"Itachi, I've told you several times. I do not approve." Fugaku narrowed his eyes as his son's hand grasped the doorknob. Newspaper completely ignored, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan placed a firm fist on the dining table.
"I recall you telling me yesterday as well," the son noted dryly. His father had been complaining since his relationship with Sakura had gone public.
Though most of society offered their most heartfelt congratulations to the couple, a few people opposed to their union, and none other than Uchiha Fugaku was their biggest roadblock. He had not come around to approving of their relationship at all. And since Itachi had expressed interest in proposing to his girlfriend of 3 years a few weeks ago, his father's opposition had become far more fervent and frequent once he'd caught wind of his son's intentions. While it had been annoying to hear him complain about her occasionally, it was becoming almost unbearable to hear the same complaint every day. It was always something about Sakura chasing status, money, or both, though Itachi knew that was far from the truth. The few times that Itachi had gotten into an argument with Sakura, Fugaku had seemed almost hopeful that it meant an end to their relationship. Yet each time, they pulled through, and the relationship was still going strong, much to his father's dismay.
"Itachi!" Mikoto emerged from the kitchen and squeezed Fugaku's stiff shoulders. "Are you headed to Sakura's? Please give her these fruits - they're fresh."
He stepped forward and accepted a heavy bag. Inside were all of her favorites. "I'm sure she will enjoy them."
Her grip on Fugaku's shoulders had not loosened as his shoulders tensed. "Should we be expecting you for dinner?"
"I'm afraid not," he replied. It was an answer that was to be expected since he spent less time at the Uchiha Compound these days. With that he bowed his head in respect. "I'm off, father, mother."
Mikoto offered a friendly wave. "Have fun! Just make sure you come home to say goodbye before you head out for your mission."
"Yes, mother."
As the door closed behind him, he suppressed his chakra signature. As soon as he did so, Itachi could hear his parents start bickering at the table.
"Dear, can't you just be happy for him? He's finally found someone he likes."
"A civilian family, Mikoto. She'll add weakness to the bloodline. It doesn't matter if she's the Hokage's apprentice."
"Oh please, Fugaku, she's a smart young lady. And you know I want grandkids!"
Like a fierce warrior, his mother would defend him until the very end. Unlike Fugaku, Mikoto had cried tears of joy upon finding out that her son had finally found love. He closed his eyes, sighed, and quickly made his way to his second home.
As soon as Itachi opened the door to the apartment, he was greeted by the comforting smell of rice and stew and the sight of the cramped yet cozy living space. For the past 2 years, he had slowly moved into Sakura's apartment. At first, he left behind sweatshirts and hair ties. There were now two towels that hung in the bathroom, divided sides for clothes in the closet, and a bookshelf with their favorite stories lined up neatly inside. He slipped off his shoes, making sure to put them in an empty space on the shoe rack. He then hung his set of keys on the wall next to Sakura's before making his way across the living room. The warm buttery light of the late afternoon sun streamed into the small kitchen. As expected, Sakura was busy with a bag of fresh groceries, peeling carrots and chopping potatoes, all while humming along with the radio that sat on the counter.
"Oh, Itachi?" She turned around at the sound of his feet hitting the tiled floor. "Perfect timing! Help me wash the dishes? And also set the timer for an hour."
"Of course," he nodded, padding over to kiss her on the cheek before setting down his mother's bag of fruits on the kitchen table. He reached for the timer, setting it to 60 minutes before walking to the sink and picking up a soapy sponge. As he scrubbed a dirty cup that he'd left in the sink last night, Itachi reckoned he could get used to domestic life with Sakura. Maybe one day, when they were married and ready to start a family, he would quit ANBU and help raise their children. Ideally, they would have 2 or 3, depending on Sakura. He could imagine them already, with inky black hair and eyes, running around the house and driving them crazy, but they'd still be loved to bits and pieces. Perhaps they would take their children out to the training grounds to nurture and guide them during the discovery of their powers. Even better, he could potentially become a teacher at the Academy for work after quitting ANBU. That way, he could be near their kids and watch over them.
Neither he nor Sakura were foreign to these ideas; they'd had several discussions about their future, and sometimes, while falling asleep, they would come up with names for their imaginary kids. Personally, he was leaning towards the name 'Kazumi' for the first child.
"Are these from Mikoto?" Her voice snapped him out of his reverie, and he turned to find that she was poking through the bag he'd brought. "Oooh, how did she know I've been craving pears?" A satisfying crunch filled the air as she bit into the fruit.
"It was a lucky guess," he smirked, rinsing the sudsy dinnerware.
"You told her, didn't you," she accused, her mouth stuffed with bites of pear. "I could've bought these myself."
"They were a gift," he assured. "She wants you to eat them."
"Ok," she sighed, walking over to the sink and holding out the pear in front of his mouth. He accepted her invitation and bit down into the fruit, savoring the refreshing, watery flavor.
"Tell her thanks," she mumbled, taking another bite.
When the last dish was washed and the final ingredients for the stew were tossed into the pot to cook, they both settled on the couch, nibbling on the gifted fruit while watching a cheesy soap opera that had just started streaming on T.V. They watched with mild interest as the heroine walked in on her love interest kissing another girl (the love interest was none other than the son of a powerful CEO). But of course, the kiss hadn't been consensual, and it had been a plot by the rival girl to incite jealousy in the heroine. And right when the heroine was down in the dumps, crying in a coffee shop, the love interest's controlling mother just had to bump into the heroine and tell her all the reasons why she was wrong for her son, and that they didn't have a future together.
As they watched the scene in which the vengeful mother was harshly criticizing the heroine for her poor background, Sakura couldn't help but let out a giggle.
"Don't ever talk to me or my son ever again," the mother in the drama hissed.
"N-no, this can't be happening!" The heroine sobbed loudly into a napkin and slumped to the ground.
"The mom reminds me of your dad," she snickered as she pressed herself against him. They watched as said mother over-dramatically tossed a cup of water onto the heroine.
"Hn." She wasn't wrong. In many ways, being with Sakura had made him realize how controlling and demanding his father was. And the thought of having a future together with his girlfriend constantly weighed on his mind. Was it ok to be selfish and ignore his father's demands? As difficult as he was, they were still family, and Itachi wished he could make his father happy. Eventually, in the far off future, he might come around to their relationship, but Fugaku was as stubborn as a mule, and would give resistance every step of the way. But if he caved and left Sakura, he would undoubtedly resent Fugaku for cutting out the person he loved most in his life. While it seemed as if the couple only had two options, Itachi knew there was always a third; he could always leave his surname behind and break off from the clan. That way, he and his family would no longer be obligated to be in contact with each other anymore. But that option would have drastic consequences, and Itachi loved his family too much to cause that kind of heartbreak (not that the other two options were that great, either). Even though the Uchiha was a brilliant tactician, he was at a loss for what path to take.
"Itachi?" He blinked to see a dainty hand with painted fingertips wave in front of his face. "Earth to Itachi."
He looked over to see worried, emerald eyes darting across his face.
"Are you okay? You spaced out for a second. Do you have a fever?"
"Ah. I'm fine," he replied. He smiled, but it was clear she wasn't convinced.
"No, you're not ok," she objected. "You never space out." Her hand brushed stray strands of hair out of his face. "Was it because I joked about your father? If that's it, I'm sorry." She was no longer joking around, and her eyebrows were furrowed out of seriousness. Straightforward and honest, and he wouldn't want it any other way.
After a brief pause, Itachi finally responded. "It wasn't that."
She was sitting with a straight spine while facing him. "Then what was it?"
"My father was being … difficult again."
Her face tightened in acknowledgement. She knew exactly what he meant. The few times that she'd visited his house after they had started dating were awkward. Fugaku had grilled her over the history of her family and her role at the hospital. She'd been interrogated about her network and connections, as well as what political power she might have over a hot pot dinner. And while Mikoto had been trying to teach her how to cook a dish, Fugaku stood on the side, eyeing her every move like a vulture. Itachi could still remember how Sasuke had pulled her aside later that evening to apologize for their father's behavior.
"It's ok," she said. "We'll get through this together." She leaned her head against his shoulder and sighed, interlacing their fingers and rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb. "Let's talk to him once you come back from your mission."
His gaze softened at her understanding, and he nodded in agreement. Slowly, he traced her jawline, stopping at her chin. He applied the lightest of pressure, and she immediately responded, drooping her eyelids and meeting his lips with hers. It was a simple, tender kiss, that they shared, but it somehow managed to lift his spirits.
He'd already decided. There was nobody else in the world that he'd rather share the rest of his life with. No obstacle would stand in the way of that.
Ding! The timer in the kitchen went off, but they ignored it. Instead, they just looked at each other for several seconds.
"Let's eat," she said at last, with a smile on her face. "And we'll worry about your father later."
The next morning, bright and early, Itachi found it difficult to get out of bed. He was comfortable spooning Sakura in their shared bed and didn't want to go on the mission he'd been assigned. He'd indulged himself in her body last night, and wasn't ready to break the comfortable spell that had settled over them. The evidence of their coupling lay strewn around the bed, too much of a hassle to remove during the heat of things. Nevertheless, Sakura coaxed him out of bed by rolling away, dodging his cage-like arms, and yanking the blanket off his body. He was further convinced when she announced that she'd be taking a shower, and he was free to join if he wanted. He was thankful that Sakura had been so proactive with getting out of bed because it left them enough time to explore each other's bodies a final time in the shower before he had to leave.
Then they both got dressed, though Itachi relished in making the task so much harder for Sakura by kissing her neck and shoulders from behind while sliding his hands up and down her waist.
"Itachi," she complained while rolling her eyes. "Hurry up and put your clothes on. Did you pack everything you need?"
He nodded, letting his hands wander further upward as he inhaled the smell of her floral body wash.
"Hey, I'm serious," she said, playfully slapping his hands away. "You're going to be late if you plan on going back home to see your parents first."
"They would understand if I didn't show up. The Hokage especially." He let his hands travel south, filling his hands with her lovely rump and giving a light squeeze.
After a red-faced and speechless Sakura whipped around, it was only then that he smirked and slipped his shirt over his head. Even after all these years, he still took delight in teasing her.
She nearly shoved him out the door once he was prepared for his mission.
"I'll meet you at the gate to see you off," she said. "See you in a bit."
Gently, he tapped the seal on her forehead. "See you in a bit."
The house was eerily quiet as Itachi glided through the halls in search of his parents. He found his mother brewing tea in the kitchen.
"Good morning."
"Oh, Itachi, good morning," she smiled. The corners of her mouth seemed tight and forced. "Did Sakura enjoy the fruit?"
"Yes, she sends her thanks."
"That's wonderful," she beamed, sounding a little too chipper as she held out her arms. "How about you, are you ready for your mission? You have everything you need?"
He nodded in affirmation and returned his mother's embrace. "Where is father?"
The moment he said that, Mikoto's face twitched. "He's outside in the garden."
Strange. He bowed respectfully, excusing himself to go see Fugaku.
As he walked past his mother, she caught his wrist. A strained look appeared on her normally sunny countenance. "Be patient with him, dear."
Itachi sighed, prepared to hear another lecture about how he was bringing disgrace to the Uchiha name because he had spent the night at the Hokage's apprentice's apartment once again. He slid the door open to the garden to find his father sitting by the koi pond, eyes closed and arms crossed, feet planted staunchly into the floor.
"Father, I'm leaving for my mission." Itachi bowed, his tone light.
"Hmph. Good. How long is it for? A week?"
"Yes, father."
"Hn." Fugaku opened his eyes slowly. "Itachi, when you return, we will begin discussion of an arranged marriage with Uchiha Kaori."
Itachi blinked several times. "I do not know what you mean."
"An arranged marriage," he repeated, pushing off the bench he was sitting on and assuming his full height. "I will hear no opposition to my decision. It is time you put an end to this game with Haruno Sakura."
"Game?" His own voice sounded foreign.
"You are nearing 30," Fugaku stated matter-of-factly. "You must decide what is best for you. Haruno Sakura may be young and beautiful, but that does not guarantee a stable or happy marriage. There is too much risk in bringing an outsider into the clan."
Twitching fingers clenched into a fist before releasing. "There is more to her than youth and looks."
"She does not understand how our clan works, Itachi. As clan heir, you must do what is best for the clan. There is no room to be frivolous."
Itachi remained quiet. While he knew the patriarch didn't approve of their relationship, he did not expect for him to push back at this moment.
"She taints your reputation," Fugaku continued, "and the clan elders are watching. I have been more than generous in recent years, turning a blind eye to your skipped meetings and lack of responsibility. You've had your fun. But it is your time lead the clan and carry on our legacy."
"I fail to see how she taints my reputation." Miffed, he narrowed his eyes slightly.
Fugaku shook his head. "Sharing the sharingan with outsiders is unwise and unfavored. I refuse to sit by idly when the future of the clan is in question."
"Unwise and unfavored," Itachi echoed. "You would spurn your own grandchildren," he stated, reading between the lines. He always knew that his father was opposed to allowing outsiders into the clan, but hearing it directly from him was something else.
"I will not allow a half-breed Uchiha to walk these halls."
Calm, black eyes flashed with an edge of steel. "If I taint the Uchiha name and legacy by being with her, then I will release them," he threatened, narrowing his eyes. "I will cut off any affiliation with the Uchiha if my happiness is such a burden on this clan."
Fugaku's expression darkened at his insolence. "Listen, boy, you do not speak to me that way. I will not be cowed by these baseless threats. You will marry Uchiha Kaori, and that is final."
"I will marry Haruno Sakura," Itachi responded in a clipped tone, "with or without your approval, and I am happy to do so without the Uchiha name."
His father's face flushed angrily, eyes glinting red. His teeth were grit together, and his fingers tensed. Heat rolled off his squared shoulders in waves. Never had Itachi ever so blatantly spited his father. Just as Fugaku's mouth opened, ready to continue the argument, an ANBU soldier appeared beside them, one knee on the ground.
"Apologies for the interruption, but the Hokage asks that you be on your way for the mission."
"Ah." Time had unexpectedly flown by. Itachi turned towards the newcomer. "Lead the way."
It was definitely a bad idea to leave things between him and his father as they were, but they had no choice. Perhaps the weeks time in which he was gone would allow his father to calm down and rethink his words. But deep down, Itachi knew that Fugaku was the type to stick with his guns and not give in. Especially when things had gone this far. He eyed his father one last time and bowed, doing his best to leave things on a diplomatic note.
"I will return in a week. Please reconsider."
At the town's gate, Itachi met up with Sakura as well as the Hokage.
"Apologies for the delay." He kneeled, head down to show respect for the Hokage.
"Pfft. That was an excuse," she laughed good-naturedly. "I heard that your father wants to set up an arranged marriage for you, eh? I figured he'd be giving you a hard time about it."
Onyx met emerald at those words. She'd heard from Tsunade.
"Well anyway, it's a simple reconnaissance mission, as you read in your scroll. It shouldn't be too dangerous, but I came to wish you good luck anyway."
It went without saying that the real reason why Tsunade had bothered showing up at all was to avoid the piles of paperwork back in her office. Undoubtedly, Shizune would hunt her down later. But calling an ANBU member to collect him and diffuse the escalating tension was still much appreciated, and he made a mental note to gift her a fine bottle of sake upon his return.
"I appreciate your kindness. I will complete the mission successfully."
"Good, good." The Hokage waved her hand. "Then, I'm headed back to town."
The couple watched as she sauntered off, disappearing into a crowd of people.
"I made you some snacks," Sakura said quietly, handing him a box. "Eat them when you're hungry."
"Thank you."
They stood at the gate, holding each others hands, the idea of Fugaku setting up an arranged marriage looming between them. Three years of dating had gone by, and now, when they were getting serious and planning out the future, a wrench was thrown into their plans. It was a wrench that they saw coming, but it hurt nonetheless.
"Itachi - " Her expression was troubled, and Itachi hated seeing her that way.
He cut her off with a searing kiss, pulling her close and wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. He wanted to clearly convey his emotions - he wasn't giving up on them. For a moment she hesitated, but in the next, she was embracing him with the same intensity, her fingers desperate to find purchase as they yanked at the back of his ANBU armor.
Tongues intertwined, they kissed each other with all they had.
Leaving for a mission had never hurt so much before.
"I will not allow the arranged marriage to happen," he murmured when they finally broke for air.
Sakura choked back her tears and put on a brave smile. "Good, because I wasn't going to let it happen either."
They hugged one last time before Itachi crossed the gate and left Konoha soil.
"I'll be waiting for you here in a week," she called. "Don't let me wait too long."
He smirked. "I would not dream of it."
"I love you," she whispered, letting the wind carry her words.
Though after three years, Itachi still had trouble with saying the words 'I love you,' he knew without a doubt that Sakura knew of his feelings. He slipped on his mask and disappeared into the woods.