A/N: A Battlefield V x Fairy Tail crossover? Oh yes it is! I was rereading The Silent Sniper while I listened to the OST and all of a sudden I got a brainwave on what a Battlefield V x Fairy Tail story would look like. Yes the game is a bit of a mess at the moment, and believe me I am quite tired of the bs that's been happening lately, but there are aspects that make me come back to play a few rounds here and there. Anywho I do hope this story plays out well and I am indeed excited to be writing this!

Also if you want to add a bit of atmosphere, why don't you start playing the Narvik Theme as soon as our main character leaps out? It should be the second and third results.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy Fairy Tails Holy Ghost!

Narvik, Norway. May 30, 1940.

Chilling, chaotic, heart pounding, nerve wracking, hellish. All of these words describe one thing and one thing only.


There was the sound of an air raid siren going off above the shouts of German soldiers giving orders, anti air batteries aimed up into the night sky firing off multiple rounds in rapid succession.

Their targets were multiple C-47 transport aircraft that slowly made their way towards the port, their dark shadows clearly outlined. As the flack detonated around them it illuminated a roundel painted on the tips of their wings showing the colors of blue, white, and red. It was them.

The British were coming.

Soon enough more and more anti air batteries began to fire from the port, their tracers whizzing across the night sky followed by the rapid thumping from their loud gunfire. An 88mm flak round detonated right underneath one of the aircrafts wings blowing it clean off. It banked to the left as its engine bursted into flames, crashing into the freezing ocean with all of the poor British souls that failed to escape in time.

Soon enough another flak round struck another aircraft, this time bursting right through the tail for all to see. Some of the men inside were limp and bloodied due to the shrapnel that littered their bodies while others were now frantically trying to leap out of the aircraft. While the scene unfolded a set of brown eyes with a disheartened look peered out the window from a neighboring C-47.

His heart pounded against his chest while his stomach churched as he watched a few solders leap out, the crippled aircraft slowly descending. Suddenly its right engine bursted into flames as a flak round detonated right below, causing one of the paratroopers who tried to leap out to suddenly stumble back inside. Eventually the aircraft descended out of the watchers view as it crashed into the freezing waters below.

Releasing a shuddered breath the 22 year old looked away from the window and adjusted himself in his seat, tapping the heel of his boot against the metal. It could happen at any moment. A flak round is going to burst them out of the sky like a hunter shooting down geese, and it was only a matter of time. He lowered his head and slowly shook it as he tapped his heel at a quicker pace, simply praying that he and the others get out of this godforsaken tundra in one piece.


His thoughts were suddenly cut off as he heard a familiar voice call his name, looking up at a 25 year old man who was sitting in front of him. He was met by a pair of hazel eyes looking at him as the rest of his face was concealed by a black balaclava. Proudly resting on his head was a red beret with goggles resting on its side. The long sleeved woodland camouflaged uniform that he wore on his torso could only be describe as...messy.

Wrapped around his chest were two belts of ammunition that served no purpose, along with two marked pouches that hung off the front and back of his left shoulder.

Strapped across his waist was a belt that held more pouches carrying ammunition and explosives. Hanging off his back was an ammunition box, the straps hiding underneath his ammunition belt.

Underneath he wore dark green combat pants with the sleeves tucked into the white gaiters that protected his brown combat boots. Resting on his lap was the iconic Lewis Gun with an AA site attached.

"You alright? You look like you're about to piss yourself," the support chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

Jacob exhaled and shook his head, "Christian, look out the window and tell me how you feel seeing our troops being swatted out of the sky like flies."

"You weren't like this in Rotterdam," reminded another voice to Jacobs left.

"That's because the air raid sirens weren't going off yet, Henry," Jacob said as he glanced at the 19 year old scout, "Also I was in the heat of battle as soon as the paratroopers began to drop."

Henry wore the same headgear that Christian had, only leaving his own set of hazel eyes which were lighter than Christians. He wore a dark red trench coat with its sleeves being blue and gray, the back showing off the Union Jack that was painted with the words 'Slay for the Queen!' written around. There were a few belts and straps that ran across his trench coat. The first belt held two smoke canisters that rested behind his left shoulder and a pouch on his lower back that contained his spotting scope an flare gun. The second belt is was actually a firearm belt, his Webley Mk IV Revolver resting in its holster on the right while his dagger hung on the left.

Underneath he wore dark brown brown pants that have seen better days, clearly covered in soot and dirt. He had dark brown combat boots which were loosely tied, the pant sleeves tucked inside of them.

"Hmm, fair point I guess," Henry sighed as he lifted up his Lee Enfield sniper rifle, pulling the bolt handle back and carefully loading in 10 rounds one by one due to the 6x scope preventing him from loading in two clips.

"Regardless, I don't see why you're acting like this," Christian hummed while removing his machine gun from his lap and placing the stock in the floor, gripping onto the barrel. "We took a full on Jerry offensive and made it back in one piece."

"Barely," Jacob frowned at him clearly remembering the bombing that devastated the city, followed by yet another offensive that finally forced them out, "Plus you were part of that grubby unit that consists of troublemakers, so you enjoy this type of shit."

Christian grinned underneath his balaclava at the mention of his old unit the SBS. It was such a shame that he was booted due to his former lieutenants wife, but luck was on his side since he was so valuable in the battlefield. So instead of being booted completely from the military, he was transferred over to Jacobs company which consisted of even more criminals and trouble makers.

"Funny, and that is coming from someone who is currently in an even more grubby unit," Christian shot back at Jacob which caused him to glare.

"Huh, touché..."

"May I remind you how you got into this unit?" Christian pressed on causing Jacob to harden his glare and slowly lean towards him.

"Best watch your next words carefully," Jacob warned.

"Lets see, I heard stories of a drunkard- " Christian began only to be cut off by a fist being swung right at him.

Jacobs fist was just about to connect to the side of Christians face, only to be stopped by a hand grabbing his arm and quickly pulling him back into his seat.

"Not now, Jacob!" Henry hissed through his teeth while holding his squad mate down.

"I warned that cheeky son of a bitch and he didn't listen!" Jacob exclaimed as he fought against Henry's grip.

Hearing the commotion that was happening all of the other paratroopers directed their attention to the very front of the aircraft, some of them shaking their heads in disapproval while others rolled their eyes and leaned back into their seats.

"There they go at it again," one of them commented.

"Baker Company...who's bloody idea was it to let those beret wearing fools in on this operation," another said with an annoyed tone.

"Command did," another said with a hard look on his face, removing a cigarette from his lips and exhaling a cloud of smoke. "They're a force to be reckoned with, so all of you best keep your mouths shut."

After a few seconds or so Jacob stopped struggling in Henrys grip, pushing himself away as he panted. With his glare still fixated on Christian he grabbed his baklava and slipped it over his head, adjusting it for a moment before placing his red beret on top.

"We'll talk later..." Jacob muttered, breaking his gaze as soon as he saw the jump light glowing red.

"If we make it out alive that is." Christian chuckled lifting up his machine gun

Feeling a hand being placed on his shoulder he looked up to see the jumpmaster of the transport wearing a red beret similar to Jacobs and headphones. He gave a slight nod and walked towards the front, looking at all the troops who remained seated.

"Hook up!"

In an instant all of the paratroopers stood up and lifted their cables, hooking them on the railing above them. As Christians did so he offered a hand towards Jacob. Hesitating for a moment he sighed and grabbed on, quickly being pulled off his seat and hooking up.

"Equipment check!"

Looking down Jacob ran his hands across his torso, examining his dirty white uniform and tugging on the sleeves that reached his wrists, firmly patting on his right sleeve that contained the medic cross. He then tightened the countless straps that was wrapped around his torso, each small pouch containing ammunition for his Webley and STEN. His Webley rested in its marked holster which was on the right side of his chest. Once he finished he examined his belt which held multiple pouches and bags filled to the brim with morphine, bandages, smoke canisters, and first aid kits. It was quite heavy so in order for it to feel somewhat lighter he had a rope that went underneath his arms and around his neck, firmly secured as it was tied to a few bags on his lower back.

Underneath he wore the same leg wear that Henry had. It actually matched with his uniform very well. Everything was firmly secure across his body, nodding to himself as he looked up right at the jumpmaster who was kneeling right next to a soldier on the radio.

"1 minute! Sound off!"

Right before they began to sound off there was a sudden explosion, the force shaking the aircraft and causing some to fall off their feet. Jacob felt himself being jutted to the side, Christian quickly catching him. The flak grew more intense as they inched closer and closer to the port, feeling the aircraft being tossed around.

"Nows not the time to fall!" Christian grunted pulling Jacob up.

The medic panted as he peered out the exit seeing even more tracers whizz past them dangerously close. He even witnessed another C-47 being shot down due to the cockpit suddenly being riddled with bullets, witnessing blood spraying and limbs flying off.

"Oh Christ..." Jacob wheezed as he clutched his stomach, swallowing hard has he looked at the jumpmaster. Despite being a medic and seeing a lot of blood, the gore was something he was having trouble getting used to.

"Right, you know what you all must do! Find the explosive catches and take out those Jerry 88s to soften the main landings, so make sure that they are all destroyed! Good hunting!" the jumpmaster exclaimed.

He then peered out and saw that they were close to land, seeing tracers flying across the battlefield towards the two opposing factions who were present.

"10 seconds!"

Jacob took deep breaths as he held onto his cable tightly, feeling his nails slightly digging into his hand. This was it, this was the very moment he was waiting for. He was ready to be tossed into battle, he was ready to save lives and take them, he was ready to serve his nation and fight for the king.

"5 seconds!"

He was ready to die.

"Let's go to work!" Christian exclaimed, the light turning green as it began to buzz.

"GO! GO!"

Time suddenly slowed as he ran towards the exit, feeling his breath relaxing while a bead of sweat rolled down his brow. Shutting his eyes he released the hook and gripped onto the straps on his chest as he leaped out, the parachute deploying above him. All at once he felt the freezing air biting against his hands and the bridge of his nose. The roar of a C-47 engine blasted past him, causing his hearing to muffle.

Once everything around him settled he slowly opened his eyes, widening them at the sight that was before him. Tracers continued to streak across the sky while flak bursted above him, their loud thumps muffled. He would see the snow gently fall around him, nibbling against his skin as some landed on his hands.

Looking up he saw that the northern lights were present, dancing elegantly across the sky while the tracers from anti air guns scarred them.

Jacob slowly exhaled and allowed his body to relax as he floated down, taking in the sights that would he permanently embedded into his memory. He slowly closed his eyes once more and allowed to the peace to take over, knowing that this may be the last time he would ever experience something like this.

The peace was cut short though as he suddenly felt the surface pressing against his feet quickly, bending his knees and rolling to the side as he landed. The moment he touched the snowy surface his hearing sprung back to life, the sounds of gunfire, bullets cracking, and men shouting filling his ears. Snapping his eyes opened he was met by a corpse landing in front of him, a bullet wound straight through the head.

"Fuck!" Jacob shouted as he backed away from the corpse, ducking as he heard more bullets cracking overhead.

It was absolute madness all around him. The paratroopers that landed beside him either took a bullet to the head or were mowed down by an entrenched machine gun. Frantically he undid the buckle that was attached to his parachute and grabbed his STEN, his foot slipping against the snow as he tried to stand up.

A couple of bullets snapped right in front of him as their impacts kicked up the snow, the medic shutting his eyes and bracing himself for a hit that never came.

"Jacob, get up!" yelled a voice, a hand suddenly grabbing the collar of his uniform and yanking him up.

Turning he would see it was Christian who yanked him up, Henry kneeling beside the two and firing off his Lee Enfield rifle at a rapid pace. Jacob swore he heard the sound of helmets being pinged over the gunfire.

"We need to push towards those trains! That's where the first flak cannon is!" Christian yelled as he pointed towards a heavily fortified train station.

"Do you have the explosives?!" Jacob asked while reaching into one of his pouches, grabbing a smoke grenade.

Nodding he reached behind his back and showed him a brown bag, opening it slightly to reveal a stack of explosives that could take out a single cannon.

"Jerrys in the open!" Henry warned as he aimed his rifle and began to fire quickly once more.

Both Jacob and Christian turned to see a squad of German soldiers pushing out from their fortifications, quickly going prone and deploying their MG34 bipods. The two of them widened their eyes, realizing what they were about to do.

"FUCK! MACHINE GUNS!" Jacob yelled as he and the other two sprinted towards a hill, pulling the pin on his smoke grenade and throwing it at them

The smoke grenade didn't land too far from the German machine gunners, smoke quickly hissing out and blinding them. However, that didn't stop them and they began to fire blindly in every direction they know. Their bullets cracked and whizzed past Baker Company as they ran and ran, Henry stumbling a little bit before quickly regaining his bearings. Off to his left Jacob would see three British soldiers being riddled with bullets, one of them releasing a bloody scream before collapsing on the floor dead.

"SPREAD OUT AND FIND COVER!" Jacob warned hoping that any nearby solder would heed his warning.

Luckily a large number of men did and sprinted towards any nearby cover that they saw, quickly dolphin diving into the snow. Once Jacob and his squad reached the hill they too dolphin dived, the three of them grunting as they landed.

"Bloody machine guns have us pinned! We need to push up now!" Christian growled as he slowly peaked over the hills crest, quickly ducking behind as a bullet whizzed above him.

Jacob grunted as he grabbed his revolver from his hoister and pulling the hammer back with a thumb. There were many things in this world that aggravated him, but none came as close to men lying prone hiding behind their machine guns! He was about to do something incredibly stupid, but he knew how keen he was with his revolver. It was practically his best friend since it got him out of tight situations.

"Henry, how many are there?!" he asked looking at him.

Henry glanced at the medic and reached behind his pack, grabbing his spotting scope. He moved his left hand up to cover his left eye while he brought the scope to his right eye, peaking over the crest.

"Right, there are four German machine gunners! One on the left, one on the right, and two in the middle! They're bunched up!" he informed.

Nodding he envisioned where they would be. He slowly crawled up towards the crest and grabbed another smoke grenade, jutting his thumb into the pin and yanking it out.

"Christian, cover me!" Jacob ordered while getting on his knees, the support nodding as he placed his Lewis Gun on the crest of the hill and firing blindly.

Quickly peaking over the hill he tossed the smoke grenade at the machine gunners with a grunt. They suddenly stopped firing once Christians bullets began to crack above and around them, followed by the smoke deploying right in front of them.

'Alright, I only got one shot at this!'

Taking a deep breath he stood up and aimed his revolver at their position, hoping that his shots would land. In rapid succession he fired four shots while slowly moving his arm to the left, hearing the satisfying sound of four helmets pinging.

"Alright take it easy you Yank!" Christian hissed while harshly yanking Jacob back down behind cover. "Did you get them at least?!"

Henry quickly reloaded his weapon and slowly peaked over, looking down his scope at the cloud of smoke which was slowly dissipating. One by one it revealed the corpses of German machine gunners with blood and brain matter slowly leaking out from the holes on their helmets.

"Haha, good shots!" Henry laughed as he looked at Jacob. "Bloody hell you never told us you got a keen eye!"

"He's a Bishop, of course he does!" Christian grinned while slapping Jacobs back harshly.

The medic yelped at the sharp slap, frowning at Christian before sighing. Chuckling he shook his head and reloaded his Webley, placing it back into its holster, "Oh please, it was sheer luck that got them!"

"Pfft, stop lying to yourself! You know damn well that wasn't luck; it was the blood of a Bishop at work!" the support slapped Jacobs back again.

Jacob gritted his teeth and snapped his head back at Christian, "I do appreciate the praise, but could you please STOP SLAPPING MY BACK?!"

"Of course," Christian chuckled as he lifted his arm once more for another slap.

He brought it down but stopped midway upon hearing sound of two alarms going off. The three peaked over the ledge to see British troops storming two cannons that were on the far side of the port, defending the bomb from multiple German troops pushing to defuse it.

"About time our boys armed those cannons," Christian hummed as he got on his knees, Henry nodding in agreement as he fired a round from his rifle. The sound of a helmet ping was heard.

"Well stop gawking and let's get a move on!," Jacob ordered as he grabbed his STEN, looking back at the soldiers who were hiding behind cover. "COME ON! LETS MOVE!"

Releasing a battle cry the soldiers ran out from their positions and charged, Baker squad following behind. Christian laughed like a madman as he began to widely fire his Lewis Gun at the German defenses while Henry fired a flare up above to illuminate any hiding troops. Jacob grabbed another smoke grenade and pulled the pin, tossing it in front of the men to provide cover for their push.

Two loud explosions went off as the smoke was deployed followed by panic German screams, the two cannons that were armed earlier now destroyed. Victory was at hand and Jacob could feel it. He and his squad mates were going to live through this hell and walk out unscathed, they were going to make it. He grew closer and closer towards the cannon until...


"S-Someone...medic...I'm dying..."


Jacob skidded to a halt and crouched as he listened, alarms mentally going off in his head while his instincts screamed for him to move. Looking towards Christian he whistled right at him, the support looking back as he stopped firing.

"You and Henry continue the push towards those cannons," Jacob ordered as he stood up. "I'll meet you two once everything is settled!

"Oh? What the hell are you going to do then while we fight?" Christian asked with a frown beneath his mask.

Jacob stared at Christian with a determined look, taking a couple of steps back to pick up momentum.

"My duty," he replied, turning around and quickly sprinting off to those calling for help.

The support stood there and sighed as he reloaded his weapon, grabbing the magazine from the top of his gun and tossing it away.

"Bishops," he muttered, placing a new mag on top and slamming it down with his fist. Waisting no time he turned and ran towards the cannon with the rest of the pushing soldiers.

Meanwhile, Jacob was running up the hill towards one of the destroyed cannons, the screams and cries for help growing louder. Eventually he saw an injured assault solider gripping his arm pain, a bullet wound visible on his bicep, "It's about time you showed up!"

Grunting, Jacob slid on his knees and stopped in front of the wounded soldier. Reaching into one of his small pouches he grabbed a syrette of morphine, pulling the cap off before jamming it into his arm. Tossing the used syrette away he grabbed a small first aid pouch from behind, "Here, have this first aid."

"Much obliged pal," the soldier sighed in relief as he felt the pain on his bicep numbing, nodding as he took the small pack from him and opened its contents. "There are more wounded soldiers scattered around the destroyed .88 covered in shrapnel, they all need you doc."

Jacob looked over at the destroyed cannon, seeing a bloodied hand reach up into the sky for a moment. Nodding at the soldier in thanks he ran over towards the destroyed cannon, determined to save even more lives. While he ran he noticed an unsuspecting German assault picking up a wounded soldier. His mind suddenly went blank as he stopped, frowning as he aimed his STEN up at them and fired. The two of them were riddled with bullets, one of them releasing a scream as they both collapsed onto the snow.

He slowly lowered his weapon as he looked at the two corpses, his eyes showing no remorse or regret. They just showed the eyes of a soldier trying to survive a war. Bringing himself back into reality he grabbed a smoke grenade and pulled the pin, tossing it close to the cannon. Once it went off Jacob sprinted right through the smoke and vaulted over the sandbags, greeted with the sight of bloodied soldiers riddled with shrapnel.

He swallowed hard and cleared his throat, running over to a soldier with his back pressed against the sandbags, "Right, let's get you patched up!"

Jacob kneeled down and reached into one of his bags, grabbing a large syringe that contained morphine mixed with adrenaline. He jammed it into the soldiers arm and pressed down, the soldier shutting his eyes and tensing up as he felt the chemicals jumpstart his body. Handing him a first aid pouch, Jacob crawled over to another soldier and repeated the process.

"Fix yourself with that first aid and help the others!" Jacob ordered the freshly revived soldier as he jammed the syringe into other.

"R-Right!" he exclaimed, crawling over towards another downed soldier to help him.

Jacob rinsed and repeated the entire process at a rapid pace, quickly going from soldier to soldier jamming the medical syringe into their arms. Each and everyone of them praised him, some calling him an angle while others claimed that he deserved a medal. He couldn't help but smile underneath his mask at the praise, knowing that the men he saved can live to see another day. It reminded him that he still had his humanity.

"Is that all of them?" one of the soldiers asked, heaving up another who clutched his stomach.

"Yeah, I think so," Jacob nodded as he finished wrapping some gauze around a soldiers forehead, heaving him up with a grunt. "Let's get you all to safety."

The group only took a couple of steps before the sound of multiple canisters landing on the snow stopped them, followed by a hiss. Jacob felt his entire body freeze as he heard that heart stopping hiss, slowly looking back to see red smoke seeping out of the canisters. Up in the mountains there was the rapid thumping of cannons, followed by the whistle of heavy rounds falling towards the earth.


The snow around the group began to explode as the artillery rounds landed, some hitting home and resulting a shower of blood and limbs flying about. Jacob frantically ran away from the artillery barrage, holding onto the partially wounded soldier desperately. The weight of the soldier slowed him down and made him stumble, but leaving him behind will never be an option.

"Come on! Don't stop runni-" the poor soul wasn't able to finish his sentence due to a artillery round blowing him to bits.

"Fuck!" Jacob exclaimed in horror as he witnessed this, feeling himself being drenched in blood and snow.

The wounded soldier that Jacob held onto grunted and began to fight against his grip, the medic looking at him in confusion. What the hell was he doing?!

"Go! I don't want to slow you down!" the soldier told him as he pried himself free from Jacobs grip, backing away from him quickly.

"No! I could care less if you slow me down, I will get you out of here alive!" Jacob exclaimed as he went after the soldier reaching his hand out to grab him.

"You fool just leave me here! We're all going to die anyw-" the soldier was cut off by an artillery round landing behind him, the force of the explosion blasting both of them away.

Jacob yelled as he flew through the air, his arms flailing around as he desperately tried to catch himself. With a grunt he landed on his back and slid across the snow slightly, his entire body screaming in pain. He attempted to move his muscles, but they simply refused to do so. Wheezing in pain, he laid there on the floor with a weak look in his eyes, staring up at the northern lights which were still present in the night sky.

'This is it huh...' he thought, feeling some snow landing on his mask as the artillery rounds landed closer and closer.

He had a good life. He had happy childhood and loving parents, created many friends and memories, got drunk and sung traditional songs in pubs, and got married. He felt good about himself too for what he achieved during his time serving. He participated in an operation alongside his squad, initiated an important push towards one of the cannons which was most likely destroyed, and saved multiple lives both here and in Rotterdam. He did good, and believed that he made his family proud.

Snow was soon being kicked up around him as the artillery shells fell, exhaling softly accepting his fate. He heard the whistle of an artillery shell falling right on top of him, Jacob closing his eyes as the world went dark.

Magnolia, Fiore. July 4, X784

Magnolia, a populous town in the kingdom of Fiore that is well known for the heavy presence of magic and wizards. Not only that, but it houses the strongest guild in the entire kingdom with a mixed reputation. That Guild was Fairy Tail, and they have received a new recruit.

Inside the Fairy Tail guild there was a blonde haired girl who was around the age of 17 receiving a stamp on the top of her right hand. She wore a sleeveless white and blue shirt with that was zipped up close to her neck. She also wore a brown belt around her waist over her blue skirt followed by brown boots, her celestial keys on her right side, and a whip on her left side. Her hair was left mostly untouched except for the small pony tail tied on the side of her head.

The stamp was removed from her hand, revealing the iconic Fairy Tail symbol that was in pink. With a bright smile she lifted her hand up and examined the mark, feeling her heart soar.

"There, you're now a member of Fairy Tail!" a white haired girl told her with a sweet smile on her face. She wore a long maroon dress that had a pink bow tied around her chest. Her white hair had a small pony tail on the very top, it being her iconic trait.

The blond haired girl gasped happily and ran over to a boy with spiky pink hair who was looking at the Request Board with a bored look on his face. He wore a black and gold waist coat which was open down the middle, revealing a well built torso. Underneath he wore white knee length trousers with black ribbon ties wrapped around to keep them secure. Finally he had black opened toe sandals on his feet, a thick, black wristband on his left wrist, and a while scale patterned scarf wrapped around his neck.

"Hey, Natsu! Mirajane just put the official Fairy Tail mark on my hand!" the blond girl gleefully exclaimed showing off her mark to the boy.

"Oh yeah? That sounds great, Luigi," the boy named Natsu shrugged.

"It's Lucy!" the girl named Lucy corrected furiously.

"Whatever, Loomy," Natsu said once more, narrowing his eyes and rubbing his chin with a finger. There were many well paying jobs on the board, but so far none of them have the kick he was looking for.

"Make sure you pick a good job, Natsu!" a blue cat with a small green bag on his back reminded.

After a few more seconds of searching Natsu grabbed one of the requests from the board, "Hey, look at this! 160.000 Jewel for getting rid of some thieves, Happy!"

"Then its settled!" Happy nodded.

Ever since the incident at Hargeon, Natsu has been itching for another fight. Just looking at the reward and what he had to do in order to receive it was already firing him up.

"My dad is still not back yet?"

Hearing a child's voice both Natsu and Happy looked over, seeing a little boy with dark purple hair standing before a short old man with a bushy mustache, sitting on the bar counter with a mug filled with beer in one hand and a staff in the other. The old man wore an orange jester outfit over a white shirt that had the Fairy Tail symbol.

"Hmm, you're starting to get on my nerves, Romeo," the old man warned lowering his mug. "You're the son of a wizard, so have a little faith in him and wait patiently!"

"But Master Makarov, he said that he'll be back in three days, but he's been gone for nearly a week!" Romeo exclaimed with worry evident in his voice.

"If I remember correctly, he took a job that's supposed to be on Mt. Hakobe," Makarov hummed.

Romeo nodded and took a step forward, "Thats right and it isn't that far! So please go look for him!"

While the scene unfolded most of the guild members watched on, some having a concerned look on their face while others simply listened and drank. Natsu had a frown on his face as he watched, the entire scene reminding him of someone very close.

Makarov grew annoyed at how demanding Romeo was, gritting his teeth as he looked down at him, "Kid, you're old man's a wizard and he can take care of himself! Go home, have some cookies with milk, and wait patiently!"

Romeo felt tears well up in his eyes hearing this, clenching a fist and charging right at Makarov.

"Jerk!" he yelled while punching Makarov in the face, the old man falling back with a red mark visible.

He then brought up his arm to cover the tears, running out of the guild with a frustrated scream. Lucy watched him running out of the guild, feeling quite bad for him. Was Makarov always like this towards others in the guild?

"That was pretty harsh to say..." Lucy said looking at the doors that Romeo stormed out of.

"Regardless of what the master said, he really is worried about Macao," Mirajane said while handing over a bottle of beer to one of the guild members.


Lucy and company quickly looked over to the source of the crash, seeing that Natsu had punched the request board. Grunting he grabbed his bag and walked towards the guild doors with Happy following behind.

Makarov, who now had a bandage on his nose, sighed as he watched Natsu leave the guild. He closed his eyes and slightly shook his head at his stubbornness.

"I don't like the look of this, Master," one of the guild members said as he leaned on the counter next to Makarov, "Knowing Natsu, he's gonna go to Mt. Hakobe to save Macao."

"I bet, and its dangerous to go up there after whats been going on," another one said before taking a swig from his mug.

"Uhh huh, the never ending blizzard and rapid thumping from last night sure did give off that something isn't right up there. It'd be a miracle if Natsu were to get Macao out of there," another said.

Makarov hummed and closed his eyes, sensing the doubt in his childrens words, "Do not doubt Natsu and his abilities, I'm certain that he can handle himself very well while he searches for Macao. Have faith in him."

Lucy was now curious as to what the three said about Mt. Hakobe? A neverending blizzard in the middle of summer? Rapid thumping? The blizzard would make sense due to how cold it is up at the summit, but the rapid thumping does not sound natural.

"Mirajane, what do they mean about the rapid thumping?" Lucy turned to the barmaid with curiosity.

"Last night there were reports of loud drumbeats and thumping coming from the summit of the mountain," Mira explained while she dried a dish. "Some say it was an avalanche, others say it was the Vulcans fighting."

"If it were the Vulcans fighting, then I'm sure the manliest one came out on top!" a white haired male wearing a traditional Japanese style jacket exclaimed.

Lucy looked down for a moment before looking back at the doors, seeing Natsus silhouette fade away the farther he walked away from the guild.

'Loud drumbeats...'

Mt. Hakobe

"An angel in dirty white who holds the power of life and death in their hands...use that power responsibly, Bishop. Use it responsibly..."

The sound of an artillery shell was heard whistling down, followed by an explosion sending off a bright flash.

Jacob woke with a start and shot up, panting heavily while clutching his chest. He looked down and felt around his body to see if he had any holes or missing limbs, only to see that he was perfectly fine and totally not dead. Sighing in relief he slowly calmed down, removing the beret from his head.

'That voice...what the hell was that voice,' he thought, shutting his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose to numb the splitting headache that stabbed his brain.

"Ugh, my head..." he groaned, suddenly snapping his eyes open realizing something. "The bombardment...the wounded!"

He soon remembered the bombardment that wiped out the men that he rescued, feeling a pang of guilt stretch across his gut. All of that hard work saving their lives, only to be cut short by a artillery strike blowing them to pieces. If he would've reached them sooner they would still be alive! Jacob growled and slammed a fist down onto the floor, feeling a cold sensation bite his hand.

He looked down and noticed that he was sitting on ice, some very blue ice. He's never seen ice like this before, never. Looking around he saw that he was in a frozen ice cave, surrounded by gleaming icicles and other connecting caves that stretched as far as the eye can see. It looked quite beautiful.

"Did the ground beneath me cave in?" Jacob hummed while looking up, seeing no hole in the caves ceiling. "Where the hell am I? How the hell did I get here?"

His question was answered by a deep laugh that was not to far from him. Quickly placing the beret back on his head he looked in the direction of the laugh. He stood up and reached for his STEN, only to discover that it was nowhere to be found. Cursing underneath his breath he grabbed his revolver and pulled the hammer back, aiming it at the source.

Sitting in the corner was a large gorilla like creature that had a pointed head and pointed ears, a perverted smile stretched across its lips. It got up from its sitting position and walked over towards Jacob how a real gorilla would.

"Woman awake," the creature laughed, causing Jacob to lower his weapon slightly.

"I beg your pardon?" Jacob asked confused, slightly lowering his weapon. It did surprise him that this thing spoke broken English, but what surprised him more was that he called him a woman. Did this thing really believe he was a woman?!

"I found woman asleep in snow, now woman awake!" the gorilla whooped striking his chest with his fists.

Jacob was absolutely dumbfounded hearing the gorilla, feeling his mouth slack jawed. Never in his entire life did anyone mistake him for a woman, especially a talking gorilla.

"Christ this thing believes I'm a woman," he breathed out pinching the bridge of his nose while the gorilla danced around him. "Mate, I'm not a woman!"

The gorilla stopped mid dance and looked at Jacob with a confused look, tilting his head slightly, "You are not woman?"

"Fuck no! Do you not hear my voice? Was it the mask that threw you off?" Jacob grunted and grabbed his baklava, lifting it up slightly to reveal his masculine face.

The gorilla like creature took some steps back at the sight of him, realizing that he was a man. He was the manliest man he ever saw due to the grime, scratches, and blood that was painted across his face.

Jacob sighed and shook his head, sliding his baklava back down and lowering his weapon. Hopefully his face was enough to drive the gorilla away and leave him alone, "Now then, if you'll excuse me I must le-"

"FAKE WOMAN!" the gorilla suddenly yelled, charging at Jacob with both of its fists raised over his head.

"Bloody hell," Jacob widened his eyes, quickly jumping out of the way.

The gorilla brought his large fists down and shattered the ice where Jacob once stood, kicking up the ice around him.

The medic grunted as he rolled across the floor to soften his landing, quickly adjusting himself so that he was kneeling. Brining up his revolver he fired three shots at the beast who was charging at him, the bullets doing little to no damage. All it did was leave steaming marks on its chest.

"That hurt!" the gorilla yelled, swinging a fist right at Jacob.

Jacob gritted his teeth as he quickly laid flat on ice. Taking advantage of its slippery properties he kicked the floor harshly, dodging the attack as he slid away from the gorilla. However, it wasn't enough to get him away as the gorilla leaped up in the air above, going in for another ground pound attack.

He barely avoided the attack as he rolled away, the impact sending him into the air yelling. Seeing how vulnerable he was the gorilla leaped up again, kicking him square in the chest. The force of the kick sent Jacob flying towards the caves wall, shouting in pain as he felt a sickening pop on his shoulder. Groaning he weakly looked up, seeing the gorilla charging at him for one final attack.

"God damnit why are my bullets blank?!" Jacob cursed while shaking his revolver in frustration. He aimed his revolver back at the charging beast, "I need lethal rounds!"

As soon as he shouted those words the 6 round cylinder in his revolver glowed red. Looking at it confused for a moment he shook his head and released a battle cry, firing three more rounds at the charging gorilla. All three shots connected as blood spurted out from where the bullets struck, the gorilla losing its footing and tripping over himself.

Jacob watched as the gorilla slid across the ice motionless, stopping right in front of him. He sighed in relief and slid his revolver back in its holster, resting his head on the wall while placing an arm on his dislocated shoulder.

"As if things couldn't get any weirder..." he muttered.

Of course, the world loved proving him right.

The body of the gorilla began to glow brightly as magical seal appeared, blowing a string gust of wind. Jacob groaned and shielded his eyes with his good arm, the light being painfully bright. Once the light died down he lowered his arm and opened his eyes, widening them as he felt his heart skip a beat at the sight.

He actually expected the gorilla to disappear and move on, but that expectation was shot down. Lying on the floor before him was a middled aged man who was barely breathing, blood pooling around him due to the wounds.

"What the fuck," Jacob whispered in shock, scrambling over to the dying man. He rolled him over on his back, seeing how he was just barley holding onto life. His skin continued to pale as he bled, his eyes barely open while he struggled to breathe.

'Did I just...oh to hell with those thoughts! I'm a medic and I'll save his life!' he thought clenching a fist, and without waisting any more time he got to work.

The medic quickly stripped the man of his bloodied shirt and trench coat, wrapping the shirt around and around his chest tightly to slow the bleeding. He then reached behind his pack and grabbed the syringe, quickly jamming it into his arm. The man tensed up and gritted his teeth, feeling the pain around his chest spike. Due to the intense pain the man suddenly exhaled as he slipped out of consciousness.

"Mate don't you dare die on me!" the medic yelled. He grabbed his shoulders and shook him violently, failing to notice a soft white glow seeping through the wrapped shirt.

Eventually Jacob did notice the glow and stopped shaking the man, letting go of him as he watched it intensify. He stared at it in wonder, feeling the warm aura that the light radiated. For some reason it made him relax, his panicked state being replace by a feeling of comfort for a brief moment. Slowly the light died down and disappeared, Jacob no longer feeling the aura.

Taking a deep breath, and hoping that whatever just happened was good, he grabbed the wrapped shirt and carefully pulled it down to reveal his chest. The three bullet holes that were once present were now purple bruises coated in dry blood; his chest was completely healed. Humming he pressed two fingers on the man's neck, sighing in relief as he felt a steady pulse.

"What the hell is going on..." he muttered, dropping the syringe and grabbing onto his dislocated shoulder.

He is nearly killed by an artillery bombardment and was rescued by a perverted gorilla, followed by the gorilla nearly killing him finding out he was a man. Then the gorilla he shot ended up being an innocent man who was at deaths doorstep, only to be denied entry because of his syringe having heavenly properties. Oh, and apparently his rounds are blank unless the revolvers cylinder glows red.

Thinking about all of that gave Jacob a headache, placing a hand on his head as he sat down. Whatever was going on or wherever he was, he needed answers and he needed them now. Maybe the person he saved could answer all of his questions when he wakes up.

Jacob lowered his hand and stared at the unconscious man for a moment, soon noticing a couple of more scratches and bruises that littered his body. It looked like he was in a large fight before he became that perverted gorilla. He clicked his tongue and silently laughed.

"Oh I'm never going to get a break aren't I?" he laughed, opening one of his packs and grabbing a first aid pouch.


Jacob gasped and quickly turned in the direction of the voice. The last thing he saw before blacking out was a flaming fist that belonged to a pink haired boy.

A/N: And that's that! Please leave a review and tell me what you think! Until next time!