Title: Unbeatable
Author: Lala
Rating: PG
Summary: This fic is a sequel to my previous fic, Human Dreamcatcher. It's set post-Rosetta, with some slight changes. What if Dr. Swan wasn't the only one Clark contacted? Now there's someone new in Smallville… and he's after Clark.
Pairing: Clark/Lana
Spoilers: Rosetta and everything leading up to it most likely
Author's notes: As the summary said, this fic is set after Rosetta. You're probably very confused, since the prequel was set post-Fever, so I shall explain.
When Clark destroyed his spaceship, the voices in side were actually a computerized message of sorts. The computer sent out a signal when the ship was destroyed, alerting Dr. Swan about Clark, who contacted him. Clark started having the strange flying dreams, which is what I was trying to show in the epilogue. He learned the Krypton language via the cave wall, but no insane fire this time.
Dr. Swan emailed Clark, who went to New York, received the messages from his father, got freaked out and went home. Lana knows the basics of what was going on, but she doesn't know about what happened in New York. Make a little more sense?
Well, if I haven't confused you all by now, please enjoy part 1!
Lana Lang walked down the hallway of Smallville high, smiling contentedly to herself. She spotted her boyfriend, Clark Kent leaning against his locker, his face pressed against it. Just by the way he stood, or rather slumped, Lana could tell something was wrong.
Instantly, Lana became concerned. There wasn't something else wrong with Clark, was there?
She hurried towards him, but ran into his best friend, Pete Ross on the way.
"Hey, Lana," Pete greeted, switching his books from arm to arm as he did so.
"Hey… do you know what's up with Clark?"
He glanced in his friend's direction, and his grin fell. "Let's just say that Clark's really going to need a girlfriend right about now," Pete said quietly.
Lana nodded, and began walking towards Clark once again.
Clark sighed heavily to himself and opened his locker wearily, barely noticing which books he took out and not really caring.
He just couldn't stop thinking about last night's events. He couldn't be meant to rule the world… could he? He didn't want to, he would give anything to be a normal, carefree person.
He wanted to be a good person.
He was a good person…
Wasn't he?
Abruptly, he felt arms slide around him. He didn't even have to turn around to know who it was, and he felt some of the tension leave his tense body.
He fell into her embrace, trying to take comfort from that simple gesture.
Slowly, he turned to face Lana, still in her arms. He returned the hug, pulling her close against him.
"Hi," she said softly, brushing her lips over his.
"Hi, Lana."
He tried to be cheerful, tried to force a smile.
He was sick of burdening Lana with his problems, even though she'd been the thing that had more or less saved his life barely a weeks before.
"What's wrong?" She asked after a pause, sliding out of his arms. "And don't try to say nothing," she added quickly before he could even open his mouth. "I'm you're Girlfriend and I can tell when you're upset."
He sighed heavily, reaching for her hand. He needed contact with her for some reason, afraid that if he weren't touching her, she would slip away from him forever.
He should enjoy holding her hand while it lasted after all, because after he told her this she would probably stay away from him forever.
"Remember how I told you about looking into my origins?" He asked finally, voice low. She nodded, and he continued quietly.
"Yesterday, I went to New York. I met this guy - Dr. Swan. He… he helped me receive these messages from my dad… my biological dad. He told me that I was from the planet Krypton, which has now been destroyed."
He stopped his explanation abruptly, fear gripping his heart. He couldn't say the next part… it hurt to actually say the terrible words aloud.
He felt Lana gently squeeze his hand, which calmed him slightly.
"He also said that I was sent here to rule the earth… to conquer the human race. He said… he said it was my destiny…"
He looked away from her, and slowly released her hand. He waited for her to recoil, to leap back from him, but she didn't.
"Is that all?"
He nodded, unable to speak.
The bell rang, forcing them to end their conversation.
"Let's talk after school," Lana suggested. She reached out, touching his cheek gently. "Love you," she whispered, and then she was gone.
Clark turned to go to his own class, fears slightly calmed.
She wasn't going to leave him, he was almost certain.
"So tell me," Lana said as they climbed the stairs to Clark's fortress of solitude, a carton of ice cream in Clark's hand, "what has you so upset?"
"I…I don't want to rule the world, Lana. I don't want to hurt anyone… and what if I start doing it all of the sudden? What if… what if I hurt you?"
"You would never do that," she said instantly. "Clark, I know you. I love you, and you love me. You don't hurt the people you love - at least, not intentionally."
"What if I can't stop myself?"
"You control what happens to you," Lana told him, plopping down on the couch. "Deep in your heart, you're a good person. You'd never purposefully hurt someone unless you had to."
"You really think so?"
"I know so."
"Do you think…" He started, but then stopped.
"Think what?" She asked, opening the ice cream.
"Think… think I'm a good person?"
"Of course," she told him, and kissed his lips.
This happened to be just after she'd taken a bite of ice cream, getting it all over Clark's lips in the process.
"Sorry," she giggled, and took another bite.
He licked his lips, grinning. They tasted a mix of ice cream and Lana's strawberry lipstick… which was more or less heaven to him.
"I don't mind," he told her, taking a bite for himself. "And Lana?"
"Thanks… for everything."
"You don't have to thank me," Lana said, linking her hand with his, "just having you here with me is thanks enough."
He kissed her, and she smiled as she licked the ice cream from Clark's lips. Their tongues brushed as he did the same to hers, and suddenly he'd gone past her lips and was running his tongue over her bottom teeth.
She nibbled on his bottom lip as their tongues twisted together, battling for dominance, their kisses all the while growing more intense.
"Clark? Are you up here? The oven's broken and I was wondering if you could help me cook this lasagna-"
Martha Kent's eyes widened, as she walked into the loft to find Clark and Lana making out.
"Lana!" She cried in surprise, and the teens leaped apart.
"Um… Mrs. Kent! Hi…"
"Didn't you hear me Clark?" Martha inquired nervously, hoping fervently he hadn't.
"No, I'm sorry," Clark said, closing the barely touched ice cream container. "Did you need help with something?"
Martha and Jonathon knew that Clark and Lana was a couple, but they were still unaware that Lana knew Clark's secret.
"I have to go anyway," Lana said, getting up. "See you later, Clark." She kissed him on the cheek, and left, calling a goodbye to Mrs. Kent as she did so.
"You don't think she heard, do you?" Martha asked worriedly.
"No, don't think so," Clark replied, shrugging.
The figure lurked in the shadows outside the Talon, silently cursing itself.
How could he have been so foolish?
He'd lost Clark earlier that morning, and he'd looked everywhere possible, but so far had been unsuccessful in finding him again.
He hoped that he was with his Girlfriend, who he knew would be coming out to close soon.
Even as he thought the words, the front door opened and the brunette came out.
He smiled devilishly, and walked silently towards her.
"Take me to him," he whispered, and Lana stopped abruptly. "Let me hurt… let me tear… let me kill."
"What?" She scanned the darkened night, but saw no one. A shiver ran down her spine, and she quickened her pace.
"Show me, girl," he hissed, and Lana began to almost run.
Clark had fallen asleep up in the loft, his math book lying beside him on the couch.
His expression was peaceful, a rare occurrence for him lately.
For once no nightmares plagued him.
That was about to change.
"Ah, here you are."
The figure, having grown tired of taunting Lana, decided to run and check the Kent farm.
He'd found Clark here in the loft, and he smiled gleefully.
He reached out and touched Clark. From the moment he'd entered the loft, Clark had began to stir, tossing and turning fretfully. His math book fell to the floor, and the figure grinned almost insanely.
His skin was pale, and as the strange figure touched him, he jerked away crying out a mixture of words in a voice filled with terror.
The figure laughed and continued touching various parts of Clark's body.
Each place he touched turned a mixture of black and blue, and by the time he was finished, Clark was whimpering softly, having curled up into the tightest ball possible and huddling in one corner of the couch in an effort to get away from him.
"Clark?" Footsteps and a nervous call echoed up the latter, and with one last squeeze to the boy's arm, the figure was gone in yet another flash of bright green.
Lana nearly bolted up to Clark's loft, trying to calm down.'
She didn't know quite why she was so scared, but that voice she thought she'd heard had seemed so sinister… so evil… She shivered. Something had told her to get to Clark as fast as she could, but she wasn't entirely sure if that was for her protection or the other way around. If she was afraid of a voice she wasn't even quite sure she'd heard, how on earth could she protect Clark?
"Clark, are you-" She stopped when she saw him curled up on the couch, sleeping peacefully. Just the sight of him so relaxed seemed to calm her, and her fears slowly began to melt away as she look at him, a tender smile coming to rest on her lips.
She sat down beside him, touching his cheek, love flowing through her entire being
He suddenly jumped, eyes shooting open as he cried out in both fear and surprise.
"Ow," he muttered, putting his hand up to his cheek.
He touched Lana's, and he jumped again, turning to look at her.
"Lana?" He asked sleepily. "What… what are you doing here?"
"I-I," she started, her voice small. "I was walking home from the Talon when I thought someone was following me. He said something - I couldn't understand what - but he sounded… Clark, he sounded evil."
"What happened to him? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," she reassured him. "I started running and he didn't follow. I guess I lost him or something - Clark, what happened to your face?"
"What about it?" Lana's hand had left his cheek and was now gripping his tightly.
"I-It looks like you're getting a bruise," she said, touching the spot. Clark winced, gasping through his teeth. "I'm sorry," Lana said quickly, jerking her hand away once again.
"It's okay," Clark told her, rubbing his cheek gingerly.
"I didn't know you could get bruises," Lana said worriedly. Her hand fell to his arm, and she gasped. "It looks like you're getting another one - here, just above your wrist."
"I-I'm not suppose to get bruises," Clark said, voice filling with confusion and a fear that only Lana could detect.
"I'm sure it's nothing," she tried to reassure him, stroking his hair.
He sat up and put his arms around her. As Lana's body pressed up against his, unexpected pain shot up and down his body. However, it was nothing compared to the feeling of Lana's arms around him, holding him tightly, so he forced himself to ignore it.
He kissed her tenderly, trying to comfort them both.
"Want me to walk you home?" He asked after sometime of just holding her.
"All right," she responded, rising to her feet and breaking their embrace.
Their hands found the others, clinging tightly together. They walked to the Sullivan's in relative silence.
They stood on the porch, and Lana pulled Clark close for one last kiss.
"Be careful on your way home," she whispered, not wanting to let him go. "I love you…"
"I love you more," he told her, kissing her softly.
They broke apart too soon, and then she was gone, leaving behind her familiar sent of lavender.
Clark walked home, trying to ignore the creepy feeling that he was being watched.
Author's notes:
I meant to get this up yesterday, but I had two tests to study for, so better late than never, right?
I had ideas for the next part, but nothing really after that. Anyways, I know this figure must be getting old, I'm sorry… all will be explained eventually, as soon as I figure it out for myself J
For now, please review! I have a one shot missing scene from Fever that I'm considering writing, but who knows? Anyway, feedback and suggestions are always welcome!
Thanks, and love the Clana!
Author: Lala
Rating: PG
Summary: This fic is a sequel to my previous fic, Human Dreamcatcher. It's set post-Rosetta, with some slight changes. What if Dr. Swan wasn't the only one Clark contacted? Now there's someone new in Smallville… and he's after Clark.
Pairing: Clark/Lana
Spoilers: Rosetta and everything leading up to it most likely
Author's notes: As the summary said, this fic is set after Rosetta. You're probably very confused, since the prequel was set post-Fever, so I shall explain.
When Clark destroyed his spaceship, the voices in side were actually a computerized message of sorts. The computer sent out a signal when the ship was destroyed, alerting Dr. Swan about Clark, who contacted him. Clark started having the strange flying dreams, which is what I was trying to show in the epilogue. He learned the Krypton language via the cave wall, but no insane fire this time.
Dr. Swan emailed Clark, who went to New York, received the messages from his father, got freaked out and went home. Lana knows the basics of what was going on, but she doesn't know about what happened in New York. Make a little more sense?
Well, if I haven't confused you all by now, please enjoy part 1!
Lana Lang walked down the hallway of Smallville high, smiling contentedly to herself. She spotted her boyfriend, Clark Kent leaning against his locker, his face pressed against it. Just by the way he stood, or rather slumped, Lana could tell something was wrong.
Instantly, Lana became concerned. There wasn't something else wrong with Clark, was there?
She hurried towards him, but ran into his best friend, Pete Ross on the way.
"Hey, Lana," Pete greeted, switching his books from arm to arm as he did so.
"Hey… do you know what's up with Clark?"
He glanced in his friend's direction, and his grin fell. "Let's just say that Clark's really going to need a girlfriend right about now," Pete said quietly.
Lana nodded, and began walking towards Clark once again.
Clark sighed heavily to himself and opened his locker wearily, barely noticing which books he took out and not really caring.
He just couldn't stop thinking about last night's events. He couldn't be meant to rule the world… could he? He didn't want to, he would give anything to be a normal, carefree person.
He wanted to be a good person.
He was a good person…
Wasn't he?
Abruptly, he felt arms slide around him. He didn't even have to turn around to know who it was, and he felt some of the tension leave his tense body.
He fell into her embrace, trying to take comfort from that simple gesture.
Slowly, he turned to face Lana, still in her arms. He returned the hug, pulling her close against him.
"Hi," she said softly, brushing her lips over his.
"Hi, Lana."
He tried to be cheerful, tried to force a smile.
He was sick of burdening Lana with his problems, even though she'd been the thing that had more or less saved his life barely a weeks before.
"What's wrong?" She asked after a pause, sliding out of his arms. "And don't try to say nothing," she added quickly before he could even open his mouth. "I'm you're Girlfriend and I can tell when you're upset."
He sighed heavily, reaching for her hand. He needed contact with her for some reason, afraid that if he weren't touching her, she would slip away from him forever.
He should enjoy holding her hand while it lasted after all, because after he told her this she would probably stay away from him forever.
"Remember how I told you about looking into my origins?" He asked finally, voice low. She nodded, and he continued quietly.
"Yesterday, I went to New York. I met this guy - Dr. Swan. He… he helped me receive these messages from my dad… my biological dad. He told me that I was from the planet Krypton, which has now been destroyed."
He stopped his explanation abruptly, fear gripping his heart. He couldn't say the next part… it hurt to actually say the terrible words aloud.
He felt Lana gently squeeze his hand, which calmed him slightly.
"He also said that I was sent here to rule the earth… to conquer the human race. He said… he said it was my destiny…"
He looked away from her, and slowly released her hand. He waited for her to recoil, to leap back from him, but she didn't.
"Is that all?"
He nodded, unable to speak.
The bell rang, forcing them to end their conversation.
"Let's talk after school," Lana suggested. She reached out, touching his cheek gently. "Love you," she whispered, and then she was gone.
Clark turned to go to his own class, fears slightly calmed.
She wasn't going to leave him, he was almost certain.
"So tell me," Lana said as they climbed the stairs to Clark's fortress of solitude, a carton of ice cream in Clark's hand, "what has you so upset?"
"I…I don't want to rule the world, Lana. I don't want to hurt anyone… and what if I start doing it all of the sudden? What if… what if I hurt you?"
"You would never do that," she said instantly. "Clark, I know you. I love you, and you love me. You don't hurt the people you love - at least, not intentionally."
"What if I can't stop myself?"
"You control what happens to you," Lana told him, plopping down on the couch. "Deep in your heart, you're a good person. You'd never purposefully hurt someone unless you had to."
"You really think so?"
"I know so."
"Do you think…" He started, but then stopped.
"Think what?" She asked, opening the ice cream.
"Think… think I'm a good person?"
"Of course," she told him, and kissed his lips.
This happened to be just after she'd taken a bite of ice cream, getting it all over Clark's lips in the process.
"Sorry," she giggled, and took another bite.
He licked his lips, grinning. They tasted a mix of ice cream and Lana's strawberry lipstick… which was more or less heaven to him.
"I don't mind," he told her, taking a bite for himself. "And Lana?"
"Thanks… for everything."
"You don't have to thank me," Lana said, linking her hand with his, "just having you here with me is thanks enough."
He kissed her, and she smiled as she licked the ice cream from Clark's lips. Their tongues brushed as he did the same to hers, and suddenly he'd gone past her lips and was running his tongue over her bottom teeth.
She nibbled on his bottom lip as their tongues twisted together, battling for dominance, their kisses all the while growing more intense.
"Clark? Are you up here? The oven's broken and I was wondering if you could help me cook this lasagna-"
Martha Kent's eyes widened, as she walked into the loft to find Clark and Lana making out.
"Lana!" She cried in surprise, and the teens leaped apart.
"Um… Mrs. Kent! Hi…"
"Didn't you hear me Clark?" Martha inquired nervously, hoping fervently he hadn't.
"No, I'm sorry," Clark said, closing the barely touched ice cream container. "Did you need help with something?"
Martha and Jonathon knew that Clark and Lana was a couple, but they were still unaware that Lana knew Clark's secret.
"I have to go anyway," Lana said, getting up. "See you later, Clark." She kissed him on the cheek, and left, calling a goodbye to Mrs. Kent as she did so.
"You don't think she heard, do you?" Martha asked worriedly.
"No, don't think so," Clark replied, shrugging.
The figure lurked in the shadows outside the Talon, silently cursing itself.
How could he have been so foolish?
He'd lost Clark earlier that morning, and he'd looked everywhere possible, but so far had been unsuccessful in finding him again.
He hoped that he was with his Girlfriend, who he knew would be coming out to close soon.
Even as he thought the words, the front door opened and the brunette came out.
He smiled devilishly, and walked silently towards her.
"Take me to him," he whispered, and Lana stopped abruptly. "Let me hurt… let me tear… let me kill."
"What?" She scanned the darkened night, but saw no one. A shiver ran down her spine, and she quickened her pace.
"Show me, girl," he hissed, and Lana began to almost run.
Clark had fallen asleep up in the loft, his math book lying beside him on the couch.
His expression was peaceful, a rare occurrence for him lately.
For once no nightmares plagued him.
That was about to change.
"Ah, here you are."
The figure, having grown tired of taunting Lana, decided to run and check the Kent farm.
He'd found Clark here in the loft, and he smiled gleefully.
He reached out and touched Clark. From the moment he'd entered the loft, Clark had began to stir, tossing and turning fretfully. His math book fell to the floor, and the figure grinned almost insanely.
His skin was pale, and as the strange figure touched him, he jerked away crying out a mixture of words in a voice filled with terror.
The figure laughed and continued touching various parts of Clark's body.
Each place he touched turned a mixture of black and blue, and by the time he was finished, Clark was whimpering softly, having curled up into the tightest ball possible and huddling in one corner of the couch in an effort to get away from him.
"Clark?" Footsteps and a nervous call echoed up the latter, and with one last squeeze to the boy's arm, the figure was gone in yet another flash of bright green.
Lana nearly bolted up to Clark's loft, trying to calm down.'
She didn't know quite why she was so scared, but that voice she thought she'd heard had seemed so sinister… so evil… She shivered. Something had told her to get to Clark as fast as she could, but she wasn't entirely sure if that was for her protection or the other way around. If she was afraid of a voice she wasn't even quite sure she'd heard, how on earth could she protect Clark?
"Clark, are you-" She stopped when she saw him curled up on the couch, sleeping peacefully. Just the sight of him so relaxed seemed to calm her, and her fears slowly began to melt away as she look at him, a tender smile coming to rest on her lips.
She sat down beside him, touching his cheek, love flowing through her entire being
He suddenly jumped, eyes shooting open as he cried out in both fear and surprise.
"Ow," he muttered, putting his hand up to his cheek.
He touched Lana's, and he jumped again, turning to look at her.
"Lana?" He asked sleepily. "What… what are you doing here?"
"I-I," she started, her voice small. "I was walking home from the Talon when I thought someone was following me. He said something - I couldn't understand what - but he sounded… Clark, he sounded evil."
"What happened to him? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," she reassured him. "I started running and he didn't follow. I guess I lost him or something - Clark, what happened to your face?"
"What about it?" Lana's hand had left his cheek and was now gripping his tightly.
"I-It looks like you're getting a bruise," she said, touching the spot. Clark winced, gasping through his teeth. "I'm sorry," Lana said quickly, jerking her hand away once again.
"It's okay," Clark told her, rubbing his cheek gingerly.
"I didn't know you could get bruises," Lana said worriedly. Her hand fell to his arm, and she gasped. "It looks like you're getting another one - here, just above your wrist."
"I-I'm not suppose to get bruises," Clark said, voice filling with confusion and a fear that only Lana could detect.
"I'm sure it's nothing," she tried to reassure him, stroking his hair.
He sat up and put his arms around her. As Lana's body pressed up against his, unexpected pain shot up and down his body. However, it was nothing compared to the feeling of Lana's arms around him, holding him tightly, so he forced himself to ignore it.
He kissed her tenderly, trying to comfort them both.
"Want me to walk you home?" He asked after sometime of just holding her.
"All right," she responded, rising to her feet and breaking their embrace.
Their hands found the others, clinging tightly together. They walked to the Sullivan's in relative silence.
They stood on the porch, and Lana pulled Clark close for one last kiss.
"Be careful on your way home," she whispered, not wanting to let him go. "I love you…"
"I love you more," he told her, kissing her softly.
They broke apart too soon, and then she was gone, leaving behind her familiar sent of lavender.
Clark walked home, trying to ignore the creepy feeling that he was being watched.
Author's notes:
I meant to get this up yesterday, but I had two tests to study for, so better late than never, right?
I had ideas for the next part, but nothing really after that. Anyways, I know this figure must be getting old, I'm sorry… all will be explained eventually, as soon as I figure it out for myself J
For now, please review! I have a one shot missing scene from Fever that I'm considering writing, but who knows? Anyway, feedback and suggestions are always welcome!
Thanks, and love the Clana!