Chapter 14/Final: Wish for Home Granted
Agrabah couldn't be more in peace after the heroics of Aladdin and his merry men. Ash and Sadira were still asleep when the sun began to beam onto their faces. Pikachu and Swellow woke and gave a loud yawn and caw respectively. The two Pokémon looked to each other. ("Breakfast?") squeaked Pikachu.
("I'm hungry,") Swellow agreed. ("Let's go!") Pikachu boarded Swellow before the Swallow Pokémon took flight. They passed Sultan who was in his boxers and a tank top.
"My word," he gasped. "Bright and early exercise, huh?" Swellow turned around to meet Sultan.
("Morning, Sultan!") welcomed Pikachu. Sultan petted Swellow, one which he accepted.
"I bet you're excited to return to your world. Jasmine told me late last night after I heard Genie's shout." Swellow's eyes enlarged in excitement. Sadira soon woke up. She turned to see her boyfriend still asleep as she looked to his face and traced the zigzag marks with her finger. The tickle woke Ash to seeing his new girlfriend.
"Morning, my diamond," she cooed before she kissed him on the lips.
"This may need some getting used to," he laughed.
"Maybe, but I'm ready for it." Iago heard Sadira and peered inside. He saw Ash and Sadira kissing again.
"I'd say 'get a room,' but I'm the one barging in," he mumbled before flying off. After they had their love time, Ash and Sadira joined the throne room with Aladdin and Jasmine. Pikachu joined Ash's shoulder while Genie measured Sadira. Ash was back in his trainer clothes.
"Ash, I'm glad that we had a chance to know you and show you around," Aladdin began. "Not to mention see and know your Pokémon."
"Hey, believe me when I should be the one thanking you," Ash returned. "After all, you, Jasmine and Carpet got me out of that sticky situation."
"Well, I guess we dug out a great Best Man for our wedding." Ash laughed to Aladdin's title offer. Genie came in after hearing Aladdin's suggestion.
"Um, Al?" he whispered. "Can we talk?" Aladdin nodded and reached a far area in the room. Jasmine came over to give Ash her parting words.
"Ash, I'm looking forward to meeting your mother and help with how to raise our kids, if I want to have more than one," she wished. Sadira snickered to Jasmine's plan.
"Princess," she sneered. "Are you trying to tell us something?" Jasmine laughed to Sadira's suspicion.
"Not…quite… yet," she smiled. "Though, is it too much to ask for you to be my maid of honor for the wedding?" Sadira gawked to the offer.
"Me? a Maid of Honor?" Her face beamed in awe to the idea of being Jasmine's Maid of Honor. She clasped Jasmine's hands in delight. "Princess! You have no idea of the honor to be your Honor!" Jasmine giggled to Sadira's reaction.
"I thought you'd enjoy that." Meanwhile, Genie heard Aladdin's argument of having Ash as the prince-to-be's Best Man.
"I guess I need to tone it down," Genie sighed. "It's your special moment."
"Hey, you're still a groomsman so, no hard feelings," Aladdin understood. Suddenly, a yelp. Abu, Iago and Sultan turned to Ash who had Rajah on top of him, the tiger's paws wrapped around him.
"I guess this is your way of saying goodbye, huh?" he laughed. Rajah looked sad, not wanting to depart from his friends. "Hey, I know how you feel. I'm sure Jasmine can bring you over to meet my friends and my Pokémon. How's that sound?" Rajah licked Ash's face, his rough tongue scraping Ash's cheek.
"In all honesty, I do wish that Rajah was with the kid," Iago grumbled.
"Maybe you can go with him to his world if it upsets you like this," Jasmine suggested.
"Not until I finish paying my dues to the Palace!"
"And what dues are there?" As Jasmine and Iago argue, Razoul heard about Ash's departure and came to give him his farewell.
"Ash, many apologies for calling you a Street Rat," he explained. "In fact, you're worthy enough to be part of the Royal Guard in a few years. I'm always looking for those who have a sense of justice on them." Ash and Razoul shook hands.
"You didn't need to apologize," Ash retorted. "I'm glad to train with you and the Royal Guard." Razoul smiled at the acknowledgment. Abu and Pikachu exchanged a hug. Razoul turned to Genie.
"How long will you be?" he asked.
"For most of us, about five minutes," Genie estimated. "A couple… about as long as they need before the wedding."
"Mainly Ash and Sadira, right?" Razoul's guess made Genie nod. "Very well…" With that, everyone gathered in the playroom which the door stood.
"By the way, Ash," Genie voiced. "I moved the door after spotting what I believe were your friends, since they're talking about you and wondering where you've been." To Ash, being missed by his friends made him feel that he wasn't forgotten.
"Shall we?" asked Sadira. Everyone turned but Ash and Pikachu gasped to Sadira's new look: green windbreaker uniform with white tennis shoes.
"Nice!" approved Ash.
"You like? Genie said that he studied your outfit and gave me something that's comfortable and easy to move around in." Ash laughed to Sadira's detailing and turned to Genie.
"Are you sure you have 'semi-phenomenal, nearly-cosmic powers'?"
"Hey, never underestimate a genie's magic, even ones who are freed," Genie assured. Aladdin laughed before reaching the door.
"Ready, everyone?" he spoke up. Everyone nodded and Aladdin opened the door. They entered a grassy plain on the other side. Everyone stepped in to see flying swallos, smaller than Ash's Swellow, purple butterflies with white wings flying with black butterflies with stingy noses, brown-striped raccoons with zigzag designs and running behavior, even walking acorns with eyes.
"Whoa…" hushed Jasmine. "We've only just stepped through and I'm marveled by this place."
"I know, right?" awed Aladdin. Suddenly, a pink kitten dashed to the scene and lunged at Pikachu tackling him over. Recovering, Pikachu saw the kitten as Sadira knelt to the two Pokémon.
"Skitty!?" gawked Ash. Skitty looked up with its squinted eyes and came to Jasmine.
"Such a cute little kitten," she cooed as she itched its chin. "Reminds me a lot of Rajah as a baby kitten." Skitty mewed to the compliment as a few people came to the scene.
"Skitty!" shouted May. Everyone turned to Ash's friends who came running to the scene. May and Max stopped when they saw Ash's new crew.
"Whoa, what's going on!" wondered Max.
"I'm not… exactly sure, Max," May gulped. Pikachu raced to May who gladly caught the Pokémon. "Hey, Pikachu!"
("Hey, May!") greeted Pikachu. Ash, Aladdin and Jasmine reached May and Max.
"Hey, May," Ash welcomed. "Max, nice to see you too."
"Tell us about it," Max sighed in relief. "After you and Pikachu fell into that Trapinch hole, we thought we lost you two for good." Ash itched his head while Abu climbed onto Max, surprising him. "Whoa, what the-"
"Abu, you know better than to meet people like that!" scorned Jasmine. Abu hooted solemnly. It made May and Max wonder.
"Ash, what's going on?" questioned May. Ash sighed to trying to explain the situation.
"See, I ended up in a place called Agrabah," he started. "The royal family took care of me and Pikachu and I returned the favor." Just then, Brock came to and held Sadira's hands.
"You certainly came out of nowhere but location of your origin is irrelevant," he spoke up. Everyone watched, including Iago from Ash's shoulder. "I'm sure the bevy of beauty can reign wonders of what a great person you are." Sadira shook her head.
"Sorry, boy!" she denied. "But I've already got a boyfriend." She freed herself from Brock and held Ash's. Brock, May and Max gawked in surprise.
"Ash, you're… dating!?" yelped May.
"It does seem a little hard to believe but the kid got his sand witch," Iago explained as he flew onto Carpet who bobbed a nod.
"Okay, a carpet, a genie, a talking bird…" listed Max in dismay.
"And two couples," Brock whined. Looking, May and Max spotted Aladdin and Jasmine's hands together.
"Ash is right about us being a royal couple," Aladdin confirmed. "We're gonna be marrying soon." May gushed to the news.
"Prince Al and Princess Jasmine, for your information," Genie whispered to May, making her gasp.
"She- She's a princess!?" she repeated. She rushed to hold hands with Jasmine's after she and Aladdin let their hands free. "You have no idea what it's like! You're the second princess I've meet in my life!" Aladdin and Jasmine laughed to May's excitement.
"Second?" repeated Iago.
"We met a princess in a walled-off kingdom," Brock whispered.
"Really!? If there are places like this, maybe I should stay." Aladdin heard Iago a plucked him from Carpet.
"You're gonna stay with us unless otherwise," he scorned. Carpet took Iago away as he complained about not getting a chance to stay with Ash. Aladdin came to Ash. "Well, this is it. I know Agrabah's gonna wanna see you some more but you have your journey to take up… brother." He and Ash shook hands.
"Thanks, Al," Ash praised. Jasmine had one more item to take care of.
"Almost forgot about the little one," she reminded herself before hugging Ash and Pikachu. "I'll see you two later." She kissed the trainer and Pokémon before she led the way back.
"Shall we get back?" she asked. Aladdin nodded and Carpet flew away. Abu and Pikachu had one last hug before Aladdin's monkey raced back home. Jasmine came to Ash and Sadira as Aladdin returned with Genie.
"Ash, thank you for all you've done to help my father with Agrabah," she praised. "And with Mozenrath and Mechanicles out of the picture, my home should be a lot more peaceful. After all, I'm considering you part of the family." She hugged Ash as everyone watch. Finally, everyone waived goodbye and Aladdin's crew entered the door which closed. May now confronted Ash and Sadira.
"Ash, I should be upset with you getting a girlfriend," she sighed. "But… if it means showing Brock up… I can forgive you for it." Ash and Sadira laughed to the thought.
"Hey, don't be so harsh," Sadira urged. "Someday, he'll find the one for himself. At least today will be the first day away from the Arabian city." May and Max weren't too sure about Sadira's words. Just then, a buzz came from above. All saw a yellow dragonfly with green diamond-shaped wings. It buzzed down to Sadira who seemed amazed.
"Is that a Vibrava that had evolved recently?" wondered Brock. Ash had his PokéDex on hand.
"Vibrava, the Vibration Pokémon," it registered. "Vibrava is the evolved form of Trapinch. Vibrava flaps its wings fast enough to emit ultrasonic waves. Until they evolve, they travel in short stints." The Vibrava flew to Sadira.
"When we were looking for you, we found the paradise that Elisa's friend was looking for," Max explained. "That's when we saw a swarm of Trapinch evolve." Ash awed while Sadira met with Vibrava.
"So nice to meet you," she greeted. The Vibrava flew closer to Sadira and climbed onto her back, humoring her.
"I see!" her boyfriend voiced. "Sadira, Vibrava wants you to be its trainer." Sadira gawked to the offer.
"Really?" she awed. "Is it okay?" Vibrava flew to face Sadira as Ash handed her a Pokéball.
"When you catch it, Vibrava's yours." Sadira nodded before offering the ball to Vibrava.
"Let's go!" Vibrava flew and headbutt the ball which turned into a red light before going into an opened ball and then closing. It jostled around for a little bit but then the click. Ash placed a hand on the ball.
"Dear, Vibrava's yours." Sadira's face was aglow before she hugged and kissed her boyfriend, hand holding Vibrava's ball.
"I can see why she was called a witch," Max sneered. "She's put a spell over Ash." May and Brock grumbled while they watched on helpless.
(Months later…)
A ferry was taking Ash and Pikachu across the ocean. Sadira and a tan top-like clay doll came out. It had red markings and arms. "Still upset about falling short at the Evergrand Tournament?" she asked.
"A little…" Ash sighed. "Maybe I was pretty focused on Aladdin and Jasmine's wedding."
"You mean the one we're helping out on?"
"Yeah…" Sadira's arm draped around Ash's shoulder.
"I regret exposing my magic to which Mozenrath stole it. I don't regret meeting you. And now, I'm about to meet family, my diamond in the rough."
"Sadira…" Both shared a kiss at starboard when Sadira had one thing in mind.
"Genie told me that Pikachu's got a crush on a cat? Gatomon, right?"
"Yeah, he did… by accident."
"Right, searching for your world… Any chance when we go back for that wedding, Genie can bring that cat back?"
"Maybe… he's got it bookmarked." That's when Ash realized something. "Or do you mean our wedding?" That made Sadira burst out in laughter.
("Too soon,") the clay doll denied.
("Agreed, Baltoy,") Pikachu nodded. Ash and Sadira have something to share with Ash's mother… as the two have a new life away from the Arabian Night.
(Thanks for letting me do Aladdin but stay tuned in the future as I close it with another Arabian Story. For now, prepare for an Amourshipping with a twist.)