Plague or not! I will not stop! A commissioned fic but a fic none the less! So sorry for lack of updates but have Arc of war to make up for it! This time our favorite young amoral arms dealer with mommy issues is out to make new friends and deal with the arrival of the closest thing to family he has. Also Ruby needs to learn not to touch everything that is shiny...
"Aunt Raven!? You know Jaune!?" Ruby asked with her silver eyes shining as Jaune paused the human for the first time since she had met him and looked like he did not know exactly what to say as he looked at the Faunus before him. Blake narrowed her eyes as Jaune looked concerned, frightened, and happy all at once as the towering dragon Faunus stood before him.
"Y-you? A- Raven?" Jaune asked coughing he straightened out the front of his Beacon uniform as he coughed once into his hands. His blue eyes did their best to narrow onto Raven? Before she snorted loudly.
"Don't give me that look boy. I changed your diapers."
"What!? No, you did not!" Jaune let out a small shriek of fear and embarrassment as he looked up to the woman.
"No matter I found you as a snot-nosed hatchling and I raised you into what you are today."
"You! You did no such thing! You barely kept me alive!" Jaune shouted before Raven moved like lightning, a hand fell down onto Jaune's back and slammed him down into his bed! Jaune let out a gasp as Raven sent him flying before smirking once.
"Well, that is what you say at least."
"Aunt Raven!"
"Ruby, how is my small Rose?" Raven asked rubbing the small wolf Faunus head as Blake looked on in shock to the downed human war criminal that was moaning in pain on the bed and the unharmed dragon Faunus that stood above him.
His weapons did not go off? I could have sworn that they would have fired as soon as Jaune was in pain or danger? What's happening? Blake thought as Jaune growled sitting up in his bed as he narrowed his cerulean eyes once again.
"What are you doing here Raven? I thought you were getting drunk this weekend?" Jaune hissed as Raven rolled her eyes rubbing Ruby's head as she sighed. The tall dragon flexed her massive black wings making a soft affectionate sound as Ruby cuddled with her side.
"That is Qrowe that you are thinking about Jaune. She is getting drunk this weekend and not me."
"Qrowe is always drunk." Jaune hissed as Raven sighed.
"Such a down little human aren't you? No wonder the girls do not think you are cute." Blake let out a snort as Nora giggled the dog Faunus laughed into her hands as Jaune blushed. Blake thought she was dreaming as the Arc was showing emotions that would lead her to think he was a sentient being full of emotional capacity and empath and not a machine that simply had human body parts grafted onto it.
"I! I am not uncute! I'll have you know that girls find me very attractive!" Jaune shouted as the dragon Faunus smirked, narrowing her eyes to the human that squirmed uncomfortably at her sight.
"Well I hate to break it to you Jaune but girls you built from the ground up and rescue from slavery don't count as finding you attractive. If the basis is that biased then it can't be used as empirical evidence meaning." The woman paused, taking out a small flask and downing a not so minor portion of liquor.
"You are not cute," Raven said as Jaune fumed as for once Blake thought he might just have a soul-deep down in there after all...
"So! As you can see! It does everything you need it to do!" Jaune said the Faunus in fang masks glared at him, they hated him Jaune knew that they hated him and that if not for the fact that he was selling them weapons they would have killed him ten times by now and maybe burned his corpse. Not that any of them would survive the next twenty-four hours of Arcadian reprisal but that was a separate story altogether.
"Are you sure that these weapons will do what you say Arc?" The lead faunus some kind of wolf with pale skin, a missing eye and two cropped wolf ears. Jaune guessed that they had been cut short in an accident injury hell it could have even been a surgery gone wrong or right for that matter.
Some lower-class gangs tend to have less than ration or sanitary initiation rights. Well, that's not that uncommon though, some of the human groups outside of Arcadia have similar traditions. But they tend to look better and less like a pin cushion had eyes and fur glued on it. Jaune narrowed his eyes, his smile clenching as he felt his anger rise.
He hated it when Raven showed up as she did, just coming up and into his life making sure that he knew that she had power over him and there was nothing he could do.
Jaune hated that he had... complicated emotions regarding the faunus.
It is bad enough that I consider her my family. It is worse than she has been around me more than my family and has just an equal amount of claim to be called my mother as my real mother.
Jaune paused the dull humming of fluorescent lights flickered on the warehouse was drafty and the sound of the sea filled his ears.
"If you mean will they break through aura? Trust me, gentlemen. They will make any hunter or huntress you find turned into nothing but meat in a few easy seconds!"
"But aren't you trying to be a hunter as well?" The youngest member of the dozen or so faunus spoke up. The fox faunus with bright red ears and thick glasses wrapped in a trench coat and sweatpants spoke up as the leader barked back to him.
"Quiet down Perry! That's not important. I don't care what the human wants as long as the guns work. So tell me Arc if you do mean to tell the truth what would happen if I shot you with this gun right now?" The man asked, pointing the large silver assault rifle pointed directly at him. Jaune paused looking down the barrel of a gun that came right from his family's production lines and paused blinking owlishly as he cocked his head.
"If you would like to keep breathing I would suggest that you point that gun down now. If you want to live that is."
"I don't know about you Arc but as far as I know? I am the one pointing a gun at you. Sure you have that little pistol on your side but you can't draw faster than my trigger finger. So tell me Arc, what happens if I shoot you now?"
"Why can't people just pay me and leave for once? Look. I will be blunt if you managed to hit me with that weapon I would probably be in great pain for about a second. Before the weapons, anti aura properties kicked in. The bullet would hit me then blow out the center of my chest leaving a hole about the size of a beach ball in it when it was done."
"So you will die?" The man asked, licking his lips the thirst for blood so blunt that Jaune just wanted to gag!
"Yes. If you shot me I would die, but since you have paid me for the weapons just leave now and you can keep your life ok? I don't want to have to get blood on my clothes today. I was already put on the backfoot enough as is." Jaune said as the man growled a chipped fang showed up before-
"I think it's time you paid for all the faunus lives that you have taken, it's time you pay for all the life that you have snuffed out in your miserable existence!"
"If you insist."
"Boss please-" The younger faunus said as the wolf snarled.
"Silence Perry! This human has to die! And now he will!"
Bang! A gunshot rang out as the splatter of blood filled the air. Jaune wince das the blood hit his head covering his body in the remains of the faunus before him as-
"Please. Gentlemen. If you do not want to die. Just take the guns or not and leave. Either way, I have my money now go. If you stay you die like him ok?" Jaune asked as the faunus paused as for one split second it looked like they were going to charge him and attack!
Come on you idiots just run away and escape with your miserable lives ok?
"Come on boys! We just got to get out of here!" The man or young boy said taking a step back the other faunus paused before a lack of unity broke them they ran like rat scampering out of the warehouse as Jaune sighed. Whipping some of the blood off his face sighing as he groaned in frustration.
"Thank you for that. Nice shot May." Jaune said as his earpiece crackled to life.
Sorry about the shirt boss. I'll get the drycleaning."
"Please do."
Jaune said as he shook his head he really hated when his business contacts couldn't get the basic etiquette of life.
"Why can't you all just learn for once? You might have lived a little longer if you did."
"So! Are you sure that it is ok that we can eat like this?" Ruby asked as she looked up to her leader the wolf faunus had her same shimmering eyes as Jaune nodded absently not really paying attention to her as he ate his meal of meat and bread.
"Yeah sure go ahead. Eat however you feel like." Jaune said as Nora eeped!
"Haha! That's my leader! He knows how to treat us girls right!" Nora said as she dug into her massive stack of pancakes, Jaune did not even pay her attention besides moving his arms just enough to avoid being splattered by stray shots of syrup and pancake remains as Blake rolled her eyes.
"You do know that you do not need this human's permission to eat right? You are all faunus of pride. Eat whatever you want to ok?"
"Oppressed minority says what?" Jaune asked without even bothering to avoid the deathly glare that Blake sent his way as he downed half a cup of milk.
"Ah! I always wondered if milk tasted better in the faunus kingdoms. Sadly it does not." Jaune said as Ruby paused the young girl was still devouring her plate of cookies, strawberries, and sugar. Literal mounds of sugar had been poured on the treat as-
"Hey!" Yang slammed down her fist next to Jaune the dragon faunus glaring at him as-
Easy girl. There is no need to die today. One of Jaune's guns said the SMG began to swivel a bit on his back, the weapon turning to face her as a simple red dot came out of the light green weapon as Yang spat.
"You can't just let Ruby eat that for breakfast!"
"And why not?"
"Why not!? Because that shit is not healthy! She needs to eat meat, grains, and shit that is not just junk!"
"Cookies are not just junk! They are very tasty and I would thank you for not saying bad things about them ok!" Ruby asked defending her new infinite supply of sweats, the faunus wolf growled at her elder sister more confident that she had the protection of a powerful leader to have her back as she stared at her sister in a rare showing of defiance.
"What did you just say!? Do you need a spanking?"
No. No, she does not. Yang did not know when Jaune had drawn his pistol but it was in his hand. The slim grey weapon had been drawn and Jaune hand one finger dangerously close to the trigger of it as he paused.
"You will not lay a single claw on my teammate."
"But she's my sister!"
"And she is my teammate. That means I am in charge of her now if you will excuse me. I have a business meeting to attend to and I can not be late. My dry cleaning has arrived and I will retrieve it personally."
"I'm sorry about the clothes boss. I thought that I had a clean shot." May said as she handed Jaune a freshly pressed pair of clothes. The brown-skinned human woman sighed and her short brown hair shook a bit in the breeze in the open Beacon entrance hall. Jaune smirked a bit as he tossed his now blood-free clothes over his shoulder.
"Don't worry about it, and you can relax a bit Penny is not here ok?" Jaune said as the woman was visibly relaxed, her shoulders slouched her dark green body armor that Jaune had once insisted be made in the same bright shite or silver of his families industries but had relented when she had brought up the fact that if he wanted to start out on his own copying his family's coat of arms and color was a poor start. And he should let her and him find something brand new to represent him.
"I don't know when I can or can not expect Penny so you will excuse me if I am a bit on edge ok?" She joked her long rifle Merlin on her back made some type of comment about racist machines as Jaune sighed again.
"She's a good robot, but she just needs a bit of time to get used to being around non-Arc's ok?"
"Believe me, boss. If she belonged to anyone but you.i would have turned her into scrap metal by now."
"Now now. No violence between employees ok? I don't need the paperwork for the medical or reconstruction bill ok?" Jaune joked as-
"Behind you!" May suddenly shouted her rifle up in a second the two-foot sniper resting on Jaune's shoulder as she drew it within a second-
"Freeze! Who the hell are you!?"
"AHHH! I'm Ruby!? Ruby Rose!? Jaune tell her who I am!"
"Should I kill her?" May asked as Jaune groaned.
Yes. His pistol said as Jaune glared at it.
"You hush. Ruby, please do not startle my friend. May please do not kill Ruby. She is on my team and under my leadership hell she is basically a freelance employee for me at this point." Jaune said as he heard May say as she pulled back her long gun Merlin did not seem to offend at not getting a kill. Why the AI of so many of his family's guns seemed to bloodthirsty he would never know.
Maybe a program error? The ghost in the shell or something?
"OHH! Is that an Arcadian gun!? Let me see!" Jaune saw time stop. May might have been fast but she was not Ruby fast and with her guard let down by Jaune's own words they could only watch in horror as Ruby's hands touched Merlin's barrel activating the DNA scan wich being a Faunus Ruby failed as-
Unauthorized contact. Defensive protocol engaged. Merlin said as a wave of electricity shot out as Ruby let out a bloodcurdling scream as from the beginning of her fingers to a quarter near her elbow her arm simply burst into a thousand bloody pieces as Jaune felt a groan deep down as he knew he would have explaining to do about this…
"And! Good as new!" Jaune grunted as Ruby looked down the wolf faunus was still covered in a good amount of her own blood. Her body shook as Jaune had to say that her new attachment looked damn good on her!
"I... are you sure it will work?" The wolf faunus asked, flexing her silver fingers. Her new mechanical half arm shone in the light as Jaune nodded.
"One hundred percent! That is Arcadian technology the best humanity has to offer! Just sign this contract making you an official Arc Employee and I won't charge you half of your other half of it." Jaune said as Ruby took the paper groaned and signed.
"There? Is that good?"
"Yes, it is. Now welcome to the company! I think..." Jaune said as he scratched the back of his head, he really had no idea what to think about this turn of events, Jaune had never had a faunus work for him before. Hell, he had never had any experience with faunus that did not end with some or more of them dying and this would be the first Arc faunus hire in the history of the company!
Maybe I can get Penny to not kill her? Maybe if I just keep it at one?
"You think Penny is going to vaporize her when she sees?" May asked as Ruby played with her new mechanical arm, Ruby quickly sealed her name on the contract making her an official Arc employee as she pushed her mechanical hand out, her mechanical fingers shook and shot out as she gasped.
"AH! look at this! I have so many cool things! OH! Look at this!" Ruby gasped as her mechanical digits shook extending to over three times their normal length, a rater moderate pair of twin barrels poked out of the arm-
"It has weapons?!"
"It's just a plasma caster, it'll burn through most Grimm or humans or faunus that get in your way, don't point it at things you don't want to turn into a puddle of yellow-orange goop," May warned the faunus who did just that as she pointed her barrels toward her face.
"Hey! Hey! What did I just say!? Do you want to have your face blown off!?"
"If I do, does that mean that Jaune can make me a new one!?" Ruby gasped as Jaune shrugged.
"Sure? I guess that I can."
"Jaune! Don't encourage her!" May hissed as Ruby's twin barrels flashed yellow before they tucked back into her arm a single barrel appeared as the barrels flipped back into the device a long dagger-like mechanical object shot out as Ruby gasped.
"It has more than one weapon!?"
"That thing is an arsenal into itself," Jaune said as-
"HELLO! Where are my amazing partners and dashing leader!?" Nora shouted as she barreled into the room, the dog faunus grinned as her long busy dog tail shook as-
"Nora! Look, I got a cool new robot arm!" Ruby shouted showing Nora her twin-barrel gun arm as Nora let out a scream of shock and joy.
"OH! MY! GOD! RUby that is so cool! I want one! I want one! I want one! I want one! Where did you get it?! Whose leg do I have to break to get it?!"
"I made it for ner Nora-"
"Jaune~Jaune! I love you." Nora said her teal eyes narrowly glaring at Jaune as he gulped.
"Um, Ruby blew her own arm off so I made it for her to fight alongside us?" Jaune said as he blinked twice-
"Wait! How did she blow her arm off?! How the hell did that happen?!"
"She touched my gun," May said as Nora turned to face the brown-skinned female as she nodded.
"Hi! My name's Nora! Nora Valkyrie!"
"I'm May-"
"So if I touch your gun I will explode!?"
"Only the limb that you touched it with. Why?" May asked an uneasy feeling filled her body as Nora for some reason took off one of her boots?
"Nora? The hell are you doing?" Jaune asked as Nora took off her boot then her sock and then-
"VALKYRIE KICK!" Nora shouted as she launched a roundhouse kick right at her gun, her foot connecting with it as a vast shock of electricity filled the air followed by a scream and the sound of sizzling and popping flesh!
"What the hell is wrong with you!?
"Not on the cookies!"
"SO! I just sigh here, here and here?" Nora asked as Jaune ran a hand down his face.
"Yes Nora... you just have to sign here, here and here... make sure you dot your I there," Jaune said as he sighed deeply. He did not know why Nora thought it was a brilliant idea to just kick May's weapon but now? Now he had just finished installing the new metallic leg onto Nora's body and making her an official Arc company employee, his fourth one so far as Jaune paused.
My family is growing again, I wonder if it'll grow more later? Jaune wondered as-
"Nerve tests in three, two one now!" May shouted as Jaune and her both pushed a button one on her leg the other on a scroll as Nora let out a shout!
"GYAH! That hurt!"
"Of course it hurt Nora, you just had your nerves connected to a prosthetic."
"Really you just blew off your leg girl, how in the world did you take that smiling and now want to complain about a small nerve pinch?" May asked, shaking her head wondering if she was going to be seeing more of Nora later on as the faunus coughed and gasped in pain before she recovered.
"Yeah but that was cool! This was just painful!"
"How do you think blowing off your entire arm is cool? That would be painful if not excruciating." May said frowning as-
"Mister Arc! Did you attack your teammates!?" The voice of Glynda filled the air as the cougar dean pushed into the room her fangs barred and wand out as Jaune sighed.
Should I kill her? His pistol asked as Jaune shook his head.
"No don't. She's just... she's just concerned about her students." Jaune said as he stood to placate the dean.
Oh great, she's furious, now I have another problem to deal with. Jaune thought as Glynda stormed at him the fury in her sharp green eyes made him wince as rea really hoped she would not try to kill him for something outside of his control.
"Arc! Did you blow off the limbs of your teammates just so you could have some kind of sick science project!?" Glynda shouted her green eyes slits as-
"No. No, I did not."
"I am not a liar ma'am. I did nothing wrong, I just applied emergency first aid to my teammates when they made decisions hastily and came to the consequences of her own actions."
"Like I will believe that! Girls! Ruby tell me what happened! You can be honest with me young Rose, Mister Arc can not hurt you anymore ok?" Glynda asked smiling down as Ruby cocked her head up at her.
"What no? I just touched Miss May's weapon and I blew my own hand off." Ruby said pointing at May who winced at the faunus.
Why did you make me involved in this? May thought as Glynda rounded on her and tried to intimidate her.
"You! Did you assault my student?!"
"No. No, I did not." May replied coolly as Glynda stomped one of her heeled feet.
"Well, then would you care to explain what happened with her arm!? She was clearly injured by your weapon! What do you have to say for yourself!?"
"That you should not touch other people's things without persimmon? And that when someone has a weapon you do not know what can do, you can not be upset when you have a mishap?" May said blankly as Glynda began to ground her teeth!
"You! You caused one of my students to lose a limb! Now she is permanently marred! For the rest of her life, she will never be able to properly hunt! She has been weaned-
Crunch! Everyone froze as Ruby broke the table next to them. Ruby gripped the top of the metallic table with her new fake hand as she paused and giggled.
"Sorry! I don't know my own strength yet!" Ruby said giggling a bit as May grinned.
"I don't know about that Glynda. Ruby looks stronger than ever if you ask me."
"I! That's not the point! Miss Valkyrie!"
"Reporting for duty ma'am!" Nora saluted Glynda as she jumped!
"Nora please tell me what happened! And do not leave anything out!"
"Yes ma'am! I kicked in the door looking for my awesome partner and stalwart leader!"
"Yes? And then? Did Jaune force you to kick the weapon? Did he try to trick or manipulate you in any way?"
"No, I didn't-"
"Silence! No one was asking you Arc!" Jaune winced as Glynda shouted at him making his back go straight as he gulped.
"Now Nora! Tell me what really happened! And don't feel the need to play to this duplicitous human's games! You are as strong as any huntress and I know you will speak the truth!"
"I am not that bad, I mean I bend the truth but duplicitous? I mean that's a bit much don't you think May?"
"You do not lie sir but your creative explanations can lead to people accusing you of, especially the simpler minded ones.' May said glaring at Glynda as-
"Well! I found them in the room! And when I saw Ruby with a badass arm! I decided that I wanted one! So once I learned how she got it I kicked May's gun! And now I have an awesome new leg!" Nora shouted as Glynda deflated like a popped balloon. Her previous anger and self-righteousness evaporating like water in the desert as she paused.
"You... Do you mean to tell me that there was no coercion? That there was no problem with Jaune and that you wanted this new leg?" Glynda asked as Nora nodded.
"Hell yeah! I got a new badass leg! Why would I not want it? I mean it's like super cool!"
"But are you upset!? You lost your leg! You should be livid!" Glynda shouted as Nora paused, the dog faunus looked up curiously before she snapped her fingers.
"AHA! You are right! I am furious at Jaune!" Nora shouted as Jaune gagged.
"You are?"
"You are?! I mean, of course, you are! Tell me, Nora, how has this painfully affected you?"
"It's awful! I don't know how I can live with a leg like this!" Nora shouted whimpering her dog tail flopping as Jaune gagged.
"What? Nora what do you-"
"Silence! You have caused undue pain to a student Arc! You are going to pay for this! Now Nora tell me exactly what is so wrong and horrible that Jaune has done to you! And make sure to put in as many details as you can!"
"First I lost my leg! Then he gave me this free badass leg! But! He did not put it in pink!" Nora shouted as Jaune and Glynda both blinked owlishly at them.
"You are mad that he did not give you the correct color of the leg?" Glynda asked, her eyes twitching as Nora nodded.
"Yup! That is not ok! It is totally unacceptable to give me this! If you are going to give me a new leg you have to do it the right way!"
"I'm sorry?" Jaune asked not sure what to say as Nora glared at him with the single most irritating look she had given him period.
"Jaune! You are my leader! And as such you need to do your best to make sure that we are taken care of! I demand you make the leg pink as soon as possible!"
"I... ok? I'll make it pink?"
"Make it now mister! I don't have all day ok?"
"Sure? Let me make your leg pink? May?" Jaune asked as she sighed.
"Fine, I don't like wasting this for things like... this but it should work let me just adjust it for a second."
"Adjust what?" Ruby asked fidgeting with her new hand learning that it seemed to work just like her old one and she could just think for the weapons to come out as-
There was a small woosh as a small flame came out twin pincers with a small flame pushed out of it as-
"It has a flamethrower!? I can make my own cookies with this!" Ruby shouted gleefully as she began to squeal over her new arm!
"Here let me do it for you." May said pulling out a small black pill? A small black pill-shaped object about the size of two marbles long pushed down to her leg as a small fisht! Was heard, a hissing sound filled the air as the device sprayed a hot pink spray on the prosthetic making sure to coat every last inch of the leg in the hot pink colour as Jaune nodded.
"There. That is Arcadian grade camouflage, that leg should never lose that colour even if it is destroyed, it will hold in almost any heat or frost and besides that? Don't ask me to do it again ok?" May said sighing before Nora lunged at her! May squealed as Nora picked her up, wrapping her up in a tight bear hug making sure to hug and swing her around in joy!
"Oh May! Thank you! You are like my new girl best friend! I love you!"
"What!? Nora! Put me down!"
Put my mistress down this instant faunus! Or else! Merlin shouted his defense of his owner before Nora spun May around the room several times, her squeals of embarrassment and shock filling the air as Glynda gave a defeated sigh.
"I... I supposed I owe you an apology Mister Arc, you did nothing wrong."
"It is quite ok Miss Goodwitch, you did nothing that I would not due in your situation," Jaune said amicably, he knew that he had bested Glynda in this but there was no point in looking into making the faunus feel worse than she already was. Jaune was not above rubbing it in her face but since she was just doing her job and he was a bad person her attitude was understandable and he was going to hold nothing against the faunus for it.
"No, I insist I apologize right."
"You can just keep doing what your job is ma'am, that is all I ask for."
It is not enough to best me but now you are trying to take the moral high ground? The audacity of this human. Glynda thought as Jaune flashed her a grin.
"You did what was right and I can't say that I help my reputation in any way but hey tell you what. If you let me take you to dinner then maybe we can all just sweep this under the rug ok?"
"OHH! Jaune you got guts going for the teaching!" Nora said as Glynda choked.
"What!? NO! I do not date my students!" Glynda said a faint blush appeared on her cheeks as Jaune gave a soft laugh. His arms cracked as he leaned back on the bed and grinned.
"Oh my Glynda I never meant it like that, I was just asking for your ear for an hour or two, too talk about things. Such an accomplished huntress like yourself should have loads of stories and insights to share with me. I never had any romantic intentions with you. But... if you think that it is worth your career to talk with me then..." Jaune flashed her another toothy grin as Glynda took a step back, her cheeks now burning red as she coughed into her hand.
"T-that is enough! I have! I have some work to do! I will decide whether to accept the platonic dinner invitation before long." Glynda said as she bowed to all of them.
"Now a good day."
"Bye Glynda!"
"Goodbye Miss Goodwtich!" Ruby shouted as she quickly retreated the faunus rapidly left the room as May shook her head.
"You know you talk a smooth game for someone that has never been on a real date right?" May asked as Jaune winced.
"I! I would not put it like that, I have had dates with people May," Jaune said as for the first time Nora noticed that her leader was blushing-
"Oh? Jaune~Jaune is a virgin?" Nora asked licking her lips as the dog faunus sensed blood in the water.
"Yes, he is," May said as Nora gasped.
"Hah! He's a virgin! Like me! We are both virgins! Oh I know let's make a virgin club! Club virgin!"
"NO! We are not having a virgin club and I am not! I am not like that ok!? I'm just... I am just trying my best ok? Can we just drop it?"
"It's ok Jaune! You don't have to push yourself to grow up any faster than you want! That's what Yang tells me at least." Ruby said the wolf faunus walked to Jaune putting a hand on his shoulder and smiling.
"You are good just the way you are and we love you!"
"Hell yeah! We all love you! Except maybe Blake she fucking hates your guts and despises you but I and Ruby love you!" Nora shouted grinning ear to ear as for the first time in Jaune's life he had nothing to say back as he just froze.
"Jaune! You piece of shit! When I get my hands on you, you are dead!" Yang shouted the dragon faunus screaming, breaking down the door to Jaune's dorm, Blake hissed the second the dragon shattered the door the cat faunus glared at Yang as Jaune who was in the middle of the room turned to meet her.
Yang narrowed her bright crimson eyes, her bloodshot eyes locked onto the human not caring of what kind of crazy defenses he might have as she attacked him! Yang gripped him by his neck slamming him into a wall as-
"You piece of shit! You blew off Ruby's arm, I'll kill you- Jaune? You ok?" Yang asked as to her surprise he was crying? Jaune was crying... like not just a tear he was flowing with them, the human gave her the first look that was not in complete control, and for the first time he looked vulnerable.
Take your hands off my master or die faunus-
"No... it's ok." Jaune said as his voice cracked the human had lost all his poise and usual charisma he looked shy and vulnerable weak and frail and Yang felt the fires of anger go down in her eyes.
"Jaune? Are... are you ok?" Yang asked as Jaune took a moment to inhale sharply.
"Yes. I'm fine... I just..."
"He just likes the fact that we love him! We love you Jaune!" Nora said again as once more Jaunt felt that odd familiar tug in his chest something in him was trying to tell him something, it was hot and heavy and made him want to vomit. He wanted it gone.
"I... I just have something in my eyes, it's nothing." Jaune said before wiping his face using the pure force of will to keep his eyes dry. There was a moment of shock a flash of red as a portal opened, Raven stomped out glaring at Jaune-
"Aunt Raven!" Ruby hugged her tight Raven and looked Ruby up and down her gaze inquisitors before she shook her head.
"I am glad you are safe pup."
"Yeah, I'm great! Look at my new hand that Jaune gave me! it's so cool!"
"Yes... I suppose it is, Jaune. Do you mean to tell me exactly what happened?" Raven asked as she saw Jaune go pale, she felt a twinge of guilt go through her body as she saw the very rare face of Jaune panicking. She could count on one hand the number of times she had seen the human boy panic, Jaune for all his wit and superficial charisma was just like most others his age if not worse, shy unsure of his place in the world and above all desperate for the approval of those he considered valuable, his face went slack his eyes went wide in fear as she knew he was considering the only woman that he called a mother would hate him forever-
"A-Raven I'm so-"
Fit! Raven flicked his forehead making him choke.
"Stop being so dramatic, as long as Ruby is ok, I'm not mad at you. It's ok Jaune you are fine, I'm still here." She said as the boy began to heave...
You see Jaune does have a heart after all! A cold not fully functioning heart but he does want people to like him! He's just really bad at asking them too... so there it is! The story done! I'll try to do more updates soon and thanks for being patient with me!