Thanks to those who took part in the poll to see which story I should put out next! As you can see it was the Percy/Avenger/Fairy Tail story that won by one vote!

NOTE! Percy Jackson does make an appearance in this story as his superhero character I invented for him in my story The Reluctant Avenger. If you want to see how he came to be a superhero/understand his backstory for this story, go read that story first! I say first so you don't hit spoilers, lol. It does have a sequel story, The Reluctant Team-Up, but that one doesn't really tie in with this story, so don't feel the need to read it first as well : )

"We must be careful everyone, and by everyone I mean Natsu." Said Erza, her expression serious as Natsu turned to her and practically yelled "What do you mean me, I'm always careful." "Say that to the number of towns you've left scorched in your wake." Gray muttered, which Natsu caught and almost went after him but Erza continuing kept his attention on her, he knew better than to interrupt her. "What I mean is Jellal wasn't able to get much information on this Dark Guild, we know nothing about their powers so we can't go rushing into things, or rather you can't."

Natsu crossed his arms, a grumpy expression on his face that Lucy had to a hide a chuckle upon seeing and she helped cover a small noise that she hadn't been able to stop by pretending she had been clearing her throat and asking "Do we know how big of a guild it is?" Erza shook her head negatively as she responded "No, another reason why subtly is our best bet." Happy looked confused at this and so he asked "If we have to be subtle, why did you want Natsu here? He's like the opposite of subtle."

"Hey!" Natsu exclaimed as Erza answered "While that may be true, Natsu is a strong fighter and we all work best as a team, so I think it's for the best if we stick together as much as possible, even when the situation may not be one of our strong suits, in fact that's when we really should stick together. We are stronger as a team after all." "Yeah is we rise, we rise and if we go down, than we go down together." Lucy said, her hands fisted and her arms pulled back to show she was pumped up, "Be careful not to pull the stitches in your arm Natsu."

Looking briefly at the right arm he had injured on their last job that Wendy hadn't been around to heal with magic, Natsu then grinned at her before he said "I will! Alright than, let's go!" "Aren't you forgetting something, flames for brains? Erza wants us to be subtle, which also means she wants us to go in with a plan." Gray proclaimed. Natsu growled at his frenemy. Erza got them both to cool off with a look before saying "Gray is right though, we do need a plan. Here's what I have so far."


The plan went about as good as any best laid plan does, which means it went miserably. They must have triggered some sort of silent alarm, for they hadn't been long in the general vicinity of the guild when they were surrounded. Natsu, who thought for sure everyone would blame him yelled "It wasn't my fault!" "Yeah we get that you pyro." Gray muttered. "Well so much for subtly." Erza declared, to which Lucy gave a distraught look as she said "I was afraid you would say that." "Take me up Happy!" Natsu yelled, to which the blue Exceed yelled "Aye!" before lifting his friend into the air.

"Be careful!" Lucy yelled before she had to focus on two opponents. It didn't seem an overly big guild, but it wasn't tiny either. Still, it didn't take Lucy, Erza and Gray too long to handle those who came to fight them. "That was easier than I thought it would be." Lucy stated. "Yes, a little too easy." Replied Erza, which Gray added "You're right. Somethings wrong here." "Where are Natsu and Happy?" asked Lucy with concern.

Suddenly they heard Natsu cry out and they turned their heads in time to see Natsu disappear before their eyes. For a second they thought maybe this mage had shrinking powers, like Dan Straight, but Lucy caught sight of Happy's eyes and she knew that wasn't the case. "No!" she yelled and calling on all her magic, she summoned three spirits at once; Leo, Taurus and Aquarius. For once Aquarius didn't tease her, she felt her master and friend's pain and rage and she aimed it, surprisingly to Lucy when she thought back on it later, straight for the object that those emotions were aimed at.

Taurus and Leo finished him off before disappearing back to the spirit world as Lucy collapsed from calling forth so much magic power, her magic levels practically drained. "Happy, get Lucy back to the guild. Gray and I will bring that one with us or his confession of what he did to Natsu once we gather these Dark Guild members and take them to Jellal." Erza commanded. The crying Exceed, nodded, still in awe of what Lucy had done. He picked her up and didn't complain about her weight for once, not that she was awake to notice, and headed in the direction of Fairy Tail.

Once the two were gone, Gray turned to Erza as he finished applying magic cuffs to what had probably been the guild master and said "What do you think he did to Natsu? Do you think he is dead?" Erza was silent before finally replying "If Natsu is dead, this mage will wish he were too." Gray shuddered at the look in her eye, but he knew that he would join Erza if that became the case.


Natsu sat up with a groan. "Where am I?" "You're in a need to know location, and you don't need to know." Came a female voice, drawing his attention. "Who are you?" asked Natsu. The girl smirked a little, saying "I believe that would be my question to you, but since you asked, I'm Agent Johnson. Now, you are?" "Natsu Dragneel." "Well Natsu Dragneel, want to tell me why you were falling from the sky on fire?" she asked.

Natsu looked at her in shock, his mind fuzzy as he stammered "I… I… don't know. Was I really falling from the sky?" To answer his question, Agent Johnson pushed a button and an image appeared on a table in front of them of him doing just that. After watching it, Natsu shook his head as he replied "Honestly, I don't know. Everything is a little fuzzy." "Okay, let's try something simpler. Where are you from?" she asked. Natsu opened his mouth to answer, than stopped. His face was an open book and Daisy Johnson could see the genuine confusion there as he softly said "I don't remember."

"Okay, maybe something even easier, what are you wearing?" she asked. Natsu frowned and said "What I always wear." She looked him over after he said that, the fact that his hair was pink and naturally so by Jemma's quick analysis of a sample, was odd in itself, falling from the sky on fire and uninjured was even more so. His clothing seemed to be following suit, a one sleeved jacket thing with baggy pants and sandals, as well as a very unusual scarf. On his right arm, there was a bandage from shoulder to elbow, Jemma had confirmed with a scan that there was an injury under it that it was protecting, so they left it alone.

"That's a very unique scarf." She said, trying to relax him as she could see a minor bit of panic in his eyes, perhaps he was an Inhuman? Fitz and Simmons were still working on that angle. The topic choice appeared to be a good one as he looked down and smiled at it fondly as he said "It was a gift from my Dad for me." "What is it made of? I've never seen material like it before." She asked, but watched again as confusion covered his face, she held up a hand and said "I know, you don't remember. Don't worry, you did land pretty hard, it could just be taking some time for your memories to get unjumbled, why don't you tell me what you do remember."

Natsu held his chin with one hand as he tried to think hard. The only things that he could say were things he knew for sure were, his name, his dad had given him the scarf, his dad's name was Igneel and he had friends named Erza, Gray, Lucy and Happy. Daisy perked up at this and said "Happy huh? I know a Happy, what's yours look like?" Natsu tried to concentrate, but he ended up just shaking his head and saying "I can't remember. This is so frustrating." He let his face fall, forehead lightly banging against the table between them.

Daisy felt compassion for the guy, all of his answers seemed genuine and Inhuman or not that meant he really had no idea what had brought him falling from the sky. "Tell you what, we've got some cuffs on you right now that will keep any powers you have at bay. Why don't we walk around and little and see if different sights or smells will bring anything back to your mind." Daisy said as she stood, Natsu following suit. Natsu wasn't going to hold his breath, but at the same time he couldn't hold back the hope that it might work.

Daisy led him through several long hallways, the only change in scenery being different people. Natsu wouldn't even know how to get back to the room they were just in, everything looked too similar in his mind. He felt off balance, like he was missing a sense that he normally had, but maybe it was just the cuffs doing whatever they were doing. Just then a bald man with an eye patch over one eye came walking up to them angrily saying "Johnson, what is the prisoner doing out here?"

"He seems to be truly suffering from memory loss, sir. I thought a stroll around would help bring up some memories." Daisy said, not batting an eyelash at his tone. The man frowned and said "Are you sure? Romanoff is back, I can have her take a crack at him." As he spoke he gestured towards a red haired woman who sent chills down Natsu spine, she reminded him of Erza. No one saw him stiffen at the faint feeling of fear associated with the thought of Erza and the one called Romanoff being similar, so brief was it, but he knew that he had hit upon a faint memory. Looks like Agent Johnson was right about this walk.

"That won't be necessary Fury. Or don't you trust my methods?" Daisy asked. The one called Fury frowned as he said "Of course I do, you are an expert on Inhumans. It's just..." "Then prove that you trust me and stop questioning my methods." Daisy said with a frown. "What's an Inhuman?" Natsu asked, drawing the duo's attention back to him. "That is a can of worms best left for later, in fact it might not be something you have to worry about, we won't know until Fitz and Simmons get done on your DNA sample."

All of that seemed to confuse Natsu more, causing Natasha to walk up to the group and say "Johnson's right in her methods, he really is suffering from memory loss. Can you remember anything at all?" Natsu told them what he did remember, causing Fury to turn to another woman and say "Hill, get Stark to bring Happy out here and see if we can clear some things up." The agent nodded and turned to do just that, hoping that Tony wouldn't be too difficult in following Fury's order.

She need not have worried, however, because Tony was intrigued and wanted to see the kid who had fallen from the sky on fire and didn't have so much as a burn. What he saw didn't really impress him, the kid was about the size of Jackson and seemed to be pretty danger prone if the scar on his cheek and the bandage around his arm was any indication. "Stark, where's Happy?" Fury questioned. "Oh he's recovering from the flight over here, he'll be here in just a second. So this is the kid who fell from the sky, why did you give him those to wear?"

"We didn't, those are what he came with." Daisy said as Natsu frowned at him, not liking the insinuation that his clothes were anything less than awesome. Now this peaked Tony's interest and he grabbed on the sleeve of Natsu's left arm as he asked "What made it inflammable?" Natsu looked a little nervous at Tony's sudden closeness and Daisy pushed him back a little as she said "We're not sure." Tony looked surprised and exclaimed "And you didn't run a sample!?"

"For one thing Tony, a little mystery in life is a good thing. For another, of course we did the sample is being tested along with his DNA, am I right Fury?" Romanoff questioned since she really didn't know for sure. Fury nodded his answer causing Natsu to cross his arms, hoping that they hadn't wrecked this shirt, he liked it a lot! "Don't worry Natsu, we just used a scanner on it, we didn't take a physical sample." Daisy said, earning a sigh of relief from the pink haired man.

"What is up with his hair?" Tony asked, causing Natsu to blush with embarrassment as Daisy glared at Tony answering "Not that that is really any of your business, but its natural. This surprised Tony and confused Natsu, why wouldn't it be natural? He knew of a couple of people with pink hair… or at least he thought he did… "Daisy, we've got the results!" Everyone turned at the feminine voice to see a couple holding hands coming their way.

Just than Happy arrived as well and asked in an out of breath tone "So where is this guy you want me to meet?" At the same time Natsu leaned towards Daisy and asked "Who's he?" "That's Happy." Daisy said hopefully. Natsu sighed and shook his head, "I'm pretty sure that this isn't the Happy I'm looking for." Daisy was inclined to agree since Happy hadn't recognized Natsu, but she still introduced them just the same, earning the expected head shake from Happy as he said "Sorry, I don't know Natsu." "Thanks anyways. Alright Fitz, Simmons, what have you got for me." Daisy said as Happy went to find some place to sit down, Tony's flying left much to be desired in his mind.

The duo had walked up to them as Happy had been confirming not knowing Natsu. "Well he is definitely not Inhuman. As for the clothes, we really weren't successful in figuring out why they were in flammable. The scarf almost appears to be made from some kind of scale, but what our computers couldn't figure out." Fitz answered. The group turned to stare at Natsu, causing him to feel uneasy, but he said "What's everyone looking at me for? I don't know the answers any better than you do." Daisy and Romanoff shared a look and nodded, for now Natsu was right, he didn't know. So did that make him an asset or a liability?

Daisy shook her head and said "Well, I'm afraid we have to be getting back to our base now, but let us know if we can be of more help." "Alright, thank you Agent Johnson." Fury said as the three left, leaving a now very nervous Natsu behind. Fury could tell that their temporary guest wasn't feeling very comfortable in their presence and so he said to Hill "See if you can't get Jackson out here."

Not too much later, a kid with black hair interrupted by a single grey streak showed up in an orange shirt, his expression a bit annoyed as he said "This better be good Fury, I'm missing Capture the Flag." Natsu wasn't sure what this capture the flag business was, but he was thinking up possibilities, so he missed Fury and Percy's interactions. "Sorry Jackson, but the kid wasn't relaxing in our presence so I thought someone closer to his age group could connect with him better. Besides we ruled out a few things that he could be and I was wondering if maybe he was a demigod. He fell from the sky on fire and yet is pretty much uninjured. What do you make of it?"

Percy frowned, saying "The only person he sounds even remotely close to is a friend of mine and his power seems to be unique to him. Though I could be wrong, but I also doubt it since the gods should have already claimed him he was one." "Should have?" Fury questioned, to which Percy responded "Well he is over the age limit I set that they would have had to claim him by, the gods have a relatively short attention span when it comes to mortal lives and their offspring, unless it has to do with carrying a grudge, than they can remember for an eon. But I will see what I can do."

Percy wandered over and stood next to Natsu as he introduced himself, Natsu doing the same even though they both knew that Percy already knew it. Still Fury was right and seeing someone closer to his age did calm Natsu, he even thought that Percy kind of reminded him of Gray in a few ways minus… there was some kind of habit that Gray was always doing, why couldn't he remember it? Whatever it was, he knew enough that Percy wasn't doing it.

Suddenly Percy smiled and said "Hey Natsu, you ever play Capture the Flag before?"