The Administrator is about to head on home for the night after a long day of work. He has heard from the High Table that Winston has killed John Wick and that the Continental is being reconsecrated.

Just as he is about to enter his car, car lights shine upon him and someone came out of the vehicle. The look on his face is in shock as if he knows who came out.

"You're supposed to be dead!" he exclaimed with fear.

A few minutes later, he wakes up to find himself in a dark room hanging through the chains, not to mention shirtless. The same person who dragged him into the place entered.

"Let's talk."

"Stay away from me, Wick," the Adminstrator yelled. "I have friends, you know!"

"Let's talk about your friends," John suggested.

"Make your own friends, buddy. I'm not saying anything. I talk to you, they will kill me."

"If you don't help me, I will kill you now."

John proceeds to flick on his forehead, which hurt the Administrator a little.

"The High Table is a top-secret organization. They tell me nothing!" the latter exclaimed.

"Nothing?" John is not convinced of what he is telling him. "They did everything for you. They paid you to do their bidding. You followed their orders without question. You should know something."

At that moment, he started turning on the blowtorch.

"What's the torch for?" the Administrator asked with fear on his face.

"For my experiment," John replied ominously. "It won't hurt at first. It's too hot, you see? The flame sears the nerve endings shut, killing them. You'll go into shock... and all you'll feel is... cold. Isn't science fun?"

He then gives him a little push to his forearm, which hurts him a little more.

"I don't know shit!" the Administrator begged.

"I think you'll smell burning meat, and then... then it'll hurt," John added.

"I swear I'm telling the truth!"

Not convinced of his claim, John proceeds with the torture as he burns the steak to simulate the burning and pokes the Administrator's back. As expected, he yelled in pain as if he thinks John is burning his back.

"Son of a bitch!" the Administrator yelled before John continues to poke his back and making him believe he is trying to burn his back.

Anyway, his agonizing screams reach outside the room where the Bowery King and Tick Tock Man are hearing them.

"Looks like John is doing a good job with torturing the poor bastard," the former smirked.

"Yeah, he is," the latter agreed on that one.

"In no time, we'll get the names of the High Table members, and we will take them down."

Back inside the room...

"Smell that? Maybe I'm burning off some of your fat," John continues the torture.

"I'll tell you anything! Anything you wanna know, including the members of the High Table!" the Administrator has given in to his demands.

"That's a good boy," he smirked.

The Administrator started telling him everything about the High Table, including its members. John started writing down notes, and once he is finished, he gave him a little push to his back.

"For the love of God!" John shoves a popsicle to his mouth before he could finish his statement. Next, he lets him go from the chains holding him. The Administrator saw the burning steak, making him realize that his torture towards him is fake. "You really are a nice guy despite being an assassin," he smiled.

"Thanks..." John smiled in return.

"So what are you gonna do? Walk straight up to the Elder and blowtorch him, along with the other leaders?"

"That's the idea, but I have something better."

John throws a camera to the Administrator, and the latter catches it.

"Guess what? You're gonna help me, unless you want to continue being a slave for the High Table for the rest of your life."

"After what happened, I think I should join you in your quest to take down the High Table."


They went out of the room where the Bowery King and Tick Tock Man are waiting.

"Good job for making this man crack, John," the former grinned.

"Yes, I did crack, thanks to him. At the same, I chose to join you guys in taking down the High Table," the Administrator admitted.

"Are you sure we can trust him?" the Bowery King asked John.

"Yes, we can. After all, he's not a fighter, so I don't see anything harmful from him," was the reply.

"If you say so... Welcome to the club."

It was then that the King shook hands with the Administrator. He is glad that with his help, he can take down the High Table and gain the freedom he and the people around him, including John, the freedom they deserved.

Just then, they heard a crackling sound which combined with lightning.

"What the hell is that?" Tick Tock Man asked.

"It's coming from outside," the Bowery King said as they ran outside to see a blue circle coming out of the night sky.

"If I'm not mistaken, that's a portal," John said calmly.

Just then, something fell out of it. Or rather someone fell out of it. It reveals some female anthropomorphic cat wearing clothes that were unfamiliar to them.

"It's a catgirl," John said. "It looks like she is from another world. Somehow, she entered our world unconscious."

"And she's wounded," Tick Tock Man examined her closely to see a wound coming from her chest and back.

"Perhaps we should treat her and ask her some questions, then," the Bowery King suggested.

Author's Note: What do you think? I got the idea of this chapter from that part in the Punisher movie starring Thomas Jane, except for the fact that the Administrator is not hanging upside down.