"Hello! I know I already have a history to finish, but I needed to scratch this itch... well, here is another history I had in mind and was always crossing it whilr I was trying to write "Ghosts of Winterfell". Hope you like it!

A song of ice and fire is not mine.

"Welcome home, Daenerys Targaryen" Pryat Pree said after he chained the Princess to the Walls of the House of the Undying. Daenerys was about to yell at her dragons to lit the wizard on fire when the man stole her voice, leaving her defenceless. The baby dragons went towards their mother, feeling her distress. Specially Drogon. Oh, Drogon. He could feel his power, the one giving the wizards the power they thought have been lost forever… but what about his siblings? Why weren´t they giving them the same power? Better consult with the Undying. "Wait here, princess, we have not finished yet with you."
The magician walked the dusty paths of the Undying´s home, gritting his bluish teeth at the state of the place. It was decrepit, just like it´s inhabitants. But just wait. Soon, the place would be brimming with life, like it should ever be. The highest wizards of his order would consume the vitality of the Targaryen girl and use it to light the fire of magic again. Their power would be restored, as well as their place in Qarth. It was going to be as it should have ever been.
"Honourable Undying" said the man, entering to the radiant chambers where the Undying showed themselves. It was all an illusion, of course, but it was okay with him. It was better to deal with the illusions than with the decrepit mummies the ancient wizards were in reality, eager to devour any source of magic. "I come here to announce the capture of Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons."
"Very well" a woman with a low cut quarthene dress said, her eyes cold as she talked. She looked disappointed about something, but at the same time thoughtful.
"My lords and ladies… aren´t you going to consume her now? We need to hurry if we are going to recover our power."
"Don´t hurry it, young Pryat Pree" the same woman answered, moving her beautiful fake body slowly in her golden seat. "The dragons are giving us magic, but their magic is still inmature and halved. Only the black one is giving his full and that is thanks to his mother´s presence. If we are going to recover our power, we need to have all of it."

"Then what should we do, oh wise ancients, to make the other two do the same?"
"Isn´t it obvious?" one of the male wizards answered with a bad temper. This particular one never liked younger members of the order and was more prone to eat them than train them. "We need to find their riders"
"Their riders!" the magician gapped. Of course, it was obvious that with riders to bond with them, dragons would obtain their maximum power and become the magic powerhouses that would restore the Undying and the rest of their order. But where were they going to find their riders? The girl currently locked in the lower stance of the house was the last of the Targaryen, the best Valyrian dragon riders, and there was no way they would wander all the Valyrian cities, searching for riders between the dragonseeds. They simply don´t have the time for such a search. "But, your radiance, we don´t have the time to…"
"Are you a wizard or not?" another, older woman asked, frowning at him. he cowered under her gaze, fearful of her reaction. "You have magic now, more than enough to track two brats and bring them here."
"Two… brats?"
"Yes" the witch continued, her eyes clouded with something that could only be the after effect of the Shadow of the Evening. "I see them right now. Two brothers separated by a tragedy, ignoring the existence of the other, but yearning to find each other. To find their aunt. To find family" she continued, trying to see better. "Two children of the Last Dragon, one in Essos, one in Westeros."
"Show me… show me the dragon riders I must find and I will bring them to you!" he promised, rising his fist. The ancient magicians just told him to use his own powers, that they were tired and this was work made for youngsters. This signalled Pree that the audience has been finished and it was time to go back to Daenerys. He walked towards her, putting a hand on her chin. He forced her to lift her head, looking at him straight in the eyes. "Well, little princess, here we are."
"Release me" said the girl, showing her teeth to him. Drogon mimicked her while his brothers just looked at the man attentively. "I command you to release me!"
"And here I was thinking that you were going to cooperate with me" the man said, unafraid of her fury. "Things could be easier, little princess, if you only cooperate. Moreover, you will gain something yourself. Something you always wanted… a family" he smiled, caressing her face. "Tell me, little one, where are your nephews hiding?"
"What are you talking about?" she was now confused. Her nephew and niece died in the Sack of King´s Landing when she hasn´t even been born. Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaenys, murdered along with their mother by Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch. At least that´s what Viserys told her. Could it be… that he was mistaken? Could that be a lie? Could she not be the last one of her family? Knowing Viserys, it probably was true. The man has been mistaken about a lot more things.
"It will be easier if you just tell me" Daenerys frowned. If Aegon and Rhaenys were alive, there was no way he was handing them over to this awful wizard. Not in Seven Hells! She wanted to find them, yes, but she was not so desperate to plead for the help of someone who betrayed her. "Tell me!"
"I don´t know and even if I knew, I would never tell you" she showed him her teeth again, followed by all of her dragons. Pyat Pree released her in that moment, taking a step back. The dragons were still a force to be reckoned, even if they were bound by chains. And they were very protective of their riders./span/p
p class="MsoNormal"span lang="EN-GB" style="mso-ansi-language: EN-GB;""Well, if you are not going to help me, I will have to do this alone" he said, suddenly striking and cutting her cheek, drawing blood. "I only need this" Daenerys shot him a venomous glare, but she couldn´t do much more. Her voice was fading again. "The Shade of the Evening is going to show me all I need to know."
"You… aren´t going to find them"
"You are underestimating me" the wizard said, mixing her blood with the potion before drinking it. The Targaryen blood mixed into it made him have visions of many things, like a babe with silver hair being grabbed by a fat spider and replaced with other, given to a red Griffin. The babe suddenly turning into a dragon with a spear and a sun in his chest, ready to strike; a she wolf with a breath of blue roses eloping with a red dragon, then the same wolf heavily pregnant, bleeding as she died giving birth to another dragon, but this one suddenly turned into a wolf and was secreted away by another canine, a silent one. To a land of ice…
"Okay, one is in Essos with a red Griffin… the other is in the land of ice with a quiet wolf" Danerys listened to his ramblings with interest, bidding her time. She doesn´t know how, but she was going to find a way to escape and find her way to Rhaenys and Aegon. To warn them… and to recover their birthright.
While Pryat Pree worked his magic, she tried to release herself, even with the help of the dragons. Nothing. Her children wouldn´t do something without an explicit order from her in High Valyrian. She then decided to listen to the man´s ramblings, hoping for a tip about her family´s location. It was hard, the man was hushing about different things, like wolfs, spiders and griffins, but nothing she can follow.
"Where are you… where are you, little prince?" he asked over and over again, obviously referring to Aegon. It surprised her than Aegon and Rhaenys were not together, but then she thought that probably it was for their own safety. After all, if they were, the Usurper would track them down easier. Just like her and Viserys. Suddenly the wizard started cackling madly, like that man from her visions in this very house. The man demanding to burn them all. "Yes… I see you now… I see you now!"
"Aegon…" she managed to say, trying to warn him.
-In the Shy Maiden-
"Ahhhh…" Aegon Targaryen, aka Young Griff, woke up completely drenched in cold sweat. To feel better, he pushed the covers aside and walked around the room. He peeked through the window, expecting to find the sky lighting with the first lights, but he found it dark. Oh, wonderful, he woke up too soon with no things to do. And worse, he woke up screaming, something that obviously would alert his guardian and make him jump into action.
"Aegon! What happened?" he was right, because a few minutes later, the former hand of king Aerys was barging in, practically breaking his door. Septa Lemore was hot on his trail, still in her nightgown. The boy just stared them, feeling his colours rise to his cheeks. "What the hell happened? I thought someone was attacking you."
"Well… it was just a nightmare" he explained. The Lord of Griffin´s Roost grunted and, after telling him to stop screaming before of a stupid dream, went away. Lemore, a little bit more worried about her charge, sat down on the bed, motioning him to come near her. "Do I have to?"
"Yes" she answered, staring right at him. "So, can you come and talk to me, my prince?"
"Hummmm" the silver haired teen went straight to the bed and sat down, utterly displeased with the situation. "It was just a stupid nightmare, there is nothing to be worried about. I have got plenty of them in the past."
"Yes, but you rarely wake up screaming from them since you were seven namedays old" the septa continued, caressing his hair with care. He leaned into it, as the woman was more of a mother to him than his real one. "Was it like the others? With the big carnivorous stag trying to eat you?"
"No, it was different. There was a man with blue lips laughing and telling that he found… hey!" his face went beat red. "You swore to never mention the stag anymore! Or the falcons or the dancing wolves…"
"Sorry, sorry" Lemore smiled. When she was princess Elia´s lady in waiting she could barely dream a lot about the future, but she never thought she would end up comforting her dear friend´s son after a nightmare. No, that was a role she would have left to the dornish princess. And to Rhaegar, by default, but neither of them were alive to take care of the child. Nor was Lyanna to do the same to her own. "What did the mean blue lipped man do?"
"Just… laughing" he was confused. Since when laughing men put him on edge? "He was laughing and telling me he found me…" he shivered, remembering the eyes full of evil. "I think there was also someone behind him, but I couldn´t see him or her clearly" he let himself fall in the bed. "Perhaps I should forget it, it was just a nightmare"
"Sometimes, nightmares are warnings from the gods against the evils we can´t see" the servant of the Seven chanted, even if she herself didn´t really believed in it. "Don´t mind me, I´m just jesting." She said when he put an incredulous face "Maybe it´s just that you are training too much. You should take a rest, live your youth…"
"I don´t know, I have to continue training to take my throne from a lion cub that is rumoured to be a royal shit" answered Aegon, hoping she wouldn´t take him over her knee and spank her like she used to do when he was seven. "Sorry for the vocabulary"
"Don´t worry"
"You are not going to punish me for that?"
"Well, where the Lannisters are concerned… let´s just say there is no language awful enough to describe the lot of them" she said, moving her head a bit, remembering the lady of the house she knew form her time in court. "Besides, I knew the boy´s mother. She was an awful bitch with a superiority complex the size of Westeros itself"
"Really! She walked around the Red Keep as if she owned the place! And was always showing off her golden trinkets, every day a new one" she rolled her eyes. "She also threated the servants like they were dirt beneath her golden embroidered slippers… Yes, that was Cersei Lannister for you."
"Oh" the exiled prince smiled, feeling a little better. "What a horrible person… and probably worse queen" they laughed together. "Yes, she seems more worthy of nightmare than a man with blue lips" he laid in bed again. "Maybe you are right and I´m working too much. I should take a break from everything."
"Yes, probably" then something came to her mind. "I know! Rolly is going to make a short trip to the market tomorrow. You should accompany him."
"Jon Con is not going to let me…"
"Let me deal with the old Griffin, you just try to enjoy your day off" Lemore said, putting the covers over him just like a mother would her child. Aegon smiled, letting her do it. In other situations, he might have protested, as he was too old for such a gesture, but right now he was grateful for her comfort.
-The next day-
"Why did it have to be me?" asked Rolly, eyeing Aegon watching a stall in amazement. The day before he was looking forward this trip, to have some time alone with himself, escaping the Golden Company for a few precious hours, but then Strickland and Connington came to him and ordered him to watch the Company´s baby boy for them. "From sellsword to nursemaid, great."
"This is awesome" the exiled prince muttered to himself, lifting a necklace with a blue stone. He admired it until the blue lipped man appeared again in his mind, seeing him from the hearth of the stone. He instantly panicked, releasing the jewel. "Gods, this is worse than the carnivorous stag and the dancing wolves."
"What?" Rolly was suddenly behind him, listening to his every word. "Boy, I don´t know what kind of strange reality you are living in, but I´m pretty sure that in this one deer eat only vegetables and wolves don´t dance."
"Wha… No! I only said that because the man with the blue lips…"
"Man with blue lips? Boy, we are in Pentos, not in Qarth"
"Qarth?" Aegon was now confused. What the hell was he talking about? "What the hell does Qarth has to do with this?"
"The blue lipped men" answered the sellsword without batting an eyelid. "That´s a very good description of the wizards of the House of the Undying, which is located in Qarth" he continued, remembering when he was there. "They have lips like that because they ruined their health drinking some strange poison, the shade of the evening. They also are mocked in that city because they lived in a piss poor, antique and dusty house."
"And… are there any of those in Pentos? Even one?"
"Haven´t you heard me before?" Rolly wanted to leave already, but he couldn´t take his eyes away from the boy. "They are laughed all the way to Qarth and back. Do you think the laughing stock of Essos even wanted to leave their own city?" the teen shook his head, feeling a little bit better. "Now come, we have to buy some groceries for Homeless Harry."
"Yes, yes, I´m coming" said the boy, following his protector. In his mind, the fearful image persisted, but he pushed it away. He had already heard Duck, there was no way one of those blue lipped abominations get to him.
He spent some more hours helping the sellsword transport the supplies to their transport all around the city. In one of those stops he wiped his face, trying to get rid of the sweat. One second he was looking at one magister´s palace and the next… a dusty house appeared in front of him. The boy king looked at it strangely, noticing how different it was from the rest of the structures in the city. Antique… bad. The feeling took a hold of him, making him flee. He needed to find Duck, right now. He started running towards the stand he was visiting, panicking.
"What… Griff! You left the supplies alone? Foolish boy, the carriage could have been stolen by now, you ignorant!" screamed the older man, feeling the impulse of whacking him in the head, but resisting it. "That´s it, I´m talking to your father when we arrive at the Company´s place. He should deal with you, not me."
"But… But… the house… and the blue lipped man…"
"How many times do I have to tell you? There are no wizards in Pentos" the older rolled his eyes, walking towards the cart they were using. Aegon followed him, trying to explain his sudden running spree, but once they arrived at the place, the house had disappeared. Instead, there was a magister´s palace again, shining in all it´s glory. "See? No magister with a sense of self respect would house a wizard in his house."
"But… but there was…"
"Yes, yes, you saw one of those clowns, I get it" the man shook his head. It was a mistake to allow the boy to come with him, he was only slowing him down. "I should have left you with Lemore, I knew that. But she had just to insist that you should come with me, that you are mature enough to behave like an adult…"
"I´m behaving like an adult!" the king said, offended. He could barely be a man, but he knew how to behave so he didn´t make a fool out of himself. Besides, the house was real there a few minutes ago and that was starting and to creep him out too. Mayhap… no there was no way he was admitting his fear to Rolly. He would only call him a baby and tell the whole company. Oh the humiliation…
"Then can you be a man enough time to take care of the fucking supplies?" asked the sellsword, trying to get rid of him for a few moments.
"Yeah, sure. I can" Aegon answered, putting a serious face. Duck left him there and everything was fine for half an hour. But then, the house appeared again. The dusty, antique house that was trying to take him. "I´m not scared… I´m not scared… I don´t fear you" the Targaryen boy put a hand in his sword, willing to fight whatever enemy that came out. "I don´t fear you."
"Come here… little prince… come here" a creepy voice said while the door opened, making a blood chilling sound. Like the hinges haven´t moved in a hundredth years.
"I don´t fear you. Do you hear me? I don´t fear you!" his screams were followed by cursed and dares to the house and it´s inhabitants and the senselessness of youth made him enter to prove his manhood. The door closed behind him, disappearing from Pentos like it never existed. And it really didn´t existed for the passerbys.
"Okay, I have every… Griff?" said Rolly, noticing that Aegon was not there anymore. "Griff? Where are you, you damn boy? Griff!" he spent the next few hours trying to find him without any luck. No one has seen him. And in the end, he could do only one thing. "SHIT!"

Okay, here is the summary. Daenerys was captured, Aegon is in the wizard´s den, entering like a fool, and Rolly Duckfield is going to be in a great deal of trouble if Jon Connington finds out he lost his platonic love´s son (he is clearly in love with Rhaegar in the books, no one can deny it). Or is it septa Lemore who is doing to punish him first? (would you like an Arthur Dayne like Ashara? I at least want to see her with a sword) And guess who is next in the wizard´s list of captures? Review!