"Tell me dear Ursa, do you understand what Princesshood is truly like?"

She sat drinking a finely brewed tea at a small gold table, she was dressed in her finest Fire Nation clothing, as today she was finally meeting her fated husband. She wore a long red silk dress, it fitted her thin frame prefect, her hair was half pulled back and tied into a bun with golden hair pins placed in it, her make up was fine and made her look more mature and older then her years.

" I know nothing, I wasn't a high-born woman, but I am well educated, I know my educate, but I know it's not enough."

The man who would be her husband was sat in front of her, his eyes fierce, they pierced into her soft eyes. He was older then her, he was a hansom older man in his red royal robes. His jet black hair pushed up into a top knot where her grandfather's crown now sat, a wedding gift form her family. Yet the crown was never truly her family's, it been gifted from Sozin to Avatar Roku, it been kept in her family, but now it was returned in good faith a way of asking for the royal family forgiveness, a way of asking her husband-to-be to look after the only daughter they had.

The young woman sipped her tea, her lipstick on the cup, she avoided his eyes feeling his disappointment just from a glare.

" There will be a lot for you to learn, basics educate is a start though." he replied dryly

It was their first time meeting, her parents had said she should feel happy to be chosen, to be picked out off all the woman in the Fire Nation, she should feel honoured even if she was chosen for her blood ties alone.

" I am willing to learn." Ursa added gently

She placed the cup down on the table, she knew it would be a different life then the simple one she'd been planning, this luxurious life would be different from the simple one she planned out as a house wife.

She moved back on her knees so she could bow before the Fire Prince, the second born son of Fire Lord Azulon. She showed him the up most respect, they were merely engaged, it didn't make them equal.

" After all I'm am your humble fiancée and I will work hard to become a Princess you will be honoured by." She said humbly

He put his cup down as he stood before her.

" Then since you are to stay within the palace from now on , you will begin your lessons tomorrow. " Ozai said simply

He moved around the room his robes dragging on the floor, he tapped her back as he walked passed her.

" Raise your head and sit upon your knees." he commands gently

She did as he asked she rose herself back up to her hand and knees, she stared ahead still refusing to meet his eyes.

" You only need to bow like that before my father from now on." Ozai explained softly

He watched how straight she sat, how she didn't looked at him, Ursa knew she'd be living here and not at her simple house anymore, she knew she'd be cut off from her family and the royal family would take her parents place.

" Now come I'll shall show you our room." he commanded gently

Ursa blushed a bit as she caught the word 'our room.'

"Your room? My Fire Prince I don't understand. " she questioned confused

He turned his head seeing her confused look, she had been told nothing, but if she was a low born then he wasn't surprised. She'd been chosen to become his fiancé by his father, because of her blood ties to Roku. That was the main reason for the union, he knew little of her background though, he'd only saw her as the servants presented her to him moments ago. It wasn't unusual for royals to marry a woman from a different family, but usually the wife's came from high-born family, they at least knew what they were marrying into..

" Yes my room, I want us to adjust to this, to living together, I assure you though I will respect your chastity till our wedding night." He assured strongly

He shifted his hands into shelves as she followed behind him, she remembered that she had nothing to sleep in as her clothing and processions were travailing to the Palace.

" That sounds good but my clothing isn't here yet. " Ursa replied embarrassed

Ozai stood at the red door to the royal chamber, this door required Fire Bending to open it, only guards and servants who could Fire Bend could pass through.

" I'll have the servants take you to the Capital and you can pick up some clothing, now why don't you show me your Fire Bending so you can open this door." Ozai replied gently

Ursa blinked confused and Ozai saw her confused look and wondered why she was just standing still.

" My Prince, surly you were told I cannot Fire Bend. " Ursa replied awkwardly

His face told the truth, he didn't know, his face looked shocked yet angry as he walked passed her.

He caught a servant who was walking by.

" Take milady Ursa to the Capital for clothing, please let her back into my room when your back. " Ozai demanded irritated.

He stormed off as Ursa was left with the servant, Ursa felt shocked and hurt by his reaction did he he not want to be with her over something so simple? Was he disappointed in her? The servant smiled as she lead her out the palace.

Ozai demanded to see his father, he didn't care if he was that woman's parents, he needed to make sure he father wasn't getting tricked, he had to make sure he knew that girl had no power to Fire Bend.

He was allowed in, he bowed for a moment as he eyes up Ursa's elderly parents and looked to his father.

" Ozai what do you think you are doing?" his father asked annoyed

Ozai looked to the man and woman now with a fierce look, he had promised to look out for their daughter in return for the crown of his grandfather yet he would no be deceive.

"Father, that girl is not a Fire Bender!" He yelled

His father frowned as he put his cup down.

" You have come here and interrupted me for this nonsense, I am already aware of this fact, the Fire Sage's foresee that you and her will produce powerful heirs."

There his father went believing in something that wasn't cemented, the fire sage's weren't always right, they'd been wrong about him.

" Your meant to be helping your wife-to-be settle in, I promised dear Rina and Jinzuk here that you will look after her and here you are acting like a fool, now go before you embarrass yourself even more." Azulon yelled infuriated

Ozai hid his disgust, as he rose and heard the Fire Lord apologise for his behaviour. He assured them he'd be a good husband to their daughter.

The Fire Lord says he just felt like he deserved a Fire Bender and he was acting spoiled, as he walked the halls to cool off with his Fire Bending training, he thought that he did deserve better. He was a Prince, it was expected for him to marry a high-born Fire Bender to secure a Fire Bender, his father believed that woman would produce that Fire Bender but he had his doubts.

He made his way to his practice hall and took his robes off, till only his pants remained.


Ursa followed the servant who carried her clothing, she felt bad but she said it was her job. Yet before they reached the royal garden, she spotted a fat man and she bowed quickly as he smiled at her.

" General Iroh, what a surprise."

He chuckled at her as he held her belly.

" Your Ursa right? I was hoping to meet you."

Iroh gestured for the servant to go forward and thus she did, Iroh watched her sit up and smiled warmly and he knelt in front of her.

" So I heard you met my brother today, I hope he was nice to you." Iroh began gently

Ursa thought Iroh was at war, he must have come home for the wedding or a visit.

" Yes I've met him, he sent me and and a servant to get clothing as mine has not here yet.. I think your brother is disappointed in me.. " Ursa confessed upset

They had just met it was expected there might be a roughness to their first meeting, that they wouldn't click but she was willing to get along with Ozai, but he wanted rid of her already. She understood his disappointment, she wasn't what he expected or wanted.

" Why do you say that?" Iroh asked kindly

She looked to the older man, his hair brown with grey hair at his roots, his bushy beard was brown but showed now signs of age, his face held no wrinkles but he looked wise. This was the crowned Prince she was taking to so informally but soon they would be family, so she sighed as she looked down.

" I'm not a high-born woman I am from a small village, he was disappointed in that but could work around it.. I guess. Yet when I told him I wasn't a Fire Bender…His face. The way he stormed off.."

It hurt her, to be rejected so effortlessly, Iroh could see her pain, his brother had just met her and upset her, Iroh thought that must be a new record for Ozai.

" My brother is… Complicated.. I would say he was just shocked I guess. It usually more traditional for us royals to marry a fellow Fire Bender to ensure we have a child that can do that." Iroh explained calmly

" Yet even two Fire Benders can bore a non Fire Bender." Ursa interrupted annoyed

She breathed, just because she wasn't a Fire Bender it should not mean she should l be looked down upon. Iroh could feel her annoyance, she was right off course so he smiled brightly.

" Come on I'll make him apologise to you, a young couple should walk toward marriage on the right path."

" We're not really a couple, but strangers who have become engaged." Ursa replied awkwardly

Iroh laughed a bit more, Ursa looked confused as she followed him.

" That is what an arrange marriage is, just trust me on this. Ozai will warm up it you, Its a big change for him as it is for you. " Iroh replied wisely

She hadn't thought of that, Ozai was free in many ways, maybe he hadn't been ready to be tied down yet.