It was September 1940 and I stood awaiting for another load of buses to arrive as the nighttime bombing raids against London and other British cities have just begun. The raids followed the failure of the German Luftwaffe to defeat Britain's Royal Air Force in the Battle of Britain. The unfortunate cause has now left enormous destruction and heavy civilian casualties- thousands of British civilians have either sustain devastating injuries or worst... death.

I shuttered as I thought of the word and repeatedly twisted the ring around my wed finger. Carlisle had decided to volunteer at the "refugee camps" in order to provide medical care for those who need it. I was in awe at his decision to give up part of his time to help the war efforts. I later decided to attend these events with him, however, I wasn't quite use to seeing such horrific downfall as my husband was. It was only a few weeks ago that a bus load of families came in right after the bombing occurred. Their skins were covered in dark ash and it was difficult to identified who was what gender. And then a little girl walk in with her mother who carried a dead baby in her arms. The mother obviously distraught tried to seek help by screaming on the top of her lungs that her baby needed assistance and her husband couldn't get off the bus. I had ran to her side and notice that the baby was deceased and tried to comfort the mother the best I could. However, she was hysterical and kept sobbing, "please my baby. My baby. Oh my husband. Please help. Why won't anyone help me! Help!" Later on, Carlisle and a few other doctors had to sedate her with whatever medication they could get their hands on. When I mention the husband to Carlisle, he check the buses to make sure no other passengers remain in their seat and that's when he found... the husband. Dead in the back row on the ground. The bus must of been so crowded that no one notice that he was slowly bleeding to death from a injury behind his head. Carlisle had also notice that some of his fingers were blown off and a foot. How on earth did that women manage to drag her half dead husband on the bus without anyone offering help or noticing that he was missing some limbs? The thought was beyond what I could ever imagine.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the worst of the story.

The worst of the story is that afterwards when the women finally came to her senses, one of the doctors had calmly explain to her that her husband and baby was deceased. She didn't quite take the news very well which was expected. I can't imagine what pain she must of felt during that moment knowing that she lost half of her family due to the raids. But instead of taking the time to soak everything in or even think about her other child, she walk to the third floor building and somehow jump off the roof. She died instantly and left her daughter motherless.

And that's how we obtain Alice into our house.

We had already taken a few other refugee children, but I think Alice's story has been one of the hardest for me to bear. I took a couple of days off and distance myself for some time before coming back and getting myself into another load of evacuees.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Carlisle ask.

I nodded my head. "Positive."

I was honestly so in deep with my thoughts that I hadn't notice that he was standing next to me with a clipboard in his hand. After Alice, we began to take the names of the people who came in and check the buses for anyone whose stranded or possibly confused on where to go. Typically, Carlisle took care of searching for any missing person, but I decided to take on the task so he could focus more on treating patients than running back and worth through all the buses.

"Alright. Here is the clipboard. Renee has another one and she going to take down the names of all the people who come in. You are responsible for searching the buses and making sure everyone gets off. If there's any confusion or someone missing or alone just write it down and we will make sure to investigate so they can be with their families." He explain.

"Got it chief."

He smiled and pulled me into his arms. "I love you."

"I love you too." I beam up at him.

He lean down and pressed a gentle kiss upon my lips. It was so tender yet passionate as our lips began to move together. Kissing Carlisle was a dream. One that I did not want to ever wake up from. But of course we heard the buses roar as they drove over the muddy gravel and to the station. Carlisle pulled away, but still left a kissed on my forehead.

"Good luck." He said.

"You too."

The first bus halt and open it's doors to at least thirty civilians rushing out of it like some sort of mob. Renee tried her best as she quickly took down the names of everyone trying to get inside. All were so frantic although it was very safe here. I boarded the first bus and walk down it's rows twice before noting that nothing was left behind other than a pink baby boot and someone hat. I got off and waited for the second bus. It came and I continue the same ritual as I did for the next couple of buses. On the fifth bus, there seem to be at least forty people boarded (more than usual) and it was difficult to convince everyone that it was safe to get off. Finally, I was able to get the last couple of people off the bus and I check the rows to ensure that no one else was left behind. I walk to the back seat and notice something strange. On the edge of the aisle was a piece of blonde. Almost like a lock of hair. I furrowed my brow and bent over to find a small child sleeping on the floor.

What the bloody hell...

I shook the child shoulders, but she didn't even flinch. I began to grow worried that possibly she was decreased until I notice her chest slowly begin to rise and fall. It was obvious that she was breathing which meant to had to be alive. I gently scooted her from underneath the seat and carried her outside. Her hot sweaty cheek pressed itself against my bosom and she laid limb in my arms. I hurried over to Renee who was struggling trying to get the names of everyone who was frantic and pleading for help.

"Renee!" I called out.

"Oh thank god." She breathed. "Please tell me that you're here to help."

"Not a chance. But I found a child underneath one of the seats on the bus." I told her.

She rolled her eyes. "Esme does it look like I have time for this bullshit?"

"Renee she was all alone. Someone here must be her parent. Did anyone forget their child?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. "I'll write it down in my notes, but so far no one has said anything about a missing child on this bus. Maybe go around and see if anyone recognizes her."

"Alright." I sighed.

I walk in the front doors and turned the corner to the big open area where many of the refugees found shelter and a place called home for the next couple of days until they could move else where. I paced around the building with the sleeping child in my arms trying to find her owners.

"Is this anyone daughter?" I shouted. "Please! This little girl is all alone!"

"Esme!" Carlisle called out. "What on earth are doing here sweetheart?"

"This poor child was left all alone on a bus and I can't seem to find her guardian."

He looked down at the girl in my arms. "They should be around here somewhere. Have you ask Renee?"

I nodded my head. "She said no one has complain about a missing child. I've gone everywhere asking if anyone recognizes her."

"That was mighty brave of you sweetheart. I'm very proud of you." He grinned.

"I just couldn't leave her there."

"Of course not." He agreed. "Unfortunately everyone running around like their heads were cut off right now. Maybe give it some time so everyone can calm down. Until then.. I better have a look at this little one just to make sure she okay."

He took her from my arms and set her down on a nice clean cot. She didn't wake not even when he gently lifted her head to check for any bleeding or bumps. Carlisle was able to find a small bump on the back of her head and said it was probably from the bus ride here. He couldn't tell for sure whether if she had concussion yet until the child woke up. We tried to shake her gently, but she only open her eyes once and then went back to sleep with her thumb in her mouth.

"Oh please." Renee storm over. "Let me show you two how it's done."

She stood the child up so she was sitting straight up and force her thumb out of her mouth. She shook her again until slowly the child woke up. Her bright blue eyes pop open and search the area for any familiar faces. Once she notice that she wasn't near her mother or father, she began to cry sudden tears and kick her little legs hard against the bed.

"Where's mummy?" She panic. "Mummy? Where's my mummy? I want mummy!"

"There there." Carlisle soothed the child. "How about we start with your name. What's your name sweet girl?"

"Rosalie." She muttered underneath her breath.

"And what's your second name?" I ask.

"Rosalie." She said again. "Rosalie Hale."

Carlisle smiled. "It's nice to meet you Ms. Rosalie Hale. My name is Dr. Cullen and this is my wife Mrs. Cullen."

"How do you do?" The child politely ask.

It surprise me a little that such a small child would know how to act so mannerly in public. Most children her age aren't that polite especially in a state such as this.

"Well at least she ain't a brat like the rest of them." Renee spat. "I'm going to go check the list and make sure I got everything."

She walk away and I could tell that Rosalie was quite taken back from her.

"Oh no don't mind her." I said. "She just being a pest. By tomorrow, she'll be back to rainbows and sunshine."

Rosalie chewed on her thumb. "I like rainbows."

"I bet you do." Carlisle chuckled. "Now Rosalie how about you tell me about mummy, hmm? Where is mummy?"

Rosalie shrugged her shoulders. "I dunno. She told me to get on the bus and she would find me later when another bus would come for her."

"Did she ever get on another bus?" I question.

Rosalie yawned and her eyes droop a little. She shrugged her shoulders again and cried out in tiredness.

"I just want to sleep." She sob. "I-I'm so tired and my head hurts."

Carlisle check her one more time and finally confirm that she did indeed sustain a small concussion. Rosalie mention that while her and her mother were running to the bus stop that she somehow manage to fall and hit her head on something metal almost like a light post that had fallen over. Her mother pick her up by then and shoved her on the bus.

"What are we going to do?" I said to Carlisle. "We can't just leave her here all alone."

"No. I'm afraid we can't." He sighed. "I suppose we should take her home and we'll try to sort this out in the morning."

"Will we have a enough room?" I worried.

Carlisle grinned. "Now Mrs. Cullen don't you start to worrying. We will figure it out. That I can promise."

And with that, he took the small girl in his arms and we walk back to our house. There was enough doctors at the camp that Carlisle assistance was no longer needed for the night, but he made sure to ensure the others that he would come back in the morning and take some of the load off their chest. We enter the house and our maid, Mrs. Uley, greeted us at the door.

"My are you two saints for taking in so many children." She commented.

"Hardly." I told her. "We're just doing what it is needed in order to help the war."

She beam. "Saints Mrs. Cullen. The word is saints."

Rosalie came in and out of conscious as we set her down on the couch and Mrs. Uley went off and fetch her some hot tea and a slice of bread. The child look like she was practically starving and maybe a little bit of food in her will help make her feel somewhat better.

"My such a pretty little thing." Carlisle spoke.

I exhaled a breath. "I can't imagine why anyone would just leave her there."

Mrs. Uley came back with the tea and bread for Rosalie. I sat her on my lap as Carlisle brought the cup to her lips and handed her the buttered bread. She chewed slowly at first before devouring the piece right in front of our eyes.

Carlisle chuckled. "You must of been hungry."

"Mummy never gives me bread. She said it'll make your butt grow fat!"

"Why I never." I blushed. "Why on earth would your mother say such a thing? Especially to a child?"

Rosalie tiled her head. "I'm not sure."

"Well.." Carlisle tried to hold back a laugh. "We will not tolerate such language in this house. Understood?"

Rosalie nodded her head and finished her cup of tea. We took her upstairs to our bedroom where Carlisle allowed her to sleep on his side of bed while he took a pillow and a blanket to the dressing room.

"That won't be very comfortable." I told him.

He set up his make shift bed. "No. But I think it'll be better if she sleeps next to a women. Might be for comforting than a man. It'll only be a for a couple of days dear until we can find her family."

"I know." I muttered.

He stood up from the floor and circle his arms around my waist. We've only been married for almost a year now, but it's felt so long since I've slept without Carlisle right next to me. It's strange not cuddling into his arms at night as he holds me while we sleep.

"So stubborn Mrs. Cullen." He snicker.

I raised my brows. "Am not!"

"Oh you are too." Carlisle rubbed his nose against mine. "But I suppose it's one of the many things I love about you."

"One of the many?" I teased.

He chuckled and kissed me goodnight. I slid in bed next to Rosalie and watch as the little girl slept peacefully. She only woke up once during the night and that was to go to the bathroom. I assist her in her needs and then carried her back to bed where she slept on my chest for the remainder of the night. I woke back up around six thirty (the typical time that I get up in the mornings), but Rosalie was still asleep and I didn't want to wake her. I laid still in bed, hoping that she would get up soon, however instead, I ended up falling back to sleep. I felt a hand on my head an hour or so later and fluttered my eyes open. It was Carlisle staring down at me while stroking my hair.

"Look's like you two had a pretty good sleep." He smiled.

I yawned. "I didn't want to interrupt her sleep. She seem to need it."

"You seem to need it as well."

Rosalie finally stirred in my arms until she open her eyes and gave us a big yawn and stretch her chubby little arms out.

"My my." Carlisle chuckled. "Such a sleepy girl."

"Good morning darling." I beam.

For a short moment, it almost felt like we were some sort of family who had just gotten up together for the morning. It made my heart slightly swell as I thought about it more. Carlisle and I had talk about children in our early stages of marriage. It always seem like there was some pressure with our family members to start making babies once we said "I do". But I had actually decided that I didn't want children which took Carlisle back surprise. There isn't anything wrong with children. In fact, I was always fond of my siblings growing up and often cared for the children around the neighborhood. For some reason, I just didn't have a desire to have any of my own. It's a major responsibly and I was only twenty one while Carlisle had just turn twenty nine. I think it disappointed him a tad that I didn't feel the need to raise a baby, however, he still agreed to marry me children or no children. Carlisle was enough for me and I didn't want to share him with anyone else. He was mine and I was his and I was content with just that.

It was a sweet thought though...

I slowly began to rise up from the bed with Rosalie still in my arms. Carlisle had left the room in order to give us some privacy while we changed. Rosalie sat on the edge of the bed and watch me switch my nightgown out for a beautiful elegant blue dress with black silhouettes. She almost seem in awe when I let my long caramel locks out of the bun I had created the night before.

"May I brush your hair?" She ask.

"Brush my hair?"

She eagerly nodded her head. "Mummy and I always took turns brushing our hair. She said I have a gentle touch!"

"I suppose." I chuckled. "As long as you let me brush through your tangles."

I gave her the brush and sat on my knees while she gently ran the brush through my hair. Her mother was right. She did have a very soft touch even when she reach the ends of my curls. Afterwards, she return the favor and allowed me to brush through her messy tangled hair. She was defiantly a beautiful child with bright blue eyes, chubby cheeks, freckled nose, and long blonde hair. I can't imagine what her parents must look like. They have to be some sort of goddess and god in order to produce such a lovely child such as Rosalie.

"Are we going to find mummy today?" She wonder.

I bit my bottom lip. "Hopefully. But first we must get you out of these filthily clothes. They are truly dirty."

I rummage through my drawers for something that Rosalie could wear until Mrs. Uley wash her clothes. One of my neighborhoods down the street lend me some of her daughters clothing when we took in Alice. I was hoping that possibly her small daughter would be the same size of Rosalie, but I think Kate is a tad older than what I thought she was. I pulled out a pink dress with puffy sleeves and pulled it over Rosalie head. The dress sank down to her feet so I had to take a small ribbon and tie around her waist so it wouldn't shrink so low to the ground. Thankfully, Carmen also gave me some knickers that fitted perfectly round her waist and I could have the original ones wash as well.

"I look like a loaf of bread!" Rosalie shriek.

"I thought your mother wasn't fond of bread?" I teased.

She playfully grinned. "No, but I am."

I laughed. "Naughty little girl. I suppose we could bend mother's rules though until we find her. I'm sure Mrs. Uley has some fresh bake bread if you wanted toast for breakfast."

The little girl was jumping up and down at the thought of having toast for today's morning meal. I took her hand and led her downstairs to where the other children where patiently sitting at the kitchen table. We have already taken in four other children so far. There was Emmett and Edward which belong to Mr. and Mrs. Masen who escape the devastating effects of the raids in Birmingham. Afterwards, Mr. Masen was drafted into the military while Mrs. Masen seek shelter and refugee at her sister house in Liverpool. Liverpool was known for some raids here and there which caused them to leave their children behind in the country. They thought it would be much safer if they got them out of the city limits so we ended up taking both boys in until their parents could take them back. Edward was the youngest, but probably the most reasonable one. At the age of nine, Emmett was very destructive and what my husband called a "free spirit." Edward had turn seven a couple of days ago and insisted that instead of giving him a birthday party... we just eat a nice meal and give him plenty of book to read for the next couple of weeks.

See... reasonable.

There was also Bella who was just a year older than Edward. Bella was a very lovely girl and I had actually went to school with her father, Charlie, back in the day. Charlie had enlisted in the air force at the age of eighteen once we graduated and decided to live his life as a bachelor. Well.. until Bella came along. He wouldn't quite say who Bella's mother was, but that it was merely a one night fling and accidents happen. I always scolded him for being so impolite especially around a lady although he promise me that it was more of her mother decision than his. Either way, I grown quite fond of Bella Swan so when Charlie had ask Carlisle to take her in while he was away at war.. I practically beg Carlisle to say yes and of course he wouldn't turn down an old friend.

And then there was Alice and I had explain her situation earlier. Alice was ten years old and defiantly the light of the party. She was very hyper for a child of her age and always begging to go out or tag along with me while I'm doing my daily shopping. If anything, she was obsessed with shopping and Carlisle would give her extra pocket money from time to time just so she could buy whatever her little heart desired. I always warned him that spoiling her was not very mannerly, but he never listen and I would catch him secretly sneaking her an extra coin or two behind my back.

Rosalie walk into the kitchen and instantly hid her herself behind me. I can't imagine how frighten it must be for a child so young to walk into such a big room with all these strangers staring at her. I tried to pull her in front of me so she could be properly introduce to the gang.

"Rosalie." I spoke. "These are the other children. There's Emmett and Edward. They're brothers. And then Bella and Alice."

"Are they sisters?" She asked innocently.

"Not a chance." Bella said.

"But we might as well be." Alice grinned.

"Hey who's the new pip squeak?!" Emmett roared.

"Now Emmett." I warned. "Don't scare our new guest. This is Rosalie Hale and she will be staying with us until she is reunited with her family."

"How old is she?" Edward question.

"Five." Rosalie muttered.

"Awww!" Alice squealed. "A baby!"

"Impossible." I rolled my eyes. "Mrs. Uley Rosalie and I will be having our breakfast in the gardens this morning. Please make sure that Dr. Cullen is aware of this when he comes down."

Mrs. Uley nodded in agreement. "Yes ma'am."

It was a tad chilly outside, possibly too cold to have breakfast outdoors. But I figure it was better than Rosalie sitting at the table with the other kids who were a little overbearing at times. It's not their fault though. They're just not use to such a little one around the house. Sometimes they forget their manners...

"Mummy never lets me eat outside." Rosalie commented. "She said that there were too many bugs."

I beam. "Well, she not wrong, you know? But Dr. Cullen and I enjoy eating outside sometimes. It's lovely to watch the sunrise."

She look towards the sun and smiled as she shoved another piece of toast in her mouth. I ate bits and pieces of my oatmeal and sip on some tea. The food rations was probably the worst part about the war. I understood why it was needed- there were so many soldiers that needed to be fed in order to be strong for what laid out before them. But I missed watching Carlisle try to flip pancakes in the morning as I laugh and try to help him. We don't usually ask Mrs. Uley to cook for us since she does so much already, however, with the four extra people added to our household I required a little bit more help in the kitchen.

"Well there you are!" Carlisle said in a cheerful tone.

I chuckled. "Good morning darling."

He kissed my cheek and ruffled Rosalie hair. "How is the little rascal doing?"

"I'm not a r-rascal!" She frowned.

He laughed. "Of course not my lady, I do apologies. A beautiful girl such as yourself must be a princess not a rascal! How mistaken I was!"

Rosalie delightfully giggled as he bent down and kissed her hand. He join us at the small outdoor table and drank his tea while he munch on a piece of toast.

"What's on today agenda?"

Carlisle set his cup of tea down. "Today we are on a quest!"

"A quest?" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yes! A quest to find the princess her queen and king!" He announced.

"Mummy!" Rosalie eyes lit up. "We're going to go find mummy!"

"You bet your little heart honey bear!"

"Honey bear?" She tilt her head. "But I thought I was a princess?"

I tried not to laugh. "I think you're confusing her now darling."

"Mrs. Cullen doesn't enjoy being called honey bear either." He said.

I huffed. "I never said that. I just rather not be compared to a nasty bear."

"She the beast!" Rosalie shouted. "The evil dragon who lives in the cave!"

Carlisle snickered. "Oh no not my Mrs. Cullen. She is my fair maiden. The most beautiful maiden that the land has ever seen."

I felt my cheeks turn hot red. "You're making me blush."

"That's what a shinning knight in armor is suppose to do." Rosalie grinned.

"It's what any gentlemen suppose to do." Carlisle corrected her.

She furrowed her brow again. "What's a g-gentlemen?"

"I'll explain later when you're a tad older."

A little while longer and Rosalie excused herself from the table while we clean up the mess left behind from breakfast. I pick up the plates and put them together while Carlisle got a little side track and wrap his arms around my waist.

"Now Carlisle." I spoke. "Don't get too attach. She not ours."

"I know she not ours Esme." He snorted. "I'm just trying to make sure she comfortable."

"A little too comfortable."

"Mmmm." He hummed. "Maybe you are the dragon after all?"

"Excuse me?" I turned around.

He grinned and kissed my forehead. "Nothing my dear."

And before I could open my mouth again, he took it upon himself to fleet the castle and seek shelter somewhere else.

"What a night.." I muttered.