Hi! I'm rely sorry for the delay! So, without further ado... (Please do leave some love in the review box ;) )

I thank ChubbyUnicornMama for beta reading this story.


Adrien got in his car as soon as Sabine and Tom finished their session of praising and hugging the young blonde in front of the journalists. The bulky man gave him a bone crushing hug after which he wasn't even sure if he was alive. Seeing as to how kind both the Dupain-Chengs were Adrien immediately knew that Marinette didn't deserve the two parents at all!

Marinette! The word tasted like bitter gourd in his tongue! His hands balled up into fists as he recalled how he had received those fresh wounds from three years ago.

Agreste Fashions was a leading brand in the fashion industry competing with the Dupain-Cheng industries' fashion line. Every single piece they released seemed to have magic and customers were crazy over them. Life was very pleased with the Agrestes but that was until Marinette Dupain-Cheng happened!

Every night Adrien noticed a shadow crept in the house and headed in the direction of his mother's room, but the blonde just bucketed it in to his list of 'Things I hallucinate'. His mother who was usually very energetic had lost her enthusiasm quite quickly as her skin started to turn paler with each day passing. Adrien and Gabriel would occasionally question the woman but she never gave in.

One night Adrien jolted awake as he heard a shrill scream. He gathered his courage and swept into the area where the sound was coming from. As he crept inside his mom's room he noticed a short haired woman and a rather large built man bearing his mother. The blonde watched in horror as Emilie coughed blood and let blood red tears fall off her eyes.

"I – Won't... L-l-let you harm – my-f-family" His mother affirmed amidst the blood.

"You think!" The short woman with dark blue hair poked her face towards the woman on the ground "I've warned you enough darling... I've told you already that if you didn't shut down that company of yours I would drag something precious out of you! And maybe... I'll drag your freaking life!"

Adrien gasped finding himself unable to breathe as the bulky man who he assumed was the lady's boyfriend continued to hit his mother with his foot. The man had removed his shirt and even amidst the bulky nature and the poor lighting, Adrien could clearly see the man's well-built muscles. The muscles he used against his mother!

The blonde slowly shifted his gaze towards the woman who was now laughing as she placed a kiss on her boyfriend as she threatened Emilie abruptly slapping her in the process.

"S-Shut your m-mouth!" Emilie demanded despite the lack of oxygen. "Do whatever you want to me... b-but don't touch a hair of my husband and our son!"

"Be glad you won't be there to see us doing that!" She laughed back maniacally, voice filled with menace and venom. With that, the man hit the final blow on Emilie's face as she flooded herself in blood and left her presence on this earth!

"Our work is done!" The dark blue haired woman called out placing a kiss on her boyfriends' lips. "Great job!" They lifted Emilie's lifeless body and placed it on her bed as they cleaned all blood stains.

The duo finally decided to leave, choosing the harder route, the balcony!

"STOP!" Adrien managed to blurt as he crept out of his hiding place in fear. "Who are you?!"

"Murderers of your precious mother!" The man called out darkly, face clearly unseen due to his large hoodie...

"Oh darling, let's not startle this young boy, though we are the same age Adrien!" The woman, who was wearing a hoodie too looked back before uttering "Call me Marinette Dupain-Cheng and this is my boyfriend! Don't dare say anything about us and you will lose your freaking life like this B***H!" she pointed towards the lifeless woman.

And with that the two criminals left, leaving a shattered Adrien. He never knew a young and beautiful woman like Marinette (who was supposed to be his age) would commit such crime. Adrien lost all his respect for the nasty woman, and sure, he was not going to tell a soul about what happened. If he did, she would probably have life imprisonment by eighteen but he wanted more. Adrien wanted to live every moment of his life watching Marinette drown in the seas of torture! He wanted to beat her to death! So as soon as Gabriel shut the fashion company because Emilie was the reason he had begun it and instead formed a tech company, he decided to meet Marinette's parents.

Even though the blonde had told himself that a soul was not to be informed about the situation he witnessed, Adrien really badly wanted to know whether Tom and Sabine Dupain Cheng knew about their daughters dark side. He had arranged a meeting to personally meet them alone. As soon as he made eye contact with the two, his mouth seemed to speak before his brain processed. Adrien had almost cried that day remembering of how his mother's death had occurred. Sabine and Tom were terrified at his words and started reciting him their horror stories

Adrien couldn't believe how Marinette treated her parents! The way Tom and Sabine expressed of how the model used to ill treat them despite their love and care was utterly disgusting! Finally all the three who were present in the room came to a conclusion, and that was to torture Marinette as much as possible to make her regret her actions. They decided that they'll announce Marinette to Adrien when they turn 14 and when they turn eighteen Adrien will be free to beat the bluenette to death if he wished! Adrien was satisfied as he patiently waited for all those years! (BTW, it was Tom and Sabine who had committed the crime)

Finally when the moment arrived it was indeed fun to watch her baffled expression but that wasn't enough! Leaving all his thoughts aside Adrien remembered himself enough to kiss the so called 'Sexy Model Dupain-Cheng'! Oh, how he hated feeling that sinful woman on his body which lived for vengeance! Adrien immediately slammed his fists against the empty seat in the front causing the Gorilla to startle.

"You want anything Adrien?" he spoke up as the blonde Agreste returned to his senses.

"Just drop me here. I'll be on my way" he sighed as his bodyguard did as instructed. As soon as he got down an old man in a Hawaiian T-shirt fell in his path. An urge to kick him while in the ground overtook the blonde but he immediately shook off the thought.

"Here sir" he offered his hand to the man and helped him grab his stick.

"Thank you young man" he thanked as Adrien walked away.

"You think he will be the right one master?" a green creature popped out of the man's hat.
"Let's wait and find out" he laughed.

She was tired, very tired!

Well, probably that would be the understatement of the century! Two shoots of the summer line, three shoots with mono – bikinis and a thousand other shoots later one would think she would go to a corner in her bedroom and sulk in for hours thinking about the whole Adrien fiasco, but who had the chance? As soon as she reached home Tom and Sabine met her eyes reminding Marinette that she had her home-schooling sessions! Schooling surely wasn't her favourite time of the day either! Each and every time Marinette dropped off, each and every time she got an answer wrong or Tom and Sabine seemed to be bored by reading the lessons they would smack her with a belt. It was hard for Marinette but she wasn't giving in.

"And the reason to why black holes exist... ?" Sabine ordered, finger on Marinette's chin, eyes shooting daggers.

"It... It..." Marinette stuttered. This isn't the time to forget Marinette! Her thoughts were suddenly met with a smack on her buttocks from the hard leather, held by none other than her father.

"Grounded!" he ordered. "For the rest of the week! GO!"

"Yes sir!" she obeyed and ran off to her room. Her whole life was grounded, what was the difference? The difference was that the shoots would be scheduled at her house leaving her of no hope whatsoever to view the beauty of nature.

"HELP!" Marinette heard a screech.

She put her head out of her windows as she scanned the streets for someone in need of help. The bluenette spotted a man wearing a Hawaiian T – shirt yelling on the road as a car approached towards him. This wasn't a busy hour and hence absolutely no one seemed to be walking down the pavements. Without thinking twice, the young lady grabbed a rope in her room and tied it to her so called bed as she shimmied down the two storied mansion. As soon as she reached the ground Marinette ran to help out the man, pulling him by his collar and dragging the poor soul towards the pavement.

"Are you alright sir?" Marinette spoke without hesitation

"Thank you young lady. It was very-" The old man was cut off as a woman and a man headed towards them.

"MARINETTE!" They screamed.

"We were worried about you honey!" Sabine smiled as Marinette gulped in fear.

"Come with us darling. Let's go inside and check if you have any wounds. .." Tom said in fake innocence.

"Coming" The bluenette managed to blurted as they entered the mansion and the doors closed shut.

Marinette felt her blood drip drop by drop as the old wounds reopened and new ones formed.

"So much for disobeying us huh? Weren't you supposed to be grounded little girl? Well let me tell you, you b***h that your father and I have decided two very important decisions for you" The Chinese woman sneered

"Number one" Tom said smacking Marinette with his hand "All your shoots for the next month will be underwear shoots!" Marinette gulped her tears. A month in front of the camera with almost no clothes whatsoever? At least she was privileged to hide her n*** and some other private parts!

"And" Tom snapped "Since you've decided to disobey us, I have decided that I will take you to deal drugs!" he smirked darkly!

Great! Marinette thought.

To the world Thomas Dupain-Cheng was a polite man who was the owner of a huge business empire but that man had earned enough money already! Tom was not only a beast but also he was a famous drug dealer going by the name of 'Tsu do Yang'. What made him even darker was that when undercover, Tom kidnapped random girls and forced them to wear revealing clothes and attend his deals at night. The fellow dealers used to pick a random girl if they liked her and have some fun with her while the next day Tom would release the girl giving her a good whack in the head as she always forget all her memories with a bracelet in her hand, on it boldly written 'Tsu do Yang'. Paris would fear the name of this criminal. Tom had met Sabine the same way, once he kidnapped her. Luckily for Sabine, she encouraged him and the man kept her by his side.
But amidst all this, the dealers would prefer Marinette the most! They would twirl her hair and get intoxicated by her essence that at the end of the day the bulky man would hold tons of money in his hands.

"But-" Tom cracked his knuckles at Marinette's opposition.

"Sorry sir!" she bowed. Every time the model used to refuse Tom would give her his taste of ultimate abuse!

"Good! Be ready at Saturday night. And wear what I give you!" with that the two stormed off.

Marinette cried her eyes out. She reached her pocket to get a tissue but instead was met with a black hexagonal box. As soon as she opened it a red creature appeared.

"Hi, I'm Tikki!" It said.


"Who?!" Adrien shrieked as the floating cat – genie thingy spoke.

"Plagg! That's my name, got it? I'm your kwami ok? I grant you super powers such as the power of destruction", Plagg muttered while Adrien was clearly amused. "Now that I'm done with the intro, can we go on to the important part... I'M HUNGRY!"

The black creature floated towards most of Adrien's belongings and started to taste test them as the blonde was trying to catch him from behind.

"Ewwww... isn't there anything edible in your room kid?" Plagg questioned, clearly disappointed.

"We've got some cheese-" Adrien didn't need to utter another word as the little black cat flew towards the area where the smell was coming from. Munching on the cheese he spoke "To activate your super powers all you need to say is 'Claws out'"

"Well then, 'Plagg, Claws Out'," The blonde spoke as soon as he wore the magical jewel. The black being was suck into it (despite his tiny opposition) as Adrien was now dressed in a skin tight leather suit accessorized with a tiny belt around his neck. The suit felt very comfortable but what was rather more amusing were his new found cat ears.

"This seems to be fun! How about we go on a test ride!" The blonde cat was very enthusiastic about his new abilities as he leapt out of his balcony with the help of his baton.

Paris looked very beautiful at that point of the hour, especially when he ran fast in that cat suit. The beautiful lights had decorated the Eiffel tower which made Adrien's gaze stick on it. But nevertheless, one house or more precisely one particular room which seemed to be lit at that point of hour caught his attention as an evil smirk found its way on the blondes' face. The Dupain-Cheng manor looked like a great place to test some of his feline flirting abilities.

"I'm coming for you Marinette Dupain Cheng! Get ready to face the wrath of Chat Noir!"