
6 Years Later…

"What a load of garbage." Punk scoffed tiredly, standing up from the couch and stretching after sitting watching the sports highlights he'd missed from the game earlier. Of course his favourite teams were doing horribly.

He turned the TV off and began to turn the lights off in the living room when he heard a car pulling up outside. He looked at the time, which was gone past midnight, and was curious as to who was pulling up at this time.

He listened to the knock at the door not long after, a light knock, as he made his way out of the living room and into the hallway, unlocking the door and opening it where he saw twenty-eight year old Thea standing, a baby carrier over her arm as she looked at him with a small smile.

"Hey, dad." She said quietly.

"Hey." Punk smiled, "Are you ok?" He asked as she walked into the house.

"Yeah… well no." She changed her mind as Punk closed the door behind her, "Me and Dominic had a fight." She shrugged, "I've not woke anyone up, have I?" She wondered.

"No, no your mom is in bed. Cass too." Punk nodded.

"I would have gone to Jude's place but… she's in New York this weekend so…" Thea shrugged.

"Hey, you're always welcomed here." Punk teased as she smiled, "Go through to the kitchen, I'll make you a drink." He placed his hand on her shoulder as she nodded, walking on through to the kitchen.

"I won't stay long. I think me and James will just go to a hotel." Thea nodded, walking into the kitchen.

"So this was a big fight?" Punk gathered, watching as Thea sat the carrier on the table, managing to get a glimpse of his sleeping grandson, which of course brought a smile to his face and joy in his heart.

"Yeah, it was." Thea nodded, sitting down at the table, looking on at James, fixing his little hat on him whilst Punk made them coffee.

"What were you fighting about?" Punk asked her.

"A lot of stuff." Thea nodded, "You know when you have a small fight and then other things get brought up?"

"Yeah, I can recall." Punk nodded, sitting down a coffee for her, taking a seat across from her, "So what's the things?"

"Well he wants to move house." Thea said, "He said we can afford it and I know we can but… I'd rather wait a little while. Save some more. Wait until James is a little bigger. I mean he's two months old." She shook her head as Punk nodded.

"Can't you both come to a compromise then?" Punk asked her.

"Well that's what I was trying to say to him. If we could just wait. Wait until I'm back at work. And then we started talking about our jobs." She rolled her eyes as Punk nodded.

"One of those fights, huh?" Punk nodded to himself, "What's wrong with your jobs?"

"Well… he's been working seven days a week for the longest time. He took one week off when James was born. That was it." Thea said, "And he works really long hours. He's not home until like 9pm. And this little guy isn't easy to take care of." She pointed as Punk looked on at James and smiled.

"He's an angel." Punk smiled, turning to Thea who was rubbing her forehead tiredly, "Sounds to me like you're just a little stressed." He nodded, "Having a baby is a big thing, it affects everything." He said.

"Yeah, I didn't realise that until he was here." Thea admitted as Punk nodded.

"I think it sounds like you're both just tired, stepping on each other's toes a little, nit picking at little things that you can resolve very quickly." He nodded.

"I thought that but then he just kept saying that he was fed up of this. He kept repeating it and I just lost it." Thea said, "I said if he's so fed up then me and James will just leave. And he… he let me." She shook her head as Punk nodded.

"I think you both just need to cool off a little." Punk said, "And no, you're not going to a hotel. There's a bed upstairs you can sleep in, and we have a crib for James too." He said as Thea nodded.

"I didn't think it'd be this hard." Thea shook her head, "Everything has changed." She nodded.

"Yeah, but… it should be good change." Punk nodded, "I think you're both tired and if he's working seven days a week, long hours, he'll be exhausted-"

"I tried to tell him that but he said it's important we keep saving money, especially since I'm off work just now." She shook her head, "And then he wants to move house too as if we're not stressed enough-"

"Why does he wanna move house anyway?" Punk asked.

"Oh, I don't know." Thea rolled her eyes, "He just says the house we're in is falling apart. It's beginning to cost more money to repair things, so we'd be better off just moving." She nodded.

"Well those conversations can't be had on little to no sleep. Otherwise, of course you'll step on each other's toes." Punk said as she nodded.

"Yeah, I know." Thea agreed, noticing two month old James begin to stir, opening his little eyes as she looked on, "What is it, little guy?" She frowned, "He just doesn't sleep." She told her father who nodded.

At this time in her life, she was seeking a ton of advice from her parents. A ton.

"He'll get into a routine eventually." Punk assured her.

"He probably wants fed." Thea nodded.

"I'll get him. You make his bottle up." Punk said, standing up and taking James out of the carrier whilst Thea got up to fix his bottle up.

It was very strange being a grandparent so young, but it worked out pretty well as he and AJ were fit and healthy to be there for their grandson, and spend time with him, and also help their daughter with this huge change in her life. Punk was extremely won over by little James. He wasn't sure if it was because he'd been surrounded by girls for the longest time, and to have a little fella in the family was nice.

"How come you were awake anyway?" Thea asked whilst Punk held James in his arms in a cradling position, smiling down at him.

"Uh… I was watching the sports highlights." Punk said.

"I wouldn't have bothered." Thea scoffed, "I watched the game earlier. It's disgusting how bad we are this season." She shook her head as Punk nodded in agreement.

"We got time." Punk nodded with hope, "Don't we, little guy?" Punk smiled, looking down at James.

"Ok, here." Thea screwed the bottle on tight, testing it first before handing it over to Punk, "I'll get wipes out because he will obviously spit up." She nodded, digging into her bag for wipes whilst Punk fed him.

"Thea." Punk said.

"Mhm?" Thea looked up from her bag.

"You're doing good." Punk assured her, "I know it's not easy. Everything changes. It's no longer just about you and that can be scary." He nodded.

"I have no idea how you and mom did this at nineteen." Thea shook her head.

"It was challenging." Punk nodded, "But everything somehow worked itself out. With a little bit of patience and understanding."

"I think I gotta work on that." Thea admitted.

"And so does Dominic." Punk made clear as she nodded, "But you'll work it out." He nodded.

"Yeah." Thea nodded, "I probably shouldn't have left." She said, "But I just… I didn't wanna fight anymore and I just automatically showed up here." She shook her head, "Still feels like home." She looked around as Punk smiled.

"I think that's a good thing." Punk nodded.

She'd been moved out for several years. Married for three. Working as a doctor for four. She wasn't a child anymore and she wasn't even a young adult. She was right there, in the prime of adulthood. And she was doing it way better than he ever did.

Of course it was daunting and scary that his first born child was now an adult. Completely out on her own. With her own family and her own responsibilities. But somehow she always found herself coming back home now and then.

"When is Jude home?" Thea asked, "I miss her." She huffed as Punk smiled.

"I'm picking her up from the airport tomorrow morning." He nodded.

As Jude got older, she and Thea had gotten a lot closer. They'd always been close, but it was no longer so much a childish bond, more so coffee dates and sister dinners.

"Oh, I hope she had fun. She was looking forward to it." Thea nodded.

"Yeah, she called last night and said it's been great." Punk nodded, "I'm sure we'll get to hear all about it."

"Oh, of course." Thea smiled, looking over at James who was feeding well for Punk, "He's doing that deliberately." Thea scoffed.

"Doing what?" Punk chuckled.

"Being good for you." Thea nodded.

"He's always good for me." Punk nodded as Thea smiled tiredly, "Hey, you go upstairs and get to bed. I will sort this little guy out."

"Oh, no… I can do it, it's ok." Thea assured him.

"I got it." Punk nodded, "You go. Get some sleep." He said as Thea nodded, looking at James.

"Y-Yeah, ok." Thea nodded, standing up, "You're sure?"

"I'm sure." Punk smiled, "On you go." He nodded to her.

"Thank you." She smiled gratefully as he nodded, watching her as she left the kitchen.

The dumbest thing she ever thought in her life, was that she only needed her dad when she was growing up. The truth was, she'd never needed him more these past few years, and he was there, every time.

"Yeah, you're always good for your papa." Punk smiled cockily as he looked down at his grandson with pride.

"Hey!" Jude exclaimed, meeting her father outside the airport.

"Hey." Punk smiled, so glad to see her, "How was your flight?" He asked, embracing her tightly, leaving a kiss on her cheek.

"It was good." Jude nodded, "Thank you for picking me up. Cabs are a nightmare here." Jude shook her head.

"It's no problem." Punk shook his head, "Hop in." He told her, picking her suitcase up and putting it in the trunk whilst she got into the car.

He closed the trunk over and got back in behind the wheel, "So how did it go? You have fun?" He asked her.

"It was amazing." Jude nodded, "Just so happens there was an exhibition going on at Brooklyn Museum so we managed to get into that one too." Jude said, "It was so incredible, I took so many pictures but there was tons of stuff I wasn't allowed to take pictures of."

"I can't wait to see them." Punk smiled, "Did you gather enough stuff for your folio?" He asked, pulling out of the airport to head home.

"Yeah, I think so. I got to speak to a lot of cool people there." Jude nodded excitedly as Punk smiled. Any time his daughters were doing cool things, for themselves and the things they loved, he was over the moon.

Jude was studying at the art institute and was excelling with a lot of her work, getting to travel here and there as a plus. She'd moved out a year ago to live in an apartment with one of her friends. Of course to see another one of his children leave home was heart-breaking, but he was excited for Jude and whatever journey she was going on.

"When are you back at the institute?" Punk asked the twenty-one-year old.

"Monday. So I gotta really get everything together this weekend." Jude nodded.

"Am I dropping you at your place or are you coming home first?" Punk asked her. It would always be home.

"I wanna see mom so just take me back with you." Jude said as Punk nodded.

He eventually got home, parking the car up and getting out.

"You go on, I'll get your bag." Punk said as Jude nodded, running off to the front door, opening it up and heading inside.

"Hey." Jude smiled, appearing in the kitchen where her mom and sisters were.

"Oh, hi baby." AJ smiled happily, getting up and embracing her daughter tightly as Jude smiled, "How was your trip? Did you have fun?" AJ asked.

"I had so much fun." Jude nodded, taking her cap off and sitting it over, "Hey, you." She smiled, giving fourteen year old Cassie a hug from behind as Cassie scoffed, "Miss me?" Jude teased as Cassie just chuckled.

"I did." Thea nodded as Jude smiled, leaning over and giving her older sister a hug, "I'm glad you had fun." She said as Jude smiled.

"I missed my favourite little guy." Jude smiled, tucking her hair behind her ears as she looked on at James who was in Thea's arms sleeping, "How has he been?" She asked her sister.

"He's been good." Thea nodded, "Still never sleeping, though."

"He'll get into a routine soon." AJ assured her as Thea just scoffed, "Did you take lots of pictures?" She asked Jude.

"Oh, tons." Jude nodded as Punk came into the kitchen, sitting his car keys down.

Jude spent the next hour or so showing her family all the cool stuff she got up to whilst on her trip. It was hard not to be excited for her when she radiated so much energy when talking about the things she loved.

Punk excused himself from the kitchen however when he heard a knock at the door, walking down the hall and opening up the door where he saw Dominic standing.

"Hey." Dominic nodded to Punk, bowing his head a little in shame as Punk looked across at him.

"Hey." Punk replied, "You here to see me?" He joked vaguely.

"Thea and James here?" Dominic asked as Punk nodded.

"Yeah." Punk said as Dominic nodded.

"She… told you everything didn't she?" Dominic assumed as Punk nodded, "Look, I'm sorry, I… I never meant to hurt her or-"

"Hey, don't apologise to me. You two gotta talk. None of my business." Punk said as Dominic nodded, "I'll go get her." He said as Dominic nodded, walking into the house and closing the door behind him as Punk walked through to the kitchen.

"Who is it?" AJ asked curiously.

"Dominic." Punk looked over at Thea who rolled her eyes, "I think you should go talk to him." He suggested as Thea nodded.

"Yeah, ok." Thea said, "Can someone take him?" She asked.

"Me, I will." Jude said, "I've missed my cuddles." She frowned, taking James from Thea and smiling as she looked down at him whilst Thea left the kitchen.

"So you'd go back to New York?" Punk asked Jude who nodded.

"Definitely. We're already planning another trip." Jude said as AJ smiled.

"I'm so glad you have fun, sweetheart." AJ smiled as Jude nodded.

"Cassie I brought you back a present. Go into my bag over there." Jude pointed as Cassie got up and checked the bag, pulling out a new soccer strip.

"Hey, thanks." Cassie smiled, looking on at the strip, "I love the colours."

"I thought you would." Jude smiled.

Cassie was still a soccer player for her school team, and also got to travel around with her team for competitions. It'd given AJ and Punk a few vacations here and there too which they weren't complaining about.

"I can wear it at training tonight." Cassie nodded as Jude smiled, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Jude said, looking down at James, "And I got you a little gift too." She said, stroking his little cheek.

"What'd you get him?" AJ smiled.

I got him this little plaid shirt and jeans. It literally made me cry." Jude shook her head as AJ smiled, "I also got him Halloween outfit but don't tell Thea, she won't let me put it on him."

"What is it?" Punk asked curiously.

"It's a little dragon outfit. So cute." Jude nodded as AJ shook her head with a smile. She definitely embraced the definition of fun aunt.

Punk looked out of the kitchen door curiously to see what was going on with Dominic and Thea, glad to see them hugging, smiling to himself and nodded.

AJ also noticed, looking over to Punk and nodding to him as he smiled.

Thea and Dominic eventually came back into the kitchen, in an embrace as Thea turned to Punk, noticing him winking at her as she smiled.

"Hey, Jude." Dominic nodded.

"Oh, hi." Jude smiled.

"How was New York?" He asked.

"Amazing." Jude nodded, "I actually gotta get home and start doing some work now." She laughed a little.

"We can drop you off." Thea nodded to Jude.

"That'd be great." Jude said.

"I'll get him into the car." Dominic nodded, taking James from Jude, saying goodbye to everyone, getting a stern but confident look from Punk as he left the kitchen.

"Ok, I'll probably be around tomorrow for breakfast or something." Jude nodded, hugging her mother tightly.

"Ok, sweetheart." AJ smiled, enjoying the tight embrace.

"So leave me some pancakes." Jude said, pinching Cassie's neck playfully as Cassie chuckled.

"Tell dad." Cassie said.

"Hey, you." Punk said as Cassie shrugged.

"I thought dad was on a diet?" Jude looked over at Punk who folded his arms.

"I caught him eating a cupcake over the sink two nights ago." AJ said as Punk rolled his eyes.

"Yeah and then you joined me to finish it." Punk reminded her as AJ just smiled to herself.

"Everything in moderation." Jude teased, hugging her father who just smiled and kissed her head, all the while Thea said goodbye to her littlest sister and mother.

"Thanks for letting me stay." Thea smiled to AJ who nodded.

"Hey, anytime." AJ said, "You've got this in the bag." She assured her as Thea smiled. No matter the age, her mother had always been there, right by her side through any sort of obstacle. She'd never, ever forget that.

"Thank you for letting me rant to you." Thea nodded to Punk whilst Jude was getting her bags together.

"Hey, it's what I'm here for." Punk smiled, hugging her tightly and kissing her head, "Little bit of patience." He reminded her as she nodded.

"Yeah." Thea agreed with a smile, "Ok, let's go." Thea nodded to Jude, wrapping her arm around her sister, "Tell me about all the fun stuff you got up to that you can't tell mom or dad." Thea smirked, walking down the hall.

"I can still hear that." Punk called, looking on at them both walking out of the door chuckling to themselves, smiling to himself and shaking his head.

"I'm gonna go try this on." Cassie said excitedly, taking her strip as Punk smiled, messing with the top of her head as she left the kitchen.

"I'm so glad she had fun." AJ smiled, standing up and fixing the table and chairs as Punk nodded.

"Yeah, me too." Punk nodded, "I thought this place would get quieter once they were both gone but I think it's gotten louder." He admitted.

"Would you have it any other way?" She smiled across at him as he shook his head, looking over at her.

She was still the most perfect, amazing human being ever to him. They'd been to hell and back, pushed through so many tough times. Lost so much. And never had he seen her in any other light other than his best friend, his soul mate and the love of his life. To do all of this, have a family, it was all amazing. But to do it with her, that was something special.

"I wouldn't." Punk shook his head, walking over to her, "Wouldn't change one single thing." He shook his head, wrapping his arms around her waist as she smiled up at him.

Going through what they had, from being homeless together sleeping in diners, to having this grown, happy family, and everything in between, it was an unbelievable bond that couldn't compare to anything else in life.

"There's another cupcake over there." AJ reminded him.

"Stop." Punk shook his head.

"We can half it." She shrugged.

"Stop teasing me." He said, messing around with her in the kitchen, grabbing her around the waist and spinning her around as she chuckled, feeling him kiss her cheek from behind as she smiled.

Nothing compared to what they had. Nothing at all.

A/N: That's a wrap on this one guys! I enjoyed writing this so much, and if you'd like a sequel let me know. I grew super attached to all the characters lol. Thanks as always for supporting and taking the time to review. I'm sure I'll be back soon with something soon. Perhaps a sequel? Or something new? Let me know.