Day 1:

First Meeting(alternate take on "Dance Dance Resolution").

Lincoln sighed as he walked into the school gym.

As you may guess, he's currently in some deep poo-poo.

Okay, maybe it is partially his fault. He lied to his sisters saying that Ronnie Anne didn't want to go to the Sadie Hawkins Dance with him which led to four of his sisters hooking him up with four girls.

Yeah, I know.

And to make it a little worse, Lincoln admitted to lying which followed his four sisters forcing him to attend the dance and risk ruining his life instead of calling it off.

So Lincoln was weighing his options.

If he were to ditch then he would risk the four girls having their hearts broken and an inevitable beat down by his sisters.

But if he went then he would make four girls angry, get beaten up, have every kid laugh at him which would destroy his social life, and become a local loser. The only silver lining is that his sisters won't beat him up. Joy.

Well on the bright side (which isn't too bright), Clyde has agreed to help him out. Poor chump couldn't find a date either. I guess that's why they're best friends.

The first girl Lincoln was introduced to is named Tabby.

A very energetic girl with a British accent and has a fascinating urge to "dial it up to 11". Is that a reference to something?

Very optimistic as well and loved doing the air guitar. She reminds Lincoln of Luna if she was a few inches shorter.

Next girl is someone named that on the official birth certificate?

Anyways, she greeted him with the old joy buzzer gag. She's pretty much summed down to a Luan clone.

"Wrap it up, Ladies' man. Girl No. 3 is waiting. Lucy's friend, Haiku, is an up and coming poet. Her dislikes include kittens, sunshine, and people who smile too much." Clyde explained over the radio.

Lincoln quickly drops his smile as he walks closer to the bleachers.

Sitting there is a girl around his age with pale skin, big black hair with a white line going horizontal, wearing a purple dress, and holding a journal.

Lincoln sighed with a bit of relief. Though spooky, goths are calm and collected.

Girls like Tabby are okay but gives him a headache after some time while girls like Giggles can be a little much. Imagine living with a prankster all of your life and hanging out with another human just like her. Too many clowns in his opinion. If only a rich guy were to dress up like a bat...

"Hi. I'm Lincoln" said Lincoln with a melancholy voice.

Haiku looks up at Lincoln.

"Hi, Lincoln. Wanna hear my poem?" Haiku asked in a voice which matched Lincoln's.

Haiku then looks back at her journal.

"Empty, lonely, dark. The universe is weeping. I have no tissues. Okay, your turn." the goth finished.

Oh! Her name is Haiku and she writes Haikus. Clever.

Lincoln begins to think about what to say. He remembers Lucy explaining to him how a haiku works. It involves syllables, first row five, second row seven, last row five.

Dang it, he couldn't think of anything on the spot. He'll just have to BS it.

"Uh...Jack and Jill went up a hill to fetch a pail of water." Lincoln recited quickly.

Lincoln tried to hold back sweat as Haiku stared at him as if she was digging deep into his being.

"Oh, yes. The futility of teamwork. Deep stuff." Haiku congratulated.

Nailed it!

That was actually kinda fun. But he must be ready for Clyde to tell him about the next girl.

"Time's up, ladies' man. Girl No. 4 is Lynn's roller der..."

That's going to be a big nope from Lincoln as he turns off his communication device.

If you think another Luan is bad, another Lynn is worse!

So for now, Lincoln will just chill with Haiku for the time being.

Clyde panicked as he didn't know what to do now. He could walk over to Lincoln and tell him to move on to the next girl but with Haiku next to him she would want an explanation.

Quickly getting down from his spot, Clyde takes one for the team and goes to Polly.

"H-Hey... I'm Clyde..errrer!" Clyde greeted nervously.

"You're Lynn's brother? And wasn't your name Lincoln." Polly scowled.

" I'm like a brother to Lynn. I'm her brotha! And Lincoln is...not here." Clyde answered quickly.

"Lynn told me that I would be meeting a Lincoln tonight." Polly said with suspicion.

"W-Well she made a mistake. You're supposed to meet me." Clyde replied desperately.

Polly narrowed her eyes at Clyde for half a minute before smiling.

"Works for me!" Polly smiled, completely convinced.

Polly Pain grabs Clyde by the arms and begins their night together.

Lincoln continued to spend time with Haiku. Both continued to recite poems which ended quickly when Lincoln decided to change the topic since he was running out of already existing poems to use. They both talked to each other about themselves and Lincoln saw that they actually have some things in common. He also learned that she was in the hots for a vampire that was turning two hundred years. Everyone has a gimmick, I guess.

They then moved onto making shadow puppets. Lincoln did a flower and Haiku did the grim reaper much to Lincoln's amazement.

As time went on, Lincoln grew closer to the goth, getting more comfortable with her and all that.

At one point, Haiku accidentally placed her hand on top of Lincoln's and quickly yanked it back.

"Sorry." She apologizes without looking away from her journal.

Lincoln blushed.

Was he starting to like her?

As this question lingered in his head, Lincoln failed to notice Ronnie Anne enter the gym.

As Clyde landed on the ground from one of Polly's own dance moves, he noticed that Latina and panicked.

He tried to contact Lincoln from the radio but remembered that the white haired boy deactivated it.

Clyde sat up and faced Polly.

"I have to use the restroom!" Clyde explained frantically.

"Alright. Hurry back." Polly replied and continued to dance.

Clyde got up and ran over to Lincoln.

"Lincoln! It's an emerg...I mean." Clyde stopped what he was saying as he remembered that Haiku was next to Lincoln and she was currently staring at Clyde after his sudden outburst.

Clyde glanced at Lincoln.

"Hey buddy. I just wanted to tell you that Ronnie Anne is here." He smiled uneasily.

Lincoln's eyes widened as he started to look around in fear.

Clyde leaned to the side to show that Ronnie Anne is only a few feet away in the dance floor and that Clyde was blocking their view of each other. Currently, the girl has yet to spot Lincoln.

Clyde then leaned back to where he was standing, once more hiding Lincoln.

"It's nice to know that she's coming out of her shell and attending an event like this, right?" said Clyde with beads of sweat running down his face.

"Y-Yeah." Lincoln replied nervously.

Clyde grabs Lincoln's hand.

"Let's go say hi!" said Clyde.

"Wait, what?" Lincoln jumped.

Clyde moved his head closer to Lincoln and spoke quietly.

"just trust me." Clyde whispers.

Lincoln nods and turns to Haiku.

"I'll be right back." he explains.

Haiku waves and goes back to her journal.

The two boys zoom off and quickly the bleachers without anyone noticing.

"Ronnie Anne's here? What will we do now?" Lincoln asked in fear.

"I tried to tell you but you turned off our communication device. Why did you do that?" Clyde asked.

Lincoln rubbed the back of his head.

"Well for starters, I didn't want to hang with someone affiliated with Lynn." Lincoln explained.

"Well you don't have to worry about her looking for you because I went to her instead and have been dancing with her for the last few minutes." Clyde replied.

Lincoln sighed in relief.

"Oh, thank you! I owe you one. Also...I've been hanging out with Haiku. She's pretty cool." Lincoln smiled and looked like he was daydreaming.

Clyde stared at Lincoln's lovestrucked expression and placed two and two together.

"Are you in love with her?" Clyde asked knowingly.

Lincoln snapped out of it and blushed.

"N-No, no. I just like being around her. We have a lot in common and she's pretty chill." Lincoln quickly defends.

Clyde smirks.

Lincoln quickly changes the subject.

"Anyways. How are we going to fix this?" he asked.

"Originally, I was going to have you take turns with each girl with small windows of time to ease their suspicions but that didn't do so well. Tabby and Giggles are most likey looking for you as we speak while Polly and Haiku are waiting on us to return. I wasn't expecting Ronnie Anne." Clyde explained.

Lincoln groaned.

"I'm dead. All it will take is for Tabby or Giggles to tell my sisters that I left them or Ronnie Anne to spot me. What will I do?"

Clyde looked around hoping to find something to keep this night from turning to a disaster.

He then spots three of his and Lincoln's friends: Rusty, Zach, and Liam.

Clyde pats Lincoln and points towards their friends.

Lincoln smiles as he and Clyde form a plan.

A few minutes later, the two boys complete their scheme and the latter (that being Clyde) walked over to the tree boys and leads them back to the bleachers where Lincoln is hiding.

"Hey, guys! Do we got a surprise for you!" Lincoln grins.

"Alien invasion?" asked Zach

"Fresh manure?" asked Liam

"Me appearing in season four?" asked Rusty

"Better yet." Clyde adds.

"We got your guy's some dates!" Lincoln and Clyde said at the same time.

The three boys perked up.

Clyde pairs Liam with Tabby while Lincoln pairs Zach with Giggles.

Feeling satisfied that they got the last two girls distracted, they now have to worry about one more.

"Hey, what about me? Is it that Polly girl?" Rusty asked.

"No. She's already has me as her partner. So we got you...Ronnie Anne!" Clyde announced.

Rusty scowled.

"Ronnie Anne?"

"Yep. She has no one to hang with so today's your lucky day." Lincoln explained.

Rusty rubbed his arm slowly.

"I don't know...I don't think she likes me all that much." he replied.

Lincoln blew a raspberry.

"Nonsense. She likes you a lot." Lincoln answered.

"Really? Well, all right!" Rusty shouts as he walked over to the Latina.

Lincoln and Clyde noticed that Zach and Liam are really hitting it off with their new dance partners, looks like they're forgetting about Lincoln. And with Ronnie Anne distracted by Rusty's attempts to talk to her, Clyde returns to Polly as Lincoln returns to Haiku.

"You took your time." She comments.

"Well, Ronnie Anne is a good friend." he replied.

More time passes as Lincoln and Haiku learn more about each other.

Lincoln accidentally admitted that he draws comics and fears that Haiku would call him a loser but she said that she likes it when people unleashes their imagination onto paper.

He even got her to smile on rare moments.

As more Lincoln thinks about it, he feels different around Haiku. More than he ever felt with Ronnie Anne. Not saying that they were ever in a relationship even though that kiss as Jean Jaun's might tell a different story to some people.

Did he love her? He wasn't sure. But he knows that he really enjoys her company.

Nothing could mess this night up!

"Attention, everyone! The lucky student who gets to have lunch with me in the teachers lounge is... Lincoln Loud!" Ms. Johnson announces.

Lincoln's heart stops.

"Where are you, Lincoln?" Ms. Johnson asked.

The spotlight moves across the gym to find Lincoln.

The white haired boy jumps from his seat to hide under the bleachers only to see that the entrance was recently blocked off with sports equipment without his knowledge.

"Wait? Lincoln's here?" Ronnie Anne asked.

The spotlight moves closer to Lincoln, he gulps knowing that if he's found then it will all be over.

"Umm..excuse me?" a familiar voice calls into the microphone, gaining everyone's attention and the spotlight stops moving.

Everyone looks into the stage to see Clyde holding the microphone.

The dark skinned boy gulps as every eye was on him as he searches for what to say. He then spots Polly staring at him and gets an idea.

"I...just wanted to say that Polly Pain is an awesome girl and you guys missed the chance of dancing with such an amazing person!" he explains.

Seeing his chance, Lincoln runs out of the gym without being spotted and hides in the boys restroom.

Everyone awws as Clyde's announcement.

Seeing that his friend made a clean getaway, Clyde steps off of the stage only to get scooped up by Polly.

"I'm so glad that I met you!" Polly smiles as she huge Clyde tight.

"Well that was sweet! And Lincoln Loud hasn't come up to claim his prize so it seems that he left early. No matter, the next prize goes to...Girl Jordan!"

Ronnie Anne sighs in annoyance.

Why she came here is beyond her, not like Lincoln would show up to a place like this anyhow.

Seeing that Rusty is still with her she might as well have someone attend to her original plan.

"Come on, Rusty. We're leaving." Ronnie Anne commanded.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"To the arcade." she replied as they exited the gym.

Lincoln peered out of the boys bathroom only to quickly fall back as Ronnie Anne and Rusty passed.

Seeing that their now out of the way, Lincoln returns to the gym and makes his way back to Haiku.

"Your name was called. How come you didn't want to accept the prize?" Haiku asked with a bit of curiousness in her voice.

"I..umm. I wanted someone else to have the opportunity to have lunch with a teacher besides me." said Lincoln.

"How generous." Haiku replied with a small grin.

"We're gonna close out Sadie Hawkins with a slow song. And if you liked what you heard tonight, I'll be spinning at the Feinstein Bar Mitzvah this Saturday. Peace!" The DJ announced.

Lincoln watched as kids got together and slow danced. Even the girls he met once was dancing with their signing other. The loud brother giggled when he spotted Polly and Clyde doing their own slow dance which was Polly holding Clyde bridal style as Clyde hugged Polly's neck.

He then shifted his eyes towards Haiku to see her staring at the crowd as well.

Gulping, Lincoln turns to the goth.

" want to dance?" he asked.

Haiku shrugged.


The two walked into the floor.

Remembering how to hold a girl in a slow dance thanks to all the romance movies and seeing his own parents preform it in their anniversary, Lincoln places his hands on her hips.

Haiku placed her hands in Lincoln's shoulders and the two started to slow dance.

Both swaying side to side rhythmically.

"I enjoyed spending time with you. Not sure if you could say the same about me..." said Lincoln somberly.

"I actually had a pleasant time speaking with you. Maybe we can talk more another time?" Haiku asked with a small smile.

"Wait..really?" Lincoln asked with a blush.

Haiku nodded.

Lincoln smiled back as they continued to dance but this time they moved closer to another.

About ten minutes later it was time for everyone to go home. But it took a little longer before Lincoln and Haiku finally left.

Outside the gym, Lincoln bid the goths a good night and watched as she walked away.

Lincoln still had a dumb looking smile on his face but when he turned around, he saw Tabby and Giggles glaring at him.

"Poo-poo." Lincoln muttered.

"Lincoln." Tabby said in a stern voice.

"Okay, I'll explain everything." Lincoln quivered.

The white haired lad explained the reasoning for his disappearances and why they met Zach and Liam. But Lincoln learned that though they were bothered that he left them, they actually enjoyed their time with the two boys more than Lincoln. Tabby and Giggles agreed to not say anything to his sisters as long as he remains truthful.

As the two girls walked off, Clyde clumsily approached Lincoln.

"Oh, Clyde! How was your night?" asked Lincoln.

As Clyde got closer, Lincoln noticed that his glasses were crooked and he had lipstick marks all over his face while wearing a drunken smile.

"Clyde. What happened to you?" Lincoln questioned.

"S-She happened." Clyde mumbles as he points in a direction.

Lincoln looks over to see Polly waving at Clyde before rolling away with her skates.

"What a woman..." Clyde sighs in delight before fainting.

When Lincoln returned home, he was met with the four sisters who set him up with the girls.

Thankfully, they were told by their friends that they had a good time with Lincoln.

Though Lynn asked how it went with Polly since she never called. Lincoln explained that they spoke but she was more focused on Clyde.

Feeling satisfied with their questions, all the girls left.

But before Lucy left the room, Lincoln grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to the side.

"Hey, Lucy. Could you do me a favor?" he asked.

"Sure." she replied.

"Could you tell me more about your friend Haiku?"

Lincoln has never saw Lucy form a smile so big in his life.

The End