"Haruno Sa-kura." No that was wrong. I said that weirdly.

"My name is Haruno Sakura. I am Ino's best friend and it's very nice to meet you!" I stuck my hand out towards the mirror.

No. Oh no, this is so bad. I'm gonna fail at saying 'Hi'.

Today marks exactly two months since Sakura and Ino met. And because, according to Ino, anniversaries are 'super, duper important', and therefore Sakura has been told this every day for a week straight. So, she wants me to come over and meet her other friends. Ino says they're not friends, but she talks about them a lot. I think she doesn't wanna say they're friends because they're boys. I don't know why that matters, but that seems to be it.

"Sakura! There's someone at the door for you!" Otou-san yelled.

That must be Ino!

"Okay, Otou-san! I'll be down soon!"

Looking in the mirror one last time, Sakura flashed herself a smile. Meeting people is easy, just think of it like training! That's what Oka-san had said right before her last mission. And Oka-san is always right.

With that thought still in her head, Sakura fixed her ribbon, adjusted her shirt, then zoomed out her bedroom door. At the bottom of the stairs she saw Ino, who was waiting impatiently. What gave it away was how she always crossed her arms when she was in a hurry.

"Sakura! I had to let myself in because you were sooo slow. Your daddy didn't mind, though. Well, I didn't ask. But, he didn't stop me. Which means it was okay," Ino sucked in a breath of air before continuing."And why are you wearing that ribbon again? I never wear anything twice in one week. You always have it on."

That last comment made Sakura blush.

"Well..Well I, uh. It's a gift from you Ino. And it's-it's really important and I like it. Um, a lot?"

This time, it was Ino's turn to look flustered. But she had noticibly less redness added to her cheeks.

"I guess, since it was from me, it's okay to wear it.. A lot."

"Really?" Sakura wasn't sure why Ino had changed her mind. Ino does that rarely, if ever, honestly speaking.

"Yeah! Now come on, the boys have been waiting for forever."

"Okay, Ino-chan!"

But before she left, Sakura made sure to give her otou-san a hug and kiss goodbye.


"I don't know about this, Ino-chan. What if they think i'm weird or have a big forehead?"

They had stopped right in front of the backdoor in Ino's house, before going outside to her family's backyard. Or, well, Sakura had stopped them.

"The only weirdos are them, and you do have a big forehead. Can't change that. Like, my eyes are different and I can't change them. So, why think about it?" Ino had merely shrugged in explaining. Then went on with what she had previously been about to do.

Opening her back door.

Sakura's eyes went wide like saucers.

"Wait! Ino-chan! I'm not ready yet!" But her efforts were wasted. Ino gets whatever Ino wants. It's basically some kind of unspoken law by now. And she wants Sakura to meet her other friends right now. Or um, her not-so-friend friends? It's really confusing.

Ino's backyard was quite large, probably a clan thing, and was basically an oversized garden. Much like the entire compound really. There was one area in particular that all of the adults had congregated at, it was where most of the outdoor furniture was and there was even a grill.

All of the, who Sakura presumed were, moms had been sitting around the table laughing. And all but one dad was standing next to the grill. The man with a spiky ponytail had set up a chair beside the other two and looked like he was sleeping.

Sakura didn't see any other kids though, at least at first glance she hadn't.

Ino didn't seem fazed. This must be normal then, Sakura decided.

"Come on, we gotta go to this one tree by the daisies. Shikamaru doesn't like to be by loud noises. Then I'll show you off!" Ino said.

That last bit threw Sakura off a little. What did Ino mean by 'show you off'?

They had to run past the adults, Ino didn't even bother to say 'hi', and around the corner. She led them off the cobblestone path and, like she said before, right by a patch of daisies where two boys were.

One was eating from a bag of chips while the other was laying down looking at the sky. Only the chubby one bothered to acknowledge the two of us coming their way.

"Hi, Ino, is this your friend you're always talking about?" He didn't shout like Ino did, much to Sakura's relief. She could only handle so much of it. The boy was actually pretty quiet.

Ino put her hands on her hips. Obviously proud of the fact that she too, now had a best friend.

"Yep! This is Sakura-chan. She's my bestest friend ever! Told you she was real, Shikamaru! Sakura, this is Akamichi Chōji. And the one looking at clouds is Nara Shikamaru." Oh, so he was looking at the clouds, not the sky.

Sakura felt a little bashful from being called Ino's bestest friend in front of the two strangers. But that didn't discourage her from introducing herself to them. That would be rude, and Sakura wasn't rude.

"Hi, my name is Haruno Sakura and it's very nice to meet you!" She managed to say it all without a stutter. Much to her relief.

Shikamaru only turned his head in acknowledgment, raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't think anyone would want to be around someone so troublesome like you, Ino, you're too loud. Consider me surprised." He said in a deadpanned sort of way. Chōji slapped his shoulder.

"That's not nice Shikamaru. You have to be extra nice to girls," Chōji said, "My dad says so."

This in turn surprised Sakura. She never necessarily had negative views on clans, her best friend is from one, but she heard her neighbors talk badly about them all the time while meditating. And Oka-san says that there is always some truth to a rumor. No matter how small. But, there's obviously exceptions. Some clans are mean, some are nice. And the Akamichi have now been put down on the nice list, along with the Yamanaka.

She's not quite sure of the Nara at the moment.

Ino was obviously not happy by what Shikamaru had said, but was slightly calmed by Chōji's input. That didn't mean she wouldn't give him her two sense though. It takes a lot to shut the Yamanaka heiress up.

"I am not loud. My voice just carries nicely. That's what my daddy said." Ino sounded very sure of herself.

"Yeah? That still means loud." He said back.

Chōji's chip eating got a little louder.

"Does not." She narrowed her eyes at him. Uh, oh. Not good.

Shikamaru sighs. "I'm not playing this game, Ino."

Ino was growling in frustration. She needs a distraction, Sakura thought. Then, she suddenly got an idea and turned to Chōji. Maybe he'll see I'm trying to help.

"Let's play hide 'n' seek?" She internally sighed, it came out more as a question rather than a statement.

Chōji seemed surprised that I asked him. And pointed to himself with the chip he was about to eat. That was kinda funny, so I smiled and nodded my head.

This seemed to put out Ino's internal fire. And instead, she was all for the idea. Completely forgetting Shikamaru. More like putting it on her back burner for later.

"Yeah! That'll be lots of fun. Right, Chōji?!"

Chōji hesitated for moment, looking to Shikamaru, who just mumbled under his breath and slowly got into a seated position. He looked Sakura right in the eyes. In a lackluster sort of way.

"I'm not being the seeker first. I'll hide, seeking is too troublesome." He then stood up and helped Chōji to his feet.

"Chōji isn't going to be the seeker first either, it makes him nervous. He's too nice to say that though."

This made Chōji blush, a little smile finding it's way to his face in the process. Sakura could just barely make out him saying a 'thankyou' to Shikamaru.

Hmmm. Maybe the Nara is on the nice list then. Shikamaru is like how Ino is to Sakura, but for Chōji instead. Granted, less noisy about it.

"I'll be it, Shikamaru-san. I've never been it before." Sakura said. This made Ino light up next to her.

"Yeah! See, doing things you've never done before is good, Sakura-chan. Go to the tree and count to 10."

Sakura did as told and buried her face into the bark to make sure she didn't see where any of them went. She waited a moment, until she could no longer hear their footsteps, giving them extra time before counting.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Ready or not, here I come!" Sakura yelled loud enough for them hear, hopefully.

She furrowed her brows, looking around the tree. I don't know Shikamaru-san or Chōji-san enough to figure out where they might go. And then a thought came to her. Meditation. Meditation will help me find them. I've gotten pretty good at it. Oka-san finally started me on sensing the chakra around me while I meditate, just last week. You need lot's of focus to do so. And the last two months were all foucused on paying attention to my surroundings. Always being aware, memorizing scents and sounds. Which was a lot easier than it sounded.

Alright, let's do this.

Sakura stood in place, still standing in front of the tree, and started to breath in through her nose. Exhaling out her mouth. Oka-san said I was a natural for sensing chakra. But, I can't tell the difference between all of the chakra if I'm not trying to focus. It all feels the same and it's everywhere. So it's a hindrance for now until I can unconsciously tell what's what.

For a week straight, she helped with that. I just have to focus hard enough. Grownups have a larger chakra signature, kids have a smaller one. So it shouldn't be too hard. But I'll have to stop and go a lot since my range is really small. 3 yards is pretty tiny. Oka-san said it was good for a beginner though.

So I'm also training! And training is fun.

Sakura started to sense around the tree. Not expecting to find anything, because only a fool would stay so close to where the seeker was counting.

But, no, she felt something. It was definitely a persons chakra, it felt different than the tree's natural chakra. It felt... cooler? Yeah, the chakra felt kinda cold.

Sakura went behind the large tree and saw Shikamaru dozing off against the tree.

How can he fall asleep so quickly?

She walked gingerly over to the sleeping boy. Unsure of waking him and crouched down.

He looked as relaxed as the man, who's probably his father, Sakura saw lounging in a chair earlier. She got a little closer, deciding it'd be best to gently tap him on the shoulder. Shikamaru and Ino both did say that he didn't like loud noises. And as she was going to tap him, Sakura noticed a single strand of hair had gotten out of his ponytail. Without even thinking she brushed it back in place.

"Huh. Softer than I thought it'd feel." She whispered to herself.

Immediately, Shikamaru's eyes opened. Startling her enough to have her gasp loudly and clutch the hand that had touched his hair as if it was burned.

"I'm so-so sorry, Shikamaru-san. I just was uh putting your hair back in place. And then I was gonna poke you awake because I found you!"

Sakura had never been more embarrassed in her life. He must think that I'm super weird now! What if he doesn't wanna be friends or doesn't like me?

"Oh, okay. This tree always messes up my hair. Thanks, my Oka-san would have complained a lot about it. Now that would have been troublesome." Shikamaru said, stretching a little afterwards. Sakura was a little perplexed by his reaction. Or lack there of.

"You don't think I'm weird?"

"You have pink hair." He said as if that explained anything.

"O-oh." Was all she could get out.

Shikamaru sighed, he does that a lot. And made eye contact, he does that a lot too. He seemed to be thinking of what to say.

"I think most people are weird. I'm weird because I talk like an adult. Ino's weird because she's Ino. You seem to be weird because you have pink hair. Weird isn't bad Sakura, we're friends since you're nice to Chōji. Drop the -san."

All Sakura could think was that he just called her his friend. This was officially the second friend she'd ever had. Which is a lot. Well, at least in her case it is.

"Alright, Shikamaru-san. I-I mean Shikamaru!"

"Okay, lets go find the others. Chōji first, then Ino. It'll make her feel good about herself, and Chōji doesn't like being alone for too long." He said while getting to his feet.

Sakura had to admit, that was pretty sound logic.


Shikamaru was definitely right. Ino was ecstatic for being the last one found. She 'obviously had the prowess of a fledgling Kunoichi' was what Inoichi-san had said when she ran over to him to brag of her win.

Chōji looked near to tears when we found him, but was happy that he wasn't found first. I guess he was bullied too, and people didn't let him play with them. Which is stupid since Chōji is nice. He let me have a chip when I was hungry.

Now we're all situated with the adults, at the table outside. And of course, the conversation has taken quite the turn. All thanks go to Ino.

"Yeah? Well, my Daddy's the most handsomest daddy ever. Mommy says so." Ino said, her nose up in the air. Obviously looking down on the boys beside her.

"My mom said that's why she married my dad, though. Then the food he made. So your dad can't be the handsomest. " Chōji shot back to Ino. "What about you, Shikamaru?" Who did not look like he wanted in on the conversation after seeing Ino's disgusted face at the thought of Chōji's dad being handsome.

"My mom says my dad is bearable, so that counts I guess." This made his mother, Yoshino-san, laugh hysterically with the other women at the other end of the table who had been listening in.

"No! Your dads are ugly! Sakura-chan, who's dad is most handsome?!" Ino whipped her head to face Sakura.

Sakura looked like a deer caught in headlights. She doesn't like to lie to Ino, but she knows if she answers honestly, Ino won't like it. Ino likes to be right. So, Sakura just fumbled a bit. Clearly at a loss for words. The fellow moms were about to come in and save the day for the poor girl, but Sakura blurted out the first thing that came to mind before they could come over.

"Shikaku-san is the most handsome!" Sakura said.

And all eyes went wide. A silence settling in.

Ino looked horrified. Chōji was still eating his never ending bag of chips. And Shikamaru didn't seem to care.

"What?!" Ino screeched.

"Well-well uh." She was interrupted before she could continue.

"Shikaku-ojisan?! No, Sakura, you're supposed to say my daddy! Not Shikamaru's!" Ino seemed pretty upset at this.

But she always told Sakura to speak her mind, and she did. So she shouldn't be upset!

"You always say to say what I wanna say! Not what you want me to say. I thought you'd be happy!" She yelled back, which surprised Ino. She had never seen Sakura angry before. She kinda liked it though. Sakura was growing a spine.

"Well, I guess I can't be too mad then. You did just do what I allllways said to do." Smirking at the end, throwing Sakura off.

"Why did you say Shikaku-oijsan, though? I think he looks kinda scary with the scar. But he's not really scary." Ino said.

"Um uh. I don't uh know?" Sakura did in fact know. But didn't want to share that information. But, Ino always got what she wanted.

"Oh, come on, Sakura! Speak your mind. Tell meeeee!" Ino was very adamant now. Guess there's no getting around this.

Sakura took a deep breath.

"Shikakuojisanlookslikeshikamaru!" There, she said it. She finally said it. But the only ones to catch it was the moms, and boy did Yoshino look smug. She was totally gonna tease her boy about this when they got him later.

"Huh? Speak slower!" Ino crossed her arms. Now she's frustrated.

"Shikaku-ojisan looks," she glanced at Shikamaru," looks like uh, Shikamaru."

Suddenly the previously uninterested boy looked very confused, then petrified.

"You like Shikamaru?! Awwwwe, I'll plan the wedding!" Ino exclaimed, hopping out of her chair and jumping sporadically in the air.

Chōji looked kinda happy for his friend.

"Oh, that's good! You're really nice, Sakura."

"Th-thanks, Chōji.

"Oh, no. Not this, no. Wives are troublesome. Girls are troublesome. I've done nothing to get one." He said which caused his mother to slap the back of his head.

Ino gasped and glared at him. No longer was she planning their wedding.

This ignited a fire in Sakura. How dare he. How dare he. She just said she liked him, basically, and he says that. I'm gonna show him. Yeah, girls are troublesome. At least for him they will be.

Sakura narrows her eyes at him. "Che, I don't like you! You're mean and I'm gonna show you what real troublesome is!" She went to dive across an empty chair and Chōji, but was stopped in mid flight. Someone had caught her by the back of her shirt. Shikaku has been the one to catch her.

"Grrr! Let me go, I gotta show him how troublesome girls really are!" She didn't care how she looked, and Ino seemed proud by the predicament she was in.

Shikaku just turned her around to face him. A slightly amused look adorned his face.

"I'd rather you not maul my son for anything troublesome he may have said."

"Yeah, well, I'd rather he not be a big meanie!" Mature? No, but Sakura was a child. Even if she didn't always sound like one.

"Our son did say some.. troublesome," Yoshino glared at her husband," things. So he should apologize to young Sakura here. Right, Shikaku?" Her voice made it clear that it had to be done.

Shikaku sighed, similar to his son. Then he put her down, and she hurried over to Ino. Who was still shooting Shikamaru her scary eyes.

All Shikaku did was give his son a look. And he complied to whatever it meant.

"Sorry for calling you troublesome." He mumbled.

"Thank you for the apology, nothing is forgiven. Let's go inside, Ino!"

Ino was baffled by her friend's words. A good kind of baffled, though. So, she giggled and left hand in hand with Sakura. This was definitely the best way she could have ever showed how amazing her best friend was.


AN (Author's Note) PLEASE READ

Hi, my dudes! Sorry for the late update. A lot has been going on mentally. It was the anniversary of my friend's death recently. And I'm ok-ish now! :D

I'm not giving up on this, if that's what you may have thought. Just needed to collect my uh mind?

And also sorry for the uneventfulness of the chapter(s) so far. It's just, she's 5 and life is not action filled for most 5 year olds. But training will slowly get more intense. Her mom and dad are focusing on the mind/her senses right now, instead of heavy physical training. And we now know that she's a natural chakra sensor, buuuuut. She can only differentiate chakra signatures when she's in a meditative state and even then, her range isn't very large at all.

In my head, sensing would be pretty hard since chakra is literally everywhere. Knowing what's what when you're not focusing would be incredibly hard until you've gotten enough training under your belt. So, for now she can't actually tell the difference unconsciously now.

Okay my dudes, I also want to have suggestions for the story. I'd like to hear constructive criticism too. I know my writing is weird. Or at least it's probably weird. I've never written before.

But I really want feedback to let me know if I'm doing this right.

Also, I always thought that Ino was just a sassy female version of naruto for some reason.
