
Nemesis was down for the count, he couldn't move. The attack from the silver giant was overwhelming for him, not just what he did to him, but what he said. What Megatron said didn't make any sense to Nemesis, he thought all the giant robots were just like him. When Megatron said 'You are nothing but a human disgrace', Nemesis concluded that he was the only one of his kind. But that didn't matter at that point, he was dying and there was nothing he could do about it. Kiera was captured, he didn't know what happened to Don, and all he could do was lie there waiting for death. Right about as he was going to close his optics, a voice came from out of nowhere. Nemesis opened his optics back up and saw that he was in a dark void. Nemesis was beyond scared, he was always scared. He got off the ground and looked around for anything that was familiar to him, but there was nothing. He called out for Kiera, but there was no answer. He called for Don, but there was still no answer. Before he could speak another word a bright light came from behind him. Nemesis turned around and saw a figure around his height, a red and purple color scheme, and had a white beard.

"W-who are you?" Nemesis asked.

"I am Alpha Trion, the teacher of Optimus Prime, and now yours." Alpha Trion said.

"Teacher, what do you mean?" Nemesis asked.

"I know that you have a lot of questions, but I already know what you are going to ask." Alpha Trion said. "You do not know where you are or where your human friend Kiera is."

"Y-yes, and I need to get back to her, and I-" Nemesis said before being cut off.

"Do you know why you are alive?" Alpha Trion asked.

"W-what?" Nemesis asked.

"Do you know why you are alive?" Alpha Trion asked. "Yes or no?"

"I don't know why, but I need to get out of here." Nemesis said. "Please, send me back."

"Ha, now I see, your compassion for your friend is why Primus gave you life." Alpha Trion said.

"W-who is Primus?" Nemesis asked.

"He is the creator and life giver of all Cybertronians, he knows the past, present, and future of all events, and I always wondered why he choose you." Alpha Trion said.

"But how, that silver giant said I was made by humans, i'm no Cybertronian." Nemesis said.

"I know, he knows, but he choose you for a purpose that far exceeds my understanding." Alpha Trion said.

"But you just said that he chose me because I care for my friends." Nemesis said. "Is that not it?"

"Only he truly knows, all I did was speculate." Alpha Trion said. "But if you truly want to go back and save your friend then he will allow it, but you will need an upgrade."

"What kind of upgrade?" Nemesis asked.

"The one that Don will give you, even though he doesn't trust you, he will do anything to get his daughter back." Alpha Trion said touching Nemesis' forehead. "Now, you must wake up."

Nemesis' optics burst open, revealing a dark ceiling in front of him. Nemesis didn't know what was going on, but what he did know is that he was back in the workshop. Nemesis looked around until he heard someone clear their throat. Nemesis looked at his chest, seeing Don holding a welding torch and helmet. Don looked back at Nemesis, his face looking like he was about to kill someone, and he probably will. Before Nemesis could speak, Don silence him by saying something that would shock Nemesis.

"Just shut up, I don't like you, and you don't like me, but if we are going to get my daughter back then you need some new firepower." Don said.

"You are giving me an upgrade." Nemesis said.

"Yeah, from the parts of the look alikes that you tore apart." Don said. "Now hold still, I need to put this armor plating onto you."

"Do you know what you are doing?" Nemesis asked.

"Of course I know what i'm doing, all I need you to do is when i'm done you go save my daughter." Don said. "Got it?"

"Yes." Nemesis said. "And what are you going to upgrade me with?"

"You'll see, but you will be able to give that silver guy a taste of his own medicine." Don said putting on the welding helmet and beginning to weld the armor plate onto Nemesis.

"Hey." Nemesis said. "Thank you."

Don didn't respond to Nemesis' reply, he just continued to work. Nemesis looked back to see what Don was going to put onto him, and he did see the destroyed remains of the look alike troopers. Nemesis thought of what Alpha Trion said to him, how Primus brought him to life for a purpose. Nemesis wondered what that purpose was, and all he could think of is to save Kiera. But he brushed that aside and thought more of his new purpose. Before Nemesis was able to think of anything else, Don jumped off of his chest and went to grab something.

"So, what do you think?" Don asked holding up a vehicon blaster.

Autobot Base

Team Prime was unsure of what to do, what Fowler said was something that confused the Autobots, except for Optimus. Ratchet was the most vocal of what Fowler had said, he did not believe that any human creation could even act like a Cybertronian.

"This is preposterous, there is no logical way that Nemesis could be a living, functioning Cybertronian." Ratchet said. "And since he is made of human technology then me is more unlikely to be Cybertronian then Miko's phone."

"Whatever the case, we must find where he is, and see if he is still alive." Optimus said. "Because I fear that if we are able to find him then surely Megatron is as well."

"Nemesis on the Decepticons side would be hard to beat, even if he were alive or not." Arcee said.

"But he is not alive, the only way that could happen is dark energon, which I highly doubt MECH even has since they are now nothing more than someone in a basement." Ratchet said.

"Either way we can't take the chance, we need to find him." Jack said.

"Ratchet, I know that you do not think Nemesis Prime is alive, but from Bulkhead, Arcee, and Fowler have told us, it is unlikely we should count out the possibility." Optimus said.

"Even if Nemesis said he wanted to save the human girl, he could have been pulling our strings." Ratchet said. "Messing with our head and putting our guard down, not to mention that the girl could have been kidnapped or part of MECH."

"If she is then they must be in the school system." Fowler said walking over with his arm in a cast. "I was able to get the information of the girl before Nemesis attacked, her name is Kiera Smith."

"Wait, the techy girl that beat up Vince?" Miko asked.

"I know her, she doesn't seem to be apart of MECH, she just works in a scrapyard." Raf said. "And she is a little emotional since her mother died."

"So there is no way that she is part of MECH?" Ratchet asked.

"No doubt she was just in the middle of it." Jack said.

"It is my understanding that when Nemesis escaped the Military base, he found himself at the scrapyard to hide from the military." Optimus said. "And that is where he and Kiera met."

"So what, Nemesis is Kiera's guardian?" Arcee asked.

"There is still no explanation of Nemesis being alive, there isn't any scientific proof." Ratchet said.

"Ratchet, it doesn't matter, right now Kiera is in danger and we have to find her." Jack said.

"But how, MECH probably took her phone so we can't track her signal." Bulkhead said.

"We may not, look." Arcee said pointing to the command screen. There was a message on the screen, and it was from Megatron. Optimus opened the message and the following was said.

*Optimus, I am well aware of these recent events, including the one that is about your new twin. The human made monstrosity is no more, but the girl is with me now, safe and sound. And I know that you would let any innocent human pay for our war. So if you want to save this girl, come alone.* Megatron said in the message.

"Coward!" Arcee said.

"Megatron will do anything to kill you, Optimus." Ratchet said. "I'm sorry, but we cannot risk it."

"I understand your concern, Ratchet, but I will not have any innocent human pay for our mistakes." Optimus said. "So I will go and face Megatron."

"Optimus, if you go then you will die." Ratchet said. "I cannot let you go alone."

"Ratchet, if we let Megatron kill Kiera, then what will stop him from attacking a town or city." Optimus said. "I must end this here and now."

"U-understood." Ratchet said activating the ground bridge.


Megatron was waiting for Optimus to arrive, he knew that Optimus wouldn't let such a weak creature die. With him were Knockout and Dreadwing, making sure to guard the girl and keep any other Autobots from sneaking up on them. If anything, this was going to be the last battle of the two titans, reenacting the battle during Unicron's awakening. The wind was still and the sun hot, everything was on the line for both sides. With Knockout, he was having trouble with Kiera, since she kept thrashing around in his alternate mode and holding her was just as difficult.

"Human, if you do not stop this then I will tip you in half!" Knockout said.

"Then go ahead, I know you won't." Kiera said with a smug grin.

"Oh if it were up to me then I would, but Lord Megatron wishes you to watch as he kills the leader of our enemy." Knockout said.

"Then tell him that he can blow it, when I get out of here then you three will be sorry." Kiera said.

"And why, pray tell, would we be so scared of you fleshies?" Knockout asked.

"Because this." Kiera said taking out a wrench and scraping on Knockout's paint job. "How is that for sorry?"

"You little glitch! Do you know how hard that is to fix!?" Knockout yelled.

"Knockout, be quiet, and await further orders." Megatron said.

"Apologies, Lord Megatron." Knockout said.

After a few minutes of waiting, Megatron heard an engine coming towards them, and coming fast. Megatron grinned, thinking it was Optimus that had finally come to save the human girl. The noise was coming from the canyon to their left, and since there was an opening leading to them Megatron knew he was coming from there. What Megatron didn't expect however, was a different truck coming in from the canyon. The truck drifted out from the canyon, transforming while he drifted. The truck was black and had vehicon parts on it, and the entire trailer hitch was covered by a big purple and black box. As the vehicle transformed, Megatron saw that it was actually Nemesis, but with different features. Nemesis fully transformed, revealing two vehicon blasters on each arm, his chest plate covered by vehicon plates, his legs much thicker than Primes, and a winged jetpack on his back.

"Megatron!" Nemesis yelled.

"So, the copy lives." Megatron said. "And I see that you have gotten an upgrade, this will be an interesting match."

"Lord Megatron, let me assist you." Dreadwing said.

"No, this will be my fight." Megatron said unsheathing his sword. "And this will be an excellent warm up for when Optimus arrives."

"Nemesis!" Kiera yelled.

"Don't worry Kiera, i'll get you out of here." Nemesis said.

"I like your look!" Kiera said.

"Thank you." Nemesis said.

Megatron charged at Nemesis in anger, seeing how he wasn't taking this seriously. Nemesis saw this and transformed his hands into his own blaster, now having three blasters on each arm. Nemesis fired all his blasters at Megatron, a mix of yellow and red zooming through the air towards the silver mech. Megatron took all the hits and swung down his sword at Nemesis, but only missed when Nemesis activated his jetpack and continued to fire off bolts. Megatron fired back with his cannon, but Nemesis was to fast for him to land a hit, still getting hit himself. Megatron roared in anger, transforming and chasing after Nemesis in the air. The battle was fierce, but both sides weren't giving up. Nemesis got hit a few times by Megatron, but he dished out more blows than Megatron. Since Megatron was chasing Nemesis, Nemesis had a plan to try and kill Megatron. He turned one of his blasters into a sword and waited for Megatron to get closer to him. Megatron went faster to catch Nemesis and kill him, but he was now in the trap. Nemesis turned around and stabbed Megatron where his head was in his alternate mode, shocking all who were there, including Megatron himself. Nemesis pulled out his sword, seeing purple energon on it. Megatron fell to the ground, hitting it with a great thud. As the dust cleared, it was shown that Megatron's head was split in two. Knockout and Dreadwing stood there in shock, seeing their leader now dead.

"If you don't want to end up like him, them let go of the girl and leave." Nemesis said still in the air. "And never com back."

Knockout dropped Kiera, transforming and racing down the said. Dreadwing was still in shock, but transformed as well and headed straight for the Nemesis. Kiera was still there, but was shocked to see Nemesis do such and thing, it was cool, but scary at the same time. Kiera walked over to where Nemesis had landed, seeing Nemesis clean off the blade he used to kill Megatron.

"A-are you okay?" Kiera asked.

"I should be asking you the same thing." Nemesis said picking up Kiera and placing her onto his shoulder. "And there is nothing I would do to make sure you are safe."

"Thanks Nemesis, I knew you would save me." Kiera said.

As they left, Optimus watched from the canyon top. Optimus jumped down, walking over to Megatron's body. Optimus looked down towards it, remembering all the times he and Megatron were once friends, but now one of them is dead. Optimus closed his eyes and let out a breath, now knowing that the war was over. Optimus got back up and called for a bridge, telling the team that Megatron was now dead, and that Kiera and Nemesis were to be seen as allies, no longer enemies.

Hey guys, I know that this fanfiction is short and all, but I hope you like it for what it was. I didn't really have a lot planned for this series, so I decided to end it here, hope you all like this chapter and as always, send feedback and have a great day.