Shinsou yawned, and opened his eyes, before he blinked, trying to figure out what was going on.

He had apparently fallen asleep in the common room, oddly enough, and even though it was winter, it was actually pretty comfortable in the bean bag.

It was nice and warm, and he didn't feel like getting up. He shifted his head slightly, and looked down, noticing that Midoriya slightly curled up, lying on his chest. He could feel Midoriya's slow, even breaths, and he noticed that Reiko and Ryuto were also sleeping on the boy. Given that the smaller boy was somehow really warm, like a hot water bottle, or a heater, or an electric blanket, it was no wonder, though.

It definitely wasn't a quirk, though, so maybe it was just something that developed because his father had a fire breathing quirk, assuming that the sources that people posted on the forums were accurate.

"Well, you're finally awake." Monoma snickered, exiting the kitchen with a plate of toast.

Shinsou raised an eyebrow, "Don't you have a toaster in your own dorms?"

Monoma shrugged, "Everyone's waiting for toast. And if no one's using it here, why not? Plus, we ran out of butter."

The lavender haired boy rolled his eyes as Monoma settled down on the couch, and rested his legs on the low table in the common room, before he started snacking on his toast.

"Don't leave crumbs. Tenya would have an aneurysm if you did that." Shinsou commented, as Monoma laughed, before he looked around, "Speaking of which... where is everyone else?"

"No idea." Shinsou reached out for his phone, and after a minute or two of blindly searching around with his hand, he found his mobile device. He brought it up to his face, and flicked it on, noting the time, "Er... No idea, really. Most of them would already be up by now."

"Well, speaking of Iida..." Monoma chuckled, as the blue haired boy made his way out the hallway into the common room.

"Yes, did you call me?" Iida immediately whirled around at the mention of his name, but Monoma just waved his hand, "Nah. not really."

"Ah, okay! But if you need any help, feel free to call me!" Iida smiled, before he went to the kitchen for some cereal. After Iida came down for breakfast, it wasn't too long before the rest of the class also exited their rooms and made their way down to the common room.

Despite the loud racket that they were making, chatting about something or another, or switching on the television to keep up with the news, Midoriya remained fast asleep. Even Reiko and Ryuto had woken up at this point, and Uraraka had set out the usual fresh food that Midoriya kept for them as she fed Kinu.

There was another thing Shinsou also realized. With his baggy clothes, a cold, hard, emotionless expression on his face, and always being tense and on guard, the greenette appeared to be intimidating, and rightly so; the boy had suffered already so much shit in his life, from the death of his parents, to a toxic and unsupportive school system.

Midoriya had never really had a chance to let his guard down, and Shinsou never did notice before how small Midoriya actually was, though, but maybe that was because the boy was a good ten centimeters shorter than him and was curled up slightly by using his chest as a pillow.

"I've honestly never seen him sleep that much." Kaminari commented, tapping away at something on his Switch, as Shinsou just shrugged in response.

"It's not like you can focus on anything, with that short attention span." Monoma snorter, "That's why we're so much better than you!"

"Monoma, relax." Kendo rolled her eyes, as Kirishima and Bakugou returned to the dorms after taking Kacchan out for a walk.

"But we're better than them." Monoma huffed childishly, and Bakugou roared, "You are not better than me, fucking Copy Cat!"

"You have some kind of inferiority complex or something?!" Monoma mocked, and Kirishima had to hold him back before the explosive blonde could lunge at the other blonde.

"What, you mean yourself?!" Bakugou growled, "Always mocking us for absolutely no fucking good reason!?"

"See! When you act like a feral maniac, you deserve it!" Monoma spat back, before Kendo smacked him on the back of his head, knocking him into a slight daze, before she apologized, "Sorry about him."

"No worries." Kirishima sweat dropped, as Kendo sighed, "This is getting out of hand."

"Fucking hell." Bakugou grumbled, stomping back to his room with Kacchan at his heels, and Kirishima turned around, asking, "Where's Mina? Isn't she usually down at this time?"

"She's with Bondo right now. They had an argument over acid versus glue or something like that." Tokage replied, having just walked into the common room.

"Wasn't Sero with you?" Kaminari asked, and Tokage shrugged, "Yeah, we were playing with Haku, and then Sero went off to help Mina and Bondo with their fight so they don't get the glue and acid everywhere."

"Ah." Kaminari nodded, and turned his attention back to his game, "Makes sense. Though I have no idea how his tape can help with acid... Mina's acid usually just eats through his tape."

"I don't know either." Tokage laughed, settling down to watch the news, "It's just nice of him to try and help out. Also, try not to go back to the 1-B dorms. Awase stupidly enough challenged Yanagi to some game and she's completely wrecking him with her quirk."

"Wow, and I thought our class was chaotic." Kaminari giggled, and Monoma rolled his eyes, "Excuse me, your class is chaotic."

There was some silence in the dorms, with the only sounds being the faint mumbling of the news reporter on the television, and Kaminari's rapid button presses on his Switch, before Tokage spoke up, "You know... I'm a little curious about some of your quirks."

"Huh?" Monoma asked, and Tokage faced him, replying, "Like, yours and Shinsou's. What's it like, having quirks like yours?"

Shinsou turned towards her, confused, as Monoma narrowed his eyes, "Are you implying something?"

"I'm not implying anything." Tokage stated, barely phased by Monoma, "Frankly speaking, both your quirks are different, being more or less dependent on other people. Like, we can use our quirks all on our own, but you need to copy someone else's quirk, while Shinsou's quirk depends on responses from other people. I'm kind of interested in how it's like, from your point of view, since they're less straightforward in usage, I guess?"

Monoma raised his eyebrow, "I mean... My quirk is kind of straight forwards too, in a way? I just copy a quirk, I get some basic knowledge about it, and I can use it like the original user. Sure, in some cases, I can also suffer some negative side effects, like Shinsou's quirk giving me headaches, or Todoroki's quirk making me burn myself, and I don't even want to think about what happens if my hand is detached while I'm copying your quirk and my internal timer just runs out, but generally... it's not straightforward, but it's not that bad, I guess."

Tokage blinked, "You get headaches?"

"Yeah. It's not too bad... just... kind of annoying. Throws me off a little. But I can still use Brainwashing." Monoma replied, as Reiko hopped up beside the blonde, letting Monoma pat her on the head.

"When I was younger, Brainwashing used to give me mild headaches, but that was only when I used it for too long or tried to control too many people at one go and it wasn't too bad." Shinsou stated, "It's better now, I kind of know my limits so I don't go over unless I know I'm in a safe environment. I don't even know what happened during that other time I got a killer headache from my quirk..."

"I guess mental quirks do have those downsides, huh? Mental quirks are harder to use than general quirks." Tokage commented, "You can't get Recovery Girl to just... heal a headache away. That must suck."

Shinsou nodded, "Yep. All you can do is just try to sleep it off. Or painkillers, but the chances of drug addiction to painkillers is high in hero professions. I'd rather avoid that as far as possible."

"We'd just have to deal with it, I guess. When you have a quirk that's called useless or "villainous" all the time, not implying anything, Shinsou, it either makes or breaks you. You either find some way to use it to survive and succeed... or you'd just prove everyone right." Monoma sighed, "Even now, people are getting ranked according to how viable their quirk is... I'm just glad that hero schools actually let you be creative with how you use your quirk in order to get in, instead of just reading your quirk off the records or your resume and just assuming things."

"Yeah. I used to hate my quirk, you know." Shinsou admitted, "But now, knowing everything I can do with it... I think it proves that quirks can't just be judged so simply."

"Makes sense." Tokage nodded, "I entered through the recommendation examinations, though, so I'm not too sure how it differs from the normal entrance exam."

"As far as I know, the normal entrance exam consists of destroying robots, like those during the Sports Festival, as well as rescuing or saving people." Shinsou explained, "The recommendation examination allows for more creative quirk usage, and focuses more on how you use your quirk instead of just how powerful it is for destroying stuff."

Shinsou tensed up slightly when he felt Midoriya shifting slightly, and he gazed downwards, just as Midoriya yawned and opened his eyes, blinking as he tried to get his bearings.

"Morning, Izuku." Shinsou murmured, gently ruffling Midoriya's hair, eliciting a purr from the boy, before the greenette pushed himself up into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes blearily, "... Hi?"

Reiko hopped off the couch to nuzzle Midoriya, and Ryuto flew off the table to join Reiko and Midoriya, just as Aizawa and Kan entered the common room, "Ashido, Bondo and Sero are cleaning up, and will be here shortly. Where are Iida and Kendo?"

Iida happened to be cleaning the counters, and he popped his head out of the kitchen, "Aizawa-sensei! Vlad King-sensei!"

"Get the rest of the class here. I have an announcement to make." Aizawa ordered, and Iida immediately set to work, grabbing his phone and rapidly sending out a message to the group chat.

It didn't take too long for the rest of 1-A and 1-B to arrive in the common room, and Kan cleared his throat, "We might be canceling the work studies."

There were a couple of protests and complaints from the surprised students, as Aizawa interjected, "It's not confirmed yet, but lately, there's been an influx of powerful villains that just seemed to appear out of nowhere, attacking hero agencies or the heroes themselves. Some of the heroes you're working with were affected, and we are doing our best to deal with it, so you still have somewhere to go tomorrow."

"We're not sure what's going on, and the Hero Commission is working on figuring out their origins, but they still want you kids to do internships." Kan continued, as the students fell silent, "However, if this escalates and gets too dangerous and risky, especially with the League of Villains at large, we will be ending your work studies prematurely and calling all of you back to UA within a week's notice."

"Your safety is our top priority, and you getting hurt before you even get your proper licenses is just counterintuitive. We are just telling you ahead of time so you can complain and whine now instead of later." Aizawa dryly stated.

The students had stupid, goofy grins on their faces as they sheepishly smiled at each other, and Kan sighed, "Things are heating up now, and we have no idea what might happen in the near future. Keep an eye out and be careful. If you notice anything suspicious or out of the ordinary, even if the heroes you work with brush it off as nothing, tell the teachers."

Aizawa turned around, and walked out of the dorms, "Just enjoy the peace while it lasts."