I do not own RWBY
Sitting against the blackened wall of the cellar, Alice stared at the door separating her from the outside world. All the hinges and locks were on the other side, so she didn't even have a chance to set herself free. Nothing could change that she was going to die here. Alone in the dark with no source of comfort she was going to waste away into nothing. She would become nothing, just a hollow skeleton sitting here waiting for a man who would never come back to save her. Curling in on herself she didn't even have the energy to flinch as she slid down the rough wall to lay on the damp floor. Feeling her black knotted hair drift across her neck she closed her emerald eyes.
In truth she didn't mind dying here, it wasn't like anyone would miss her. Fitting how the one person she'd thought cared was leaving her to die all because she disagreed with him. It was almost ironic, especially since she couldn't bring herself to hate him for it. Feeling her body get weaker she didn't even try to hold on. What was the point in living when her entire life was suffering? Her mother didn't want her, and her father had been planning to marry her off at the first chance he got. Even the one person she trusted didn't care. No one had ever cared for her unless it helped them in some way. She was a tool for those around her and now she was going to die alone and unloved just like she'd always feared.
When she opened her eyes again, Alice was surprised she wasn't hungry. Not that she minded the feeling. The biggest issue in the cellar had been hunger after all. Looking around the white space surrounding her she realized that she'd died. The world had finally succeeded in killing her, the thought was more amusing than it should have been. She should have been upset by her death or at least not holding back laughter.
The amused cough from behind her caused her to jolt, not that she would ever admit it. She had nothing if not her pride, it was the reason she hadn't taken the easy way out of shooting herself. Turning slowly, she sighed in relief at not finding hazel eyes waiting for her, instead, they reminded her of sapphires. A dark rich gemstone blue the same color as the stone pendant her mother used to wear. Her eyebrows wrinkled at the thought of the old witch who made her life hell for fifteen years. She honestly considered the woman was the devil, even after meeting the real demon in human skin that left her to die. His black hair looked nice and soft though, so it balanced out the misery she got looking at his eyes.
Sighing at the woman's thoughts he focused his power and resisted the urge to smirk when she gasped. His blue eyes turning a vibrant shade of gold. The color filled her with a sense of relief, it wasn't tied to her past at all. Still, the only being who could do something like this would be a god. Why would a god come to great a simple dead girl?
"I see your intelligence remained intact," the deity said. Feeling her face heat up the woman looked away from him. Reaching up to play with her hair she allowed her lips to twitch into a smile. It was nice to be complimented for something other than looks. Feeling silky locks under her fingers she almost hugged him. It'd been so long since she felt like herself. It was just hair but somehow the action caused tears to sting the corners of her eyes.
"Sorry," she whispered. People didn't like when their tools showed emotion.
"No, it's I who owe you an apology," he said. Clearing his throat, the god tried not to show anger at her thoughts. The girl hadn't had the best life, he'd known that when he chose her, but hearing her thoughts on how best not to anger him caused his blood to boil. Making a mental note to punish the people who hurt her with hellfire, he said, "we've been talking this entire time and I haven't introduced myself. I'm an incarnation of Death, you can choose any name I've been called if you want."
Tilting her head Alice studied him. There was so much she wanted to know but she wouldn't annoy him by asking. Instead, she thought back to the lessons on mythology she'd been given. It had been one of the only subjects she'd enjoyed. He didn't have the haunted eyes of a Greek god or the power-hungry ones of a Roman god.
"Is Anubis okay then," she asked softly. The question causing the god to beam at her. Flushing at the pride in his eyes she shuffled slowly before saying, "will you tell me why I'm here now?"
"Of course. As the god of death, I control souls and the reincarnation cycle," he explained and was pleased to see her hanging off his words. She honestly wanted to know, and it made him feel smug that his chosen soul wanted to be around him. Most feared death and hated him more than anything else. He just hoped she would still like him when they met again. Putting the thought from his mind he said, "I've decided to allow you to be reincarnated into a world of your choice. After going through your memories I've singled out three that I think you would do well in; RWBY, Fairy Tail, an-"
"RWBY," she said quickly. Realizing she'd cut him off the woman slammed a hand over her mouth and hoped he wouldn't take offense. Lips twitching into a smile he let her know he didn't mind. It was nice to watch her eyes light up. Closing his eyes, he searched out the perfect body to house his chosen. He doubted she would like to be reborn as a boy.
"Goodbye Alice, see you soon," he said waving his hand. Watching her fade from his realm he smirked and turned his attention to his green-eyed guest. On Remnant, Ruby Rose was born with the soul of Alice.
Hi, guys
So this is the Shadowed rewrite. When I started the first book of Shadowed I was in my last year of Highschool and an aspiring writer. Now I'm a 20-year-old college student. I feel like I owe you guys so much more than you will ever know. Before I published the first chapter of Shadowed I honestly hadn't thought I would be able to make it as a writer, because of the reviews, both good and bad, that I was given, I grew as a writer and a person. Knowing that I felt that I could rewrite this fic and hopefully, you would love it just as much as the original. Your reviews are honestly the only reason I continued writing and started Black Sunsets, good or bad they keep me moving forward. I'm so grateful for the time you took to even read my fics. (But just so you know, if anyone calls me a "Dumbass" for a grammar mistake, I will laugh, then rain hellfire down on your eternal soul). Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this rewrite. Also, shout out to Lucian Naruto who found the wonderful fanart that I used as the cover.
please let me know what you think, and have a nice day.