"Morgana. Morgana, wait!" Merlin raced after Morgana. He grabbed her elbow,quickly backing off when she lashed out with her other hand. "Come back in here. We'll talk. I do believe you."
Her face crumpled. "But you just said-"
"I know what I said. It's just that it's scary, alright, talking about, well, what you were just talking about. Please come back inside, Morgana." Merlin looked around carefully before he took a deep breath and let the tiniest bit of his magic color his eyes golden.
Morgana gasped, "Merlin!"
"Yeah. Let's talk inside, alright?"
A tiny glimmer of hope shone in Morgana's eyes as she followed Merlin back into Gaius' chambers.
My fix-it for The Nightmare Begins. If Merlin hadn't listened to the two paranoid old men (yes, I include Kilgharrah in that) and had just opened up with Morgana, things would have gone much better for the group.
Merlin belongs to Shine and the BBC.