Part 6

March 3rd

For the second time in twenty-four hours, Hermione found herself at the gates of Hogwarts, waiting for entry. She pulled her cloak tighter around her and looked at the ground almost nervously. After her talk with Minerva yesterday, she had gone home and simply let all the information sink in.

While she had let her walls down and was under the assumption that Arnaga was roaming free, she had not heard a single word from the woman. However, when morning came and she found herself ready to speak to her, it was like she had stage fright. She didn't feel comfortable. She needed space, a quiet place to practice and learn. Away from Ron, Molly, and any other prying ears.

Her fore-warning that secrecy was of utmost importance had stayed firmly in her mind, which is how she found herself at the fabled gates. Waiting.

"You might have waited for me to finish my tea."

Hermione looked up and found the Headmistress banishing the gates with a flourish of her hand.

"Forgive me. I didn…"

"I was merely teasing, Hermione. You are always welcome here, no matter the time." Minerva tried to ease Hermione's worries. It was clear the woman was out of sorts from the expression she held.

Hermione forced a smile, "Thank you, Headmistress."

"You're welcome. Though I am a little curious as to why you are at my gates so early?"

"I wondered if you would be so kind as to let me… borrow, for lack of a better word, the room of requirement," Hermione bit her bottom lip and Minerva looked at her curiously, "I am currently staying at the Weasley household and I find I need a little privacy." She alluded.

"I understand. You're welcome to use it." Minerva gestured for Hermione to follow her up to the castle.

"Thank you," Hermione said politely. "And a belated, Good Morning."

"Good Morning." Minerva smiled gently as they moved further up the hill. "Did you manage to get any sleep last night? I imagine after our meeting you had a lot to think about?"

"Yes, and no," Hermione replied and smiled at Minerva's perplexed expression. "I mean, yes I had a lot to think about, and no, sleep did not come easily. But I did manage to get a few hours."

Concern filled Minerva but she did not voice it, "And did you manage to converse with Arnaga?"

"I did not. That is today's task…" Hermione breathed deeply, "And all that comes with it." she finished softly.

"A task I am sure you will more than succeed in."

Hermione said nothing in return and simply followed the woman who often gave her great comfort. As she always did. But as Hermione glanced at the venerable Headmistress, there was no denying that she wished to peel away some of the layers that Minerva always so steadfastly held in place.

Sometimes, at the dinner table, Molly Weasly would regal them with tales that revealed a more mischievous side to the Headmistress. While Ron, Harry and the rest of the Weasley siblings had often scoffed at such a notion, Hermione was always far more curious and interested.

They spoke little the rest of the way and when they finally made their way into the castle, Minerva turned to Hermione and gave her a soft look.

"If you are still here for lunch and dinner you are more than welcome to join the staff in the Great Hall. I shall be out of Hogwarts for a few hours but I should be back by eleven this morning. If you require anything else, Fillius will help you. I shall inform him of your presence before my departure."

"Thank you. You are very kind." Hermione smiled appreciatively.

"Nonsense." Minerva waved her off, "If I don't see you later, I hope everything goes well."

"You too."

Minerva smiled and turned, making her way towards the stairs.

Hermione sighed and looked around, just taking in the comfort that she had always tethered to the castle. It looked just as it always had, save for a few changes here and there. Some of the bricks were newer looking due to the war, but other than that, it was still full of mischief, magic, and wonder.

Swiveling on her foot, she followed the same path Minerva had taken and started making her way to the seventh floor.

It didn't take her long to get to where she knew the room resided, and for once in her life, the staircase had behaved.

She looked at the wall and closed her eyes before pacing back and forth past it and when she opened them on her last pace she smiled in relief.

"Thank you." She whispered as she reached for the door handle. Upon entry, she looked at the room with curiosity.

It looked like a dueling room more than anything.

"Practice. While our communication needs improvement, I thought a little physical demonstration in the latter part of our conversation would be a nice distraction." Arnaga said softly.

Hermione took a breath. While she had been a little startled at first, she quickly adjusted. Trying not to let it faze her, she moved further into the room and smoothed down her robe.

"So you have been able to hear and see then."

"I have. However, I concluded you might need a little space, to begin with."

"Meaning after this I shan't be left alone?" Hermione tried to joke as she started taking her robe off. Anything to ease the tension.

"I never saw anything wrong with a third wheel," Arnaga smiled, picking up Hermione's lack of comfort.

Hermione felt the edges of her lips curl upwards. She was grateful for the lighthearted nature Arnaga seemed to have.

"I should say, Good Morning," Hermione said kindly as she put her robe on a nearby chair.

"Good Morning."

"And welcome, perhaps?" Hermione gestured to the air. To be honest, she wasn't really sure what to say.

Arnaga chuckled, "While I've had smoother receptions, thank you, I'm glad to be here."

Hermione bit her lip, it was true. She had not been the most accommodating. "Well, it has been pointed out to me on several occasions now that I wouldn't be here without you. So I think it is I who should be thanking you."

"Nor would I be here without you. We saved each other. Don't forget that."

"True… but I haven't exactly been welcoming." Hermione admitted begrudgingly.

"No, but I understand your reasons now. I have felt your pain and anguish."

"But I haven't felt yours," Hermione said with confusion and curiosity.

"Up until yesterday, we were in two separate rooms for example. Now we are in the same room... and as such you will be able to feel my emotions and hear my thoughts." Arnaga tried to explain gently.

Hermione walked around the room slowly. It was a strange feeling to be having a conversation with… well… yourself, essentially.

"You get used to it."

Hermione sighed and ran hands through her hair, "That doesn't feel possible." She almost whispered.

"...Not now perhaps, but it will." Arnaga tried to reassure her. Aranaga could feel Hermione's unsettlement and tried to reach out to her with warmth, "You were right before. I did take your choice away from you, and there is no way to reverse the process. And for that, I am sorry. But you're not alone and I vow to make this adjustment as easy as I possibly can. While it seems very unnerving, I promise there are many advantages to this way of life. And privacy can be found when needed."

Hermione could feel Arnaga's kindness, and although she did not know Arnaga well yet, she… felt… that she could trust her.

"Thank you, Arnaga." Hermione smiled.

"You're welcome."

Hermione felt Arnaga smile back. It was odd and strange. Even though she could not see Arnaga, she could feel her actions and feelings. She didn't know how to explain it other than 'a feeling'. She imagined that from this moment on there would be a great many things that she wouldn't be able to explain.

And for a woman who had an explanation for everything it was something she knew she would have to quickly adjust to.

Turning back to her robe, she fished into her inner pocket and pulled out a shrunken notebook along with her new 'endless ink' quill; a gift from Harry for her birthday. Reaching into her sleeve, she pulled out her wand and with a simple flick of her wrist, the objects returned to their normal size.

"I thought that I could write a few things down so I can refer back to them?" Hermione spoke aloud as she placed her wand back into the little pocket within her sleeve.

"A fine idea. But you do realise that I will always be with you, and as such, you can just refer to me?" Arnaga tried to say gently.

Hermione looked at the notebook and quill in her left hand with melancholy, "I know. I just... this is familiar and comforting to me." Hermione said honestly, "I hope you don't mind?"

"Of course not." Arnaga agreed kindly, quickly realising that this was Hermione's way of opening up and dealing with the ramifications of their union.

"So, shall we begin?" Hermione started as she walked to the center of the room and with her final step, a table and chair appeared. Hermione took a seat and opened her notebook.

"I'm ready when you are, dear."

"How old are you?" Hermione ploughed straight in.

Arnaga laughed, "Old enough to know that I don't need to answer that question."

Hermione's lips twisted into a smile despite herself. Arnaga had a quick sense of wit and humour that Hermione enjoyed, "Touché. However, if you want me to trust you and for us to rule a country, which by the way was not something I signed up for, you're going to have to give me a little more than that." Hermione bartered.

Hermione could feel something that she could only describe as admiration and intrigue fill her.

"Alright. You win… this time." Arnaga conceded, "Are you, by any chance, into betting?"

Hermione grinned as she leaned towards the paper with her pen in hand, "How old are you Arnaga?"

"There is nothing better than betting with yourself, how can you lose?" Arnaga winked, "And I believe I am about eight hundred years old, but after my fifth hundredth I stopped counting really."

Hermione nearly dropped her quill, "You're joking, right?" her eyebrows were nearly up in her hairline.

"One never jokes about their age, dear. Especially women."

"Eight hundred!?" Hermione squeaked.

"Give or take."

"But how?" Hermione scribbled down a few things.

"Well. I was born dragon souled. So I grew up much as you did, with the exception that my soul was born in a human body. Her name was Eleanor."

"But that would mean... you grew up in the twelve hundreds?" Hermione said in shock.

Arnaga smiled fondly, "Not my favourite era admittedly, but I only just caught the last of it."

"Then you would have been there for the fourteenth-century witch burnings, you were there… you lived through it…" Hermione almost whispered as she tried to comprehend the thought.

"... I have lived through a great many things, Hermione. Not all good, which you shall come to learn."

Hermione bit her lip and scribbled some more things down, "And what date were you born?"

"The 23rd of July, twelve eighty-four."

"So that would make you…" Hermione quickly scribbled again as she worked it out. "Seven hundred and twenty-two."

Arnaga hummed, "So not quite eight hundred, but close enough."

Hermione shook her head, "That's… unbelievable, impossible."

"'It always seems impossible until it's done' i believe that an acquaintance of yours said that?"

Hermione chuckled, "I wouldn't say Nelson Mandela is an acquaintance, but I know of him and the quote, yes." Hermione leaned back in her chair as she contemplated the information that would now be open to her.

"You have a keen and eager mind." Arnaga smiled, "So curious."

Hermione felt her inside's beam with pride. It was true. She was curious and her mind was insatiable. She wanted more. More knowledge, more of life, more of everything. While knowledge was power, to her it was more than that. It was freedom and a gift. It was to live. And while in the past 'wanting more' had held negative connotations, as she grew older she found herself proud of wanting to live life so fully.

"Never apologise for wanting more out of life, Hermione. There are those who have been bestowed such a gift and they let it pass them by."

Hermione looked down with a blush. It was still so new and strange to know that her thoughts and feelings were open to a person, let alone someone she barely knew. She felt naked.

"I know it is difficult, but you are not alone in your insecurities. Although I choose this life there are still some things that I would prefer to remain mine, and mine alone."

"Is that even possible?"

"I believe we just proved that even the impossible is possible. And luckily for you, you have a wise and very old lady at your disposal, with much experience in such matters."

Hermione twirled her quill between her fingers, while her teeth gnawed at her lip as they often did when worry hung at her doorstep.

"While it may not be the life you envisioned, I can promise you it will be a life worth living." Arnaga tried to reassure her again.

Hermione exhaled and sat up once more, banishing her worries, "... I believe… we were discussing your age." Hermione tried to redirect their thoughts. "So I'm assuming at some point within your life you transformed?"

"I did," Arnaga said softly.

But before Hermione could formulate her next word she was taken aback by a wave of sadness that she had not expected. Then suddenly, as though it had never happened, it was gone.

"I, forgive me." Arnaga quickly voiced. "I didn't mean to share so much so soon."

Taking a breath Hermione sat up straighter, "No, no. It's alright. I'm just, I do not understand what happened."

She could feel Aranaga's turmoil or at least remnants she believed. She wasn't really sure what she felt, she wasn't sure of anything yet.

"When you asked me about my first transformation… it brought back memories. Memories of Eleanor." Arnaga paused, "She was all I had ever known. I didn't know what it was like to be without her. To exist so completely on your own…" Arnaga whispered.

Once more, Hermione felt… pain… cold… loneliness. But this time it was more intense and felt tears quickly filling her eyes.

"I, I can't…" She managed to release hoarsely.

"I'm sorry."

Hermione gasped as the overwhelming feeling suddenly vanished again. It was a feeling of helplessness she had never encountered before. To have two totally separate emotions surviving and breathing next to each other. To go from happy to heartbroken in a breadth of a second. It stole the very air from her lungs and left her totally thrown off balance.

A solitary tear slipped down her cheek as she caught her breath as her emotions returned back to normal.

"I'm sorry… It has been a while since I have had to control my emotions with anyone."

Hermione wiped her cheek and sniffed as she went to shake her head, "No, it's fine. Honestly. Just unexpected, that's all." Hermione replied without hesitation, "I'm sorry you had to lose her. I can't imagine…"

"Nor will you have to… and neither will i."

Hermione frowned in question.

"Because of our extended life-span, it is normal to pass the veil after about eight hundred years. To keep going is an abuse of power. No one should live forever. I do not know of many dragon souls that have reached beyond the eight hundred year mark and further. I will not transform again. I'm not even sure it is possible. You were… an improbability. My union with Ranay, we were not even sure if the transformation would be successful."

"If the process is so unprecedented, why would you put yourself through that again?"

Arnaga sighed, "I wasn't supposed to."

"But I thought…"

"For all intents and purposes, I had planned to pass the veil. But when the disruptions to our people began a year ago and England's leader began to… falter… They are my people. And I will not let what I have seen so many times before, happen again. Or if I can, at the very least, help..."

"Surely someone else could have taken up the mantle?"

"Perhaps. But with time comes wisdom and I have sway with not only England, but other countries too. You should know better than anyone that it is better to have a backing."

Hermione hummed, "Of course."

"War may be coming and I could not in good conscience leave knowing such. It wasn't my time, as much as I wished in some respects it were."

Hermione inhaled and placed her quill down gently before bringing her hand to her face. War. Hadn't she already had enough of war? Didn't people ever realise that anger and violence were not the answer? How much more loss did she have to endure. When did it stop?

"Do you wish for an answer?" Arnaga asked hesitantly.

Opening her eyes and removing her hand to her lap she looked at the stone wall ahead of her. If she squinted hard enough she could almost see scorch marks left from the battle. All those years ago she had told herself with time the pain would fade. But it didn't. The truth was that you just found yourself growing a thicker skin, and you get so much better at hiding the pain and all that comes with it.

"I don't believe I do… I think I already know the answer." She breathed sadly.

Ron could smell his mother's cooking as he walked into the kitchen just after twelve. Merlin, he was starving. He was sure Hermione would just roll her eyes at him.

"Hey mum," He greeted as he entered the kitchen.

Molly looked up surprised, "Hello love, I didn't expect you back until tonight?" She said in question.

"Yeah, no I, ugh, just thought I would come back for lunch if that alright?"

"Yes, of course." Molly smiled warmly.

"Thanks." He said as he went to move upstairs.

"She's not here, dear," Molly quickly interrupted his pursuit.

"What?" he said, confused as he turned back around to his mother. Weird. She hadn't said anything yesterday. "Where did she go?"

"I don't know. Running some errands I believe she said. I'm sure she's fine."

"When did she leave?"

"This morning. She said she would be out most of the day. Poor things probably just wanted to get out of the house. She needs to go back to work. You know she can't stand being idle." Molly said as she chucked some more seasoning into one of the many pans she was cooking in.

"She needs rest." Ron insisted as he went to sit down at the table.

"Oh no you don't." His mother chastised him, "If you are here for lunch, you'll blooming well help. Start dishing out."

Ron sighed.

Molly chucked a towel and spoon at him, "She's fine. She's survived worse and you very well know it. You need to take her back home. Back to routine. Keeping her cooped up here isn't good for her."

"But here you can…" Ron paused.

"What? Keep an eye on her? I'm not her keeper, Ronald Weasley and neither are you." Molly made sure he was listening to him.

Ron sighed as he started helping his mother dish food onto plates. "Alright."

"This is not a playground Mr. Ferson," Minerva stated firmly as she quickly ground to a halt. If it hadn't been for her quicker than normal senses, the boy would have barrelled straight into her.

Even now, he was still stumbling to find his footing.

"Sorry, "The boy muttered as his companions screeched to a halt next to him.

"If you feel the need to run around as though you were a Nogtail, do it outside, please. Should I find you running through these corridors again, I will deduct points from your houses, am I understood?"

A chorus of 'Yes, Headmistress.' 'Sorry, Headmistress.' filled her ears, before they scurried off.

It was halfway through lunch and she had not seen hair nor hide of Miss Granger. According to the elves, however, she had not yet left. Which is how she found herself making her way towards the staircase. If she could ever get there.

As much as she loved the children of this school, she had to admit, they did often make simple tasks a million times more difficult.

With a sense of renewal, she resumed her task. When she reached the stairs, as though the staircase could sense the Headmistress's short fuse, the cases came together to obey their authority.

And when she reached the seventh floor, the door was ready for her, almost as if the stairs had whispered a forewarning along the fabled walls in regards to the Headmistress's lack of patience today. Her meetings had been tedious at best.

Knowing Hermione was inside, she opened the door carefully, not wanting to startle the woman. What she found, surprised her.

Hermione stood in the middle of the room, her back to the door and from what she could see, was doing her best to summon fire. Wandlessly.

It was common amongst their people. A sixth sense if you had to give it a name. It was not a surprise to see the act being conducted. What surprised her was Hermione's apparent frustration and struggle. Wandless magic was difficult no doubt. But fire amongst their people was common with training. It was wandless magic after that that took great strength of character, discipline, and training.

Her right hand was out in front of her and for a second the fire would flicker before dying.

With a roll of her wrist, Minerva summoned her own fire and sent a small fireball hurtling past the unassuming witch before it hit the wall, extinguishing it.

Hermione jumped and swiveled to face her.

"Headmistress," Hermione said in surprise as she lifted her hand to her sweaty forehead.

Stepping inside, the woman shut the door to give them some privacy.

"It's halfway through lunch," Minerva informed.

"Sorry, I lost track of time." Hermione apologised.

"I merely do not want to see you starve" Minerva smiled gently and then gestured, "You are struggling?"

Hermione blushed, "A little. I thought things would be easier…"

"In a fashion, but it still requires practice." Minerva informed her, "I think your struggle is mental rather than physical. Wandless magic is not easy but with your new abilities, along with your natural talent, you should be more than capable."

Hermione looked down at her hands and lifted her right hand to try but again the fire did nothing more than sputter.

The young woman sighed in frustration, "I do not understand."

Minerva looked at the woman carefully. She was not the same young woman who had left school all those years ago. While in some respects she had gained strength, in others she had lost her spirit and fight.

War had taken away so many things. Even years after the fact.

Walking towards the woman, Minerva banished her outer robe to the chair at the side where Hermione's robe also sat.

"May I?" Minerva gestured to Hermione as she came closer.

Hermione stepped back a little as if to accommodate her despite the plethora of space they had and nodded, "Of course. Please."

Minerva stood in front of the woman and began to undo the buttons on the sleeve of her black blouse. It was a simple black blouse tucked into smart black trousers. A more modern look on the witch which Hermione rather liked.

"What are you doing?" Hermione said with curiosity as the Headmistress's skin was slowly revealed.

With her arms exposed, Minerva looked at Hermione with eyes that said 'watch'. Opening her palm, fire quickly burst forth until it was a controlled flaming ball, and held it.

"Fire is more than just fire to a Dragon." Minerva started to explain.

"Arnaga said it was like breathing," Hermione replied, her voice distracted as she watched the flame hovering over Minerva's palm.

"I have always looked at it as though it were a sixth sense. Like your magic, it exists within you." Minerva explained as both of the witches observed the fire in her hand. "And as such, it cannot harm you. Your skin is not as it once was. Your body can endure more." Minerva let the fire sit directly on her skin and started to roll her wrist, urging the fire to roll along her skin, leaving no burns, nothing.

"For whatever reason, the magic that comes with Arnaga mimics the abilities that a dragon would have. Your skin will not burn so there is no need to be afraid of it." Minerva tried to reassure the younger witch. She didn't know why Hermione was having such difficulties but if it was fear of harm, then that was something she could rid Hermione of immediately.

Extinguishing the fire she flicked her wrist and Hermione's sleeves started to roll themselves up.

Hermione looked down with surprise but before she could formulate a thought Minerva was taking her hands in her own and setting their joined hands ablaze.

Hermione automatically went to pull away, her instincts kicking in. But the older witch had anticipated such a reaction and held onto her tightly.

"What are you doing?!" Hermione squeaked, her whole body going into panic mode. How could she not? They were on fire!

"You're not in harm's way." Minerva looked at her pointedly. As much as she wanted to do things slowly, Hermione didn't have that kind of time. The council wanted Hermione to meet with them within days. "Do you feel pain?"

"Calm down." Arnaga piped up.

Hermione stopped tugging and tried to calm her breathing so she could ascertain how she felt. And with surprise... No. She was not in pain. "No." She breathed.

Looking down in awe, she watched as Minerva's thumbs moved in comforting circles upon the top of her hands, all the while fire dancing along their skin.

"This is impossible." She breathed in disbelief for the second time that day.

Minerva felt the corners of her lips curl upwards as she took in the woman before her. The sweat that had been prominent on her forehead a moment ago, was now just a glowing sheen. And while her chest was still catching its breath, she looked... Minerva wasn't quite sure. But it gave her a moment of pause as the firelight danced reflectively off of the younger witch's glowing face.

"I thought receiving your letter to Hogwarts had long since banished the possibility of the impossible." Minerva offered softly.

She couldn't deny that she had thought it had too, Hermione thought as she tilted her head in a 'So, so' sort of fashion. She let out a half-laughing sort of huff and looked up into green eyes that sparkled more than usual, "I had thought so too." But now everything was changing at such a speed, she barely had time to fathom it all.

Minerva watched the woman closely, gauging her reaction and pushed the fire further up Hermione's arms. She could feel her tense somewhat but her expression gave nothing away. She was adapting.

Excitement and curiosity filled Hermione as she watched the Headmistress make patterns and control the magic she was demonstrating. And if she concentrated hard enough, she could feel Minerva's magic just above the surface of her skin.

After Minerva felt that Hermione was more accustomed to her newfound skill she pulled away and the fire dissipated.

Hermione looked down at her hands and arms, checking them and found her skin as clear and as unblemished as they could be.

"Now that you are more familiar with it, would you like to try again?" Minerva asked as she rolled her sleeves back down.

Hermione looked up at Minerva and instead of responding she held out her hand. She concentrated on the Incendio spell in her mind and pictured it in her hand. The flame came, but as before, it soon sputtered out.

Hermione huffed and snatched her hand back. She was an extremely capable witch, why couldn't she do it?

"You're concentrating too hard." Arnaga pointed out.

Hermione practically growled as she walked away from Minerva. "If I don't concentrate it won't work."

Minerva watched as Hermione mentally berated herself and tried to contend with Arnaga. She suspected that Hermione was finding it difficult to contend with everything. Even if she was deemed the brightest witch of her age.

Minerva had an inkling as to how the woman might be feeling. This was just the beginning. Not only was she to learn an entirely new way of life, but to do so upon the seat of a throne too. It wasn't easy.

"Is something holding you back?" Minerva asked softly, trying not to push her too far.

Hermione craned her neck to look back at the Headmistress, "Apparently so. But please don't ask me what it is, because I haven't the foggiest." Hermione said with disappointment as she moved towards the wall and leaned against it to look at the Scottish witch properly.

Minerva lifted her brow, the woman had become so defeatist. It was unusual and unnerving. And that needed to change.

"You are a talented witch. But nobody is expecting the world. You have been dealt difficult cards, but I trust that you can handle them." Minerva paused, "Ruling a country is not a walk in the park, but you will not be alone. You'll have many people to help you and I will be an apparition away." she finished in hope that Hermione would settle.

Hermione looked up at the ceiling. It was hard to let go of something she had wanted for so long. The house, the family, the white picket fence. Peace. And for a moment she had had it. And although she knew all was not lost, things had been shaken and the world she had started to create was not the world she was in anymore.

It was hard.

And she knew it would get harder before it any easier. But that was life. Right?

Pushing away from the wall, Hermione held out her hand to try again. She knew it would not do any good dwelling on 'what if's' and 'buts'.

But before her fingers had even opened, long delicate fingers that she knew held more power than many witches and wizards combined, covered hers.

Surprised chocolate orbs looked up into emerald ones with clear questions, "I think that's enough for now. A little food, perhaps?"

Hermione withdrew her hand and straightened her shoulders knowing the Headmistress was probably right, "I think that sounds lovely."

Stepping back, Minerva turned and walked the scant few meters to the chair that held their outer robes. She picked up both robes and handed Hermione her own, "Thank you." Hermione stated, taking the proffered robe.

"You're welcome," Minerva replied while making quick work of donning her own robe.

Hermione's fingers were working on her own state of dress, but she was paying it little attention. Instead, her focus was entirely on the woman before her. It was fascinating really, to watch the woman who moments ago had been a helping hand and less formal. But as she donned her robe, the walls went up and she was no longer 'Minerva', she was what everyone perceived her to be, 'The Headmistress'.

Straightening the last of her collar, Minerva noticed Hermione looking at her, "Are you alright?" she frowned in concern.

Hermione was ripped from her musings, and did up her last button, "Yes, sorry. Daydreaming." She wrote it off.

Minerva hummed, "I think some food will do you the world of good."

"I think so too," Hermione smiled, "Lead the way." She gestured when she had finished.

Author's note: As always, I hope you enjoyed it. I hope this pace is alright. Let me know your thoughts.