Kim Films Ron

A/N: Based on the Malcolm in the Middle episode, 'Malcolm Films Reese'. I thought the sub plot would be a good sub text to explore how our corrupt president is trying to ruin this country. Don't worry, I won't use real names, but enjoy. R&R.

World renowned teen hero, Kim Possible, was walking downstairs, ready to start another school day of her senior year when the all too familiar sound of yelling penetrated her ears. "I can't believe you two! Look at what you did!" Kim's mother, Dr. Anne Sarah Possible, yelled. Kim sighed as she thought her mother was yelling at her brothers, Jim and Tim aka the Tweebs. She then walked into the laundry room to find Anne still angry.

"OK mom, what did the Tweebs do?" Kim asked, thinking they messed up the washer and dryer, again.

"Oh, nothing honey. It wasn't your brothers. I was yelling at the washer and dryer. My white lab coat got pink coloring on it." Anne said, showing Kim her white doctor's coat that has pink all over it. "And I just got this new!" Anne groaned with frustration as Kim's father, Dr. James Timothy Possible, walked into the .

"Oh honey, I hate to see you upset like this. Go buy a new washer and dryer." James said, making his wife smile.

"Good idea James." Anne said, kissing her husband on the cheek as Kim grabbed the keys to her Sloth.

"Well, I better get to school. Love you guys!" Kim said, before being grabbed back in by Anne.

"Hold on Kimmie. Don't you wanna ask if your brothers need a ride to school?" Anne asked, earning a groan from Kim.

"It's OK mom." Jim said as he and Tim walked downstairs, holding what appeared to be a painting.

"We don't mind walking." Tim said as he and Jim walked out the door, bringing a smile to Kim's face.

"Well, you heard them. Love you guys!" Kim said as she walked out the door, headed into the garage where her boyfriend/partner, Ron Stoppable was waiting. This caught Kim by surprise. "Ron? When did you get here?"

"What? Does a certain boyfriend need a certain time to ride with his special lady to school?" Ron asked with a sly smile, making Kim giggle.

"No. But a head's up wouldn't bite." Kim said with a smile as she and Ron got into the Sloth. Kim then started the engines and drove towards school.

Meanwhile, Jim and Tim were going in the opposite direction. Both of them checked to make sure that neither their parents nor Kim was following them. "OK. We're clear." Tim said with a smile. They then threw the painting in the trash and pulled out what appeared to be a top hat and coat.

"This is gonna be so cool! We're gonna be rich with this magic act! We won't even need to go to school ever again!" Jim said with a smile as he pulled out a magic wand.

"Hicka Bicka Boo?" Tim asked.

"Hoo Sha!" Jim replied, high fiving his brother. The Tweebs then made their way down the street to a busy courtyard.

At Middleton High, Ron was opening his locker and fished through it trash filled contents to try and find his homework. "Where is it?" Ron grunted. Then, Rufus, Ron's pet mole rat, waved an important homework paper in his master's face. "Oh thanks little buddy. Good to have you on my side." Ron said, making Rufus smile as Kim walked by. "Coming with KP?"

"I'll catch up later. I have to go talk to Mr. Barkin. He hasn't given me my Psychology project yet." Kim said, holding two books in her hands.

"Psychology. Why do we even bother with that class?" Ron asked, rolling his eyes.

"Uh, you're the one who signed us up for it a few years ago, remember?" Kim asked with a smirk.

"Oh right. I thought it was about predicting the future. Sorry." Ron said with a blush.

"It's cool." Kim said, giving her boyfriend a peck on the cheek and making her way to her school principal/teacher's office. She then knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Steve Barkin bellowed out. Kim then entered the office. "Ah, what can I do for you Possible?"

"Well, you haven't given me my project yet. In psychology. I was hoping you didn't forget it." Kim said. Sometimes it was difficult to deal with someone who was tough like Mr. Barkin.

"Oh I didn't. In fact, I was waiting for the right moment to show you, and now is that moment!" Barkin said, wearing a really big grin as he pulled out what appeared to be a hat with the Middleton Mad Dogs logo on it.

"What is it?" Kim asked, confused.

"This is a camera. The lens is in the logo, and the recordings are wirelessly being transferred to the recorder." Barkin explains.

"And what exactly do you want me to do with it?" Kim asked, to which Barkin chuckled, confusing Kim even more.

"Possible, you will be doing research on one of Middleton's most unique minds ever. The mind of one of our best athletes with a C plus average, who also happens to be a class clown and notorious trouble maker who won't, at least in my opinion, amount to anything." Barkin explains. Kim's eyes went wide as she knew who Barkin was talking about.

"You're talking about Ron, aren't you?" Kim asked with a angry frown.

"Stoppable? Yes." Barkin said with a smile and laugh. Kim was angry about her principal using her relationship with Ron to film his every move.

"So, you want me to film my boyfriend? Isn't that kind of sick?" Kim asked, unsure about this experiment.

"Possible, I've been trying to get Stoppable to spill his guts for years to see why he infuriates me so much. And so far, nothing. But, you two never keep secrets from each other. When he's around you, he'll let his guard down for sure." Barkin said, sounding a little bit more professional. But it still didn't help Kim.

"No offense Mr. Barkin, but what you are trying to make me do is totally sick and wrong on so many levels." Kim said.

"You have one week." Barkin simply said, unfettered by Kim's comment.

After school, at the Middleton Mall, Kim was working her shift at Club Banana, and confiding in her BFF, Monique Coleman, about what Barkin asked her to do. "He wants you to get Ron to spill everything?" Monique asked in shock.

"And I only have one week to do it." Kim said, putting on her hat.

"Kim, please don't do this girl. You and Ron are seriously more tighter than ever. If he finds out about this, it could mean Break Upville." Monique said, picturing the worse.

"I have no choice Monique. I have to pass this class. Hopefully, what I get will not be that much, and I can pull a C+." Kim said. "Mind if I clock out early?"

"Go ahead girl." Monique said as Kim made her way out of Club Banana.

Back at the Possible Household, Anne was talking with her neighbor and Ron's father, Gene Stoppable, about the new washer and dryer that she's planning to buy from him and Mrs. Stoppable. "Gene, I really appreciate you helping me out." Anne said with a smile.

"Not a problem Anne. We're just happy to give our new smart washer and dryer that we just won to anyone." Gene said with a smile as he got his shoes and walked out of the house. "It'll be here this Thursday. And remember, $800."

"Thanks again!" Anne said as Jim and Tim walked in the house. "Oh hi boys. How was school?"

Jim and Tim both froze, knowing that they haven't been to school all day. Luckily, they came up with a lie to make sure their mother doesn't know. "Good. We had a math test today." Jim said with an uneasy smile.

"And in health class we did CPR." Tim said with the same uneasy smile as his twin brother. Anne caught their nervous smiles and became suspicious, but that was interrupted when the phone rang.

"Hi honey." Anne said as she answered, knowing it was James. Jim and Tim used the distraction to grab a letter from Middleton High that read URGENT. They then went upstairs to their room to make sure mom didn't know anything.

Anne gasped with surprise as she heard her husband talk. "You're kidding!" Anne said happily. "Really?"

At the Middleton Space Center where James works, James had heard about government people, probably from NASA, visiting the place. All the employees hoped that it meant the space agency was finally gonna use one of their rockets. "Yes, there are a lot of people going in and out of these places. I think we're gonna really be recognizable now." James said with a smile before he spotted the Board Chairman, Dr. Wong walking out of her office. "Oh there's Doctor Wong. I got to go." James then hung up the phone and when he walked over to his boss, what he saw shocked him dearly.

The Board Chairman was in handcuffs and being escorted by government agents. "Doctor Wong? What happened?" James asked in concern.

"James, it's horrible. The President's new bill about reducing our spending is causing NASA to investigate our department. When I told the President's advisers no, they put in a claim that I was using our research money for my own personal gain, which our course is a lie!" Dr. Wong said, before breaking down crying. As the government agents continued to escort Doctor Wong away, James just stood there in shock, hoping his own job wasn't in jeopardy.