Alright! Chapter 1! Is! Here!
First let's begin with thanks. Thank you for following and favoriting my story and the reviews.
The Memester: Oh! I almost forgot. Sheogorath is gonna break the fourth wall and answer your reviews instead of me.
Sheogorath: That's right! I, the Lord of cheese, will read your praises and suggestions. IN ITALICS TOO!
The Memester: I'll be in bold while Sheogorath with have both bold and italics. Also, plz don't give him ideas.
To Guest: that is a perfect idea! Why didn't I think of that? Annoy them with lots and lots of cheese that isn't cheese. Or jump rope with their entrails! They can't die, so it would be fun. Wait! Turn their entrails into cheese, skip rope with them, and then eat them. I AM A GENIUS.
To LizuraJames: Yes, I believe this wasn't done before. All the RWBY and Elder Scroll crossovers usually have the Dragonborn instead of the Hero. Also thanks.
To GrumpyGrue: I don't know who Blake Belladonna is but I will give her a CARTON OF CHEESE. A CARTON OF CAT CHEESE!
To coduss: …..i'm not legally allowed to answer that.
Anyway, back to the story
Chapter One
New Cheeseland
The Hero fell through the ever expanding dimension of cheese. The Hero wasn't fazed by this. Why? Well, when you are in a world designed by a mad God, you tend to….go mad yourself. It didn't really matter. All that did matter was where Sheogorath was sending him to. You don't just hurl your champion in a cheesy portal of cheese for no reason. Wait, nevermind. He would do it for no reason. Guess it was time to-
The Hero stopped his internal rambling as the cheesy portal became less cheesy and he lands his entire body first onto a table, then said table breaks in half. The Hero hears many young voices yell from surprise. The Hero slowly got up, groaning from the pain of falling and landing on a table and the weight of his Daedric armor.
Standing up, the Hero looks around to see many young men and women. Some were either one more year or already an adult if he could guess. Quickly scanning the environment, the Hero notices that all of them wore a matching uniform. Was this a college? A more sophisticated Mages Guild? The room he was in was perfectly built with no shoddy craftsman's ship anywhere. The material of the table he crashed onto wasn't metal but still nearly as strong as iron.
A portal opens above the Hero. The Hero looks up and is met with Sheogorath's ass on his face. "AH, SHIT." The Hero yells in shock, grabbing and throwing Sheogorath off his face. When i mean by throw, i mean i actually threw Sheogorath with all my strength.
Sheogorath crashes into another table, breaking another table in half. Everyone backs away from me and the table Sheogorath crashed in. Slowly, Sheogorath sat up and, uh, his head was in the wrong place. His head was looking the wrong way. Okay, so if you don't catch my drift, Sheogorath is now an Owl and he is now looking behind him.
"How RUDE! I land on your face to not suffer any injuries and YOU THROW ME OFF OF YOU AND BREAK MY NECK." Sheogorath shouts, his voice echoing throughout the hall. Sheogorath slowly walks towards his champion, stepping over the destroyed tables as he grabs a hold of his head and snaps it back into place. He had the most sinister smile the Hero has ever seen. Before Sheogorath could have his revenge, a woman burst into the hall.
To say she was beautiful was an understatement, she was stunning. Blonde, nice form, and a face that would make a nord pause. Definitely make a nord pause because her face was showing malice intent on both me and Sheogorath. She takes a….riding crop. Pointing the crop at me and Sheo, a purple energy comes out of the crop and quickly heads towards.
The Hero quickly rolls away from the energy and unsheaths Umbra, ready for the next attack. Meanwhile, Sheogorath takes out the Wabbajack and fires a red light at the purple energy. "WABBAJACK!" Sheogorath yells out in glee, finally having a use for the Wabbajack (besides turning Haskill into a dancing fish). The light from the Wabbajack makes contact with the purple energy and….it turned into a cheese roll.
"Looks like it's my lucky day! Mysterious purple energy cheese, my favorite." Sheogorath, despite being attacked, walks over to the cheese and eats it. Whole. "Now where was i? Oh yes! How RUDE! You interrupted my punishment on my champion, so now you must suffer in the seventh cheese dimension." Sheogorath points the Wabbajack at the women's feet.
The woman blinks as nothing happens. She smirks and takes a step forward. As soon as she did however, a portal appeared right underneath her. She falls into the portal while screaming obscenities. With a wave of the Wabbajack, the portal closed and she was gone.
Everything was silent. All the young adults didn't want to move or make a sound, in fear of the demonic man in armor and his companion, the crazy guy.
"Now." Sheogorath slowly turns to look at all students, who have huddled into a corner. Sheogorath raises the Wabbajack. Suddenly, everything was repaired and there was a ton of sweets and cheese on all the tables. "LET'S CELEBRATE THE FOUNDING OF THE NEW KINGDOM OF NEW CHEESELAND."
Chapter 2 coming soon. Thx for the follows and reviews. Love yall, and your cheese. Give me your damn cheese. Ill make sure chapter 2 is longer next time