A/N: I am so sorry that it has been so long since I have posted. I had begun working on this story until my files were deleted, which left me really unmotivated. But, I'm back and hopefully we can finally get this series started! Also, do read my other stories, as this one draws information from them.

Bungie owns D2 and RT owns RWBY ENJOY!

Five years ago, Atlas learned of the presence of the Fanatic and his fellow barons, followed by the public execution of Willow Schnee. Ever since that day, all of lower Atlas was subject to their chaotic rule, and any attempt by the military to bring order was swiftly halted. The aristocrats lived in fear of the so-called savagery of Scorn. An obvious gap began to form between the poor who lived on the ground, and the rich who floated above all others. The barons worked tirelessly to liberate the mistreated from major companies such as the SDC and the KWC, and in the eyes of the civilians that had nothing, they were heroes. Not only did they keep people out of the grasp of Spider and the aristocrats, but they also provided new jobs, and tore down the Tangled Shore to build it up as a new society, one that thrived.

Now, with the imprisonment of seven of the barons and the death of Fikrul, both at the hands of Shiro Brask, the once docile working class were now in uproar. New ringleaders calling themselves the Fanatic's Chosen have begun to stir the public, leading to aggressive actions rivaling the terrorism of the White Fang. Atlas military was now being forcibly stopped by protesters on the street, and with orders not to harm the civilian populace, they couldn't do anything. The line was drawn when former factory workers began making munitions.

Atlas was on the brink of civil war.

However, General Ironwood has been informed by Uldren Sov that there is a solution to end the chaos. The Atlesian headmaster has sent Commander Zavala Vanguard, Monarch's Representative Petra Venj, Freelancer Shiro Brask and Specialist Winter Schnee to make contact with the mysterious man.

Outside of the Kingdom of Atlas' west wall, a massive blizzard and thunderstorm duo has made the environment practically uninhabitable for the time being. Yet Winter Schnee still found herself sitting in a bullhead heading further into the storm's center. Another massive wind shook the craft in its entirety, and Shiro, who had refused to strap himself in, went flying across the hull. When the turbulence settled for a few minutes, Malphur managed to pull himself up from the floor and guide himself dizzily back to his seat next to Zavala, who let out a massive sigh at the antics of his former teammate. Petra, who was sitting next to Winter, rolled her eye at the gambler. The Atlas Specialist would have commented on it if the pilot hadn't called out over the intercom.

"Commander Zavala, the storm is to powerful. I'm going to have to take us down if we're going to endure."

Zavala stood, reaching for their side of the intercom. "Take as far as possible to the coordinates without suffering major damages."

"But sir, the coordinates are the eye of the storm." Zavala paused, considering his next orders, but before he could address his subordinate, a large bolt of lightning struck the bullhead, causing it to lose power. The craft dropped suddenly, and Zavala gave commands to his three allies.

"Prepare for impact!" This was promptly followed by Shiro's flailing body knocking him over. Petra and Winter hold onto the braces on their seats just before they made contact with the ground.

After the ship settled, Winter immediately unbuckled and went to check the cockpit where her commander's body went flying, Petra following not far behind.

"The hell happened just now," yelled the Monarch's representative, now having to verbally combat the winds that were rushing through the cracked hull. Winter ignored her question, for she herself hadn't a clue. When she entered the cockpit, the window smashed outwards, she found their pilot unconscious. She removed him from the seat and called Petra.

"Petra, help me get this man back where it's warmer. I can't find the commander or the mercenary."

"They must have flown out the bullhead," suggested Venj as she lifted the pilot's torso, while the Atlas specialist lifted his legs. When they got him lying on the chairs with an emergency blanket over him, Petra inquired, "what do we do now?"

Winter returned to the cockpit calling out behind her. "All we can do is activate the emergency beacon and wait out the storm. Going out to look for the commander in this storm is suicide. Besides, he and the misfit can handle themselves. So," Winter came back with more blankets, summoning a red glyph on the floor; "let's get comfortable."

No more than an hour had passed, the pilot and the monarch's representative slumbering away by the heat from the fire, when Winter saw that the storm was dying down, though too quickly than what was natural. What was also unusual was the lack of Grimm this far outside the city. While normal creatures of darkness would surely perish in the harsh winter of Solitas, the native breeds were much better suited, heavily coated in fur and armour. There were few reasons this could be.

The Mindbender was out of the question; she had been at the Prison of Elders when Shiro brought him in. Perhaps there was something behind the strange storm, that was used to attack Grimm. It could also be that the creatures were more attracted by their two MIAs, though if that was the case, than the Grimm wouldn't get far in their endeavour.

In any case, the Grimm were not attacking the downed bullhead, and that was fortunate for the group of three. Winter felt her thoughts drifting to her sister. Ever since the brutal murder of her mother by the fiend known only as the Fanatic, Winter had done her best to protect her sister, not only from terrorists and monsters, but also from the manipulative hands of her father and Mara. She had no doubt that the two conspired together, vying for power in Atlas, and that they wanted the SDC to have an heir that would think similarly. Winter had always stood between her sister and her father, and thankfully, she seems to be Weiss' role model.

Winter had no love in her heart for her father, and Whitley was already too much like him. Additionally, Fredrick had spoken to Winter in confidence about the cruelty of his mother, and how she was only in their family because of dirt she had on Craig. She heard the story often… back when he was alive. On a lighter note, Winter had managed to convince that Beacon would be the best academy for her to become a huntress at. She would be safe from Atlas' politics and under the careful eye of Ozpin and his associates.

Lost in her thoughts, Winter failed to realise that the storm was now just falling snow, and a large shadow was approaching in the sky. Eventually, the noise of an engine rattled her from her thoughts, even waking Petra from her slumber. Winter stood, placing her hand on the hilt of her blade. A black bullhead landed a short way away, however, the Atlas specialist was put at ease when Zavala and Uldren stepped off open side. Winter then stood at attention along with Venj who had joined her.

Zavala did not seem pleased, though with what, Winter was unsure. Meanwhile, Uldren's face was unreadable, assisted by his cloaked face. "At ease," Zavala said as he reached the two. "Report."

Winter spoke up. "Sir, after the bullhead crashed, we set up defensive position inside the hull, though no Grimm attacked us. All three of us survived, though I believe our pilot has a concussion."

"I see."

"Permission to speak freely sir?"

"Granted, Schnee."

"What is the matter Commander? You've clearly met with Uldren, meaning that our mission is complete with no casualties. You do have solution to the impending crisis, right sir?"

Zavala let out a great sigh. "Yes, but, it is not a solution that works in our best interest."

"How so?" inquired Petra.

"Because only one person can calm down the people of Atlas," came a voice from the bullhead. Winter looks in that direction only for her jaw to clench. Standing there, was a four-armed faunus, standing about seven feet tall, wearing black coloured dress shoes, dress pants and suit jacket, all with gold details. He wore a gold coloured undershirt and black tie. He wore a gold bandanna featuring a double sided 'F' that was very familiar to all in Atlas, as well as gold tinted sunglasses and a black fedora with a gold ribbon going around it, all concealing his facial features. On his belt, were four sheathes holding the blades known as King of Kings, and in his hands, he held Fanatica. There was no doubt in Winter's mind that this was the person she had loathed for five years. "And that would be me."

The Fanatic had returned.

It seemed like a blur for Winter after that. She could barely recall what her commander had informed her of the situation over the anger she felt. It didn't help that she was trying to comprehend how the terrorist was alive when Shiro had killed him, with several bullets to the head.

She was even madder, and worried, about the deal that Zavala had begrudgingly struck with the faunus. In return for telling his chosen to regress their attack, and promising to leave Atlas, the Fanatic had a fair few demands. The first thing he stated was that lower Atlas would be able to govern itself as an entirely different civilization. He didn't want any military or corporation involvement in his 'Republic of Atlas.' If he heard of this being broken, he promised that the deal would immediately be nullified. Secondly, the Fanatic's fellow Barons and Baronesses would be freed from the Prison of Elders where they were being held, stating that they would also leave behind Atlas.

His final request left Winter terrified.

The faunus, who had at one point revealed his name to be Fikrul Forsaken, requested that he and his siblings be enrolled at Beacon Academy. Zavala and Ironwood had initially denied this, not wanting the eight major threats to be so close to a relic, but had been convinced by Uldren, who had been suspiciously agreeable with the Fanatic. The Awoken had stated that he checked prior to the meeting with Ozpin, and the two agreed that Ozpin would be better handled to watch over them and prevent any problems they would cause. However, the Schnee could only think of one reason Fikrul would want to go to Beacon.

He wanted to kill Weiss.

Despite her persistent near begging, Ironwood had conceded to the terms with Petra's blessing from the Monarch of Atlas. All she could do now was have faith that the wizard would protect his students.

Fikrul was smugly walking down the plain grey metallic walls of Remnant's most secure prison, following behind the headmaster of Atlas and his SIC. Thanks to his conspiring with Uldren and Ozpin, the Baron had been able to secure everything he needed for the wizard's plan. Not only were Atlas' citizens safe from their own, but Beacon would have extra defenders when the time came for it, as Kaniks had told him.

The trio stopped at another security checkpoint, Ironwood placing his human hand on the scanner, unlocking the door in front of them before it opened. They then entered a large courtyard-esque room, empty except for the rows and rows of cells that rose beyond what the eye could see on the left and right walls, guards standing on the platforms aiming their weapons at the one unimprisoned criminal. Opposite them were another set of doors.

James turned to the faunus. "Alright, this is how this is going to go. We will bring out your siblings one by one. When you leave the prison, we will supply you with their equipment, including the clothing they requested. You will leave in your own bullhead with an undisclosed number of escorts. When you have arrived at Beacon, you can remove their semblance-nullifying shackles. Is this agreeable?"

"Perfectly," the Fanatic spoke.

Zavala called out into the room. "Bring them out!"

The doors opposite them opened slowly, and the first Baron of Scorn was let out. Elykris, wearing a grey prison jump suit, standing at six foot two, smiled as the prisoners above them began shouting their outrage at their fellow inmates' release. The twenty-year-old Machinist smirked at her brother and walked over to him.

"How have you been, sister?"

"All good, we've practically been running these inmates since we got in here."

Another set of booing emerged as the shortest Forsaken emerged.

"That's right! I'm out you shitheads! Keep booing, you'll regret it someday!" Yaviks exclaimed vulgarly as she came, standing at a measly four foot nine. The fifteen-year-old flipped off all of her fellow inmates as she joined her eldest siblings, thought the booing immediately stopped as the next person emerged.

Having to hunch over to get into the courtyard, the eight-foot two giant that was Reksis Vahn entered, though unlike his siblings, he held an item with him, that being the inner lamp from his weapon Cruel Death. The twenty-year-old also didn't wear a top, showing off his bulging muscles. Every step the Hangman made echoed throughout the now silent room, glaring at the imprisoned criminals. He took his place standing protectively behind his sisters.

Hysterical laughter signified that Kaniks was now entering. The five-foot three cyborg came skipping out, a hole torn in his jumpsuit to accommodate his third arm. The sixteen-year-old skipped giddily towards his family, shouting out to seemingly no one. "The Author is so sorry it took so long, but we're back now!" He stopped before the head of the family, giggling while Fikrul chuckled at the antics of his brother, of which he sorely missed.

The next two came out together. Araskes, only an inch taller than her brother, used her grey top to conceal her face, wearing a black sports bra. The sixteen-year-old was guiding her seventeen-year-old brother Pirrha, who without his weapon, was blind. He stood at five-foot eight and allowed his sister to pull him to the congregation of arachnid faunus in the courtyard.

Ironwood waited expectantly for the final Baron to emerge from the door, but instead, a strange noise happened behind them. The group turned to see a green portal and emerging from it was Hiraks. Instead of the grey prison sweats, the nineteen-year-old six-foot eight warrior wore rusted black armour, with a golden cloak flowing behind him. He also had Grimm skulls as his upper shoulder plates, and his abstract helmet crafted from bone. His upper arms held Ascendance resting across his shoulders while his lower pair were loading a shotgun engraved with runes, a recent addition to his weaponry, Mindbender's Ambition.

The several guards turned their guns towards the supposed intruder, one accidently firing before Zavala ordered them not to fire. However, in one swift motion, Hiraks slashed with his sword, and several bullets fell to the ground, all sliced in half. While Vanguard attempted to figure out how the faunus escaped their custody, Ironwood turned to the Fanatic.

"I thought you agreed all of your siblings would wear their restraints, Fikrul."

The eldest Baron signalled his siblings to follow the acolyte through the portal, turning to the general. "How could you have thought that your restraints would hold a user of dark-magic?"

Ironwood huffed. "Fair enough. I imagine you will take your leave now?"

Fikrul extended his hand, and Ironwood shook it hesitantly. "Pleasure doing business with you, general."

Even though his face was masked, it was clear the Fanatic was smirking mockingly.

By the time Fikrul had joined his brethren, they had all changed into their clothes and geared up. The silent giant wore large black military boots, and jeans, continuing to leave his top bare. He had placed his precious lamp back into Cruel Death and had its chains around his torso and arms, the spiked lamp hanging from his right arm. He now had a buzz cut.

Elykris wore rusty brown and orange sleeveless coveralls, one that would surely be covered in grease and oil when she got back to work, as well as brown muck boots. Her palms and forearms were wrapped in bandages, and her robotic a twisted and turned as it readjusted itself. She held her hair in a ponytail. Her jumpsuit had several pouches in which to hold her trinkets, and her old satchel rested at her waist, where she hid Scrapper. Less inconspicuous was Deus Ex Machina, which was on her back once more.

Pirrha sat on a nearby rock, cross legged. He wore black sneakers, track suit pants and long sleeve shirt, all with white highlights. Over this, he wore his Grimm pelt, keeping him warm. He had a quiver of dust arrows over his shoulder and various sniper rounds on his waist. He was reloading Blind Phantom, ensuring that it would sync with his eyes, his hair tied in a bun to keep it out of his face.

Araskes kept her face concealed with a blue scarf and a Grimm mask resembling a Geist, with one eye hole. She wore blue/black sneakers, tight jeans with some wear and tear in them, and black tank top. Unseen was held in auto rifle form on a sash over her shoulder.

Kaniks had the most bizarre appearance. His clothing consisted entirely of merchandise, some which his siblings had no knowledge of. He still wore his Achieve Men shirt, now with an X-ray and Vav jacket. He wore khaki cargo shorts with glow up sneakers. He had an orange bandana with a black patch that had 2 blank white eyes as well as a cap that read Rev vs. Blue. Over all this he had all of his explosives, some in pockets, others strapped on his sash. His fringe was going into his eyes, and he now had a mullet.

"Alright, everyone get in the bloody Drake!" Yaviks yells, herself emerging from her precious bullhead. She wore her high-heeled black boots and black jeans, as well as a T-shirt with a Nevermore printed on it, with her biker jacket over it. Her blue mohawk stood at attention, now with yellow streaks throughout.

The Barons sans their pilot and leader began entering their transport, taking seats along the sides, Elykris, Reksis and Pirrha on the port side, and Araskes, Hiraks and Kaniks on the starboard, with Freedom in the middle. Fikrul approached his youngest sibling before boarding.

"Yaviks, dear Rider. I will not be travelling with you. Instead, I will go ahead and make sure all is in order for your arrival."

"Why yah telling me this? Elykris is the boss when you ain't around."

"Because I have a gift for you." Fikrul then unsheathed the two short blades of his collection. "You and I are much alike, not only because of our affinity with magic. Henceforth, in the situation that you find yourself without your Freedom, I would not have you unarmed." He placed the daggers in her hands. "I have taught you, and only you, the art of Eliksni swordsmanship."

"You're giving me your daggers? But you love these things."

"Not as much as I love my sister," the Fanatic replied, placing a hand on her shoulder. "And they were our father's. He wouldn't want me to hold them exclusively while you are unarmed." He hugged her. "Now make haste. We only have a few days before the school year begins."

Yaviks gave him a smile, along with a mock salute. "Alright captain." With that, she entered the Drake, and when the doors sealed, and it began to take off, Fikrul raised his staff into the air. A bolt of lightning struck him, and then he was gone.

A lightning bolt struck the aerial platforms of Beacon Academy, signifying to Ozpin that the rest of the Barons would soon arrive. He looked out his window as he took a sip of coffee from his mug as corrupted Ether leaked in from the vents. It began moving together until the heavy gas resembled the shape of a man. Then the gas transformed, becoming Fikrul. The Fanatic approached the headmaster's desk, sitting down.

"Is all of their paperwork in order? Accommodations, scrolls, Lien?"

Ozpin joined the faunus, sitting in his own chair. "Worry not Fikrul, your father and I have all of the necessary preparations in order." Fikrul visibly relaxed. "However, there are some things I'll need to run past you." Fikrul sat up. "In order for my student's best interests, I've given an alert to all freshmen and current students informing them that, 'as past of a deal with the Kingdom of Atlas, we will be hosting eight former teen criminals in order to give them a clean slate' so to say."

Fikrul nodded his head understandingly.

"Additionally, in order to promote safety in the school, you and your siblings will be monitored by Beacon staff."


Ozpin smiled warmly. He stood, outstretching his hand. "If that's the case, then welcome to Beacon Academy."

A/N: Finally, this chapter is out, and with that, hopefully, I will start writing these consistently again. Thank you soo much for sticking with me, I really do want this to take off, so thank you and sorry to everybody who waited for this. See you next time!