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Maria launched a harsh punch to one of males that sent him flyinh to ground. The teen fought against them all as she dispatched them one by one. Finally, after several mintues she won the fight and stood over all of the bodies. She gave James a look before signing in defeat as she picked him. Maria would put him on her back before carrying him via a piggy back.

"You're such a pain you know that, you couldn't even lose them." Maria said.

He couldn't say anything because he was unconsious. Maria got out of the alleyway. A passerby instantly saw the condition James was in and quickly rush over to them. Maria cursed as she had no choice but to stay put otherwise she could have been under arrest.

"Oh my god!"

"Poor boy, somebody call an ambulance!" Another shouted.

Thus the trip to the hospital went by like a blur, Maria was put in the hall across from his room. Seras was oddly there before James's family, the woman didn't look happy as she stormed down the hallway towards her. The Vampire stopping in front of Maria, the two starring down one another.

"I don't know who you think you are but you are fired for your performance." Sera spat.

"I don't have to babysit him all the time, he should be able to take care of himself! I dont know why you are getting so worked up about him! He is just a secretary!" Maria yelled back.

"Ahem!" Someone shouted.

The two would divert their attention to the person wanting to speak. It was the doctor the male gave them a glare.

"Arguments are fine if they are outside the hospital. My patient is still recovering if you two haven't noticed." He spoke.

Sera's glare did drop considerably before speaking with him.

"How is he?" She asked.

"Despite his injuries his body is recovering very quickly. The good thing about youth these days and his body has probably learned to recover a bit faster since he had some scarring. From earlier beatings. He needs to take it easy for tommorow that means no work, Director." The Doctor said.

"At least it is better then what I initially thought, is he awake?" She asked.

"Yes but I can only allow family members at this time." The Doctor stated.

"It's alright they can go in." A new voice emerged.

Everyone saw a man walk up to them. He wore a white botten up t-shirt with his black tie loosen for some reason. The man wore khaki base as well as black dress shoes. He had blonde yellow hair with hazel color eyes where filled with sorrow.

"You must be his father?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes, I'm Benjamin. It's been awhile Seras." Benjamin introduce himself.

The woman stared down Benjamin.

"It has been a long time, sorry about all this I have already fired her for not doing her job." Seras said.

Maria didn't respond but gave a tsk while Benjamin didn't pay her any mind.

"Doctor let The Director go inside to visit James. She won't cause you any problems. He speaks well of her." Benjamin stated.

The Doctor gave a nod, Seras quickly rushed into the room without a second thought. Seras found James sitting up in his bed. A bandage was securely placed around his head. His right wrist recieving the same treatment.

"You okay?" Seras asked.

James slightly jumped as he was daydreaming but did look at Sera. The boy gave an embrassed look.

"Sorry, Master. I tried to get them off of my back but I failed."

Seras shock her head, she knew that the boy wasn't much of a fighter.

"It's okay, as long as you succeed next time." She stated.

"I defintely will, now you won-"

"No work. At. All. I want you to rest and come back on Thursday." Seras interupted.

"Ah, speaking of which I overheard you in the hallway with Maria." James spoke.

Seras visibly stiffen like a poll afterwards she grew a sour look.

"What about her?" She asked.

"Can you re-hire her? Look, I know things went sour real fast but she is a decent person. We have a rough past and its going to take more then the job to get her to actually do it. Then she can't protect me all the time at some point something will go south. She can't protect me. We make mistakes Master...so please just think about it."

Seras initially gave a thought over the idea. Normally, she wouldn't consider it because this incident was intentionally. Though James was right the pair seem to have a very rough relationship. The request was also coming from the boy. She gave a frustrated scoff.

"If that's how you want it. I'll give her another chance but only another chance." She responded.

That's when James gave her a tight hug. Seras nearly pused him off but she ended up not doing it. Instead, the woman gave a one handed pat on his back. Seras couldn't help but let a small smile slip on her features. Meanwhile, Benjamin sat next to Maria. The man having to start the conversation.

"You are just a handful, the cataylst to my son's desperate attempt. Now this, can't say that I'm surprised. For once can you give him a chance?" Benjamin asked.

Maria looked down in guilt. She knew that she was solely responsible. The reason why James had to move schools. Maria was that reason. All because of some popularity and pride. Honestly, at times she wanted to change things but other times not so much. All she saw was a child needing to be babysat, a coward and a weakling.

"A chance? He had plently of chances back then." Maria said.

"I don't think so, we both know you ignored him on a daily basis. Maybe you can't swallow your pride to defend someone of his nature." Benjamin said.

Maria glared at the man.

"You're wrong." She snarled.

"Then be a big girl istead of acting like a brat. Look at what it cost you. I suggest you shape yourself up because if this gets out then you won't be finding another job for awhile." Benjamin replied.

The door to James's room slammed open, Seras gave Maria a stare of pure hatred. The girl returned it right back without missing a beat. Seras walked over to her and lifted Maria up into the air. She made sure to stare the girl down with as much intense poison she could muster.

"Be glad he has a liking to you. I will hire you back but this will be your last chance. Any slip up or even if you think about leaving him alone like that again. I will kill you. Slowly." Seras empthasized.

That's when Seras shoved Maria into the wall. The teen bouncing off of the material before catching herself. The girl being surprised at the information. Seras walk away from the pair down the hall. Maria morever went to confront James as she went into his room. Benjamin only gave a sigh.

'Touchy much?' Benjamin thought.

James stared at Maria with surprise, he wasn't expecting her to be here.

"Mother hen basically forced me to visit. Secondly, I don't need your help to keep a job let alone get one." Maria said.

James just shrugged as he locked his hands together.

"I know you hate me, which sucks for me because I don't have the same feeling. I do want us to at least get along professionally. I know you didn't need help but I still felt like helping you. Please Maria just be professionally, I'll stay out of your personal life." James said.

Maria stayed silent, at first the idea was considered idioitic and selfish. It didn't matter if she lost this job and eventually found a new one. The issue was when she would find a new job. Maria had things she wanted to do and buy with her own money. Her expenses dried up waiting to find a job. Maria would have to swallow her pride and self imagine until she could get a new one. Which meant working for Hellsing until she secured another position somewhere else. The teen turn around and headed for the door.

"Fine. If you want, this will make us even but I'm only staying until I get another job." Maria answered.

"That'll work for me, the less the better." He spoke.

Maria walked out of the hospital room with Benjamin waiting on her. The man stood up from one of the chairs and walk right past her to head into the room. Maria decided to just head home until further notice.