Chapter 1

"I just feel like we should have heard something by now." Heather said as she paced the floor of the small dorm room.

"Would you please sit down," Courtney exclaimed as she peeked up from behind her laptop. "I'm trying to finish this research paper, and it will go a lot faster without all of this noise!"

"Relax, Heather," Gwen intervened, hoping to diffuse the situation. "It's only been a few weeks, I'm sure you'll get accepted."

It had been four months since Heather's misguided attempt at blackmail, four months since Courtney and Gwen kidnapped the young diva in retaliation and ran the poor girl through the ringer; whipping, spanking and, of course, fucking the once proud Queen Bee into submission. Since then, both parties had kept their word.

Heather had managed to stay on the straight and narrow, taking a job at a local coffee house to pay back the money she owed Courtney, all the while taking classes at the local community college in order to boost her grades. In return, Courtney and Gwen had been helping Heather procure every scholarship opportunity and every cent of financial aid available to her, all with the goal of getting her accepted to their university and getting her life back on track.

"I don't know what you're so worried about," Courtney mused as she typed away at her keyboard. "I mean, they accepted Gwen, didn't they? How hard can it be?"

"Oh, I guess you're right!" Heather said as she began to calm down.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean!" Gwen shouted. "They accepted you, too, you know?"

"I'm just kidding, sweetie," Courtney chuckled as she closed her laptop, "and... done! Finally! Now, I can chill out and relax for the rest of the semester," the A-type girl said with a smile, "and speaking of relaxing..."

Courtney clapped her hands twice in order to summon her servant.

"Heather, I think you know what to do."

The former-diva-turned-barista sighed. "Do we really have to go through all this? You know you could just ask me nicely."

"I could, but where would be the fun in that?" Courtney chuckled. "Besides, until you pay me back for all the money you borrowed, I own that cute little ass of yours, as well as that pretty little mouth."

With that, the mocha skinned mistress pulled down her jeans and panties, revealing her hot, dripping sex!

"Lick!" She commanded.

"Yes, Mistress." Heather replied, rolling her eyes as she got down on her knees and proceeded to service her Mistress' exquisite cunt.

As well as agreeing to pay Courtney back financially, Heather had agreed to service both Gwen and Courtney in... other ways. Over the last few months, the former Queen Bee of Total Drama had become quite accustomed to being on her hands and knees, servicing her Mistresses with passionate devotion.

When she wasn't busy licking and sucking their pussies, Heather often found herself bent over a desk or chair in their dorm room, getting spanked repeatedly or rammed from behind with an enormous strap-on. Gwen especially delighted in dominating the young woman, most likely as revenge for years of abuse on Total Drama.

"Now Heather," The goth girl smiled. "I thought you'd be more grateful. After all, if it wasn't for Courtney's hard work, you would never would have made it this far."

Gwen had a point. Despite Heather's boasting at being the best at everything, she had always been a C student at best, and her time away from school, chasing Hollywood stardom, only made her transition to college life harder. Needless to say, Courtney had her work cut out for her if they had any hope of getting Heather's grades up.

As a possible solution to their problem, the girls started adapting their sexual depravity to their "study sessions." Heather would often find herself strapped to the bed, forced to answer study questions read to her by Gwen, as Courtney waited with either a reward or a punishment. For every question she got right, Heather would be rewarded with some personal time with a vibrator, a few thrusts of a dildo or, if they were feeling generous, the loving feel of her Mistress' tongue on her clit. If she got the question wrong, however, she was punished with the strike of a lash or a cat-o'-nine-tails, or the burning sting of candle wax, and only if she managed to meet Courtney's unbelievably high expectations would she finally be allowed to cum.

Needless to say, Heather's grades quickly improved due to Courtney's intense tutoring session.

"Of course," Heather replied, lifting her head up from between Courtney's legs. "Thank you so much for all your help. I mean, I know I've been a total bitch to you two in the past, but I just want you both to know—"

"Yeah! We got it!" Courtney said as she shoved Heather's face back between her thighs. "If you really want to thank me, then why don't you put that mouth of yours to good use, and lick my pussy!"

"Yes, Mistress." Heather mumbled with a smile as she went back to her duties.

Sure, the former Queen Bee might pretend that she found their whole arrangement degrading, and would often sigh or complain when she was told to get down on her knees, but the truth was, the thought of submitting herself to her former rivals, catering to their every depraved whim and humiliating herself for their own pleasure, was absolutely thrilling!

For years, Heather had been the one in charge, the mastermind behind the evil schemes, the two-faced,conniving bitch only out for herself, and what did it get her?

Absolutely nothing!

Her acting career was in the toilet, her boyfriend abandoned her, and her parents practically disowned her, but just when her life had hit rock bottom, she received a second chance from two of the very people whose lives she had made miserable. All it took for her to start putting her life back together was to give in, forget her pride and her selfishness, and allow someone else to take charge. In the end, she hadn't regretted it one bit, and she would always be grateful to Courtney and Gwen for their help and kindness...

...even if part of her still couldn't stand the two bitches.

"You know, you're lucky I'm not the jealous type," Gwen smiled. "Otherwise, I might be worried that you were trying to steal Courtney away from me."

"As if! It might be fun to fool around with you two, but the thought of actually being in a relationship with either of you nut-jobs makes me want to hurl!" Heather ranted from between Courtney's legs. "Honestly, you're lucky you both found each other, because no one else on Earth would be willing to deal with your unique brand of crazy. You two deserve each other!"

"Don't listen to her, baby," replied Courtney. "I think the two of us are just the right amount of crazy. Besides, Heather's tongue might be a fun reward after a long morning of hard work, but nothing compares to the pleasure you give me every night."

Gwen smiled and looked deeply into Courtney's eyes. "I love you, baby."

Courtney, for her part, simply laid back and relaxed, moaning in pleasure as Heather continued to service her aching cunt. Meanwhile, Gwen stood back and admired her lover as she bucked and groaned in ecstasy. Several minutes went by, with the only sounds in the room being the lapping of Heather's tongue against Courtney's slick folds and the gasps and grunts of pleasure emanating from Courtney's sweat-soaked body.

"Well, if you'll excuse me," Gwen said, breaking the silence, "I'm gonna grab some breakfast and then head over to the library. You two aren't the only ones focused on their studies, you know."

"Says the liberal arts major," Courtney joked.

Gwen rolled her eyes and laughed. "Well, if you think liberal arts is such a joke, then I guess it's a good thing I managed to net me a beautiful law major who's gonna keep me happy and satisfied for the rest of my life."

"Yeah... wait.. what did you just—Oh!" Courtney tried to respond, only to moan in ecstasy as Heather's tongue danced across her clit, causing the overachiever to go cross-eyed.

"And with that, I'm outta here," Gwen chuckled. "Try to leave something for me, Heather."

"No promises, bitch." The Queen Bee smiled.


As Gwen headed through the hallway and down the stairs, she tried to think about her plans for the day. She was going to grab a muffin from the cafeteria, head over to the library to check out a few books, get a little studying done, and finally head back to her dorm room, where she hoped Courtney would have recovered enough so she could put Heather's skills to shame, and leave Courtney gasping for breath by the end of the night.

However, despite her best attempts to focus on the day ahead, or the inevitable night of passionate lovemaking that would come after, one thought kept creeping its way into her head.

Why didn't she say "I love you, too?"

Gwen sighed as she traversed the campus green, not wanting to think about it, only for the thought to be the only thing on her mind. Why hadn't Courtney said "I love you?" Sure, they had only been together for about 8 months, but it's not like she hasn't said it before, and yes, Gwen had chosen to say it while Courtney was... distracted. She might not have heard her, or maybe she didn't realize the importance of what Gwen had just said, because the fact of the matter is, Gwen loved Courtney. Gwen was in love with Courtney. She had been in love with Courtney since back during Total Drama, and she knew that Courtney loved her, too.

Her mind went back to the day they first confessed their love for one another, that first, magical night where they each admitted their true feelings. It seemed so simple then, but now months have passed, and Courtney still insisted on keeping their relationship a secret.


It's not like they would throw us out of school just for being gay. Hell, this is college. There are gay and lesbian relationships all over campus.

Is it because we're roommates? If that's the case, we can just get an apartment off campus.

And she refuses to let anyone know that the two of us are together, not even our other friends or family. The only reason Heather even knows is because she found out our secret and tried to blackmail us!

And with that, a creeping dread washed over poor Gwen.

Is that all I am to her? The goth girl feared. A secret? Her dirty little secret that she's ashamed to admit.

"No!" Gwen shouted out loud. "That's not... Just get it together, Gwen. Your better than this."

Gwen made her way into the cafeteria, making a beeline for the giant basket of baked goods on one of the counters.

"You're probably just stressed out from finals or something, that's all. What you need is a distraction. Something to help clear your head. Something like..."


A familiar voice called out from across the hall. Even though it had been years since she last heard it, Gwen recognized it before she even had a chance to turn around.


"Holy cow! It is you!" The fit surfer girl exclaimed. "I can't believe I ran into you so quickly. I mean, I knew you went to this school, but I didn't think I would run into you five minutes after I arrived. What are the odds?"

"I... Yeah, I mean... What?" Gwen said in a mix of shock and confusion. "Bridge, what are you doing here?"

"Oh! I'm here to check out the campus." The blonde beauty explained. "I took a year off school; surfed around Australia for a while. Now that that's over, it's time to start planning for the fall."

"Wow! You went all the way to Australia?" Gwen asked. "That's incredible!"

"Eh! No biggie." Bridgette replied. "Besides, from what I hear, you've been having quite the adventure yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about you and Courtney, silly."

Gwen's face went even paler than normal. "What!? How... How did you know we were—"

"Roommates... Right?" Bridgette asked nonchalantly. "I read it on Sierra's blog. According to her, the two of you didn't even know you were going to be roomies until the day you both arrived. That must have been insane!"

"Oh! Roommates! Yeah, that was pretty crazy, but we worked a lot of things out over this past year, and now we... well, we get along a lot better."

Gwen sighed in relief. She forgot how much Sierra liked to blab about her and Courtney online. That is, until last winter, when they caught her during the whole blackmail incident.

"Sierra didn't write anything else about us, did she?"

"No. Strangest thing, actually. A few months ago, she just up and shut down the Total Drama fan-site. Didn't even bother to give an explanation."

"That is strange." Gwen shrugged. "I guess she finally decided to move on."

Of course, Gwen knew the truth. After what she did to Sierra, there is no way the would-be journalist wouldn't dare tell another soul about what happen that night, not unless she wanted a video of Gwen, Courtney and Heather taking turns flogging her bare ass with a cat-o'-nine-tails to end up on the internet for God and Cody to see.

"But seriously, you and Courtney are roommates!?" Bridgette asked. "After what went down between you two during All-Stars, I'm surprised you didn't just storm out of the room within five minutes."

"Actually, that's exactly what I did, but then I calmed down a little, and two of us got to talking, and maybe a little bit of yelling, and..." Gwen trailed off, trying her best not to reveal too much about what went on that night. "Let's just say things are different now."

"Well, I'm just happy that you're happy," Bridgette smiled, "and that you and Courtney have finally managed to patch things up."

"Yeah, but enough about me. What about you, Bridgette? I mean, traveling around Australia; I want to hear everything about it!"

"Tell you what," said Bridgette, "how about I tell you all about my trip abroad while you give me an exclusive tour of the campus."

"A tour? Now?"

"Oh! I'm sorry. Do you have something planned for today? I wouldn't want to be a bother."

"Plans? Me? No! Not at all." Gwen let out an awkward laugh. "My schedule is completely clear!"

"Fantastic! Oh! I'm so happy I ran into you today."

"Me, too. I could really use a distraction, today."

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Oh, nothing. Let's go!"

The two friends proceeded to tour the university campus as they got reacquainted. Gwen was happy to share her experiences at college, with a few glaring omissions, pointing out some the best spots on campus while Bridgette kept Gwen's interest by sharing the wildest stories from her time abroad. Pretty soon, Gwen had forgotten all about her worries regarding Courtney and their relationship, and was simply enjoying some quality time with a good friend she hadn't seen in quite a long time.

"Then, all of a sudden, this giant wave comes barreling towards us," Bridgette explained, "and I'm just treading water next to my broken board thinking 'Okay this is how I'm gonna die!'"

"Oh my god! What happened next?"

"Well, I didn't die, obviously." The surfer girl laughed before coming to a stop. "Hey, isn't this your place?"

Without even realizing it, Gwen had made a full loop around campus, and had led her friend all the way back to her dorm.

"Oh, yeah. It is. You wanna see?"

"Absolutely!" Bridgette exclaimed. "After all, I'm pretty sure I've made my decision about which school I want to go to next fall. I may as well see how the dorms look."

Gwen couldn't help but smile at the good news.

"Really!? Oh, Bridge! That's fantastic! Having you here with us would be absolutely incredible! I can't wait until next fall!"

Bridgette laughed as the two ascended the stairs. "After a year of term papers and all-nighters, I figure you could wait a little bit until the fall."

"Yeah, I guess that's true." Gwen giggled. "Oh, this is my floor."

"Cool. Which room is yours?"

"Oh! It's the one right there by the—"

Gwen blood ran cold as she pointed at the door, only now realizing the colossal mistake that she had made by bringing Bridgette here.

"Oh, I see it," Bridgette replied. "The door with 'Gwen and Courtney' written on it, obviously!"

That was indeed Gwen and Courtney's dorm room. A dorm room Gwen had left only a little over two hours ago; a dorm room where Heather and Courtney had been busy fucking each other's brains out while Gwen had planned a day of studying at the library, and a dorm room where Heather and Courtney were no doubt still busy fucking each other, since neither of them expected any visitors to suddenly come barging in.

Was Heather still there?

Even if they weren't having sex, what would Bridgette say if she caught Heather, of all people, hanging out in their dorm room?

Worse yet, what would happen if Bridgette walked in on the two of them in the middle of one of Courtney's "study sessions!?" It's one thing to walk in on two women eating each other out, but to walk in on one woman strapped to a bed while the other one is brandishing a riding crop—

"Wait! Bridgette! Don't—"

But Bridgette was already at the door. Time seemed to stand still as the surfer girl began to turn the knob. Gwen rushed over, hoping to intercept her; hoping to stop her from seeing what was inside.

But, it was too late!

Before Gwen could do anything, the door flew open, and Bridgette let out a gasp.

"Oh. My. God!"