[ If you read a preview of the first chapter, I recommend you re-read. New things added. ]

YUI KOMORI hugged her legs close to her chest. She was sitting down on the toilet, shaking, and having one of her bruised pink sherbet eyes staring down at the stall. This was already her eighth day here at both the school and staying at the Sakamaki mansion. This was also her eighth day trying to hide herself from the girls of Ryoutei High School Academy, who constantly bullied and assault her. Yui had a black eye, blood smeared under her nose, and her stomach was screaming in pain due to the brutal kicks the girls landed. Tears fell down as she looked down slowly at her soaked uniform. The girls pour their drinks on her. Yui brought her hands to her face and let out a devastating painful cry. Living with six sadistic vampire brothers, attending a night school with girls who torment her every time she steps out of the limousine, and praying every night in hopes her father will come home… She just can't take this all in. The lights in the bathroom began to flicker, causing Yui to jump from the toilet seat and unlock the stall door and dash out. This was something that happened frequently in this bathroom. Some girls got used to it, but Yui was uncomfortable with this action. She soon stop as she took a peak at herself in the mirror. The flickering lights soon came to an end. She did not want to go to the nurse's office again. The brothers, well… Reiji, is very strict about their reputation. If she were to go to the nurse's office they'll suspect she's being bullied. As much as she wants to report this, deep down this wouldn't make a difference. She would have to handle this situation herself. Wiping her tears out of her eyes, she took some paper towels, wet it, and began to wipe away the blood from her nose. She backed away from the sink. She knew that situation needed to be handled by a professional with the proper materials. I can't get rid of the black eye with… cold wet paper towels! She thought angrily to herself. She'll have to sneak into the cafeteria for some ice. She wanted to cry again, but she needed to get out of the bathroom. She threw the used paper towels in the trash can and began to walk towards the bathroom door.

"You stupid girl, what the hell happened to you?" Yui's heart began to pound for she recognized this voice. She heard him cursed under his breath. "Reiji's been bugging me about you. That four eyed freak said you were skipping class." Then he laughed, eyeing her up and down. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" He shouted. Yui jumped. She turned around slowly to him, looking down and covering her black eye. "Drop the hand, Pancake." The nickname that insulted her appearance for having a flat chest. Yui could hear her rapid yet timid breathing, her heart almost giving out, and her knees wanting to fall. She could feel his piercing emerald eyes staring at her. The eyes the girls fought for. Yui in her shaking voice spoke, "H-Hey… Ayato…" His name was Ayato Sakamaki. The one who causes mischief due to his arrogant personality, looks down at others and wears a prideful smile, and has a possessive nature. Yui heard footsteps coming towards her and her hand was snatched away from her eye. The sight of her bruised face amused him. "Skipping class to fight? Hmph, and it looks like you lost." It made Yui's eyes tear up, feeling humiliated as he continued to mock her. Yui looked down, backing up slowly, her hand now touching the bathroom door handle to escape him. She felt a tug coming from her hair and she screeched out a "ow!". "Ayato let go of me!" He chuckled at this.

"Settle down." He sniffed her neck. "I've waited four hours for this." He brought her close causing her to squirm around uncomfortable with this event. "Y-You can't do this!" She cried out trying to push him away.

He then hum. "You're right." He took her arm and left the bathroom. He quickened his pace to the janitor's closet. He slammed Yui against the wall, smirking at her shrieks, and locking the door. Walking up to her in a spine-tingling manner, she crouched down on the floor with her hands on her face begging him to stop. "I-I… the doctor said I-I'm losing b-blood… and…"

Towering over her, he noticed her figure was shaking. "How pathetic." He kneeled down, holding her arms to bring her hands down from her face. Yui was already teary eyed, she shut her eyes as Ayato smirked. "That's right. Submit to me and me only." His fangs pierced through her neck, she screamed out in pain. Ayato brought her arms to the wall, sucking roughly. Yui gritted her teeth wanting this to end. Ayato felt a slap across his face. Yui opened her eyes to see Reiji towering over them, he was holding a riding bat in his gloved hand, and eyes that could stone someone. Ayato released his fangs from Yui's neck and shot Reiji a glare.

"Ayato. I've been over this countless of times. Activities like this should take place in your bedroom." Reiji had his arms crossed and lips that show no emotion. His voice was demanding, strict, and annoyed.

Ayato said nothing as he stood up. Yui tried to get up but soon fell down again. Reiji made a comment about Yui's appearance which caused Ayato to snicker.

"Get clean up this instant and get back to class. The Sakamaki should not be tainted for a lousy human." And with that he walked out of the janitor's closet leaving Yui to bite her tongue.

"What a waste of time. You heard him." Ayato grabbed Yui's arm and pulled her up. Ayato still had her arm and Yui was staggering a little since he was moving too fast. Yui realized he was taking her to the nurse's office. Yui began to pull away from him, but he shot her a glare, "You don't want to get clean up?"

Ayato bursted open the door, causing the nurse, who was a substitute named Hano, to jump from her seat. "M-Mr. Sakamaki!" Her eyes widened as she saw Yui's condition. "Oh! What happened to you?"
"She's injured, can't you tell? Do what you nurses usually do!" He pushed Yui to Nurse Hano and she nodded obediently.

Yui had an ice pack to her black eye, had a cup of tea beside her on a desk, and was lying down on the bed. She told the nurse that her stomach hurts and was advised to rest and drink tea and buy painkillers. The black eye was obvious, the nurse questioned her about it but Ayato chimed in and said, "Stop asking questions!"

It seems like the authorities in this school was intimidated by the Sakamaki brothers. Everyone like Yui, was obedient to them and would not dare to challenge or question them. Yui wanted to fall asleep but found it very difficult. Ayato was sitting down on the chair beside her bed watching her. He had a bored and annoyed expression on his face and had his arms crossed.

Yui could already feel the awkward atmosphere. She was debating whether to say something to him or just try to fall asleep and ignore his presence.
"Why do you smell like juice?"

Yui did not tell the nurse about the girls pouring their drinks on her. Even if she were to question it, Ayato would be shouting at her to focus on the important task. Which was to clean her up.

Yui didn't want to tell Ayato the truth since he'll make fun of again she simply said, "Spilt some juice on my uniform."

"Oh? Was it done by accident? Or on purpose?" Yui turned her head to look at him. What a strange question. Then she saw it. That smirk. He knew, Yui thought to herself.

"There's that stupid look." Yui looked away, embarrassed. "A stupid face for a stupid girl."

"I…" I'm not stupid, she wanted to say. Talking to Ayato would mean insults coming her way.

"Oi, is it still swelling?" He asked. Yui nodded. "Move the ice pack." She did so. Ayato got up from the chair and began to come towards the bed. His knee on the bed and his body towering her. Their eyes locked. Yui felt her heart pounding. He brought his hand to her cheek. Yui was blushing. "U-Uh…" He came closer to her, his eyes now staring at her lips. Yui closed her eyes and felt his lips pressed against hers. This… kiss was different from their first one. He threw her into the pool and somewhat saved her life… it was a strange way to save her life by sharing a kiss… but this… Yui allowed him in. Yui felt his tongue. His kiss was rough, possessive but yet passionate. Yui felt her arms being pinned down. He was exploring her. Yui winced as she felt a sharp bite on her tongue. She pulled away slowly. Leaving a line of saliva connected to them. She felt the weird taste of blood in her mouth. Yui touched her eye. The swelling… went away? "My eye…"

"The swelling went away right?" He spoke softly to her. She nodded. Yui knew he was a vampire, did it had something to do with…

"Komori Yui, I'll write down a slip for you-" Nurse Hano's eyes widened at the sight of the two. Ayato towering Yui in a very supposed sexual manner, she immediately screamed out an apology. "I-I am so s-sorry!" She ran off.

Ayato chuckled to himself. He got off the bed and said, "Let's ditch."