There was a rumbling from above, before Hercules felt someone shove at him violently, sending him rolling along the floor just as someone hit the space where he once was. Spinning around, Hercules felt the air leave his body as he spotted a familiar figure lying limp under a stone column.

"AIDES! NO!" He screamed in desperation, running over and gripping the edge of the column, struggling to lift it into the air. As the others tried to help, it suddenly felt like his skin was knitting itself back together, aches and pains disappearing as he lifted the column high above his head, gasping in relief.

"What- What's happening?"

Aides smiled weakly up at him, "Zeus made a promise, remember… he promised that I wouldn't get hurt."

"Aides." Hercules threw the column to one side, moving to his knees and gently lifting the other man's head onto his lip, "W-why did you, how- I…. Why?!"

"People do crazy things… when they're in love."

To their side, Hercules heard the woman and two creatures gasp in shock, although he couldn't understand why.

"Oh, Aides, I-I-I- "

Aides smirked weakly, "Are you- are you always this articulate?"

When Hercules smiled tearfully at him, Aides raised a hand to squeeze his arm, "Zeus… he-he told me he was p-p-planning to attack Olympus… to d-d-draw you in. Y-You have to help t-t-them!"

The woman stepped forwards, the two creatures huddling behind her, "We'll look after him… we promise."

"You're going to be alright Aides…" Hercules whispered, almost desperately, "… I promise."

Aides gave him another weak smile, before Hercules grabbed Phil and they both hopped onto Pegasus, flying off towards Olympus.

Zeus needed to be stopped.


Being encased in rock was not fun, and it was taking all of Zeus's self-control not to break free.

But no… Hercules had to do it.


Zeus smiled as the rock encased him.

Now the real games could begin.


Slicing through the restraints that kept the other Gods' restrained, Hercules turned his attention to the rock structure that was now his father.

He didn't have to rescue him… did he?

Knowing that he would struggle to defeat these creatures all by himself, Hercules rolled his eyes and leapt to the top of the structure, ripping the frozen rock away from the God, bright light shining through until an explosion sent the pieces flying everywhere.

"Excellent work!" Zeus moved to slap Hercules on the back, only for his son to move out of the way.

"Don't touch me." Hercules hissed, before jumping back down to Phil, "What's the plan?"

"Just use your head!" Phil gestured to the tornado Titan, who wasn't quite as fast at getting away, "What do tornados do?"

It clicked.

Grabbing the end of the Tornado Titan, Hercules spun it around until it was facing the other Titans, quickly sucking them into the tornado, before he started to swirl the tornado around and around and around, mixing them all together… and then letting go.

The Titans shot up into the sky, shooting off into the distance and disappearing without a trace.

"Yes!" Zeus made his way over, only to watch as Hercules dodged his attempts and climbed onto Pegasus, helping Phil on.

"If he dies…" The hero whispered, "… I will never forgive you."


"I will never laugh a-a-at the dead warriors again!" Hades hissed in pain.

"Why can't you heal yourself?" Panic frowned.

"Apparently, brother dearest decided I s-s-shouldn't get my powers back until I die."

"You're not going to die!"

Hades glared at his minions, though the effect was ruined slightly by the pain he was trying to conceal. "My ribs are p-puncturing by lungs and I can't f-feel my legs! I'm DYING!" Exhausted by the effort of yelling, he closed his eyes, "The string is being d-drawn taunt."

"But… you're a God."

"A-Aides isn't."


Hercules knew he was pushing Pegasus to the limit, but he had to get back.

Sharp scissors were brought closer to the taunt string.

Almost there, he was almost there!


The scissors closed, and the string was cut.

Meg turned away, as the mortal body went limp, just as Hercules, Phil and Pegasus touched down.

"Aides!" Hercules, taking a step back at the ashen look on the other man's face.

Pain and Panic moved over to Meg, allowing her to pull them away as Hercules knelt by their fallen bosses' side.

"Aides, oh gods, please no!" he begged, pulling Aides's head into his lap. When there was no response, his shoulder started to shake, and tears made their way down his cheeks as he pulled Aides into a hug.

Almost five minutes passed in complete silence, broken only by the sound of Hercules sobbing, Phil and the others bowing their heads in silence.

"I'm sorry, kid." Phil whispered, placing a comforting hand on Hercules's shoulder, "… there are just some things you can't change."

Immediately, Hercules's entire posture changed. Slowly, he lowered Aides back down to the ground and pushed himself to his feet.

"Yes…. there is."

He didn't notice Meg, Pain and Panic disappearing.

Hades collapsed into his throne, burying his head in his hands.

How did it all go so wrong?

Suddenly, his chamber stated to shake violently, rubble dropping down to the ground. Seconds later, the stone wall exploded and Cerebus burst through, tail wagging furiously as Hercules sat on his back.

"Where's Aides?"

Hades hid behind his throne… he couldn't tell Hercules the truth, he just couldn't.

"Hey!" Hercules suddenly appeared in front of him, "Where. Is. Aides?!"

"It's not that simple!" Hades protested, "What are you expecting to do, walk in here and just take him out?!"


Hades rolled his eyes, "And here I thought you were smarter." He pushed himself to his feet, "Let me… Let me show you around."

"Oh, get a grip!" Hades sounded amused, prying Mick's fingers away from him, "Come on, I'll show you around."

Slowly, he led Hercules to a tone ledge, that over-looked a green, swirling pool…. Made up of the souls of people. "Recent deaths are at the top of the pool… see anyone familiar?"

Hercules scanned his eyes over the water, only to frown. "Well… where is he?"

"…. Right here."

Spinning around at the familiar voice, a hopeful smile on his face, Hercules frowned when all he could see was Hades staring back at him.

"I-I don't understand."

Hades was silent for a few moments, before sighing, "Let me tell you a story Hercules… once upon a time, there were three brothers. One brother believed they would all be equal after the defeat of their Father, but it was not mean to be. One God claimed the heavens, one the sea and the underworld was left to the quietest."

Moving to the edge, Hades stared into the pool, "I never once complained… not even when the rest of the Gods started to shun me for my role…. and then Zeus started to push me out. He forbid me from every entering Olympics without his express permission, pushing me out of the family."

His fists clenched in anger, "So I came up with this elaborate plan… unleash the Titans and prove to everyone that I wasn't someone to push around. That I was a God in my own right, that I deserved to be treated with some respect! And the only thing stopping me… was you."

"Me?" Hercules felt a little faint.

"You… should you fight, my plan would go up in flames." Hades shrugged, "So, I stole you. Made you mortal, and believed you were dead. Until you popped up again"

Hercules had a feeling he knew where this was going.

"I disguised myself to find out your weakness and- and fell in love." Hades turned back to face Hercules, "Zeus found out about everything, and you know the rest…. The Titans were released, and I still lost everything. Funny, really."

"You- you tried to trick me?" Hercules frowned, "You were Aides… to trick me?"

"Hercules, please, you need to- AH!"

With a sudden punch to the face, Hades was sent flying into the green pool.

"Get off me!" Hades yelled, "Get your slimy souls off me!"

For a moment, Hercules considered walking away… but the terrified screams of Hades stopped him in his tracks. Slowly, he turned back to the edge, staring down at Hades, who was still struggling with the souls.

Looking up, Hades noticed him, his eyes widening in shock. "No!" He yelled, "You'll be dead before you can reach me!"

Hercules ignored him, diving into the pool and swimming towards the God. Seconds passed, before he could feel himself aging, his bones getting stiffer and stiffer, and his skin wrinkling under his gaze.



The string was pulled taunt, and scissors edged closer.


He was so close!

He could almost touch him!

Just a few more seconds!

The scissor blade snapped together…. But the string didn't cut.

Instead, it glowed a shining gold colour.

"What's the matter with these scissors?!"

"The thread won't cut!"

Hades admitted to feeling a little faint, as a golden hand pulled him free from the grasp of the souls, lifting them both onto the ledge.

"T-this isn't possible!" He found himself stammering, "Y-You shouldn't be alive, that would make you a-a-a- "

"- A God." Hercules whispered, staring down at his glowing hands, "A God!"

For a moment, there was a tense silence, before Hades sighed, "I know I've hurt you… I know you think- "

"- Don't tell me what I should think." Hercules interrupted, "You did hurt me, but after what my Father did… I just think I was born into a very dysfunctional family."

"You don't even know the half of it." Hades sighed, "Come on. I guess it's time you met everyone."

After collecting Meg, Phil, Pain, Panic and Pegasus, the trip to Olympus was short. Outside the gates, the other Gods and Goddesses were all cheering.

"Three cheers for the Mighty Hercules!" Ares whooped.

"Go Hercules!" Hermes cried out beside him.

Remaining close to Hades, the pair made their way up the stairs, as Hera rushed down and wrapped her arms around her son. "Hercules!" She cooed, "I'm so proud of you!" She then caught sight of Hades, and scowled at him, "You have some nerve showing up here after what you did?"

"Nice to see you too Hera." Hades rolled his eyes, "What exactly have I done now?"

"Releasing the Titans out of some… silly sibling rivalry?!"

"Silly sibling ri- "

"- Did Zeus tell you that's what happened?" Hercules interrupted, sending a glare towards the older man, who was frantically making 'shut up' motions towards him, "Because he lied to you."

Hera frowned, although she didn't look overly surprised, "Oh?"

"He's the one who set the Titans free, he's the one who sent them to Olympus! All because he wanted me to prove myself!"


The other Gods and Goddesses all took a step back as Hera slowly turned to face her husband.

"Is this true?"

Zeus looked terrified, "I-I just thought he needed a little push! You wanted him up here so bad!"


"Yes, he did." Hades smirked at the glare Zeus sent him, "But that didn't even work. Junior saved me at the cost of his own life and became a true hero that way."

"Which was my plan, my love!" Zeus was quick to speak up, a little frantically, "For a true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart… which means that you can come home, my son."

It almost sounded sincere and believable.

As all the Gods and Goddesses crowded around Hercules, Hades slowly started to back away. He had no place amongst them.

"Congratulations Herc." He sighed, "You'll be a great God." He turned to leave, ready to go back to his dreary realm, Meg giving him a sympathetic look.

Of course, this meant that he completely missed Hercules twisting around to try and see him, a big beam on his face… until he saw Hades leaving.

"You know… this is what I've always dreamed of." He stated, eyes still on Hades, "… Finding where I really belonged, but… a life without Hades would be empty."

Hades turned at the mention of his name, frowning as all the Gods and Goddesses started to whisper and mutter to one another.

"Persephone." Zeus whispered, "Don't you have anything to say about this?"

"Why would i?" A girl, probably around Hercules's age raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't you… in love with Hades? That's why you were always going down to see him and- "

"- I wasn't going down to see him!" Persephone protested, sending Hades an apologetic smile, "No offense. I was going down to see Megara!"

Meg seemed a little stunned at this, not moving an inch as Persephone made her way over and took her hands.

"If Hercules gets to choose who he wants to be with, then so do I!"

"I-I- " Zeus floundered for a few moments, "- But… Hercules, son, he's your Uncle!"

Before Hercules could say anything, Persephone spoke up again, "Hades is my uncle too, are you saying it's better for me to be with him? And isn't Hera your sister?!"

"We… don't talk about that."

"For obvious reasons." Persephone mumbled, before smirking, "So, Hercules and Hades get to be happy together, an since you owe us for the Titans attack, I think Meg deserves a little bit of immortality?"

All eyes turned to Zeus, who looked supremely uncomfortable with the attention…. For once.

"Well I- "

"- My daughter was hurt!" Dementor snarled, "You do owe us!"

All at once, the Gods and Goddesses started to talk at once, all speaking over one another until Zeus snapped, "FINE!" With a click of his fingers, Meg started to glow as well, "Now you all live happily ever after! Is EVERYONE happy now?!"

As they all continued to bicker, Hades felt a hand slip into his own, prompting him to look over at Hercules, who was beaming widely at him.

"That was… strangely satisfying."

"Oh, you have no idea." Hades cleared his throat, "Fancy having an official tour of the Underworld?"

"There is nothing I want more."