Initiate--combat training.

The computerized voice says as Kaldur and Superboy slowly work their way from the opposite sides of the circle towards each other.


The two begin to circle each other.


They're now maintaining about ten feet of distance from each other.


Both charge, Superboy goes in for a right hook punch that Aqualad ducks under, retaliating with a left-right one-two combo. Both of which Superboy blocks, though Kaldur jumps and goes for a hook kick, that Superboy both ducks under and raises his hands for. As Kaldur lands he goes for another right hook that Kaldur dives back into a back handspring, landing in a crouch.

Megan and I were watching Conner and Kaldor train in hand to hand combat. They need a little work but they are coming together quite well. And good thing it's our day off and we can wear our civilian clothes. As much as I love my costume, being in a white crop top with one long sleeve and black pants with boots just makes me feel like a queen.

I wanted try to get to know the green girl and started with the first thing that pop in my mind. "Kaldor's, uh, nice, don't you think? Handsome. Commanding. You should totally ask him out." Why did I say that, honestly she and Conner would look cute together.

"He's like a big brother to me. But you know who would make the cutest couple? You and Wally." Megan giggled.

"You're kidding me, right?" I raised an eyebrow. Yeah, no.

"You're so full of passion, and he's so full of, uh--of" Megan try but fail to explained.

So I helped her out, "It?"

We laugh at Wally as he shoved a burrito in his face. My phone went off cutting my laughter. This better be good.



"Black Canary taught me that." Conner explained. I watch for a few more seconds and move a few paces to hear my phone call. Which was my awesome sister Wanda!

'Hey what's up sis?'

Nothing much, other then a small job I have to do. So do you have anything going on tonight?

'Um let me check...'

I look behind and saw Red Tornado, the team's caretaker, who came in when my phone rang, with a holopicture of an older gentleman, "This is Kent Nelson, a friend. He is 106 years old. And he has been missing for 23 days. Kent was a charter member of the justice society, The precursor to your mentors' justice league."

I raised an eyebrow and went back to my call, 'I think we are going to check up on a guy named Kent Nelson. Who's apparently missing.'

Great! That's what I'm doing, so I'll see you at the Tower of Fate. Oh I got to go. Logan fixed my ride so I'll see you later. Love ya bye

'Bye weirdo' I chuckled, ended the call and walk back just in time to hear Wally say, "-more like doctor fake. Guy knows a little advanced science and 'dumbledores' it up. To scare the bad guys and impress the babes." Like he knows anything about magic.

"Kent may simply be on one of his walkabouts, But he is caretaker to the helmet of fate, The source of the doctor's mystic might, And it is unwise to leave such power unguarded." Red Tornado said.

"He's like the great sorcerer priests and priestesses of Mars. I would be honored to help find him." Megan said passionately. Huh, I guess different species on planets also have magic.

Wally not far behind her,shot up his arm, "Me too. So honored I can barely stand it. Magic rocks."

I looks at him crazy and shake my head knowing this is going to get bad.

Red Tornado hands Kaldor an old brass key. "Take this. It is the key to the Tower of Fate."

Everyone moves to where Megan's bio ship is located and Wally try's again to impress Miss Martain, "What are the chances we both so admire the mystic arts?"

"So, Wally, When did you first realize your honest affinity for sorcery?" I drag out my words to the annoying and fake red head.

"Well, I--I don't like to brag, but, uh, Before I became Kid Flash, I seriously considered becoming a wizard myself." Wow these guys really don't know how to lie.

"We've reached Tornado's coordinates, but--"

Salem; August 19th; 20:22 EDT

"Nothing's there."

"Wait look I think someone is down there."

"Take us down."

The group got down but move the ship some distance away from the unknown person but as soon I got close enough I knew exactly who that was.

"Scarlett! I thought you said we'll meet at a tower." Wanda got the hint and used her super name.

The two sisters hug and the rest of the group slowly move beside them.

"Hey girl, well technically you guys are in the right location. I just forgot you need to be invited or have a key."

"Soooooo who are you?" Wally rudely asked.

Wanda glanced at the boy and rolled her eyes, "Scarlett Witch and you are?"

"Kid Flash"

She smirked, "And here I thought Kid Flash wears a yellow onesie."


Kaldor got between them before a fight broke out, he many not know where Artemis knew her from but he does know their friends and that she is a powerful woman. "Your part of the X Men. Why are the X Men here?"

"The same reason as you, to check on Mr. Nelson and the helmet." Scarlett sighed.

"Well this sure isn't a regular camouflage." Wally spat at the girls.

"Well me guess, your thinking its Adaptive micro-opto-electronics combined with phase shifting?" I asked sarcastically.

"Absolutely." Wally didn't catch the tone but Scarlett did. Wally quickly changed his answer as soon as Megan was in hearing distances. "Not. Clearly mystic powers are at work here."

"Right..." The sisters said at the same time. Crickets chirp as the Team stares at the open field.

Scarlett looked around and saw Kaldor holding something with a thought on his face, "You have a key "

Kaldur looks to the key in his hand. "An idea or A test of faith." He walks between Superboy and I. "Stand behind me." Kaldor inserted the key. Stepping up so he is more than three steps ahead of the closest team member. Raising the key, it disappears and sounds as though it clicks into a lock. Turning his hand the tumblers thud to the unlocked position. As this happens a massive stone tower comes into sight. Not just any tower but The Tower of Fate.

Much to Wally's surprise. Though Superboy and Miss M seem rather calm about it. Wanda and I were excited to see the tower.

Kaldur keeps a hand on the key, pushing the ornate wooden door inwards. The Team following him in without a command. The door slams shut, but the key remains in the door.

"Uh, where'd the door go?" Superboy asks, confused and the entire team looks around the blank four walls. Until a gold-tinted projection of Kent Nelson appears.

"Greetings. You have entered with a key, But the tower does not recognize you. Please state your purpose and intent." A hologram of Kent Nelson appeared in front of them.

Scarlett saw the look in Wally's eye and beat him to it.

"Professor X sent us. To see if Mr. Nelson and the helmet were safe."

The hologram smile and was about to let them through but Wally just had to open his mouth. "We are true believers, Here to find Doctor Fate."

The hologram had a disappointed and sad look on his face and disappeared and with him... the floor they were standing on. Wally's face falls until he hears the sound of the floor creaking loudly. Looking down just in time to see the whole segment give out from underneath the Team. Dropping all of them towards the magma at the bottom.

Well everyone but Wanda and I.

"Did that just happen?"

--With the group below--

The team fell and below them was lava, Megan caught Wally and Kaldor was able to stick to the wall but he knew he wasn't going to last long.

Conner on the other hand wasn't so lucky, he claws at the rock. His grip slowing him down, but not stopping him even as he digs the balls of his feet into the rock. Finally, he slows, but not before his feet and ankles fall into the lava. He screams in pain but pulls his unharmed feet out of the lava. "Those were my favorite boots," he said annoyed, breathing heavily. "This Kent guy better be worth it."

"The tower does not appreciate trespassers." The Holo Nelson said.

"Having trouble Maintaining altitude. I'm so hot." Megan said breathlessly.

"You certainly are."

"Wally!" Everyone shouted at him.

"Hey, inches above sizzling death, I'm entitled to speak my mind."

"My physiology and M'gann's. Are susceptible to extreme heat. We must climb out quickly."

"Hello, Megan. We never truly answered the question. Red Tornado sent us To see if Mr. Nelson and the helmet were safe!"

Once Megan said those words a platform covered the lava and with that Artmeis and Scarlett were with them too.


Kaldor observed the platform, "This platform, it should be red-hot, But it is cool to the touch."

Megan was still shaking from the intense heat and Wally try to help her, "Don't worry, Megalicious. I got you."

Artemis and Scarlett were both disappointed and angry at the boy.

"Enough! Your little 'impress Megan at all costs' game. Nearly got all of you barbecued!"

"When did this become my fault?"

"When you lied to the hologram security hologram. And called yourself a true believer." Scarlett's eyes turned red as it shows she's vex.

"Wally, you don't believe?" Megan said softly.

"Fine! Fine! I lied about believing in magic. But magic is the real lie, a major load." Wally shouted.

"My powers are base on magic, and so is..." Scarlett was really going to let him have it but Artemis stop her before it got to far.

"But your an X-Men, meaning it's genetic and can be proven scientifically."

"Wally, I studied for a year at the conservatory of sorcery in Atlantis. The mystic arts created the skin icons that power my water bearers."

"Dude, you ever hear of bioelectricity? Hey, in primitive cultures, Fire was once considered magical, too. Today it's all just a bunch of tricks."

"You're pretty close-minded. For a guy who can break the sound barrier in his sneakers." Artemis vexed.

"That's science. I recreated Flash's laboratory experiment, and here I am. Everything can be explained by science."

"Let's test that theory." Scarlett waved her hand and and the platform open.

"Wait! The back-draft from the lava will roast us alive!"

"It's snow." Megan said in wonder.

"Do you ever get tired of being wrong?" Artemis smirked and she jumped into the opening with everyone.

"Well?" The sisters said at the same time.

"Ever hear of string theory? We're in a pocket dimension."


"Why you little...!!!"

"What's that?" Megan pointed to the other side of the snowy region.

"Ooh. Maybe it's Nelson's magic wand."

"Grow up."

Artemis, Scarlett and Wally reached to the cane, the girls held at the bottom of the handle and Wally touch the top of the cane. "I got it." they synchronize. Then it begins to glow gold. "Huh?" they all question in shock. "I can't let go!" before being pulled upwards by the cane and disappearing in a flash of gold with the three teenagers.

--In a different part of the tower--

The three teens ended up in a room full of stairs, of one of the stair cases was an older man, who's Kent Nelson, an odd kid with a cat, and a middle aged man with a wand and Wally knows who it is.

"Abra Kadabra."

"Well, would you look at that." Well he still has some sass in him.

"Uhh!" Both the bad guys fell from Mr. Nelson's surprise attack.

Mr. Nelson flew to the small group a golden light untie his hands and released the teens from the cane. Also made an elevator appear on the wall behind them


"No! No! No! I want that helmet! I want it! I want it! I want it!" The odd kid yelled. Wow what a spoil drama queen.

The doors close and it was silent beside the elevator music which the girls didn't like. Luckily Mr. Nelson noticed. "I'm Kent Nelson, by the way."

"No duh." We both elbow him on the stomach. "Ow!"

"I'm Artemis. Miss manners here is Wally." I introduced us and Wanda said this, "I'm Wanda, but I'm also-"

"Scarlett Witch. I know who you two are." Both Wanda and I were a little surprised at that but knowing Uncle, we're use to it by now. "I spoken to your professor before, he speaks highly about you two. Well, Artemis, Wanda, we're up against an opponent. With tremendous mystic power."

"Abra Kadabra? Flash proved he uses futuristic technology to simulate magic. Guy's all show and no biz." Wally scoffed off. Wanda look like she was going to strangle him.

"Right you are."

"He is?" I was surprised but luckily Wanda calm down a little. You can tell by the eyes.

"Abra is a charlatan. But Klarion, the witch boy, the Kid with the cat. He, like you Wanda, is an actual lord of chaos. The ultimate enemy of a lord of order like Doctor Fate."

"My powers do come from chaos but I choose I fight for order and justice. Not to make this place a living hell." I placed a supporting hand on her. "Been there, done that."

"Right. You're a lord of order. And your the queen of choas."

"Oh no, hun. I have the power but I don't follow their rules. Too much work."

"Oh, no, not me. I'm just an old coot Fate used to put on. Until my wife Inza convinced me there could be more to life." he opens his watch and looks down at her picture, "Ah, she was a real pistol, that Inza." then snapping it shut and getting back on track. "Anyhoo, Klarion's after the helmet. If he gets his sticky little mitts on it. He'll turn the planet into his own personal playground of pandemonium."

"Told ya"

The elevator open and out of no where the rest of the team came from the, ceiling? Yeah the ceiling.

"Unh!" Oh, that gotta hurt. Look likes the boys got another bruise.

"Ohh!" And Megan flew in right behind them. I went to go help them and Wanda stayed with Mr. Nelson.

"Friends of yours?" Mr. Nelson jokingly asked before a beam try to hit them.

"Friends of yours?" Wally sarcastically asked.

"This way!" Kent, Wanda and Wally crouch near the bell, until Kent stands, raising his cane, and hitting the bell. As the bell tolls, it gains both Klarion and Kadabra's attention. Keeping Teekl in his arms Klarion takes off into the air, as Kent, Wanda and Wally walk into the bell. Klarion following them in without any hesitation.

While they dealt with the witch boy, we had to handle the Abra but that lighting stick made it a little hard.

He was able to trap Kaldor and Conner but Megan and I had a little trouble.

"Wally, we're in trouble. Tell Kent we need Doctor Fate." Megan yelled into the link we have. By the way, ow.

'Wanda! Whatever your doing please pick it up soon!' Yeah we have our own mental link too. Deal with it.

‐--With Wanda POV--

We walk through the bell and appear on the roof of the tower and there it was, the helmet. Floating just above our heads. As Kent reaches for the helmet, he's hit by a bolt of Klarion's magic.

"Mr. Nelson." Wally gasps, grabbing Kent to stop him, due to the force of Klarion's shot. Wanda quickly hit him back. Kent stands, despite the fact that he has to groan through the pain, before raising his cane as begins to cast a spell.

At the end of the spell, he slams his cane down on the ground, creating a golden shield around the helmet, Wally, and himself. Just in time to block another one of Klarion's shots as well.

"No!" witch boy shouts in anguish.

"I'll try to hold him off!" I fire back.

"Have faith."

No I felt Mr. Nelson pass, now I'm angry.

Witch boy and I fought for a while, behind me I can hear the kid doing chest compressions. It won't work.

"Come on. Come on." he begs Kent.

Klarion begins firing shots with each hand, throwing them almost like baseballs, which is enough to take Wally's attention away from Kent. "I want that helmet and I want it now!" he growls.

"Well you are not going to get it!"

"Your not up to my par! What makes you think you can stop me?!"

I remember what Professor told me before I left, if I'm in a place where I can't move then I have to make my own path and keep moving. My body glows red and between my hands magic flows through. "This!"

Through the bubble, Wally can hear them and Kent's last words looking up to the helmet, then down to Kent. "Wally, we're in trouble." M'gann's voice cuts through telepathically.

I can hear Nina but I already did what I could do, I manage to lessen his power but the downfall... I need a nap.

Gritting his teeth Klarion pauses, because his magic feels different he looks at the red girl and hits her with a ball of magic then forms a magic circle around his feet. Gathering power between his hands until they expand to create two red hands that instantly shoot out and manage to get a grip on the shield surrounding the helmet, Wally, and Kent.

I went unconscious but saw Wally put on the helmet just in time.

I woke up from my five minute little nap, all I see is Dr. Fate but no Wally. That idiot, he put on the damn helmet.

"I am bound to the helmet and use a human host." Fate continues, dodging all of Klarion's attacks. Seeing a pause he unleashes his own, which Klarion barely blocks with stone from the tower. "But that is not your way."

Klarion drops the shield, his face contorted to look even more animalistic, and his eyes glowing red. "You're babbling, Nabu." his hands gathering red flames again.

"Am I?" Fate questions, drawing his hands to his chest. Where a yellow beam shoots out.

Klarion raises a shield quickly, looking away because he knows it's not strong enough. However, the beam misses him entirely. Teekl's hackles rise as she hisses, and yelps at the impact that sends her flying.

"Teekl!" Klarion shouts, rising to his feet and turning to Fate. "I can't believe you assault a defenseless pussycat."

"Oh please, we all know that creature is no cat, Witch Boy," My glowing red eyes narrow in accusation.

"And without your familiar," the yellow flames that surrounded Teekl fade out as she warily stands to her feet. The yellow flame now gathered in Fate's hands. "you have no anchor in this reality." proving it, Klarion fades from sight in staggering increments.

"Bully! Killjoy! Geezer!" Fate raises his hands, shooting another beam, this time at Klarion. "Holy carp!"the Witch Boy yelps before jumping into a red/black portal. Another forming above Teekl, where he drops out and picks her up in his arms. "We're out of here!" both of them fully dissolving into black and red outlined wisps that take off toward the sky.

Leaving Fate and I standing taller on top of the tower.

Inside the tower

All the other members of the Team are crying out in pain from Kadabra's cages. As he raises his wand once more, Fate's symbol shows up behind him as he is stripped to his underwear and of his wand. "Wha?" he questions, gasping as Superboy stands up.

"Shows over." the Kryptonian snarls, punching Abra Kadabra in the face. Knocking him down and out.

"Finally! Took that girl long enough." Artemis said as she stretched out her limbs.

Outside, the roof.

"Hello Nabu."

"Wanda Maximoff, the girl with the Lord of Chaos powers."

"Yeah, but why aren't you taking off the helmet?"

"Because the Earth needs Doctor Fate." Nabu speaks up, "I will not release this body."

"I know, but he's not the right candidate, he's a kid and annoying. Do you want a kid's soul that belongs to the world of science and not sorcery? All you would get is a headache. "

"True." Nabu agrees, but his tone is dark. "But I do not appreciate being permanently hidden away, useless, and isolated for decades at a time." no one can say anything. "Chaos must not be allowed to reign." he snaps.

"I understand that, I can feel it but I choose to do good with my gifts. Nabu, I promise I'll fine you the right candidate, one with knowledge of sorcery, at their peak, and in excellent health that can take on the helmet's power. But I have to tell you now it's not going to be a teenager, someone with a family, but someone fully devoted to the mystic arts. And I'm sure the boy'll take the helmet and make sure you're put to good use."

"You and Kent have the same points. The bargain is acceptable." Nabu says darkly.

"Great, I'll sweeten it up a bit and come by to talk to you and I'm sure my siblings will like to know you as well. After all no one should be alone."

"You and the rest of your family. I swear." As the helmet finally comes off.

I walk to Kent's body and close his eyes, Wally sets the helmet down and places the watch back in his hand. Closing his fingers around it. Then looking down at the man.

Wanda can feel he blames himself for not saving him, but she knows now he has a respect for people's beliefs and the unknown.

Gotham; August 20th, 3:10 EDT

Nina left the cave early in the morning, she took a walk to in the woods by her cabin. And there she was, her sister, Wanda.

"Hey sorry I'm late." Nina apologized.

"It's no problem so tell me what happened."

The girls sat on wooden rocking chairs that were out on the porch.

"The Team is grateful for your help but they have to report it to the League. Wally is still iffy about magic and still trying to get in Megan's pants."

"He's definitely a character, but all in all a geek. What did he do with the helmet?"

"Souvenir he said"

"Oh Nabu is not going to like that."

"Nope" the girls laughed.

"Have you told your teammates who you are?"

"No. For the moment it's a secret. Well besides a few who do know."

"Right...Speaking of people who know, how's that cutie you went out with?"

"I'm not going to even ask how you know that. But we're friends for the time being." Nina blushed.

"Right ok." Wanda laughed at the blush, "Hey it's late. We should turn in."

"Yeah so wanna come in?"

"Love to!"

Hi everyone sorry for the later update and sorry it's not well written but my next two should be a little better...hopefully...

Thank you again!!!