
Nine years later…

"What the hell are you doing?" Punk groaned, walking into his bedroom where he saw AJ on her laptop in bed with some work out in front of her, "It's two in the morning."

"I have so much to do in the morning, I figured I'd get a head start." AJ shrugged.

"No… no, it's 2am." Punk shook his head like a child, walking around the bed, "No… none of this." He said, closing her laptop over, "None of this." He collected all of her paper work, "Take these off." He took her glasses from her.


"No, we sleep at 2am. Yes?" He nodded tiredly, sitting her things over by dresser.

"You're gonna be sorry in the morning if my work didn't auto-save." She warned as he climbed over her, too tired to walk all the way back around the bed to get in, "Phil." AJ laughed, slapping his ass as he crawled over her into his side of the bed.

"No spanking tonight." Punk said sleepily, lying down on his side and pulling the covers over him as AJ watched him.

"Why are you so tired?" AJ laughed a little.

"I spent all night building Jude's dollhouse." Punk mumbled with his eyes closed.

"And that took it out of you?" AJ questioned.

"Did you see how big it is?" Punk asked.

"I'm the pregnant one here. I'm the tired one." She smiled as he nodded.

"Yeah, I'm pregnant too." Punk mumbled, not paying much attention as he was falling asleep.

"Is someone walking around up here?" AJ listened to the footsteps as AJ opened one eye, "Go check." She pushed him as Punk groaned.

Punk got out of bed, opening up the bedroom door as he walked out into the hallway, noticing the bathroom door was closed. He then saw Thea's room door was opened and nodded to himself.

He stumbled back into bed, his eyes nipping, "Thea's in the toilet." Punk said, collapsing back into bed as AJ nodded.

"She got her first period." AJ told him as Punk looked at her.

"Why are you telling me that?" Punk questioned.

"Well just so you know. It's good to be aware." AJ said as Punk shook his head.

"Isn't she too young?" Punk questioned with confusion.

"She's thirteen." AJ shook her head, "I got mine when I was twelve." She shrugged as Punk shook his head.

"I still didn't need to know." Punk said.

"You did. What if there's an emergency and I'm not around?" AJ questioned as Punk grumbled, folding up his pillow and lying on his stomach.

"Ok, time for sleep." Punk hushed her, taking her hand and shaking it, "Sleep time." He hummed.

"Say goodnight to the baby." AJ ordered as Punk nodded, shuffling over, pushing the covers back and kissing her stomach, "Goodnight, baby." He said sweetly as AJ smiled. He then leaned up and kissed AJ, "Goodnight my other baby." He said as AJ smiled, kissing him back softly, scratching under his stubbly beard sweetly before he collapsed back onto his pillow.

She smiled, watching him very quickly fall asleep as she played with his hair. She then got up out of bed, wandering around and leaving the room just as Thea was leaving the bathroom.

"Hey." AJ smiled as Thea looked over at her tiredly, "You ok?"

"Yeah." Thea nodded.

"You want a hot water bottle?" AJ asked her as Thea raised a brow.

"What for?" Thea questioned.

"Your stomach. Might help." AJ nodded as Thea shrugged.

"I guess." Thea nodded.

"I'll go down and make you one up." AJ said as Thea nodded, wandering back into her bedroom whilst AJ headed downstairs.

It was sometimes surreal to think that her baby girl wasn't so much a baby at all anymore. She was in her teens. At high school. That little baby she welcomed into the world on her very own thirteen years ago. It was crazy to see how far they had really come.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle out to fill up. She could never have pictured how amazing the past nine years had been. The amazing memories and moments they'd created. The celebrations, the vacations, growing as a family and as individuals. It was incredible, and such a far cry from where they were when they first started dating. They'd created such a beautiful life on their own, working hard at it every day.

AJ got herself a snack and Thea's hot water bottle before heading back upstairs, walking into her daughter's room where she was sitting up in her bed playing on her phone.

"Hey, why would you possibly need to use that at this time?" AJ questioned, walking into the bedroom.

"I'm playing a game, mom." Thea rolled her eyes.

"Oh." AJ shrugged, "Well here." She said, "This will help if your stomach is sore." She passed the water bottle over.

"Thanks." Thea nodded as AJ smiled.

"You can have the day off school tomorrow if you like." AJ nodded.

"Really?" Thea asked.

"Well if you're in any pain." AJ shrugged, sitting down on a bean bag which was in Thea's room.

They were still very laid back parents and it definitely showed, especially now that their daughter was older. Being young parents was proving to be a little difficult as Thea got older. They found it tough being a strict figure in her life. But they'd accepted that parenthood was a constant learning curve for them.

"Jude will start crying and pretend she's sick so she can stay off too." Thea rolled her eyes.

"Then maybe she can." AJ shrugged, "I'm off tomorrow so maybe we could go see a movie? Just us girls." AJ smiled.

"I should probably just go to school." Thea shrugged as AJ nodded slowly.

"Yeah. Yeah, of course." AJ nodded, "Do you want some of this?" AJ asked as Thea looked at the sandwich and shook her head.

"No thanks." Thea laughed a little, "Why'd you make it?" She asked, noticing her mother had barely touched the sandwich.

"Thought I was hungry but now… now I think I might throw up." AJ admitted.

"Why does the baby keep making you throw up?" Thea questioned.

"Oh, I don't know." AJ shook her head, "It's normally just for the first few weeks." She nodded, "You best get back to sleep." She said as Thea nodded.

Their daughter had grown into such a beautiful, smart and kind girl. She very much knew who she was and was sure of herself. She had such positive energy and beat to the rhythm of her own drum. She was definitely AJ's image. Dark hair and eyes, thin boned with a sweet smile.

"Don't be on that phone, missy." AJ stood up from the bean bag.

"I'm not." Thea defended.

Parenting a teen was much more difficult than parenting a smaller child, so they were discovering. Whilst they were trying to give Thea the freedom to explore new things, be her own person, discover who she was, it was also important they lead an example and set some sort of rules.

"Ok, goodnight, sweetie." AJ smiled.

"Night, mom." Thea nodded, lying back down in her bed as AJ left the room.

She walked back into her own bedroom, pausing at the door when she saw Punk sprawled across their bed, snoring loudly with his leg hanging off the edge of the bed.

"My husband." AJ nodded sarcastically before getting into bed beside him.

They'd gotten married a few years ago, in a quiet but intimate ceremony filled with friends and family. It was a beautiful day and night that neither of them would ever forget. They always knew this was forever, but making it official just made it all the more sweeter.

"Hey, Jude. Don't make it bad." Punk hummed, sprawling open his youngest daughter's drapes.

"Daddy, no." Jude complained as she heard her father singing, lying in her bed, burying her face back into her pillow.

"Jude, yes." Punk said, "Gotta get up for school." He said, walking over to her bed, "Come on. Come on." He said, kissing her cheek repeatedly, annoying her with kisses.

"No, stop." Jude moaned with agitation.

"Yes." Punk said, shaking her lightly, doing everything he could to annoy her. The one thing he knew for sure, was that Jude was not a morning person at all.

"I'm up." Jude nodded, her eyes still closed as Punk scoffed.

"No you're not." Punk said, "Come on." He shook her as Jude pushed him away, opening her eyes as he looked at her, sticking his tongue out at her as she kicked her foot at him, "Up." Punk nodded, pulling the covers back from her as she lay and groaned.

"Fine." Jude said, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

Jude was just five years old. She was pretty much a miniature AJ, but with Punk's soul living inside of her. She was lazy, unbothered, laid back and very much free-spirited.

"Ok, into the bathroom. I'll lay your clothes out for you." Punk told her as Jude nodded, wandering away out of her bedroom tiredly whilst Punk looked some clothes out for her.

She was a surprise baby they weren't planning for, but were found full of love when she arrived.

Punk headed downstairs where he found AJ in the kitchen with his eldest daughter who was having breakfast.

"Morning all." Punk said, "Morning." He messed with Thea's hair as she rolled her eyes, "Nice jersey." He nodded to Thea who was wearing a cubs jersey with some jorts.

"Go cubbies." Thea threw up a rock and roll sign.

"Hell yeah." Punk nodded as AJ smiled.

Although their daughters were her look-alikes in their own ways, they were definitely mini Punkers, and she would have had it no other way. She loved the bond Punk had with the girls.

"We got lunches packed?" Punk asked, pouring himself a coffee.

"Yeah, all done." AJ nodded, "Is Jude up?" She asked.

"Yeah, she's up." Punk nodded as AJ stood up, walking over and placing her empty mug over, "Morning." He smiled, giving her a kiss as she kissed back.

"Hey." AJ smiled, "When you finish today?" She asked him.

"Five." Punk said.

"Yeah, me too." AJ nodded, "I have a meeting." She frowned, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Can't you snooze during it?" Punk asked her.

"I'm taking the meeting." AJ rephrased as Punk nodded.

"Well… probably best not to snooze then." He said as she smiled, "That baby is making you tired and sick… I don't know about this." He shook his head, "We'll need to have words." He said as AJ smiled.

She was just three months pregnant. They'd not long found out. She barely had a bump and they were still getting used to the news that they were having another baby.

"Is Jude definitely awake?" AJ wondered.

"Yeah, she went to the bathroom and I got her clothes out." Punk nodded.

"Doesn't sound like much movement." AJ said.

"I'll go check." Punk said, "Can you keep an eye on the toast?" He asked her as she nodded.

Punk headed back upstairs, walking on into Jude's room and folding his arms as he saw she had made her way back into bed and was fast asleep.

"Unbelievable." He shook his head with a smile.

A/N: Just a little starter. More to come!