Please Enjoy!

"If you known nothing else know this.

Family is power. And make no mistake that ours is the strongest

Our love and our loyalty; that's our power.

This is what it means when we speak those words,

Always and Forever..."

He has been strange since his return, this she knows and so she waits...but she doesn't have to wait long for him to crack.

It is only after a week of wordlessly watching him pace when he thinks that she is not watching, a week of listening to him cry out in fear from the depths of his sleep and week of buying more red meat then she ever had in her life when she notes that it keeps disappearing from the fridge at odd hours of the night.

Just as she wonders if he's even aware of his own actions anymore, she bears witness to him cracking.

He's is moving about the room like there's a hurricane inside him.

He's moving like his brain is demanding the energetic expenditure of an athlete but won't tell his limbs what to do.

His eyes under normal circumstances were hues of the forest, surrounded with dark moss. It was the kind of earthy green that revives the grass after a cruel, unforgiving winter. Interwoven shades of molten gold and hiding the chaotic nature behind. She knew those eyes, knew them intimately. Only once before have eyes held such danger and beauty all at once. He was a wild fire: reckless, untamed, yet undeniably captivating, he after all had his mothers eyes...but these eyes were unfamiliar brightened with a semi-feral gleam and when she makes him sit he starts rocking, rocking, rocking. He gets faster and faster until he explodes into motion again.

And suddenly he's taking.

Talking like he doesn't have enough time to say what he needs to. His words are crowded together and some are missing. His sentences are fragmented and his thoughts seem to jump from one thing to another but to her his story is all too clear even if show knows he doesn't have all the information. A conniving meddling old man, secret secrets and a semi corporal psychopath with a blood grudge.

She scowls and for a second loses a grip on her perfect control. Cracks and abrasions appear over Vernon and Dudley's forms and just for a moment they appear to be something less than human and the ground quivers in response to her ire.

All his fears are tumbling out unchecked by his brain, he's in some kind of mental free-fall, unable to analyze things or assess risk she sends a small but grateful thanks to Morrigan for giving her the strength not to storm the very institute that her nephew had been in attendance to raze the place to the ground and quickly recollects her temper.

The ground stops shaking and the cracks in Vernon and Dudley appearance smooth over.

Her words are bouncing off him like they were hard rain.

And then, almost faster than her eyes can catch he's right in front of her, his fingers are white-knuckled holding onto her sweater and he's asking her, begging her really if it will be OK.

She tells him yes even though she knows it is a lie. Everything is not ok, everything has changed.

She continues her lies, he would not be able to handle her truth and so she whispers the words that will grant him temporary peace of mind. She tells him over and over, stroking his back and planting kisses on his face.

He is too caught up within his own mind to question her sudden family with him.

She is too caught up within her own mind and plans to realize she has broken the character that she has been showing him since he appeared to her eleven years ago.

When Harry slumps against her, body physically and mentally exhausted, she neither looks nor speaks in Vernon's direction before he is moving and lifting the boy into his arms.

His touch is gentle, not at all aggressive or rough like his previous touches. He knows his mistress's temper much like the rest of her family is a fickle thing, temporarily boxed it was but did not mean that he wouldn't be the on the receiving end of her ire if he weren't careful with her kin.

Petunia watches eyes sharp as a hawk as he carries the young boy to the room that was always meant to be his, changing him into clothes that were always meant to be worn by him.

She took a seat in the lascivious chair in the corner of his room to watch over him, her eyes roaming over his face before holding out her hand in acceptance of the tea that Dudley had made for her and the sheet of parchment and quill for her to write.

She watched and she plotted. She schemed as she wrote her letter, and she planned.

She walked towards his small form placing a linger on his temple as well as sending a prayer to Cáer so that she may grant him a peaceful slumber before leaving the room her letter firm in hand Vernon following after her, Dudley standing against the wall already knowing his place would be to guard over Harry.

"Cian~" She cooed lovingly after she opened the backdoor to her home.

Vernon knew fear because his mistress was nothing if not through with her schemes and a perfectionist when it can to her creations. That being said he had a wide range of human emotions and nothing struck fear into him like his mistress or that demon vulture she called pet.

"Ooh~ There's mummy's darling!" She cooed as the monster bird flew from what Vernon was sure was Awarn's playground and landed on her outstretched arm. He quelled the urge to take a step back when the thing set its knowing gaze upon him.

Vernon didn't utter a single word when the demon bird flew and landed upon his shoulder digging its talons the horrifying length of his mistress's expensive heels, precisely 3.75 inches into his shoulder.

The damned thing could sense his fear and was mocking him.

"Might it not be better to send the young masters owl?" Vernon asked curiously.

"No, for one I do not trust Hedwig and I'm sure the feeling is mutual. For two when Harri awakens I want him to be as comfortable as I can permit for now until he knows and understands the truth and that would require him to have his own feather companion alongside him. Even I can tell he gains a sense of peace from her." Petunia said matter of factly.

"Cian, mummy has has a job for you my darling, you may play with him later." She said as she plucked the bird from his form her fingers lovingly stroking over its dark feathers and Vernon hoped that later would never come. The last time he was to entertain the beast when his mistress had stepped away, the devil of a creature had gouged out his eyes.

His mistress was not amused at the fact that she had to go back out to find him replacements, but she was by no reason unamused by her pets antics. She had merely warned her precious Cian not to play so rough.

"You are to take this letter to Áine, and only Áine." She said softly stroking the birds feathers as she walked back towards her door. "Be swift Cian, time is of the essence."

The bird gave a coo before spreading its massive wings and taking off into the night.

Two days was all she had to wait before Cian had returned to her with another letter.

Dealing with her nephew before the news had arrived had been like dealing with Lilium on her worst days, completely vexing, but she always remained calm, it was not his fault she reminded herself, it was not his fault.

The boy's emotional state was everywhere especially once she began leaking him bits and pieces of the truth, he was hot one minute and cold the next. She told him only small things in comparison but they were still enough to send his mind reeling.

That his Aunt Petunia was a witch.

That there were no such people as Vernon and Dudley, they were mere golems created by his Aunt...who was a bloody witch. Who had been a bloody witch his entire life, but was only just now saying something.

He seemed to take her being a witch to the greatest offence. He had asked questions to which she gave evasive answers.

"Why are you dressed like that? And if you've been a witch all this time why did you tell me there was no such thing as magic!" He had demanded once at the breakfast table. Now that he knew that she was indeed a witch and had been a witch his entire life, she felt the need not to hide herself from him completely.

"All proper witches and wizards wear robes, or was proper dress etiquette something that they no longer enforce at Hogwarts?" She said as took a dainty sip at her tea as her hazel eyes landed on his.

When he opened his mouth to speak she spoke over him. "And let it be known that I have never told you that magic did not exist. False accusations are not things you want to get into the habit of making young man."

"I... you-"

"Now Vernon, on the other hand has told you that magic doesn't exist. He has even gone as far as to 'forbid'-" She said with an amused twitch of her plum painted lips. "The very word magic from this house."

"You told him, you created him he is your golem. You control him and everything he does." He growled towards his aunt, but she remained unfazed as her eyes returned to the post.

He narrowed his eyes at her, now that he knew she had magic, strong and powerful magic to have orchestrated this entire illusion Harry found that she reminded him an awful lot of Malfoy.

His aunt dressed in a rather form fitting slated toned dress as well as her black witches robes, with her honey blonde hair pulled back into an elegant chignon, her diamond earrings and necklace on display...she screamed aristocracy just as Malfoy did...looking as she did she could have sworn she could be his distant aunt...but she couldn't be...he knew that his mother and now apparently aunt were muggle-borns like Hermione.

"Wrong again," She said her tone was sharp enough to pull him from his comparisons. Her hazel eyes had begun to bleed over with green flecks, a sure sign of her anger as she stared at him before looking.

"What?" He asked confused at her sudden sour mood. "Are you saying you don't control them?"

She was silent for a moment, before she glanced back up at him, her eyes hazel once more.

"I have given them both enough free will to act on their own, how would the truly pass as proper humans otherwise?" She said not answering his question and he could feel his eye twitch.

She smirked into her teacup her eyes back to scanning the morning post as her nephews irritation spiked as his breakfast appeared before him. "Eat child, you need to pick up weight, your nothing but skin and bones."

"Why so you can eat me?" He scowled as he stabbed his eats before shoving them in his mouth and at that she laughed, with the face his was making now, he looked exactly like his mother.

"While it's certainly not unheard of, our family has never been one to indulge in such a thing..."She eyed him."Besides your much too stringy for me anyhow."

She laughed walking out of the kitchen when she felt him glare at her.

He submissive as a mouse under her tutelage. He liked books she knew, just like her and his mother. So naturally she had books...Morrigan did she have books for him to read, for him to learn magic and most of it without the use of a wand. Despite the emotional cold-shoulder she'd been giving the boys sense the moment she knew he could understand what was happening around him, she had always made sure that he was given what he needed. Teaching him life lessons to survive in this world because this world, the magical world especially, was cruel.

Anytime she brought up a hint of family matters he was hissing out a warning like a snake and snapping at her with venom filled fangs. He would not listen to her about any family matters, not when she had given him eleven years of an 'uncaring and unbothered aunt petunia'. It was frustrating but she understood. She would have to wait for Áine, she would explain things and everything else would fall into line like it was supposed too...all she had to do was wait...the problem with that is Petunia hated to be kept waiting.

"Vernon." She called out to him after she read over the letter twice a victorious smile working its way across her lips. "Prepare the guest rooms, we shall be receiving very soon."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Receiving who?" Harry asked curiously as he watched her.

Her hazel eyes seemed even brighter than before and it made him nervous because for all the time in his life his aunt petunia had never shown this much excitement.

"You'll know soon enough…"

Her arcane words she knew would only make the child more curious more restless but she couldn't help herself.

That being said she pretended like she didn't notice him watching her every movement with keen eyes. Pretending not she see him taking note of where she held her letters and documents among other and all things. Pretended she did feel the wards of her personal off alert her of someone entering her without permission.

She frowns as she looks down at the chessboard, a game was in motion.

She looks over the pieces with a critical eye before landing on the king. Although the king is the most important piece, it is usually the weakest piece in the game until a later phase, the endgame but that is only because it spends majority of the game being protected by others. She picks up the white king as well as the black king before transfiguring them into one piece, a large grey king before placing the new piece off to the side in the shadows.

She watches the magical game commence while wearing a smirk.

"I wonder what you will come across first Harri..."

This is a Harry Potter x Vampire Diaries Crossover. This is a concept that has been burning my mind and I've just now decided to upload this.

Notes for this chapter:

Petunia is blonde and has hazel eyes

Petunia is also a witch, a witch that golems to do her bidding.

Vernon and Dudley are golems, which are beings that are magically created entirely from inanimate matter like clay or mud but not always

Harry and Harri are spelled two different ways on purpose.

WARNING: This story will have some crackish moments.