Here's chapter 2, fellas. Sorry for the long delay but I just had no idea how to continue this, but here you go, a new chapter!

(P.S: This fic will follow my own storyline if you know what I mean, hopefully you understand what I mean xd.)

Well, this was a disappointment, my dad could have finished them all with a hand tied behind his back. Subaru thought as he walked away from the dead mabeast corpses. Yay, now he'll have 100 silver coins to start building his new life in this world, it shouldn't be too difficult, and who knows, he might even become a super saiyan one day, though the super saiyan warrior is a myth since millennia passed since the last super saiyan appeared.

"Thank you so much, kind sir, you've been a great help, maybe we'll finally get some peace and those demon beasts can stay the hell away from this village." A man thanked Subaru for his help.

"Oh it's no problem, really, I wanted to help. Anyway, I'm off, be safe, everyone!" Subaru declares before leaping into the air and flying away.

"We should have asked for his name." A female villager says.

"Drat, maybe the next time he comes." The same man who thanked Subaru says.

Flying back to the Kingdom of Lugnica, the only place he knows currently, Subaru wonders on how to spend the rest of his days in this world. Planet Vegeta's destroyed, so there's no chance on going back to his old life. He wonders if his parents also shared the same fate as him and got transferred to this world or maybe another different world than this one. But first things first, he's gonna get those 100 silver coins.

Landing in front of the guild, Subaru casually walks in and asks for his 100 silver coins for disposing of the mabeasts attacking a northern village. The girl at the front desk happily gives Subaru his reward, and he thanks her. With that done, he now has 100 silver coins to live on, or he could look for more permanent work that would make use of his strength, like a bodyguard, since the guild's more like a temporary, optional job you can take for extra money.

Wait, perhaps he could advertise his services as a bodyguard, he's strong, he can take on 6 mabeasts with his bare fists, can lift a 10 ton boulder above his head without breaking a sweat, and he has some training with his dad, surely there must be people out there who need him as a bodyguard, like those ground dragon carriages carrying goods into the kingdom that he's seen while flying, perhaps he could help escort them and make sure thieves and such don't harm the driver or the dragon, but the real question is: where would he train in order to raise his power level? Last he remembers his power level being at 8,500, and fighting the mabeasts had to raise it by at least 200.

Ah, but it's getting dark now, where the hell is Subaru supposed to sleep tonight? He's only got 100 silver coins and still has no idea how to begin in this world, all he's ever known his whole life is training to become a saiyan warrior while on his homeworld. Now that it's been destroyed, he has a second chance at life in this world, and he's not gonna waste it.

Perhaps he could ask someone for a place where he can stay for the night, maybe the 100 silver coins will come in handy for this situation, 10 silver coins should be sufficient. Subaru strolled the streets of Lugnica and can't help but marvel at the night sky, the beautiful, swirling, dark, blue, and purple sky adorned by trillions of stars. He found the red-haired Reinhard once more, and decides he'll ask him where he could stay for the night.

"Oi, you got a minute, Reinhard?" Subaru asks.

"I see we meet again, very well, what do you need of me." Reinhard says.

"I was just wondering where I could stay for the night, that's all." Subaru says.

"Hm, you're not from around here are you?" Reinhard asks.

"...I guess you could say that." Subaru says.

"I know of a hotel where you can sleep in for the night, it's down that way and to the right, you can't miss it." Reinhard says.

"Ah, thanks, pal!" Subaru says.

"No problem, Subaru, be safe now." Reinhard says as he walks away.

"Yea, you too, bud." Subaru says.

Subaru heeds Reinhard's directions, and sure enough, there it was, the hotel he spoke of. Now he can get a proper night's rest, and plan on living on this world while training to become a super saiyan one day, if that ever happens. He opens the hotel's doors and walks in.

"Excuse me, I'd like a room for the night please." Subaru asks the guy at the front desk.

"Sure sure, that'll be 5 silver." The guy says. Conveniently for Subaru, they took silver, but they probably took other kinds of currencies, like bronze, or gold.

"Here you go." Subaru says as he hands 5 silver coins to the guy, and the guy hands Subaru what looks like a pass of some sorts, guess this is his room key until he checks out tomorrow.

"Enjoy your stay with us, sir." The guy says as Subaru walks away.

"Yaaaawwnnn, I'm fricking tired, where the hell is my room anyway?" Subaru says as he looks for his room number, and 10 seconds later, he's standing in front of it.

"This is it I guess, well, another day for Natsuki Subaru starts tomorrow!" Subaru says as he walks in his room and looks at the bed, mmm, he's gonna have a good time sleeping tonight.

"I'm not gonna think about anything right now, what's important is some sleep! Good night!" Subaru talks to himself as he falls asleep shortly.

Feeling a new dawn upon him, Subaru woke up and took a few seconds to get up and stretch his body to get his muscles to full working capacity. Once that's done, he walked out of his room and to the front desk to turn in his room key. Then he stepped outside and took a deep breath of fresh air. This is it, his second day in this world, where no one knows he exists and wouldn't care if anything happened to him, unless he made some allies that he could count on and they could count on him. But, he's hungry, and he's still got some silver left, perhaps he could go get some breakfast, then worry about finding a job, especially one that makes use of his strength, speed, and durability as a saiyan. He wondered though: is he the last saiyan? Or did a few others survive the planet's destruction?

Subaru looked around, admiring how peaceful Lugnica seemed, the streets hustlin' and bustlin' with demihumans, a couple knights here and there, children running around, merchants selling goods, a couple ground dragon carriages here and there, it all seems well. But, he should ask where he can get breakfast. He spots a merchant selling what looks to be fruit on his stand.

"Oi, could I get some of those red thingies please?" Subaru asks the merchant.

"The appas? Yea sure, 1 silver per appa." Kadomon says.

"2 please, then." Subaru says.

"Here you go." Kadomon says as he hands Subaru the 2 appas, and Subaru hands him 2 silvers.

With that exchange complete, Subaru walks away, enjoying his two appas. He began to think, will he stay alone in this world? Perhaps he could fix that by making friends, and maybe if he's lucky, he can find a girl who loves him just as much as he loves her. While he's lost in his thoughts, he accidentally ran into someone and the force of them colliding knocked them down to the ground. Subaru snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the blue-haired girl on the ground.

"Oh, my bad, are you all right? Here, let me help you get up." Subaru says as he holds out his hand towards the blue haired girl.

"Ah, I'm good, thank you, sir." The girl says as she accepted Subaru's hand and he helped her up.

"Well, now that you're all right, I suppose I'll be on my way now." Subaru says as he walks away.

"Sir, could I at least know your name before you leave?" the blue haired girl asks, even she didn't know why she blurted out that question.

"Hmm, I suppose I could tell you, it's Subaru, Natsuki Subaru." Subaru says.

"Oh, that's a nice name, sir, mine's Rem." Rem says.

"Yea, it's good to meet you, Rem." Subaru says as he shows her a thumbs up. Rem, confused by his behavior, tilts her head, and Subaru proceeds to ask her if she has any jobs available for him.

"Say, Rem, do you happen to know someone who is hiring? Because I kinda need a job, I just moved here and don't know my way around, do you think you can help me out?" Subaru asks Rem.

Rem takes a moment to think on her answer, she shouldn't care what would happen to someone she bumped into on the street, though his words sound genuine, and so she answers.

"Hm, my master could make use of a butler, perhaps I could get you a job with him?" Rem suggests.

"Yes, that would be great! Thank you, Rem-rin!" Subaru says.

Rem just smiled and told him to stick with her while she finished the rest of her errands, Subaru obliged and walked next to her, while suggesting if he could carry some of the bags she was carrying, though Rem told him that it was fine and she could do it herself. Rem was obviously wary of him, they just met and all, and they were still strangers to each other, although, reading his body language and expression, he seemed relaxed while walking next to her, easing her suspicions a little.

"All right, Subaru, let's go back to the mansion now." Rem says.

"Okay, Rem, lead the way." Subaru says, this would be his first time seeing a mansion, and he was excited.

"It'll be a bit of a walk, though. Maybe you could help me carry the bags until we get there?" Rem asks Subaru.

"Yea, sure, it'll be no problem." Subaru says. Honestly, he could carry all the bags, but he didn't want to brag, so he only took 2 in each hand, while Rem carried the rest.

Arriving at their destination, Subaru couldn't help but marvel at just how freaking huge the mansion is. Perhaps he could get a job as a butler here, gotta start out small, you know?

"Here we are, sir, perhaps you could work as a butler here if our master allows it?" Rem asks.

"Hm, sure, why not?" Subaru says, surprised his desire to work as a butler came true.

"Great, now, come in, and wait for a bit." Rem says, then takes her leave to get the lord of the mansion.

Subaru looked around and saw just how luxurious and orderly the mansion is. The low-class saiyans' dome shaped homes were disorganized and messy, but it is what they had to call home, and Subaru didn't regret living in one of those houses. Now, he may get the chance to work and possibly live in a mansion like this one.

"Subaru, please come with me, Roswaal would like to meet you first before he makes his decision to hire you." Rem says.

"All right then." Subaru says as he follows Rem.

They come to a stop in front of a door, and Rem knocks on it. A voice can be heard saying "come on iiiiiiin." from behind the door, and Rem opens the door. Subaru, upon meeting who seemed to be the master of this mansion, kept a poker face but on the inside, he was dying of laughter at how he looked like a clown.

"I seeeee you're Subaru, am IIIIIII correct?" the master of the mansion asks.

"Yes, and what's your name?" Subaru asks the clown-faced guy.

"My naaaame's Roswaal L. Mathers, so you're looking for a job, riiiiiight?" Roswaal asks.

"Yea, I'd be delighted if I could get a job here." Subaru says.

"Hmm, maaaaaaaybe you could work for me as a butler?" Roswaal says.

Subaru takes a moment to make his decision, here he is, about to get some work to survive in this world, and who knows where he could get another job if he declines, so, he makes his decision.

"Sure, I'd be glad to work here." Subaru says.

"Great, the moooore help here, the betteeeeerrr." Roswaal says. Subaru notices Roswaal's odd way of speaking, but dismisses it, not wanting to risk losing his job on the first minute.

"Subaru, if you want, you can meet the rest of the residents here before you begin working here." Rem says.

"Yea, I'd love to." Subaru says as he looks out the window, contemplating his life decisions leading him to this point.

Subaru's new life as a saiyan in this world begins!

Idk what motivated me to update this fic, but here you go guys, hope you enjoyed this, and maybe I'll see you on the next chapter!