In regards to Helena, we all know she was a villain and psycho. However I feel that she's been judged too harshly by some during the beginning of her S1 arc and I can understand why she'd want to kill her father for murdering her fiancé and can't say he didn't deserve it. Plus as my friend here Bl4ckhunter pointed out, she wasn't evil (at least in the beginning). She was lost.

In addition, Frank Bertinelli was on Oliver's List and therefore a part of the powerful criminal elite poisoning the city.

Therefore I'll be trying my own hand in which Oliver not only allows Helena to kill her father, but also helps said endeavor but without the body count or Helena threatening their city.

Disclaimer: I don't own "Arrow".

"What the he** were you thinking?!", Oliver almost shouted at Helena as he dragged her to the side after preventing her from assassinating the head of the Triad in Starling.

"It's simple Oliver. I take out Zhishan, make it look like my father did it, and in turn provoke a war between him and the Triad, the Triad destroying what's left of my father's criminal empire" Helena answered as she glared at him, annoyed by his interference.

"But by doing so, the resulting gang war could have far reaching complications across our city, putting multiple civilians in harm's way" Oliver countered. "It could lead to mass violence throughout the city and frankly, set it on fire. Is that what you really want?"

'I JUST WANT JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!", Helena shouted, tears streaming down her face.

"I understand your need for justice believe me I do, and more than you can possibly imagine. But I can't just sit back and let you not only lose yourself in hate and vengeance that you end up burning this city to the ground. And yes, Michael's life is important but the rest of the lives in this city matter just as much. Can't you see that?", Oliver implored, trying to get her to understand where he was coming from.

Helena on her part took a deep breath, trying to control her emotions and knowing that Oliver was correct. She desperately wanted justice, or vengeance, for Michael, the man she'd always consider to be the love of her life. But as furious as she was with her father for robbing him of his life, she also knew that she couldn't risk the lives of innocents and knew that their families would be as heartbroken as she was if they lost them, and she could not do that in good conscience.

"So what can we do Oliver?", she asked desperately, hoping he would have a solution for this conundrum. Oliver sighed, thinking it over, but knew he needed for time to do so.

"For now you just go back home or to a hotel somewhere, and I'll think about all of this and our next moves and then contact you again. Will you please promise me that you'll wait in the meantime until I figure it out?", Oliver begged her. Helena turned to look at him, regarding him for a bit while mulling kt over. After a bit, she turned to face him again.

"Very well, I'll wait until you come up with something" she answered, deciding to give him a chance. I can't stand to even be at the same house as my father though so I'll be waiting at the place where we spent the night." Oliver quietly sighed with relief.

"Alright then, and like I said, I'll contact you", he replied to her, glad he was able to stop her before she went increasingly down a dark road and did something she might regret.

"See you then", she said to him with a small smile, and then turned, put her helmet back on, straddled her motorcycle, then drove away. Oliver watched her leave, then made his way back to the bunker to think.


Back In The Bunker, Or Arrow Cave

Oliver paced around in his lair, meditating on as to what he'd do. He knew where Helena was coming from and the desire for vengeance. After all he'd nearly tortured Shreive to death over the Yamashiros son Akio when the young boy died due to the release of the bioweapon Shreive caused. He'd killed Fyers during his first year away and while he'd done it to rescue Shado, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction since he'd murdered her father Yao Fei and threatened her as well. And there were times when he'd been tempted to end Waller for what she'd put him through and threatened to do to his family if he didn't cooperate. So he fully knew how Helena felt.

However he was not going to see his city fall due to one woman's vendetta and especially since he was working hard to save his city.

Speaking of her father, Oliver remembered that Frank was on his father's List and therefore a part of the disease infecting the city. That meant he had to go after him eventually. Plus he'd done his research on him and just like in the Justin Clayborne case and a few other targets of his that he'd been researching, Frank and his people had numerous connections throughout the citywide establishment, enough to even, like Clayborne, buy the courts, judges, and jury.

Oliver also contemplated turning him over to the F.B.I, but had a gut feeling that it wouldn't fly over well with Helena. He knew how determined she was to make her father pay and the last thing he needed was for her or himself to get into a conflict with the federal agency. That would be disastrous. Not only that, but maybe seeing her father dead would be the closure she needed while Oliver would permanently have one less corrupt and murderous individual out there poisoning his city.

Having finally made up his mind, Oliver phoned Helena and summoned her to the bunker, and then hung up and waited for her. After she arrived and came inside, Oliver addressed her.

"I've given it plenty of thought, and I've decided that thus is something that you need. Therefore I will help you to kill your father and obtain your vengeance, but we're not going to go on a killing spree or risk the lives of innocents. Will you agree to these terms?", he asked, hoping she'd be reasonable and say yes.

Needless to say, Helena was surprised by his offer, not expecting that at all and causing her to see him in a different light. After taking a moment to absorb what he'd just said, Helena answered him.

"Very well Oliver. I agree to your terms, and thank you so much for agreeing to help me. And I promise not to hurt any innocent people", she said to him, smiling warmly at him, happy to finally get her version of justice for Michael and also in a way that wouldn't hurt the city since she loved it as much as Oliver did. And while she'd always love Michael deeply, at this moment she was starting to fall a little bit more in love with Oliver.

Oliver returned her smile, glad she'd accepted his offer. The two of them then went to work, planning and strategizing as to how they'd achieve their goal, confident in the plans they were putting together.

To Be Continued

A/N The reason I made Frank so powerful was because in canon it was implied in canon that there was the option of turning him over to the authorities instead of killing him. But for this fic's purposes, I decided to make him as well connected as Clayborne so that there'd be a bit more justifiable excuse for Oliver to help Helena end him.

And as I wrote above, while Oliver could also deliver him to the F.B.I, He understands that her father's death is something Helena needs in order to move on. That's why he's agreed to help her. But he's not going to have her go around dropping bodies.

I'll hopefully have chapter 2 up eventually.