The pure bliss that a single thing can give you is amazing, even if it's only for a few seconds. You feel like you can do anything no matter how difficult or impossible it might seem, and you never back down from a challenge. But the best part is that all your worries seem to just disappear, even if it's only for a single second, and that's the most addicting part.

I straightened my tie as I looked over my appearance in the mirror. Alright, I look good. My hair was styled neatly, I looked well-rested. My black suit was neatly pressed and made me look clean, and my eyes didn't seem to give off any indication of what I did earlier today, so I was pretty much ready.

"Come in." I said as someone knocked on my door.

Kaoru opened the door, wearing a matching suit but in navy blue, and smiled at me. "Mom's waiting for us in the limo to take us to dinner for our successful magazine interview. She wanted me to tell you to hurry up."

"I'll be down soon," I reassured, giving him an identical smile, "just let me spray on some cologne."

Kaoru nodded and left my room, once the door closed I let my smile fall. It was starting to get hard keeping up this facade to my family. It's only been a couple of weeks, but it feels almost a lifetime of me hiding it, but I didn't plan to tell them anytime soon, because I knew they'd be disappointed in me.

I let out a tired sigh and headed over to the bathroom, closing the door just in case Kaoru or any of the house staff decided to enter my room. Instead of reaching for my cologne that was next to the sink on the counter and opened the medicine cabinet, reaching for a prescription bottle. I popped a few of the pills in my mouth before cupping some water in my hands from the running faucet and swallowed them down. I leaned over the counter, letting the pills take effect. I had no idea what the fuck these pills were, I just got them from a shoot the other day from a model, but they took effect real quick and lasted for a decent amount of time, so I knew I wouldn't crash until after the dinner was over.

I took a deep breath before standing straight up as the high took effect. All the pain and problems I had seemed to just disappear all at once and I just felt total bliss. A feeling I had gotten used to after many years. I looked back at my reflection, seeing it began to sway as I began to see double vision, but as I blinked a bit my vision seemed to steady itself after a few moments. I grabbed my cologne and sprayed it over me so Kaoru wouldn't be suspicious why I was taking so long.

"Alright," I sighed out, not taking my eyes off my reflection, "let's get this fucking over with."

Laughter filled the dining room of whatever five-star restaurant we were in. Mom had invited some of her fashion friends and Kaoru had brought some of our acting a modeling friends...but I had no idea which ones at this point. I was just too focused on how fast time was going. It felt like everything was fast-forwarding while I was the only one moving at normal speed.

I counted each breath I took in and out, making sure I was breathing and in fear that if I didn't, my heart would stop beating. I stared down at my grilled salmon, poking it with my fork as I dissected it as if it were a foreign object. It might've been just a piece of fish, but it was the most interesting shit to me at that moment.

I felt someone grab my shoulder, tearing me away from my studying and saw Kaoru smiling at me, but wasn't saying anything. I furrowed my eyebrows confused, wondering what he wanted as he continued to smile at me.

"Come on, tell them Hikaru."

I blinked a bit, trying to bring myself back to reality. "Huh?"

"Tell them about the recent movie that you did." He nudged me with his elbow. "They want to hear how it was filming it."

"Oh, uh…" I looked over at all our "friends" smiling at me, waiting for me to answer.

I scratched at the table cloth anxiously as they all stared at me. Could they tell? When I left home I didn't look like I was high in the mirror, but that was a few hours ago so I could look completely different now.

'Just smile, they won't notice anything if you just act natural.'

I gave them the best fake smile I could muster before finally giving them an answer. To be honest, I didn't remember what I told them, just random shit that my brain could pick out in the state I was in. Even though I didn't remember what I said, they seemed to enjoy my answer and laughed at some comments that I said, so that was a good sign.

After the conversation finally ended, Kaoru took over again, probably talking about the recent movie he was working on, or the shot we had last week. I began picking at my food again, finally beginning to eat as it was beginning to grow cold. How long have we had our food? There was no way it should be cold now, but by looking at how almost everyone was almost done with their entrees it must've been almost an hour. People probably didn't anything because I was cutting up my food into small bits and looked like I was eating it. I ate a couple of forkfuls, but I was too nervous to keep anything down. I knew it was a bad idea to take those pills before dinner, but I hadn't had anything since this morning and I was craving them and I knew I wouldn't last all the way through dinner.

A few more hours passed and I was beginning to grow agitated. I didn't know dinner would last this fucking long. I could feel the effect of the crash hitting me like a train and I knew in a matter of minutes I'd be exhausted to the point I wouldn't be able to finish dinner, or my mood might change drastically that everyone at the table might notice something is up.

Luckily, I brought in some reinforcement in my suit jacket just in case I needed it, and by how lively the conversation still was and the dessert was on its way I knew we'd be here for an hour or two longer, and I couldn't risk having a bad crash now.

I nudged Kaoru to get his attention as I whispered. "I'm going to the restroom." Kaoru nodded and I excused myself from the table and headed to the restroom. As I entered the men's room, I was relieved that no one was in there, but I'd have to hurry so no one would walk in on me.

I walked into the handicap stall and locked the door, then once I made sure the lock was secure I reached into the pocket of my suit jacket to grab the small bag I brought, but to my horror, it was gone.

What the fuck? I remembered putting the bag in this morning, there's no way I could've forgotten it. I even made sure to set a reminder on my phone to make sure I didn't forget it. Maybe I put it in one of my other pockets and forgot about it, that's happened a few times in the past but only when I was really high.

I began searching my other pockets, but the result was still nothing. Now I was beginning to panic. I needed those drugs to keep up this act and to make sure my family doesn't find out I relapsed after three years. They're going to be so fucking pissed with me and I couldn't handle that right now. My life was already fucked up as it is right now.

"Fuck!" I punched the stall door. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

I ran a frustrated hand through my hair as I tried to find an excuse to tell why I needed to go home early. I had a cold at the end of last week, so I could use the excuse I still wasn't feeling well and request the driver to take me home and just sleep off the crash.

I let out a sigh, feeling the effects already begin to hit me harder. I needed to get home soon. I unlocked the stall door, but as I headed over to the sink to spray some water on my face to keep awake, I saw Kaoru leaning up against the counter with his arms folded over his chest with a serious expression on his face.

"Oh, hey Kaoru. How long have you been there?"

He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Only for a few minutes, that's all." He cocked his head to the side a bit. "You sounded like you were rummaging through something in there. Everything all right?"

"Uh, yeah," I responded, clearing my throat awkwardly, "just looking for something."

He quirked an eyebrow at me. "Oh really?" I nodded and he reached into the inside pocket of his suit. "Was this what you were looking for?"

I could literally feel my blood go cold as Kaoru pulled out the small bag of white powder from his jacket, the one I packed in my suit this morning. I felt my mouth go dry and tried swallowed the lump in my throat. clenching my hands into shaking fists.

"Where did you get that?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

"You really didn't think that I wouldn't have noticed how you've been acting differently these past few weeks? How you're isolating yourself in your room like you used to do. How you're suddenly energized one moment, then the next time I see you you're so exhausted you can barely walk?" He pointed to his eye. "And did you really think I wouldn't notice how dilated your eyes were. You must think I'm fucking stupid."

"Who else knows?" I asked, feeling my heart began to beat faster with each passing moment.

"No one right now. I had to find some proof to confirm my suspicions so when you weren't in your room I searched your suit." He held up the bag again, "and found the proof that I needed." His expression softened a bit and turned doleful. "I thought we got you off this shit years ago when we turned twenty? You know it ruins your life, so why-"

"I know!" I harshly barked, but Kaoru didn't flinch at all. "Don't you think that wasn't the first damn thing I thought about?!"

"Then tell me why are you doing them again, huh?" Kaoru glared as he walked closer to me, but kept a good five feet gap between us. "If you knew that this shit will not only hurt you but all of us, why are you fucking back on them?!"

I clenched my fists harder, almost to the point that my nails were breaking skin. Even though I felt cold, my body began sweating from all the emotions I was feeling at that moment. I thought I would be able to hide my relapse a lot longer than just a few weeks. Yes, I was disappointed in myself that I started doing drugs again, but with all the stress and being surrounded by them in the industry I just gave in.

"Please, just give them back…" I quietly begged.

Kaoru let out a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah right, and let you ruin your life. I don't think so. In fact," he brushed past me and headed inside the stall I was in before.

"What are you doing?" I panicked as I followed him, stopping at the door. He didn't answer me and went over to the toilet and held the bag over the bowl to my horror. "Kaoru, don't you dare!"

He just gave me a smug smirk before letting the bag go. My eyes followed the bag as it left his hand and fell into the water and he put his foot on the flush handle, taunting me.

"Don't!" I hissed, which only hit deaf ears as he stared into my eyes with a challenging stare before flushing the toilet. "You fucking bastard!"

I ran over to attack him, but as I tried to lay a punch on him he dodged out of the way, then grabbed my arm before twisting it as he got behind me so my arm was locked and placed his free hand behind my neck to pull me down, placing his knees on my lower back and my head so I wouldn't be able to move as he continued to hold my arm.

"I still got it." Kaoru complemented himself.

I knew that there would be no point in fighting his restraint. The position I was in and how fatigued I felt now, I knew I wouldn't be able to stand a chance against him. Tears began welling up in my eyes as I grew ashamed at myself. This wasn't the first time I've tried to attack my brother over this addiction, I've done it multiple times to every one of my family members, and even to some of the staff. It got so bad that Kaoru actually had one of our friends teach him how to restrain me when I got out of hand and got violent.

"Please don't tell mom and dad…" I pleaded in a brittle voice.

"Don't worry, I'm not." Kaoru responded to my relief. "I don't want to ruin the night for them, but tomorrow," his voice grew serious as he began to help me up, still keeping me somewhat restrained, "we're checking you back into rehab to get you clean."

Ok, so I know what most of you are thinking and I want to make it clear. No, I did not take this idea from Zendaya's new show. I didn't even know of the show until I was looking up how to spell Euphoria and saw that there was a new show called that. I had this idea about a year ago while listening to some Selena Gomez song (It's a weird way to come up with a story, I know) and it just came to me, but I never got down to writing it because I have a whole bunch of other stories that I'm writing at the moment (I know, but two are on hiatus because I have writers block and ideas for this story kept flooding my brain) so I decided to release the prologue of this story. I don't have HBO sow I haven't watched the show at all, so I have no idea what happens except how the character does drugs and falls for a girl.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the prologue like I said before I do have other stories that I do have to write, but I want to update this one a bit in the future. I'm sorry I also haven't been updating that much, I had surgery a few weeks ago and been recovering so that's the main reason I wanted to start writing this story to let time pass. I have school in about a week and a half (boo) but hopefully, it won't distract me from updating.

Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this.

Please Review, Favorite, and Follow. Until next time.-HH1957