My Hero Academia: Yashiro The First Quirk

Ch.40- Family Chats

I awoke, my body hurt, but it was more manageable now then it had been when I fell. I looked around and saw figures at the door, it was Dad and Papa and some nurse or Doctor. Guess I was in the hospital, how long has it been? Did those people get away again?

I tried to move my arms but I couldn't, looking down I saw them in bandages and casts. I also had something under my chin that made it hard to tilt my head down. I could also feel a mask on my face, must be for oxygen. Guess that fall did more damage then I hoped, but at least that kid was saved.

"Yashiro?" Papa said I looked over to see him turned to me his eyes puffy and red and his neck was red and splotchy too. "Are you awake?"

"Papa…" I muttered, he raced over and rubbed my bangs against my forehead as he leaned over me.

"How are you feeling? Does it hurt too much, we can get you medicine?" he asked, he sounded off.

"Not bad," I replied, he kissed my forehead.

"You are such a brave little hero." He praised, "That little boy's parents brought you flowers to thank you."

"Are they..?" I began, he shushed me.

"No need to worry it's all good now." He hushed. "You just rest up."

"Papa…" I began, I wanted to pull him into a hug he looked ready to cry. "I'm okay don't cry…"

"You scared me there." He muttered and leaned his forehead toward mine. "I'm glad you're okay now, me and Dad love you so much, sweetheart."

"Love you too…" I replied, I saw the tears begin to build in his eyes and my own.

"You must be thirsty." He said and pulled back and I felt the bed move up.

"Here kiddo," Dad stated, I turned to see him on the other side of the bed with a cup with a straw.

He moved my mask and I latched onto the bendy straw and began to drink the cold water. My mouth was dry, I must have been out for a while. I sipped at the water and peeked up at Dad. He had a hard to read look on his face but I could tell he was upset too. I guess I did get hurt pretty bad, they probably got called at night. Finishing my drink, he pulled back to put away the cup.

"Dad, Papa I'm sorry for worrying you." I apologized; Dad fixed my mask looking at me seriously.

"Don't apologize silly girl." He stated, I felt Papa kiss my temple.

"Don't ever apologize for getting hurt," Papa added, I smiled up at Dad who smirked back a bit.

"There's that smile." He hummed, I turned to Papa smiling who smiled back a bit eyes still teary.

"We're so proud of you," Papa stated, I felt tears well up, they were proud of me?

(Hizashi's POV)

Yashiro had to stay in the hospital for three days so that they could get her broken arms set and heal up her other injuries. The arms needed more time to heal so she would be in casts for a few weeks till they could be healed as well. She was seated in a wheelchair as we tidied up her room, she had been gifted many things from flowers, food and cute plush toys.

Packing them into a bag carefully I saw Shouta was putting away all the trash from our many combini trips. Yashiro was in her new pyjama set I bought for her. It was longer than her All Might set and made of soft material with a matching cute haori jacket that suited her perfectly. She was going to need to wear some comfy outfits as she healed. We already had her uniform changed to the gym clothes so that she can be comfy in classes.

"Well, I think we're all good to go now." I chimed, she beamed up at me.

"I can't wait to get home." She added, I smiled at her as I put the bag on the arm of the chair.

"I know hospitals are no fun." I cooed, I saw Shouta grab our bag and I began to roll her out. "The taxi will take us home, and then we can watch some movies."

"Ghibli Marathon!" she cheered, I smiled down at her, so strong.

We rode the elevator down, the doors opened and I saw Izuku, Iida, Shoto-kun, FatGum, Amajiki, Mirio, NightEye, and Gran Torino in the entryway. Izuku rushed with Iida and Shoto holding a large My Melody Plush. I smiled as the three excitedly presented her with the gift, she smiled and laughed with them.

"Thanks, guys, I love it." She thanked, I saw Miro and Amajiki come up.

"Yashiro-chan we got you some traditional Japanese sweets!" Mirio announced I took the box and showed her the treats.

"They look so good, thank you senpais!" she chimed, then FatGum came up to us holding a large Totoro plush wearing his costume.

"Totoro FatGum!" she cheered as he set it in her lap. "Thanks, FatGum-san, it's so cute!"

"No problem you're a great little hero, hope we can work together again." He chimed, she nodded to him smiling bigger.

"I heard you liked cute things," NightEye stated and offered a limited-edition Bunny All Might plush.

"Bunny Might, he's so cute! Thank you, Sir NightEye-san." She thanked as he set it in her lap. "Thanks, everyone for the gifts, I will treasure them all!"

"See you back at school!" her classmates called as we headed out to our taxi.

"Alright need any help?" I asked as I parked the wheelchair, she offered me her plush toys which I took.

"I can stand up Papa." She chimed and got up as Shouta opened the door for her. "Thanks, Dad."

"Scoot over." He teased as she climbed inside.

"Will do." She hummed and shuffled over as the driver helped us put our stuff into the trunk.

Once we had it all in, we both got in, I shimmed in next to her and Shouta hopped in. The driver closed the trunk and walked back to the driver's seat, Shouta instructed him. I saw Yashiro had turned to look at the window, she looked much better since her first healing sessions. Her face was less swollen and her collar was no longer covered in ugly bruises.

"Papa, Dad, I'm so glad I met you." She stated and turned to me a fond smile on her face. "Being here with everyone makes me so happy, I never felt like this back in my time. I never felt like I belonged as much as I have here with you and everyone else. Thank you for being here."

I felt tears fill up my eyes and I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her plump cheek, "We're so glad we met you too, I know we were always meant to be a family. Thank you for being born and coming into our lives." I affirmed; I only wish I could protect you like you deserve…


I helped her out of the taxi as Shouta grabbed the bags from the trunk, leading her to the front gate I opened it fishing out my keys. Walking down the path I quickly unlocked the front door and pushed it open and she stepped in. She slides off the sandals we had her wear and stepped inside. The chorus of meowing had her attention and the cats crowded her feet.

"Hey, guys." She greeted, I smiled as I looked to see Shouta walking upholding the bags. "Come on I'll sit on the couch."

I peeked to see her shuffling her way over to the couch the cats still around her. I smiled fondly as Shouta set the bags down in the genkan and went to shut that gate, I kept the door open for him. Returning I shut the door and we both slipped off our shoes stepping into our home the first time in a while.

"Yashiro I'm going to put your plush gifts in your room," Shouta stated, as we stepped into the living room.

"Thanks, Dad." She chimed from the couch the cats at her sides and lap.

"Aw, they missed you." I hummed, she giggled as they rubbed themselves against her casts and body.

"You guys are so needy." She teased I smirked as I grabbed the bag of treats, she'd been gifted. "Papa, can I try one of the sweets Amajiki and Mirio senpai gave me later?"

"Of course, but after dinner," I replied, as I began to set them in the kitchen.

Finishing putting them away I saw Shouta coming down the stair, I was worried about him. He had gone quiet and wasn't talking to me, and that worried me. What was he thinking? Was he blaming this all on himself again… Maybe I can get him to talk to me tonight…

(Yashiro's POV)

We were relaxing with some Ghibli films, right now we were watching Howl's Moving Castle, it was fun and cute. I looked over my shoulder to Dad, he had that same unreadable expression he's had since I woke up. Something about it made me worry, the best way to describe was everything he did now just felt off. Papa was openly worried but lately, I can see him looking worried to Dad too.

I felt useless no matter what I did to try to talk to them and get them to open up they won't. It kinda reminds me about Dad's freak-out when I first summoned Nimbus. Papa gave me so little and they never talked about it again. Even when I asked, they changed the subject like they are doing now.

It hurts to see them like this, I can tell something is wrong but they refuse to let me help. Even if all I can do is listen, I just want to help them, that's what it means to be family? Right?

"Do you not like this one?" Papa asked, I looked to him.

"No, I like it," I answered, he looked at me concerned.

"Are you sore?" he quizzed; I shook my head.

"No, I'm okay Papa, just thinking," I admitted, he tilted his head.

"What's up?" he hummed; I opened my mouth to reply but paused shutting my mouth. "Sweetie?"

"You can talk to us about anything kiddo," Dad stated, I looked over to him and saw that same look in his eyes.

"You don't seem okay Dad, nor do you Papa… What's bothering you guys?" I stated, Dad looked away immediately. "Somethings wrong and I don't like seeing you both upset. I just wanna help…"

Dad got up and back turned to me and I saw his shoulders shake a bit, was he crying? I felt Papa put a hand on my shoulder, I looked to him and he was looking to Dad. Papa looked like he was understanding but also concerned. Looking back to Dad I saw he crouched down his hands on his face, back still turned to us.

"Shou, you can't just bottle this all up. I know you… You don't have to put the whole world on yourself." Papa stated, Dad got up and walked upstairs. "Sorry sweetie, Shou has a bad habit of putting things on himself. He's done this as long as I've known him. Been a while since I've seen him this bad though…"

"Does it have to do with why he didn't like Nimbus?" I asked, he sighed and got up going to a bookshelf pulling out an album.

"Let me show you," Papa stated, he sat back down and opened the book. "Back in UA, it wasn't just me, Shou and Nemuri."

He stopped on a page and I saw Dad and Papa when they were younger and another boy. All of them were clad in UA uniforms, the boy with them had whispy whitish-blue hair that flowed up like a flame or steam. They all seemed close, and Dad had a looser look, not as guarded as he was now.

"What was his name?" I asked.

"Shirakumo Oboro, he was our best friend, the three of us were in the same class and practically inseparable. They called us the rooftop boys." Papa explained. "His quirk was called Cloud, it let him summon clouds, he could ride them and use them to carry others."

"What happened to him?"

"During our second year we were interning, a villain attacked it was bad. During the fight, he was crushed under falling debris saving some daycare kids. We didn't learn until after the fight… Shouta was the one to take it down, it even killed his hero mentor. It hit him pretty hard… Me too…"

"He blamed himself…"

"Yeah, to be honest, I don't think he ever really forgave himself… For a while afterwards, he wouldn't even talk to me, until one day he broke down and showed up at my apartment. It was rough and not long after he was disowned…"

"What about you?"

"I did too, the villain mimicked my quirk, for a while I debated even continuing the hero course. I went to a very dark place that took a while to escape… Shou worries about me still, so he hides things to not stress me out…"

"Did you try to… kill yourself…"

"It was not a good time in my life, but it's nowhere I plan to return. I've been clean for six years…"

"I'm the one who lied to you both… Why would he blame himself for my stupid actions?"

"You're our daughter, we're meant to protect you, and we failed…"

"I don't care!"

I stood up and looked to Papa, they think they failed me. So what?! Mom failed too, but at least she loved me and was there for me. It's the same for them, they do some much and care so much. People make mistakes but as long as they care.

"I don't care if you fail, as long as you still care about me! That's all I need!" I cried, Papa raced up and pulled me into his arms.

"No matter what happens we will always care about you, you're our daughter and we love you so much. You're still so young, and you need us to be strong for you and keep you safe. And we failed a bit there, and you don't deserve to be let down anymore. We'll keep doing our best to protect you and give you the childhood you deserve." Papa hushed, I trembled as he ran his hands through my hair. "Thank you for being so strong."

(Hizashi's POV)

Yashiro had fallen asleep when Totoro drew to an end, I was glad to see this movie helped her. After we both settled, I changed the movie to this and it helped her relax. Now she was resting her body against the mountain of pillows, plush toys and blankets. I grabbed a spare blanket and carefully draped it over her. Once she was covered, I turned to look at the staircase.

Shouta had not come down, and I was a bit worried he may not be even up there. He had a bad habit of taking stress and anxiety as a reason to go on impromptu patrols. If that were the case, I may need to call Nemuri to look for him. Those kinds of patrols never ended well, he would make a mistake and get himself hurt.

Sighing I knew I had to go up and check, it made panic build but I steadied my breaths. I slowly took each step and soon I was at the top, turning I saw Mochi sitting at the closed bedroom door. I knelt down and she turned to me and meowed then turned back to the door. Sighing I gently brought my hand and lightly rapped at the door. Please be in there.