6:09 AM

6:09 AM

That's what I could see on my alarm clock. I stayed in my bed a little while again but then I was forced to get up. So I woke up hardly and sat on the edge of the bed. I couldn't see anything clearly during some seconds then I recovered view and got up before to head directly to the bathroom. I washed myself then I dressed up into casual clothes - a light green T-Shirt,a brown jacket,a jean and black baskets - before to get downstairs to eat my breakfast. I ate cereals with a delicious milk while watching TV. I watched news with a young blonde woman talking about a robbery and where the thief has been identified as Trevor Philipps.

Trevor Philipps... that name reminds me something.

Maybe a random man like everywhere in this world. Then I zapped and watched opera. I love opera ! When I was done watching TV,I turned it off,washed the dishes and cleaned the house. That distracts me sometimes. Then I left my house to go into the street.