Please Enjoy!

"If you known nothing else know this.

Family is power. And make no mistake that ours is the strongest

Our love and our loyalty; that's our power.

This is what it means when we speak those words,

Always and Forever..."

If there was one thing that Finn Mikaelson knew well, was that life was well and truly full of surprises. The best surprises filled one with joy and unmistakable love and all those other warm and fuzzy feelings that his younger brothers would tease little Rebekah about.

Those surprises are the rarest.

Life more often then not, he's found in his extended life, is a bitter and spiteful mistress...especially to non-humans and was more fond of showering those with horrifying surprises.

He watched her from the corner of his eye, so deep in her thoughts that she didn't even notice his gaze…

Until she did.

"If you stare any longer Nik's little stoodie will begin to wonder if there is any truth that 'the originals' all shagging the same woman." She said so softly that even his ears strained to catch every word, even as her eyes never left the text in her lap. "I love Bekah and Kol, but honestly twins with too much time on their hands are truly the children of Arawn..."

Finn's gaze flickered towards the young female attend who immediately lowered her gaze upon being caught staring at them a blush coating her cheeks.

Finn brought his eyes back to hers, his hand reaching over to hers bringing her fingers to his lips and kissing them briefly before shrugging. "Let them think what they will."

Kol takes that moment to flop himself into the seat next to hers, before leaning over into her personal space, not that it bothers her.

She and Kol are close but not like in the same ways of his other siblings. There's is a different kind of intimacy between them.

If Nik is her lover, Finn is her protective older brother, Lijah her rival and Bekah yet another baby sister in a long list of baby sisters, her relation with the youngest undead male Mikaelson is rather unusual.

If she had to describe their relationship with one term. he would be her 'child'.

And Kol himself is much like a child, in his need for constant attention especially hers.

A spoiled child that knowingly pulls on the skirt of his mother, following her like a duckling so that she may never leave his side even long before he became "immortal".

He had been forced on the path the moment he understand that he would never truly matter in either of his parents eyes not like how the others mattered. Unfortunately or fortunately depending who you asked, it was that dismal time in his youth that he happened to be foolish enough to ensnare her interest, but that was a story for another time...

Truthfully, her Dorcha had gotten much better in the centuries that she had known him and taken him under her wings, grown much from the damage done by both Mikael and Esther Mikaelson but still, he is a vampire and those human feels from long ago are still heightened and never really leave.

"Well if that's the case, should we not give them something else to whisper about." His lips were so close that if she'd turn her head even slightly in her direction they would brush her own.

She gave a smirk as she turned another page. "Now now, Dorcha, the last thing I would want is for anyone to suffer Bekah's screeching because you'd been daggered in response to Klaus's petty jealousy."

He pouted. "Are you saying that you wouldn't save me from any dagger that he would use against me?"

She still didn't look up. "Oh, you know that I would but when would I get the chance to? Surely you should know by now how your big brother acts when he's pitching a fit, you too are eerily similar in that regard...perhaps it is you that is our son..."

Kol huffed falling back into his seat,his arms crossed as he muttered. "Rip out the throat of a disrespectful chauvinistic brat one time, one bloody time and your eternally damned."

She chuckled. "Dorcha, he was the crowned prince...nor was it the first time..."

"No one is allowed to speak to you like that. H-he propositioned you like you were some common whore!" He growled before pouting. "Besides Nik was talking about skipping rope with his intestines but you didn't say anything to him."

The irony was not lost upon her considering that at the time, she was pretending to be just that. Ah fun times those olden days...

Instead she responded by humming and turning yet another page.

"Regardless she is right, our brother is bound to steal her away, locking her up somewhere that only he may ever see her again, after he's of course snapped all of our necks and daggered you Kol." Finn says casually as he stands before disappearing into the pilots quarters as Kol pouts further even as he chooses to stretch his body across my lap his face turned towards my stomach.

She raked her fingers through his wild curly hair and he quite literally purred "It seemed we would be landing soon."

Kol hummed but doesn't move from his spot. "Both of you are spoil sports. You used to be much more fun before you settled with my brother."

"And yet you have this idiotic need to tickle a sleeping dragon. You used to have much more self preservation."

He tilts his head up catching my eyes and holds it for a moment before speaking. "Please we both know who the the real dragon is, and it isn't Nik, as much as you love to let him and everyone else think. I'll play along though..."

Her lips curled and her eyes for a moment flashed to show the ancient predator that lurks underneath the pretty pretty human veneer.

Kol stares unabashed and unafraid. Kol has walked hand and hand with real monsters long before he and his brothers and sister be one themselves.

"Shush you." She says poking his nose and for a moment even her voice is something old and terrorizing. And then the veneer is back. The rest of the flight to Surrey is silent.

"Are you going to get out or would you rather be content to stare from the car?" Kol asked even as he neither exited the vehicle.

My eyes move from the house, the rather ordinary and plain house that was practically identical to the rest of the houses around it, to look at Kol.

"If I do this...then I am breaking my promise…"

"No, you are not allowed to feel guilty, not after we are here less than 10 feet from the brat, besides, she broke her promise first." Kol said earnestly. "You asked for nothing except that he not go to Hogswash-,"

"Hogwarts" She corrected.

He continued like the spoiled brat that he was. "-the only stipulation ever though she demanded that you never see him again. She could have sent him anywhere, its not like he has a legacy at Hogswash and she signed him up, she broke her promise first so why should you torture yourself with trying to keep your side of the deal?"

She chuckled before smiling. "Yes, I suppose you are right."

Kol puffed up his chest. "Of course I am, now let's go, I want to see what all the fuss about this little brat."

Finn smirked looking back at them and feeling the need to poke fun at his baby brother spoke. "You want to see if you have any competition."

"Sod off Finn." Kol snarked as followed Finn to the front door, Prim following behind them at a more moderate pace, her eyes taking in her little sisters work.

Nia, really was rather good at staging. Everything and she did mean everything was exactly how her sister had planned it to be down to the distance between the flowers in her garden.

First a group of primroses, then a group of petunias and even a group of spider lilies, though they were sparse, the cluster of lilies much smaller but no less taken care of.

She worked her magic to look as boringly human normal as possible and naturally she was able to remain under the radar for so many many years.

She was only slightly saddened that her all of her younger sisters magic might have to be put to an end.

Harry knew that fate truly worked in strange and mysterious ways.

Take his aunt Petunia for example. He thought her playing muggle was strange but in fact her being a witch Harry thought made her actions all the stranger.

But then...he supposed as his eyes wandered around her personal office taking in all the different kinds of things, his aunt liked to collect which happened to be just a massive collection of the same things she decorated the house with. Perhaps she had always been abnormal.

It was a strange sight he supposed as he picked up yet another shiny stone before placing it back in the glass jar he found it...but perhaps it was only he who was slow on the up keep.

The only thing relatively normal about his aunts collections were that she was oddly fond of books if one discounted the fact that they were magical text and flowers if you also discounted the fact that the flowers were dried and pressed into alums, at least the ones that weren't placed in glass jars.

So he watched as his aunt petunia continued to clean, because as long as he'd known her muggle or otherwise, she couldn't stand an unsightly mess...something that also clawed at the back of his own mind when he reflected on his time spent at Hogwarts.

Ron, Seamus, Dean and Neville…well, Neville thank Merlin was as immaculate as himself and while Dean could be better, it was truly Ron and Seamus that drove harry's ocd mind spare with their contentness to practically roll about in their own filth…not that that was surprising...Ron had dirt on his face when he met him…

His aunt was as he noted always immaculate, whether is muggle attire or with robes. Everything really about her appearance orderly, clean, and expensive. She screamed power before she even spoke.

Harry felt the hair on his back stand on edge when his aunt Petunia stopped her straining of the couch pillows, she had arranged them seven times and looked towards the door a flush making its way to her cheeks.

And then after a moment of silence there was a knock on the front door...he watched as his aunt Petunia practically flew over it even in her high heels to open it.

He naturally as was his nature, was curious and moved closer wanting to know just who had managed to work his aunt into such a tizzy.

Harry can admit to having his breath taken away only so few times.

"You are welcome here." She said to the male that stood on the outside of the doorway. Harry watched with intense eyes as the tall brunette male finally took a step across the threshold before bowing and placing a chaste kiss to his aunt's hand.

"Petunia, good to see you well."

"Finn, good to see you well." She said giving him a small smile in return before Harry shocked for a second time watched as his aunt seemed to scowl as another male who was also brunette those appeared much younger than the first also stepped past the threshold.

She tsked. "So your not dead yet."

"Nope, still here~" He practically sang.

"How annoying. And here I was getting excited." She said dryly.

His brown eyes glittered. "I get you excited, is that a confession?"

"In your dreams and in my nightmares." She spat.

"Don't be like that love, didn't you miss me even a little?" He pouted. Harry was surprised, his aunt didn't even bat an eye.

"Never. Now move out of my way, annoyance." She growled.

He didn't move an inch and instead with lightning fast reflexes grabbed his aunts hand and raised it to his lips, he kissed her knuckles before turning over his hand and kissing her wrist. "You are always a feast for the eyes Pet."

Harry expected his aunt to blush, she didn't. She did smile though... "Then please, gouge out your eyes and die in a fire."

Harry didn't choke on his spit as his aunt callous and completely fearless words, but it was a near thing.

The male grinned his eyes holding something completely wild and unrestrained and yet at the same time completely focused in a way that made Harry shiver and think. Dangerous. That man while young looking was very dangerous. He was only too happy that the male seemed more interested in his aunt.

Before he could say anything else Harry was nearly knocked off his feet with surprise when his aunt let out a girlish squeal when she caught sight of someone else beyond the door.

His world though, seemed to tilt on it's very axis as he watched a woman step across the threshold. She wore heels much higher than those of his aunt and while not dressed in robes still looked every bit aristocracy, dressed in an expensive looking pea coat and knee-high leather boots. More than the woman's attire, it was the magical aura she gave off.

He closed his eyes and it was like he could visibly see her aura stretching far and wide encompassing the entire house and still was being restrained. It was smothering in a way, and yet not...

He knew magic, had seen it with Hagrid, and had even used it at school.

This woman though…she seemed to ooze magic in a way that not even headmaster Dumbledore ever could, he could feel it deep in his bones...

He opened his eyes and watched, he didn't even blink as he watched the newcomer. He watched as his aunt shoved the younger male away with a strength he didn't think she should have been possible for her to have before quite literally throwing herself into the arms of the other physically smaller woman.

Just when he couldn't think the night could get any weirder, she said the one thing that did.

"Big sister!"

Notes for this chapter:

Kol belongs to Prim.

Gaelic term Dorcha means 'dark one', which is also the meaning of Kol. In this sense it is her personal endearment for him.

Reminder: Kol likes pretty things with sharp tongues.

Words in italics in Harry perspective are to be considered like parsaltongue.

He understands, but doesn't know he's hearing/speaking in a different language.

WARNING: This story will have some crackish moments.