Wayne Manor, April 9, 10:23am…

"Billionaire Wayne's Sons Caught in Drug-Fueled Incestuous Tryst," Jason Todd read aloud from the National Enquirer, voice pitching in incredulity as he reached the end of the headline. He lifted a brow at his brothers, all of whom were wide-eyed and rapidly losing color from across the kitchen table, and smirked. "Big weekend, guys."

"Give me that," Dick Grayson demanded, reaching for the tabloid so aggressively he nearly upended his glass of orange juice.

"Enjoy," Jason quipped, slapping the tabloid onto the table between them and watching three pairs of eyes pop open at the photo splashed across the front page.

Beneath the headline was a blurry paparazzi snap of three young men in various states of undress tumbling from a closet, the smallest of them glaring defiantly at the camera and baring his teeth. A white pill winked from the tip of his tongue.

The blurb beneath read, Richard "Dick" Grayson, Timothy Drake, and Damian Wayne enjoying pills and a quickie in a closet of aunt Katherine Kane's Diamond District manor. Kane was host to the evening's Healing Hands Gala, a silent auction fundraiser for hurricane relief in Puerto Rico.

"You know, I do feel a little left out," Jason remarked, smoothing the paper with one hand to better appreciate the pap shot in all its pixelated glory.

"What drivel," Damian scoffed, aloof despite his skyrocketing blood pressure. "Is this what Americans call journalism?"

"It was an Allegra, thank you very much," Dick added in blatant disgust. He jabbed a fork through his French toast, speared a raspberry, then stared it down before popping it into his mouth and chewing viciously.

"I wonder how that pap got into Kane Manor," Tim mused, frowning absentmindedly at the tabloid.

Jason nodded thoughtfully, considering this new information. "So if that's an Allegra, why are you all naked?"

Damian began to splutter.

A/N: Been a minute! If you enjoyed, show some love in the reviews please.