Disclaimer: no one mentioned belongs to me, I guarantee it.

Author's note: this started off as just me wanting to do some cute dialogue between the characters, and escalated into actual plot. Go figure! Please R/R!


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You're The One That I Want

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Gordo aimed his camera at Lizzie and narrated, "Here is my best friend in the universe, Lizzie McGuire, looking a little green." He turned to Miranda. "Don't you think she looks a little green? I think so."

Lizzie grabbed the camera lens and said evenly, "David Zephyr Gordon, if you don't turn that camera off right this second, so help me, I will have you eat it. Capiche?"

Gordo backed up slightly, but looked more amused than scared. "Ooh, someone's got bite this morning."

"Yeah, it was the biting thing that got me into this in the first place." She clutched her stomach, making a face. "I ate something weird."

Immediately Gordo dropped the arm wielding the camera and put on a concerned face. "Ouch, I'm sorry. One time, my mom made some kugel, and it wasn't as good as my grandma makes it, but it's not that bad, and at least she's trying, you know? And anyway, something wasn't cooked right or something, I don't know, and I had food poisoning for a week."

"Yeah, I remember that," Miranda said. "Wasn't that the week we read Romeo and Juliet?"

Lizzie laughed, despite herself. "I think it was. And you were Juliet, and Larry Tudgeman was Romeo. A match made in heaven."

"Ew, don't remind me," Miranda said, sticking out her tongue. "Way to ick me out, McGuire." She shook her head and walked away.

Lizzie giggled. "Sorry!" she called, then turned to Gordo. "I'm sorry, it's funny. It was funny then, and it's funny now."

"No arguments here. Wish I hadn't missed it."

"Yeah, me too," she said, giving him a half-smile.

Lizzie shut her locker and they started to class. "You look like you're feeling better," he observed.

"Hey...I guess I am. Go figure."

"Laughter is the best medicine," Gordo said sagely.

"I thought for sure it was food poisoning, and I'd die."

"Must you be so melodramatic about everything?"

She shrugged. "It gets me through the day."

They entered the classroom at the same time, and proceeded to get stuck in the doorway. Lizzie giggled and stepped back slightly to un-wedge herself. Gordo did the same, and they stepped forward again, getting stuck again. They were both laughing wildly now, stepping back.

"Hey, Stooges, if you don't mind, the rest of us sort of want to get to class," a voice said nastily behind them. Gordo and Lizzie turned to see Kate glowering at them from the hallway, and the entire class staring at them.

Lizzie felt embarrassed, but found herself saying, "Kate wants to go to class? You must've been replaced with a pod person or something."

Gordo snorted with laughter. Kate turned her head sharply to glare at him, and he hid his mouth behind his hand, still giggling. Kate turned her vengeful glare to Lizzie once more. "Just...just get out of my way, McGuire," she said irritably. It wasn't so much that Lizzie's response had been that witty or that mean, but Kate just wasn't used to Lizzie fighting back, so she was taken off guard. She pushed between the two, her shoulder knocking against Lizzie's. But Lizzie ignored it.

As Kate sauntered into the classroom, Gordo favored Lizzie with a grin. "You're spunky today, Lizzie."

She smiled. "Aren't I, though."

He swept his arm grandly at the door. "You first."


"You guys are like Siegfried and Roy without the tigers," Miranda grumbled as Lizzie and Gordo took their seats. Gordo next to her, and Lizzie in front of her.

"Maybe you're thinking of Penn and Teller," Gordo suggested helpfully.

Miranda rolled her eyes. "I *wish* I could get one of you guys to shut up permanently."

"Careful what you wish for," Lizzie sing-songed, while Gordo pantomimed losing his voice. He clutched at his neck dramatically, and made a few choked gurgles. Lizzie giggled.

Miranda shook her head and bent over her notebook. "I don't know you two," she said.

Mrs. Wortman walked in the room then. "We're not having class today, kids."

"Woo-hoo!" Ethan shouted triumphantly from the row by the window. Tudgeman and Mrs. Wortman cast him withering stares.

"We're instead going to an assembly in the auditorium," Mrs. Wortman continued, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, great," Miranda said, doodling in her notebook, "are you two taking your comedy act to a bigger forum than first-period English?"

"After this, we're pursuing a lounge career," Gordo said.

"Vegas, baby, Vegas," Lizzie drawled in her best Elvis impersonation.

"You should really leave the impressions to your brother," Gordo said.

Lizzie turned in her seat to look at him. "D'you think so? 'Cause the other day he was running around the house pretending he was Harry Potter, and Matt is no British schoolboy, let me tell you."

"Miss McGuire! Mr. Gordon! Are you quite finished?" Mrs. Wortman said patiently.

Gordo flashed a pained smile, and Lizzie abruptly faced front.

Miranda blew her bangs off her forehead. "*Thank* you," she muttered.

The class rose to their feet as a group, shuffled through papers and fumbled for backpacks, then filed out the door. One by one, to make sure that they didn't get stuck. Lizzie shot Gordo an amused look.

"I wonder what the assembly's gonna be about?" Gordo asked as the trio walked down the hallway. They held back from the rest of their class, trailing a few steps behind Mrs. Wortman, who was too concerned with keeping Andrew Julian from wandering into the girls' locker room.

"Maybe it's gonna be on Lizzie McGuire's fantastic mood swings," Miranda said darkly.

Lizzie cocked her head at her best friend. "What?"

"I mean, when we first encountered you this morning, you were practically hurling into your locker. And now you're little miss stand-up."

"Well excuse me for trying to add a little spice to my life, Sanchez."

"Heyyy, Liz-zie!" Ethan Craft swooped in from behind.

Lizzie flashed him a smile. "Hey, Ethan."

Gordo and Miranda rolled their eyes and stopped a few steps ahead to give them space.

"So, whaddya think this is for?" Ethan asked.

Lizzie shrugged good-naturedly. "No clue."

"You, uh, you wanna sit with me?"

Gordo and Miranda turned to each other with wide-eyed looks, and Lizzie's jaw dropped a fraction of an inch. This wasn't typical Ethan behavior. But she quickly covered, pasting on a smile and saying, "Sure!"

"Awesome," Ethan proclaimed.

As the foursome started once again for the theater, Lizzie only barely contained the excited squeal threatening to leap out of her throat.