Prompt: Higanbana & Hair.

Surprised I haven't done anything for these three as a family yet.



It is a fountain of red to her violet eyes, really. So scarlet and silky, and somehow smells like cherries...his hair does wonders to her. It reminds her of a higanbana, the tinier parts of his long locks curving up in a river of crimson tresses.

With her left hand, she drawls the shiny, pale white teeth of a diamond and opal jeweled hair-comb—one of the very few that can handle the tornado of red hair—and lets it fight against the harsh and strong waves made by the sea of rogue.

He tries to move, but she pulls a tad tightly on a strand and he lays back down, groaning but compliant.

With a satisfied nod, she draws the well-rounded and skinny fangs of the tool backwards, the female smiling as the tiny little springs of red slowly format back to lining with the rest of his bright mane.

Slowly but surely, the comb does its magic more and more, and by the time it reaches the end of the last row of tresses for the second time, he has a straight flow of crimson locks, and she slowly moves him upwards to sit up straight.

"Now, your turn," Rukia says as she turns behind her, where a girl with red tangled hair stood, said child with an annoyed glare in her purple irises.

As the girl pouts and grumbles, Rukia dangles her comb into the little girl's face. She really is her father's daughter.

"But moooommy!"

Renji turns at his daughter and smirks. If he has to face the wrath of the comb, so does Ichika! No man gets out of this alive.

"Your mother's orders are final," the redhead male says before laughing. His daughter sighs, but the five year old succumbs, sitting in the lap of her laughing father.

Rukia swipes the white comb for an amethyst comb, letting it slowly sink into Ichika's bundles of crimson hair.

Another higanbana was in need for some sunlight from its mother.

