Hello and welcome to my second HTTYD story! Now, this is a watching the movie, but I will not use the movie's script. Instead, I will write it like a story, describing what happens in the movie. Which means it's gonna be much longer and better-detailed than the script, but some side sentences less important might not be written as I do not hear them in my file.
Oh, and good read.
The axe came free from the tree with yet another sound of splintering wood.
Astrid Hofferson didn't mind it as she turned, imagining herself in a battle with a Deadly Nadder as she rolled on the ground to 'dodge its fire' before raising the axe to plant it into the skull of the imaginary dragon. Her hand, however, was stayed by the sight before her, which was very much not a dragon.
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third stared back at her with more than a little fear in his eyes… only part of which seemed to be directed at the cocked axe she still held in her hand, ready to be thrown.
Her eyes were drawn by what he was holding in his arms… whatever it was. She could admit it to herself that frankly, she had no idea. And if it was another of the boy's inventions, then she probably wouldn't know even if she were to examine it closely.
After a second of silence between the two, Hiccup grimaced as if she'd caught him doing something he shouldn't have been doing -like following her- and sneaked off into the forest. Frowning, Astrid made to follow him…
However, the dark red Terrible Terror that suddenly flapped in front of her face seemed to think otherwise. Irritated and not having time for the pest, and that tiny dragon could really be called just pests, she swatted it aside with her axe and-
And then she felt herself fall, with the forest ground sweeping upwards as if she were falling into a bottomless pit. At the top, she could barely see the pesky beast looking down at her before everything went dark.
/- Still in Berk's forests -/
An encounter with Astrid was hard on a normal day. Hiccup would've really preferred not finding out how much worse it would be on a bad day. The fact she hadn't made any move to stick her axe into his skull was definitely good news. However, the fact she hadn't even lowered her axe didn't really bode well with his health.
Suddenly, he heard a small squawk behind him and turned, expecting to see Astrid chasing some Terrible Terror or something. Instead, what he saw was the girl hitting one with the flat of her axe as she still stared at where Hiccup had walked off, and then…
His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates when the girl suddenly just… fell… through the ground. As if she'd been standing over a hole the whole time and the Gods just hadn't noticed. He ran forwards, dropping the saddle and new tail he had for Toothless, to try and at least grab her hand, but when he got near the place she'd fallen into, he found out the hole had been larger than he'd thought.
Hiccup had never been good with balance. Sure, he could run and do crazy stuff all the time, but his clumsiness was one of the reasons why he was such a disgrace of a Viking. Putting a foot on thin air and expecting it to hold? Yeah, not one of his proudest moments. In his defence, he had thought to be stepping on the ground.
As the second teenager disappeared into the ground, the Terrible Terror squawked again, confused by the sudden turn of the events, before he too was sucked into the ground with an outraged shriek.
/- Somewhere between Helheim's Gate and Berk -/
Stoick the Vast was having a bad day. No, a bad few weeks, to be honest. 'One more search, before the ice sets in.' How foolishly optimistic his words had been. For three hundreds years the Vikings had searched for the Nest, and never found it.
Oh, they knew it was somewhere inside the fog bank in Helheim's Gate. However, between the jagged rocks and sea stacks, and the giant fire-breathing flying reptiles that guarded it, it was all but impossible for any ship to get through.
He just hoped Gobber, back on Berk, had a little more success than him, because he really, really needed some good news at the moment.
Unfortunately, good news he did not get. What he did get, though, was for him and all his men to just… fall… through the ship and into darkness, screaming all the way.
/- At the Dragon's Nest -/
The dragons at the Nest had seen many, many things in their lifetimes, but watching as the ground apparently sucked all of them in, one by one, was something they had yet to see. Even the Red Death, the titanic monster they all dreaded, seemed confused to no end. She knew she couldn't fight the ground, no matter how much she might be inclined to.
How could the earth even eat her servants?
She never got the answer as a warhammer was big as her head came crashing down on her skull as soon as all her servants were gone, sending her into la-la-land for quite a while before it too disappeared.
/- Somewhere else in the Multiverse -/
Vikings were not people who liked being dropped, especially not onto one another and especially not when they had no idea where they were or what had just happened. This of course lead to everyone arming themselves as soon as they were free from the pile – and Stoick even handed Hiccup his own axe when he saw he was without any kind of weapon, ignoring the fact the boy didn't even know how to hold an axe properly. Still, knowing his son had a weapon in his arms made him feel a lot better.
The group took their time looking around, but all they gathered from their inspection was that the large room they were kept in was without doors, and the walls looked really solid – knocking on them also helped them realize it. The room was also completely empty.
The crowd began to murmur, but before it could escalate too much, another person fell through the ceiling and face-planted into the floor, groaning slightly in pain after a second of stillness.
Stoick approached the form warily. "Are you… okay?"
Without bother to get up or even raise his head from the floor, the man raised a hand with all fingers closed but the thumb. "I'm just peachy… but gimme a second to remember who I am again. Might've hit the ground harder than I thought I would…" he mumbled, the voice muffled by the floor.
After another second, the man groaned again and stood up. He was taller than most teenagers, but shorter than most adult Vikings, and was dressed in leather pants and shirt with a fur jacket over it, a pretty typical outfit for a Viking. He had a sword on his left side and a hatchet on his right one, both hanging from his belt. His hair was in theme with the brown leather, being a dark brown themselves, but as opposite to most Vikings, he seemed to keep his beard short instead of letting it grow. Kinda like Spitelout, to be honest. His eyes, instead, were a mix between light brown and light green. He was also missing a helmet of any kind, which made him look shorter than he was. Speaking of his height, he was just slightly taller than the twins, but shorter than Fishlegs, and his built was halfway between Hiccup's and Snotlout's. Oh, and his hair also had a Viking braid not unlike Astrid woven with it, though shorter than hers.
He also appeared to be in his early twenties, but his voice both confirmed and denied that claim. It was as deep as Stoick's… while being just slightly less nasal than Hiccup's. A mix of mature and childish.
"Ugh, feeling others' pain is such a pain sometimes," he grunted unhappily, stretching to soothe the pain in his back. Then he sighed in relief and turned to look at them. "Okay then. Chieftain Stoick, may I ask you if all of Berk is present?"
Stoick, confused by the question and the situation as a whole but also wanting to check on his people, quickly looked around. The room was roughly four or more times the piazza, and a quarter as tall as it was wide – which still made for an impressive height. All of the village was comfortably contained in there without any kind of problem about space whatsoever. It didn't take too long for the Chief to quickly count everyone before turning to the odd Viking. "Yes, all of Berk is here. But where is here, exactly?"
The man smacked his forehead in frustration. "Oh Thor how could've forgotten my manners. I'm very sorry. Let me explain." He removed his hand from his face and bowed slightly. "My name is Khor Evik Vlakhavlakh. In a way, I am the one who brought you here by the will of a power out of this world."
Murmurs started to spread through the crowd, but Stoick silenced them all by raising a hand, before glaring down at the -admittedly much- shorter man. "What do you mean, you brought us all here?"
He shrugged. "An entity not of this world used their divine power to bring you all here. I am merely a physical representation of that entity. Kind of like your Gods and their trips to Midgard, but from another world that is not Midgard nor Asgard."
Stoick was silent for a few seconds. While he did not want to believe it, the mere fact they were there and not back on Berk was clear proof that something had brought them in that room, and if it could bring them there, it very possibly could've killed them by dropping them from a very high point.
Seizing his occasion, the newly named Khor continued. "As for why you are here… please try to contain yourselves for this one… I've brought you here to show you your past and future."
As opposite to what he'd asked, the hall erupted in murmurs and gossips as people chatted and discussed his statement. Once again it was Stoick who brought it all to a halt. "Our future, you say?"
The man nodded. "Yup. It won't be far future, but it'll be future nonetheless. A very important future that will end the war between Vikings and Dragons…"
This time, not even Stoick could stop the whispers, as he too had been struck by the words. Had any other man said something as absurd as that, he would've laughed at his face. However, this man, this… Khor, had just somehow moved all of them from Berk and nearby to the unknown location they were all kept in. That man had a lot of power, maybe one akin to a God's. And in the end, he could not see why the man would be lying to them.
In a corner, Hiccup looked up from where he had been staring at the ground and stared at the man, shocked. Would that regard him and Toothless…?
"…but in a way none, and I repeat none, of you could've ever imagined," he finished darkly, effectively killing all the whispers. "And this war will have heroes like all wars… the main one is already in this room – and you all know him."
Snotlout puffed out his chest in pride before Astrid slammed her elbow into his stomach, making him double over in pain and wheeze out a gasp of pain. The twins snickered at his predicament while his father just shook his head. That boy…
As soon as he got over the pain -and put some distance between him and Astrid-, Snotlout was back on track. "It's gonna be me," he boasted arrogantly.
"No, seriously…"
"It's me!"
"Listen…" By then a few Vikings had started to snicker at Khor's inability to shut the teen up. That seemed to irritate him enough to growl, "Will you just shut up?!"
The twins winced and rubbed their ears while Snotlout finally stopped. "Ugh, what's his deal?" groaned Ruffnut. "No idea, maybe he's deaf and he's trying to hear himself," Tuffnut replied. As usual, no one listened to the idiots.
Khor took a breath and exhaled slowly. "No, it's not you, Snotlout. You'll find out soon enough who they are. Now, I'll have to warn you: since the war regards the Dragons too, I'm gonna have to bring them here." Immediately, roars of protest rose from the crowd. "Yeah, I can see how little you like that idea. Still, it has to be done. If it makes you feel better, no fighting is allowed in the room unless it's fully deserved judging by what you do in this room."
Most of the Vikings blinked, so Fishlegs dumbed it down for them. "He means that we can only hurt those who do something bad here, even if they raided us in the past."
Khor was quick to continue before the crowd could roar again. "Of course this goes for them as well!" he exclaimed, calming them down just marginally. "And another thing, I made everyone in this room immortal, or rather just unable to die. This will include the Dragons though. And one last thing, since Norse gives me a headache and Dragonese is hard to transliterate, you and the Dragons will all speak English automatically."
As the Vikings wondered what an 'inglish' even was, Fishlegs gasped in excitement. "Wait, you mean that Dragons can speak?!" he squealed.
"Course they can, just in Dragonese," shrugged the man. "All animals can communicate with other members of their species. Dragons are just one huge species with lots of different subspecies. Anyway, I will drop them in now. Grab your weapons if you want, but please do not use them."
True to his words, a multicoloured mass of wings, claws and scales fell from the ceiling and slammed into the floor. Of course, there weren't all the Dragons of the nest, or the room wouldn't be large enough to contain them, but they were more than the usual number of dragons in the raids. The ones from Dragon Training were also there, squawking and warbling and cooing at the others, relieved to see them again.
Hiccup held his breath as his eyes scoured the mass of reptiles, seeking out the familiar white-green of a certain catlike Night Fury. Eventually he found the dragon, who had likewise been looking for him while absent-mindedly warbling and crooning to answer the question of the dragons around. Both green-eyed friends visibly relaxed as they found each other's eyes.
Hiccup could almost ignore the fact that every single Viking was gripping their weapons so hard their knuckles were trying to go whiter than white.
Khor, instead, could ignore it completely, as he rubbed his hands together as if to warm them. "Okay, now that everyone's here, I'm gonna cast some magic around and you all speak English – which, for your information, is a language." A small yellow crystal appeared in his hands and glowed briefly before shattering and disappearing, much to Snotlout's dismay as he had been eyeing it. "Here. Now, you should all be able to understand each other."
"Where are we?" asked a Monstrous Nightmare, looking around, ignoring the Vikings' strangled exclamations of surprise.
"Ah, right, I didn't explain it to you." Khor bit his lip for a second. "I poofed you here to watch your future, more specifically the end of the Viking-Dragon war. Only, in a way none of you predicted."
The Dragons seemed to reach the 'acceptance' stage far more quickly than the humans. Weird. Aside the odd comment and whisper, they just settled down without problems. Khor felt kinda insulted. He thought dragons had more fire than that.
"Okay, now, one more thing before we begin with the viewing, it's how we are gonna see the future and past and whatever," Khor explained for what was hopefully the last time before the start. "See that wall? It will act like a window, allowing us to see through past and future, even though we will be invisible to those on the other side. Don't ask me exactly how it works, I only know it's called a giant TV and what it does, not how."
"How could you not know?" asked Gobber, confused. "It's your doing!"
Everyone but Khor and the Dragons was shocked by Gobber's perfect grammar. Khor smirked. Magic could do a lot of things… "Well, Gobber, you use wood for your weapon's handles, but do you know how a tree grows for you to have that wood?"
The man shook his head with a noise of denial.
"Exactly. Same goes for me." Khor shrugged. "Anyway, food will be available whenever you want. Just think of the food you want and it will appear. Before you ask, Chieftain Stoick, no you cannot use it to stock up your storehouses for the winter, I am sorry."
Stoick sighed, having had that very question on the tip of his tongue, while most Vikings and Dragons alike began to ask for tons of food to appear – and not to store it.
"And now, without further ado… let's watch, the past!"
Before writing this I read all, and I mean ALL, the 'watching the movie' HTTYD fanfictions on this site. Around 150. Took me couple of weeks. I can say for sure that this is original, as are all the reactions. But I can also tell you, this is a pain in the ass for me to write because it's gonna be a hand-written movie script. Handwritten by me.
Now, the reactions of the people will probably be, for the majority of them, vastly different from the usual ones. I'll explain why I made certain choices as I go, in the end AN. So if you're interested in knowing why somethings are in a certain why, it'll be explained.
Also, the movie is described with my brand of humour and sarcasm - expect a lot of jokes and sarcasm, because I'm worse than Hiccup, if that is even possible. Though it will be loyal to the movie itself.
Until next time,
Khor Evik Vlakhavlakh