I'm not sorry.

Let's boogie ψ(`∇´)ψ

I don't own MHA/BnHA or Worm.

Time was irrelevant.

It might have started off as something to hold on to. Something that wasn't completely despair or angst in of itself. But sadly she couldn't tell time. Not correctly anyway. That madman's tech saw to that, not that she thought it was intentional, like it mattered. If she had some control over it, it might help, but even then it wasn't much. Whatever his tech did to preserve her, it would cut her consciousness here and there.

A minute could be a day for all she knew, or even cared for that matter. It might have mattered if people were nearby. But she couldn't sense them. Even then she would only sense dark emotions. The little psychotic twerp might've been, well, a twerp, but she knew her stuff and was very thorough.

How long has time passed?

She couldn't tell.

She could tell she fell. Her tomb moved against her will once in a while. That was something. Well...at least she wasn't alone in her imprisonment.

Once more she felt her tomb move, not only that, she felt the vibrations through her flesh.

Then she began to hear it again. Songs of angst and of despair. Joy or something brighter would have been preferred to jealousy, fear, and hatred, but after going so long without sensing any people, she welcomed it all the same. After an eternity, she was finally going to have a new opportunity and revelled in that shred of hope.

They all did.

"Man, did you hear, they found more floating boats with their crew dead," Some kid said.

"What the hell kind of villain is this?" Another kid asked.

"Wut even is the point of doing this?" A third kid asked.

Izuku heard the conversation, but everything they were talking about was something he had already read about online. It started after a huge earthquake occurred somewhere in the ocean, at least according to experts. After that people started to find boats drifting with their entire crew either dead or missing. And the weird part about these dead crew...its either suicide or killing each other, as in mutually killing each other.

The exact gruesome details weren't given to the public, but there were times when a few streamers would run into these floating boats and accidentally record the deceased...and then post the unedited footage somewhere online.

People started giving names to what experts are sure is a string of murders. "Davy Jone's Harvest," was a popular one.

No one was really sure why this was happening, only that it took place in the ocean and that it was slowly making its way to Japan.

Supposedly, heroes who specialize in sea operations from around the world are trying to help, but are not sure how "Davy Jones" is forcing people to commit suicide or kill each other, thus unable to come up with a proper plan of approach.

Izuku was knocked out of his thoughts when he heard the thunder. A shiver ran through his body, you could practically see it through his middle school uniform.

A storm was coming and it was supposed to be a violent one.

Her little trick was working. It wasn't much but thankfully the vectors of her new abilities extended outside her sarcophagus, she could float her sarcophagus high enough and let what she was sure were currents take her.

Her powers were still limited to giving people uncontrollable suicidal tendency but thanks to her "dear" brother and his friends, she now has the tools to do more. It was still a work in progress but she was getting better.

She could feel it. People. All of it without filter.

In the beginning, it was torture. But after not being in touch with the others via her original powers for a LONG time, it was still torture. But she was able to bear it better.

She could feel it.

Just a little longer…

"Ah!" Izuku let out as he caught himself from slipping.

The storm had hit a little early and it was starting to pour. Thankfully he had his umbrella, sadly the wind was making it very unwieldy and the rain coming in at an angle didn't help.


Izuku jumped in place.

"Damn it, this was a shit umbrella!" He turned to see a group of guys loitering about in some alley that sheltered them from the storm. The most notable of the group was a blond boy with spiky hair holding a ruined umbrella he was blowing up with his quirk.

"Heh heh heh, that's what you get for being stingy, Bakugo," one of the other guys laughed. "You buy cheap you get cheap."

"FUCK!" Bakugo cussed as he tossed the umbrella up and spiked with the use of his explosive quirk to really send it flying.

"Hey Bakugo, that Deku squirt walks around he right?" The last guy asked while nudging Bakugo. "Didn't he bring that big umbrella to school today? Let's just 'borro-"

Izuku quickly walked as fast he could and took a turn he normally didn't take.

Bakugo and friends...were actually friends of Izuku once. Before they all got their quirks. It was like a bad twist in friends flick. One day they were best friends, the next Bakugo was his bully with a mission to make life miserable. All because he didn't have a quirk.

As Izuku walked he glanced at the people around him.

A lot of people used umbrellas but he could see some people using their quirks to shield themselves. Normally that was frowned upon but people tended to care less in situations such as these.

He couldn't help it. He felt jealous.

His whole life people had looked down on him for not having a quirk, being told...he couldn't be a hero without a quirk.

If I just had a quirk, an ability, something, anything! I could make it work. I could be a hero! He couldn't help but think in his head.

At times it felt that so long as he was given the opportunity, any power would do, he'd be able to make it work.

He glanced behind him and noted that Bakugo was sharing an umbrella with his friends but was obviously looking for something.

Izuku moved deeper into a crowd.

Definitely a setback. But nothing she couldn't handle.

Mannequin, and the bloody munchkin, Bonesaw, we're good, but even tinker tech has its limits, especially without maintenance. How many lifetimes had she lived? Enough to erode her sarcophagus, cracks just big enough for her to work unrefined matter into. Sand, silt, water and the like, mostly sand. Definitely not enough to crack her shell to freedom, but it was enough to move her sarcophagus forward, towards the music.

It was painful but she could bear with it.

Just a little bit closer.

She just needed someone, anyone who wasn't in a bad mood to be a tiny bit curious.

She couldn't see, her original powers gave her only bitter-harsh music.

But oh, after lifetimes of fantasy, back and forths with the others, after they finally came around to her line of thinking, she had a plan.

"Dear" Jean-Alec-Paul, that infuriating fuck-up of a brother got her everything she needed. Not directly, but it was enough.

She saw it.

A cardiovascular system just outside her tomb, one she didn't sense with her original powers

They all smiled.

"Huh?" Izuku let out as he looked down.

He had taken a very roundabout detour in order to avoid Bakugo and his friends. He found himself walking alone along Dagobah beach, basically a landfill the city had never bothered to clean up. The rain and wind had calmed down some, but he still had his umbrella open. He was by the sidewalk, near one of the trails without garbage when he spotted it.

It was some sort of giant egg-shaped thing made of something white, or at least he assumed it was white. The whiteness had been browned and stained in certain areas.

At first, he thought it was floating to the shore, but then he realized it was actually moving. It was like it was manipulating the ground to push itself forward.

All his thoughts basically disappeared when he spotted that detail.

He just stared at it.

His mind began to furiously ponder what the heck the thing was doing? Did it control sand or could it control anything else? Was it human? Was it a fish or a plant? Was it something else entirely?

Before he realized it, he was standing in front of the thing, give or take a few meters. It had made it across the beach with the crashing waves and was in the middle of the sidewalk with a bunch of sand surrounding it. Suddenly the sand began to reshape itself until it spelled something.


"Huh? Isn't that...help or something?" Izuku asked he carefully approached the large egg. It was about his height. Once he got close, the sand suddenly began to clump together. He flinched in surprise but he wasn't scared, he just watched in interest.

"No not just sand," he muttered. Gravel and stone from in between the sidewalk were also mixed in. Despite the waves and the wind, he could hear the dirt, sand, stones, and everything else get compacted into something. A hammer with a point on one end.

Izuku didn't understand until the hammer moved towards him.

"Wait, you want me to pick it up?" Izuku asked but he got no reply. The hammer kept moving towards him.

Hesitantly he put the umbrella down, his body now exposed to the rain, and gently picked the newly shaped hammer up. It felt solid in his hands, almost as if it was solid the entire time and not made of sand or dirt and whatever else was mixed in.

Why did this egg thing want him to pick up a hammer? Didn't it want help or something? Should he get an adult or pro her-

Rage. Pure unadulterated rage.

He swung the hammer down on the giant egg-like object with as much force as he could muster! He felt incredibly angry for no reason and he began to take it out on the object!

For a second he felt despair. The feeling that the very world was against him and there was nothing he could do, enough to do anything to stop the feeling. But rage, that overpowered the sensation, it kept him going!

With each swing of the hammer, he felt a crunch that sent a jolt of pleasure down his spine. Pleasure he never even knew he was missing. Like crunch from a toast or breaking an egg to consume its innards.




It intoxicated him through the anger and depression, turning his mind into a jumbled amalgam of emotions! He shouted as he kept swinging the hammer!

His frustration, his sudden gush of anger!


His sadness, his feeling of worthlessness!


All crushed by a sudden, but oh so fucking brief, feeling relief when there was an impact, a joy brought on by the very swing of the hammer!


His body spent, his hands blistered and skinned, his breath broken and ragged; still, he brought the hammer up one last time and roared a cry he didn't even know he was capable of!

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" He brought the hammer down with every last bit of strength he had left!


He huffed as he caught his breath. The slurry of emotions slowly ebbed away until all that was left was odd tranquillity.

His blood was on fire, his heart beating erratically in his ears, his vision swimming; he felt it all before but this time he was not in fear. This time, it felt...good wasn't the word. Relief. That was it, everything he felt and bottled up inside, he vented it. Now, he felt lighter.

Then he started to calm down and gain better control of himself and take in more of his surroundings and process his actions.

He dropped the hammer.

His body fell backward, his eyes beating as he stared at was used to be an egg-shaped object. It was smashed with bits of blood and flesh going everywhere and it smelled absolutely putrid. Then Izuku saw it: eyes, teeth, and even hair.

His mouth fell open into a silent scream. He brought a hand up to his mouth but stopped when he looked at it. His soft palms were skinned and the back of his hand had specks of blood.

I did this. His mind processed.

Izuku body began to shake uncontrollably. His mind felt numb and his stomach felt like it was trying to escape, oxygen refused to enter his lips!


There was a crash.

Not hostility

Tradition With Purpose

An Injection.

Thousands of Earths all arranged in mirrors, folding and expanding without end.

Ad Infinitum

Probe Online








Current Vessel Ongoing….






[$ #$*&$%]


Destination Acquired

Earth far from clusters

One candidate


Izuku blinked.

He looked at his hands. Blood still on the back, but his palms...they were healed.

He froze.

None-existent arms passionately wrapped around his neck, a spectre he knew that did not exist yet he felt the touch all the same. Hair brushed against his own, yet his hair remained untouched. A girl he never met yet he felt intimately connected to brought her lips to his ear.

"Good boy~" she murmured, the words echoing in his mind as more and more voices made themselves known…