I really am," Mya hesitated, sucking in her breath, "but don't forget, Stannis still has to win Winterfell. If he loses the Bolton's will surely go to the Wall to kill the rest of his family and supporters, if they find your siblings…"

She did not need to say the rest, Rickon and Arya will be slaughtered. Bran and Jon too if they're caught or found. She could not let that happen, I have been complacent in this war, I have been a pawn, a prize, a prisoner, no more. I will not let them die.

"I won't let them die." She said, aloud this time, then suddenly she stood. "I must speak with Lord Hardyng."

Mya smiled, a broad, proud smile that gave Sansa the confidence she needed. "Well let's go then."

It did not take them long to locate Lord Hardyng, he was breaking his fast alone in his chambers, just like always. He admitted them entry but looked rather perturbed to have his meal interrupted by two bastard girls.

"Ah, the Stones," he said after taking a long drink of his water and sitting back in his chair, "what have you to tell me that is so urgent you must interrupt my breakfast."

"Forgive us, my Lord," Sansa bowed her head and curtsied slightly, and noticed out of the corner of her eye that Mya only nodded her head to the man, "but I must speak to you about my Lord father, Petyr Baelish."

Harold glanced from Sansa to Mya, then nodded his head. "Very well, take a seat Alaine, but I'm afraid miss Mya must wait outside."

Sansa looked at Mya, half expecting her to object, but she simply nodded her head again and left the room without saying a thing. Sansa took a deep breath and sat down in the chair opposite Lord Hardyng.

"Forgive me," she began, "I know far more about what is happening here than I should but Lord Baelish tells me practically everything, I think. It is hard to tell. But I know that you wish to go to Kingslanding, or send them word at least, that you will bend the knee to King Tommen and pledge the Eyrie to his cause."

"That I do," he nodded, unsmiling, "but I don't see how that is any concern of yours."

"It isn't, but I should tell you that that would in neither yours nor the Vales best interest." Harold squinted his eyes at her and lent forwards, his elbows on the arms of his seat. "Tommen is far better than Joffrey that much is true, but he is also not yet ten years old, he is a puppet to his mother. Cersei may be a prisoner of the faith militant but I hear she is staying in the Red Keep until her trial and is allowed to see her son, and let us not forget that both Kevan Lannister and Grand Maester Pycelle were murdered, leaving Cersei as Tommen's most trusted advisor. If you bend the knee to Tommen you will be pledging the Vale to Cersei, and that is not your best option."

"And what is my best option," Harold squinted his eyes at her and smirked, "in your, experienced opinion?"

"Siding with the Lannister's will mean death. War is coming, I know it is."

"The war is over!"

"Not so long as Stannis lives!" Sana'a was slightly shocked to hear herself raise her voice. "Stannis is attacking the Bolton's at Winterfell as we speak, if he wins he will place a Stark in charge of the North you know that. But know this also, the North remembers, it will not stand for the Bolton's rule not after what Roose did to my brother, he is a murderer and an oathbreaker."

Harolds face went blank, and suddenly, Sansa realised what she had said.

"Your brother?" He asked quietly. "I was under the impression you were Lord Baelish's only child. Or was he lying to me."

Sansa did not answer, she froze, no! There's still more I have to say!

"Well?" Harold's voice was louder now, his tone impatient. "What is the truth of this, why should the North care about your brother of you ever had…"

The look on his face changed, Sansa knew it was too late, he would figure it out anyway. "I had lots of brothers once, and each of their deaths brought great pain to the North. Lord Baelish did lie, as did I. He is not my father, I am not Alaine Stone, my name is Sansa, Sansa Stark. And if you value the safety of the Vale at all you should listen to me now."

Harry looked stunned, he did not say anything, he simply squinted at her face and after what felt like a lifetime he nodded for her to continue.

"Side with Stannis, help him and others will follow, if he retakes Winterfell he will give it to a Stark, that Stark could be me. If he cannot retake Winterfell than my sister Arya and my brother Rickon who are both with Stannis' family at the Wall," She did not mention the Rickon was still travelling there incase it ruined her plight, "will both be captured and killed in earnest this time. I will not let that happen. I ask if you now, that you simply delay from declaring for any side and allow me to write to my siblings at the Wall, let me tell them I am alive and, if it is agreeable with you, offer them my support and safety here if they should need it."

"So you want me to side with your family, and to side with Stannis who was publicly defeated and shamed by the Lannister's, by your husband!" He scoffed slightly. "But you're right." Something in his voice changed now. "The Lannister's can't be trusted, and even if Stannis does not deafest them there is another who might."

He looked thoughtful for a moment, then turned to look Sansa in the eyes. "You may write your siblings, tell them they will be safe here should they wish to come, but I will not side with Stannis because you are right, war is coming. And such a war it will be that no living Westerosi has ever seen before, a war that has not existed in this land for over a hundred years. When it comes, I would like the Vale to be on the winning side. Stannis may wish to win the North with one of your siblings, but as the eldest living trueborn Stark, I think Winterfell should be yours. The Vale will support your claim should you wish to push it."

"I have three living brothers, I will not go to war with them."

"I will think on it, but I will ask you one thing in return for allowing you to contact your family and offer to let them stay here." Harry sat back in his chair and smiled.

"What is that?" Sansa'a felt her heart drop slightly.

"You must stay here in the vale." He smiled at her, it was not an unkind smile but in unnerved her all the same. "You are a very valuable person, I cannot risk you falling into Cersei's hands. And who knows what might happen if tried to cross the Mountains of the Moon by yourself in Winter, but safe to say I do not think it would be entirely safe for you.

"I understand." She dropped her gaze to the table,

"Your family will understand this too when you write them, I am sure." Harry said. "And Lord Baelish will not be a problem for us? Only we both know what sort of a man he is, I don't believe he would approve of your decision here."

"He won't be a problem, and if he is… I am sure I will agree with whatever action you feel necessary. One more thing I must ask." Sansa said. Harry nodded for her to continue. "You said "such a war as no living person is Westeros has ever seen" what did you mean by that, and how do you know the winning side of it has not happened yet?"

Harry smirked. "I know the winning side because it is obvious, no one can beat her. Tell me, my Lady, what do you know of Daenerys Targaryen?"


Dany had always loved ships. As a child she had once wished to become a sailor; Viserys showed her the era of her judgment though, so she had abandoned that dream. She still loved ships though.

They had been at sea for little over a month, and they were now only a few weeks sail away from Dragonstone, my birthplace, Dany thought, slightly bitterly, as she remembered what the usurpers brother had done to her and her own brother. Stannis is still alive. I may have missed the usurpers demise, but I swear by all the gods I will be personally responsible for that of his brothers. Daenerys always tried hard to be a good ruler, merciful. She had pardoned those members of the Sons of the Harpy who had repented and given her information, but when someone purposely and specifically targeted and attacked her, that was something she could not forgive.

In Meereen, she had ruled there for barely a week after her return, but she had found that week to be far more productive than the entirety of her reign before that. She had found the sons of the Harpy. They were, as she suspected, the former Meereenees slave owners. What she had not foreseen however, was their leader. It was the Green Grace. Galazza Galare was revealed to be the Harpy by Daenerys new friend and attempted assassin Arya Stark. The girl had not taken long to survey and assess the political scene in Meereen and came to Daenerys after little over two days of investigating to give her a name. She overheard the Grace in the temple talking about Hizdahr and other small pieces of court gossip had led to the conclusion.

Upon hearing this information Daenerys called the Grace to her solar and spoke with her personally. It was not a long conversation. Afterward the Queen was fully satisfied that she had the true Harpy, but she could not have the woman executed, much as she would have liked to, for the Grace was one of the most prominent figures in the Ghiscari religion. To kill the Grace would be to declare open war upon the faith which was the last thing Daenerys wanted. Instead, she had the woman stripped of her title and position, publicly on the grounds of treason, and sentenced her to spend the rest of her life in exile. It gave Daenerys a strange feeling to sentence the woman to the same thing she herself had been subjected too, and a part of her feared the graces return, but the grace was almost 90 years old, gods or no gods there was no guarantee she would survive long outside the city. The people and her followers knew this of course, but given their new pardons and the giant Dothraki hoard at the gates they were in no position to argue with Daenerys.

She had left a council to rule after she left, it was comprised of mostly freedmen but also several of the great houses who had not been involved with the harpy or had repented upon her return. She had left also her sellswords companies and Daario with them. Their job was to keep the peace within Meereen along with the Mothers Men and her other new groups. Dany had to make sacrifices of course when it came to leaving people in Meereen. She had wanted to leave Ser Barristan behind for she trusted his judgement most of all when it came to ruling the city, but in the end she decided he would be of better use to her in Westeros, he was after all a living legend and extremely popular, and Dany needed his popularity and his knowledge in this. She had left instead Ser Jorah Mormont. Everyone always said to keep your friends close and you enemies close, but Jorah was neither of those, and Daenerys could not stand the sight of him, so she left him on her council.

Her Husband, Hizdahr zo Loraq she judged guilty of attempt on her life via the poisoned locusts and was left no choice but to execute him; she gave him to Drogon. Safe to say the black dragon found him far more enjoyable than dany ever had.

The loss that Daenerys felt most dearly was that of her scribe, Missandei. She had lived the little girl dearly and leaving her in Meereen had not been her first choice, but Ser Barristan told her of Missandei's intelligence and how well the girl had listen during meetings, she would be of great use in Meereen. Dany also knew that going to Westeros would mean going to war, and while she had been at war with Missandei with her before she knew this would be different. The battles would be bloody and viscous and dany had every intention of fighting with her soldiers, but she would not put this life upon Missandei.

To ensure that Meereen and the other slave cities did not rebel or return to their old ways Daenerys left a portion of her Khalasar behind. After she burnt their Khal's and was named Khal of Khals her Khalasar numbered around 100,000, she did not need all 100,000 to conquer Westeros especially if what Tyrion Lannister had told her about nephew was true. She had take most of the Dothraki, but some she left behind with her bloodrider, Jhogo, and sent them to protect the settlements around her city and to ensure it did not return to its old ways.

When her ships were due to set sail they were joined by another fleet, the Iron Fleet. Victarion Greyjoy returned in all his pomp and importance, demanding of course that Daenerys marry him. It took all her patience for Dany to have to explain to him that she could not marry him while her nephew lived, that it was her duty to marry Aegon and she would not marry another before she had even met the man. When, once again, Victarion threatened to simply carry her off himself and marry her she explained to him that she had an incredibly large army that would not let that happen, and if he tried anything her dragons would eat him alive. After that he agreed, reluctantly, to join their fleet and use his boats to help transport her armies to Westeros.

They had all agreed that three ships should be cleared of all people attached to another ship by chains, these three would act as perches for the dragons. Rhaegal and Viserion has grown in her absence, but their time in captivity made them still not as large as Drogon was now, for Drogon was now so large part of Daenerys feared he would not fit on his ship. Fortunately her worries were unfounded. There were worries that the dragons would burn their boats, but dragons are intelligent creatures, of they burnt the boats they would have no where to rest over the water, and not even dragons could fly the entire way from Meereen to Dragonstone without stopping to sleep.

Daenerys had always known that the first place she had to land on Westeros was her birthplace, Dragonstone. Reclaiming it would mean a lot for her both personally and politically, it would destabilise Stannis which she greatly wished to do, and announce her arrival and the return of the dragons.

Dragonstone was still a week or two sail if they were fast, but the size of the fleet slowed them so it would take longer. The size of the fleet had been a cause for concern to many sailors, it was good for the invasion to have a large force, but transporting such a large force was problematic. If there was a storm many ships would be lost, they were easy to spot due to their size and no one truly trusted the Ironborn not to turn on them. Truthfully though, Dany was not so concerned with any of these things as most people were. She had her dragons to protect them against attacks from within and without, a storm was not something she could control but they were now passed Autumn and the worst of its storms, so she would not worry about what she could not control. The time it would take to arrive might make others impatient, but Daenerys had been waiting for this all her life, she could wait a little longer. Besides, she loved being at sea.

This journey felt even better than the ones before it. Dany decided to use her time at sea wisely, so she split her time between training with Arya and Ser Barristan, and learning about the history and politics of the seven kingdoms with Tyrion. The dwarf was often rude and had barely one kind word to say about anyone in Westeros, but he was exceptional clever and able to help Daenerys learn about her ancestors and the more recent conflicts. She now knew of the causes of Roberts Rebellion and the origins of the war of the five kings. So despite her families conflict with the Starks in the past, she was sure she could win the North to her side, especially with Arya.

Arya often joined her in her lessons, the girl was incredibly bright and often knew things Tyrion did not. She had been sharing parts of her tale with the two of them, Tyrion asked her once, "one thing I have always wanted to know, how did you escape Kingslanding? My family and most other people in Westeros thought you dead for sure."

"I guessed," Arya responded, she always seemed unsure of the Lannister man, "a man from the Nights Watch found me in the crowd when my father was killed, he cut my hair and disguised me as a boy so he could take me back North."

"But you never got to the North did you?" Tyrion asked.

"No, your men attacked us and took us to Harrenhal." Arya smirked. "Did you hear what happened there? How the Lannister's were beaten by the Northern prisoners within the Castle? I was the one who freed them. Then I ran away."

"Why? They were your brothers bannermen, they could have taken you to him?" Tyrion looked as if he had been struck.

"I didn't know who to trust, Lord Bolton took charge and I didn't like the look of him."

The two had many such discussions, the one that Daenerys found the most interesting however was the one she was hearing currently.

"I heard that it was you that killed Joffrey, you and Sansa, is that true?" Arya asked.

Tyrion sighed. "Sadly not, but don't tell my family, they truly believe it was me and I'd like to keep it that way."

"What about Sansa though, did she have anything to do with it?" Arya asked again, Dany had learned about all of Aryas siblings and she claimed that Sansa was the one she liked the least, but that did not stop her worrying about her sister constantly.

"Not that I know of, all I know is that she ran from the wedding, but I did not see it." Tyrion shook his head and hesitated slightly. "You are aware, I assume, that Sansa and I are married. Or, we were, it was never annulled but it wasn't a.. full, marriage if you're concerned about that."

"I heard it, I didn't believe it." Arya admitted


"Because Sansa would never agree to marry someone like you." Arya rolled her eyes.

"That's true enough." Tyrion laughed. "It was not either of our choices."

"Much as I hate to interrupt," Daenerys said, "but is Aryas sister not the heir to the North now?"

"One would assume." Tyrion muttered.

"And marrying her to you was clearly meant as some sort of punishment?"

"How kind of you to say." Tyrion swirled his cup.

"We'll surely there were Lannister's closer to her own age she could have married? But they gave her to you, so one day the two of you would inherit Winterfell and the North would belong to the Lannister's." Daenerys said.

"That was my fathers plan, there were other Lannister's but Lancel is a prick and he would not have been kind to Sansa so I agreed to it. The whole thing would not have happened so soon however if it weren't for the Tyrell's. Margaery became quite friendly with Sansa and asked if Sansa would marry her leaders brother Willas, that would give the North to the Tyrell's and father could not allow that."

"I see." Dany frowned. "Is it possible then that Sansa went back to the North? She could be ruling there now could she not?"

"No," Arya said, "we would know if she was, I would know."

Dany would have asked more but a nick on the door halted their conversation.

"Your grace, my lady." Barristan bowed. "It is time for your training, if you're ready."

"Of course." The two girls stood, Arya grumbling slightly at being called my lady, "Lord Tyrion, we will speak again soon."

Trying raised his glass to them and picked up a book.

The deck of Dany's ship was wide and full of unsullied and some of the pit fighters Barristan had been training into knights. One boy, barely older than Daenerys came running up to them and threw a practice sword to Arya.

"Where've you been?" He asked in a barely understandable accent. "I've been waitin' half a morning for you."

"I got distracted is all." Arya whacked at him with her sword. "Surely there was someone else for you to fight with."

The boy shrugged. "They all speak strange."

"They don't speak the common tongue," Arya rolled her eyes, "that doesn't mean they speak strange."

Daenerys watched them walk off and begin their match, she remembered when they had first met the boy. Dany had taken Arya to where all the pit fighters stayed, she needed to give them all the option of staying in Meereen as freemen or coming with her to Westeros, and Arya needed people to train with before they left. The unsullied had been good fighters and their styles of fighting were similar, but they worked better as an army than as individual warriors, so Arya wanted to train with a pit fighter.

They had barely entered the arena when Aryas head whipped around to face the boy and he had done the same, "Warg!" He shouted and the two of them ran at each other. It had taken strong Belwas getting in between them to prevent them from fighting. Dany had questioned them both and the boys story angered her beyond words. He was a wildling from beyond the wall, he'd been hiding in a place called Hardhome when slave ships came from Essos and promised food and gold to whoever came with them. They had all been starving, so Marick and his younger brother went with them, giving the payment they received to their sister and youngest brothers. Once out of sight of land, the slavers had put all the wildlings in chains and began to decide where to send them, Marick and his brother were sent to the pits because they could fight, but once there his brother caught the bloody flux and died.

Given their first meeting, Dany did not expect Arya to get along at all well with him, but they had. Aryas brother, the one who had been in the Nights Watch, had sent ships to Hardhome to help evacuate. And Dany did not entirely understand what a "warg" was, but Marick was teaching Arya what it meant, and Arya tried to explain it to Dany.

"Are you ready, your grace?" Ser Barristan asked. Over the course of their voyage Daenerys had been making an effort to learn any and every skill that she might need in Westeros, learning history and politics with Arya and Tyrion was one thing, but she was going to war, she had to know how to fight.

Dany opened her mouth to say yes, but something caught her eye and she felt her stomach twist. "Not today, there's someone I must speak to."

The maester was where he always was, at the railing of the ship looking out at the dragons. There had been something Dany had meant to ask him about since she had learned of his skills, but there had never seemed to be any time.

"Maester." She announced herself.

"Your grace." He bowed. "Are you well?"

"I was hoping you may be able to tell me that." She still did not entirely trust this new comer, she believed the letter he gave her was truly from her great great uncle, but something about Marywn made her weary. She checked that no one was listening. "You will not have heard, because very few people know, but when I was wed to Khal Drogo I became pregnant. To cut a long story short the boy died before he was born, and afterwards the witch involved told me I could never bear a living child."

"I'm sorry for this, and it is likely you were wise to keep this to yourself." The maester bowed his head slightly.

"But when I was on the Dothraki sea," Dany continued, "I bled. And I realised I could not remember the last time I had bled. But I was also very ill before the Dothraki found me."

"I'm not sure what it is you're asking?" The maester looked slightly impatient.

"I would like to know if I will be able to have children." Daenerys looked across the water to where Drogon was fishing. "Human children."

"It's hard to say," Marwyn looked at her slightly quizzically, "I cannot make a proper diagnosis from what you have told me. If your grace would permit an examination, that's would shed some more light on the situation."

"An examination?" Dany did not truly need to ask what he meant by that, she was no fool. "When?"

"Whenever you wish." The maester shrugged. "I have nothing to do now if you would like an immediate answer."

Daenerys nodded. "I would." She felt slightly nervous at the prospect, buts she had had far worse things done to her than have a medical examination. You must make allies in Westeros, marriage is the best was to forge alliances, and nobody wants a barren queen.

The examination wasn't all what Daenerys had thought it would be. The maester conducted it in his cabin instructed the guards not to admit anyone until they were finished. He looked between her legs only briefly and spent most of the time inspecting her stomach and breasts. He asked her when she had first bled and how soon after that she had been wed and conceived. She answered to the best of her memory.

"And when you were on the Dothraki sea, you say you were ill?" He asked.

"Yes, I tried to make my own way back to Meereen, life away from civilisation did not much suit me. I ate some berries and I they made me be sick and… other, stuff."

"Problems with your bowels?" The maester senses her discomfort and tried to put it politely.

"Yes." She nodded.

"Please forgive my asking your grace, but know that I hold everything said here to be of absolute confidentiality." He paused and waited for her to nod, she did. "Would you often share your bed with your second husband before his treason was discovered?"

"I did my duty as a wife." She said. "So yes, I bed him."

"And before your marriage to Hizdar?" The maester asked, he sat back slightly, knowing he was asking something sensitive. "Did you keep the company of any men then?"

"I fail to see what relevance this has." Dany avoided the question and pushed the maester to make his point.

"Forgive me, your grace." He bowed his head. "But I think you may have had a miscarriage on the Dothraki sea, I don't believe it was your moons blood." Dany was quiet for a moment and the maester took it as an opportunity to continue. "If I am correct then you may yet bear a healthy living child."

"But if you're right then this one died too." Dany hissed, she would not live in false hope.

"You were under conditions of extreme stress, living off of berries you found and meat your dragon caught, walking near footed and in rags across unknown land. The berries you are were likely poisonous, it's a miracle you survived that baby did not stand a chance, but the next one might."

As soon as he said that, Daenerys knew that he meant it, he truly meant it. "So you think there will be a next one?"

"There is every possibility, just so long as you don't die before we reach Westeros." The maester have her a small smile. "Have you given any thought as to who you will marry this time?"

"Aegon." The response came quickly, almost immediately. "There is no other option. We are the last two Targaryens, it's our duty."

Marwyn gave her a sceptical look. "Will you wed before the war or after?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Wars can be lengthy, what if something befalls one of you before you can be wed? Who else would you consider?"

"I don't see why I should consider anyone else." Daenerys felt herself begin to lose her cool. "Aegon and I will be married and we shall have dragons. My nephew my only option for marriage, if something does befall him then yes, I suppose I shall have to make alliances and look for a husband elsewhere. But I will not begin my search for his replacement before I have even met the man."

"I only ask, you grace, because I have some suspicions about the boy." The maester's voice was calming. "When children of renown die, especially royal children and especially royal babies, there are always those who seek to gain from it. Anyone with the right look and enough support can claim to be a long lost family member, it is rare that they actually are. I am not asking you to discredit the man completely, merely to be wary of if he is who he claims to be then I would agree with you, he is the best choice for your hand."

"Oh?" Daenerys raises her eyebrows.

"Yes, there has been much research done in Oldtown on this subject, an it is known that Targaryens struggle to produce healthy offspring with people who aren't of Targaryen of Valyrian blood."

"How so?" Dany's interest was now peaked.

"Generations of inbreeding has meant that often when the men in your family marry women from other families childbirth becomes more difficult. Your brothers wife, Princess Elia, though she was never especially well struggled terribly with the birth of her own children." Marwyn explained.

"So you think the reason Rhaego went so wrong is because Drogo wasn't Valyrian?"

"I think it may have been a contributing factor." The maester admitted. "And mayhaps you will wed someone who is not descended of Valyria and still have many children with him, or else you may wed Aegon and have many children with him. You are young, Your Grace, all things are possible in your future."

"Thank you," Dany nodded, smiling, "for you advice."

Daenerys left to find Ser Barristan, she was not sure how well she would fight after what she had just learned, but the knees had given her hope and she would cling to it. But hope or not she still had a war to prepare for, so she had to keep training.

The sun was setting early these days, winter truly was coming. Daenerys called a meeting of all her major councillors to discuss their plans for the war. In the room were Ser Barristan, Arya, Greyworm, Tyrion, Victarion Greyjoy (purely out of curtesy) and his red Priest, Moqoro.

"It has been long agreed that Dragonstone will be our landing point and our first stronghold of this conquest." Daenerys began. "But we need to decide where we shall go after that."

"The Iron Islands will show you their support if I do, we should go there and collect the rest of the Iron Fleet." Said Victarion.

"The Iron Island lie on the other side of the continent, it would take too ling to get there and we would risk being seen by the Lannister's when we pass Casterly Rock." Tyrion rolled his eyes and took a sip of his wine.

"Not if we sail out of sight of the coast." Victarion smirked.

"Good Lord, I'm sure you haven't forgotten that we have three dragons flying with us, they will not be hard to spot no matter how far from the coast we sail." Tyrion countered.

Victarion shut up, and Dany smirked slightly.

"I would suggest we start with Kingslanding, your grace." Tyrion was giving her an odd look, one she was sure she had seen somewhere before. "If we storm the capital it will fall within a day and it will be ours. Once you have the Iron Throne you will be able to call yourself Queen and then we can think about the other Kingdoms."

"Storming the Capital would be a disaster." Barristan shook his head. "If we use the Dragons thousands of innocents will die and no one will want to follow her. We should win the people first, make allies of the other kingdoms then take Kingslanding, with as little bloodshed as possible. Winter is almost here Westeros does not need this sort of instability."

"You're right." Tyrion admitted. "Winter is on its way. So we can't afford to wait any longer, the more time we spend arguing with petty lords the less time we will have to ensure the people of Westeros can endure. Take the Capital quickly you're Grace, the Red Keep will fall and no one will dare to defy you. It's the best way, the necessary evil."

"No," Dany decided. She looked at Tyrion again and suddenly she recognised his face, it was the face she had seen so often in Meereen. He was asking her permission to take revenge, revenge on his family, "I will not be the queen of the ashes, I cannot rule though fear, I have to be loved, my people must be happy and healthy and living. I will try to win the Kingdoms. Which one first?"

"The Riverlands." Arya answered instantly. "They saw more hardship than any other kingdom during the war of the five kings, believe me. They were ground zero for the conflict between the Starks and the Lannister's, neither of those houses are especially popular there anymore, if you go there and offer them food and stability they will follow you."

Daenerys looked to her other advisors, all agreed, some more reluctantly than others, that it was a good plan to start in the Riverlands. "We should make our base here," she said, pointing at the castle marked on the map, "I understand it change ownership many times during the war, it will likely be of little use to anyone now and therefore easy to take. It's also well positioned and was the place where Aegon I first showed the true power of the dragons, it's only right that we make it our stronghold whilst winning the Riverlords."

"Agreed, Harrenhal is a wise place to start, but where next?" Tyrion asked.

"Riverrun." Arya suggested. "My mothers family used to be the lords there, I could bring them to your cause if any remained," she looked at Tyrion, "who is Lord of Riverrun now?"

"Officially, Emmon Frey." He answered, scratching his chin. "But last I heard your mothers uncle and your brothers wife remained in the castle under siege by both the Freys and the Lannister's. Sorry I can't be of more help."

"Mayhaps I can help." Moqoro turned in his seat beside the fire, finally turning away from the flames and facing the council. Daenerys was unsure of the new member of her council. She had met countless red priests in her time, but something about the orange and red flames that covered his face unnerved her, and the way his eyes seemed to bore straight into her soul. She nodded for him to continue regardless, he may well be the dark flame, but he has not yet revealed himself disloyal. "I have looked into the flames, I can tell you that this girls great uncle no longer holds your castle, it is in the hands of the usurpers now."

"Then where's my uncle?" Dany saw the way Arya twitched ever so slightly, the girl was so good at hiding her emotions, but when it came to her family there was always a slight tell.

"He is alive, and protected by the Lords Light." The answer seemed just enough to pacify Arya, but there was clearly some other idea forming in the girls brain.

"If we take Harrenhal, we can begin our work on the Riverlands," Dany repeated, "and also spread out above the Neck as well. I have no wish to burn any castles without proper reason, and I know the northern strongholds in particular are weak at this time, if we send ravens to them all once we have established ourselves and offer them peace, and tell them also that we have the support of the Starks." She inclined her head at Arya who smiled back.

"A wise decision." Tyrion remarked. "May I suggest also that we send envoys to the Vale, Little Lord Robert is a sickly child, he may well have passed already. Petry Baelish is the boys regent but I have no idea who the heir is. We should win them to our side quickly, and hope the next Lord of the Vale will have more of an interest in the War for Westeros that Lysa Arryn did for the War of the Five Kings."

"Yes." Dany agreed. "So assuming we can secure the allegiances of the North and the Vale relatively quickly, we should soon have a force large enough to take the south?"

"Are force would be large enough even without the North and the Vale." Victarion muttered. "If you take the North you'll have to compete against Stannis Baratheon, I know he was at the Wall when I left, he could well have already begun his own conquest. If not however, my niece may still hold-"

"She does not." Moqoro interrupted. "Your niece was defeated by Lord Stannis and taken as his prisoner. She has since escaped and is back on the Iron Islands, with her brother Theon."

"Euron won't let them, he'd kill them before he let them threaten his position." Victarion's ugly face was even more dour than usual. Daenerys did not like his face nor did she like the man behind it, she found he had far too pride in himself for such an undeserving man.

"The Crows eye is not there, he is already attacking Oldtown." Moqoro turned and looked the Queen directly in the eye, it took everything in Dany not to break her gaze. "You would be wise to keep your dragons away from him, your grace."

Something about his warning, paired with the look Victarion was now giving him sent shivers down Dany's spine. She nodded. "If what the priest says is true, mayhaps it would be best for you to sail home after all, my Lord." She suggested to the Greyjoy. "Take a portion of your ships to secure your home and ensure your niece and nephew are safe."

Victarion looked as if he might argue back, but the priest turned to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. The Lord nodded. "Your grace."

"The brotherhood!" Arya exclaimed suddenly. "Forgive me, but what the priest said, about my uncle being "protected by the Lords Light" there's a group in the Riverlands who chose not to fight for any side during the war. They follow the Lord of Light and we're always good to me. They may have the Blackfish."

"Good for them." Tyrion quipped. "How does it help us?"

"The common folk love the brotherhood, they fought for the people during the war, so the people love them, believe me I've seen it. They were always good to me and I think even if they can't be swayed to follow you, they won't oppose you. And whatever they do, the people will follow them."

"You think we should seek them out?" Dany asked.

"Yes," Arya nodded firmly, "send me and the priest, they'll listen to him for his faith and they'll trust me because they know me. If Moqoro tells them what the priests in Essos believe, that you are the Prince that was Promised," Dany rolled her eyes slightly, it's a ridiculous title, I'm not even a boy, no matter what Aemon believed, "they'll have to follow you."

"Very well." The Queen consented. "The two of you will go find them. Is there anything else anyone wishes to discuss?"

"No, your Grace." They all chorused.

"Then we shall adjourn. Thank you all, my lords, maester, Torgo Nudho, Arya." Dany have the girl a half smile and she smirked back. Council returned to their places above decks, but Dany spent the rest of her day studying the map, making it her task to learn every Castle, town, lake, forest and mountain in Westeros. This will be my kingdom, I must know both it's people and it's Geography If I am to stand a chance in this war. That is how the conqueror won, and is how I will win, with knowledge and maps, and Fire and Blood.