Marinette's POV
"Marinette! Marinette, wake up!"
"Why?" I groan out.
"You're going to be late for school! You slept through the alarm!"
"Adrien will be there." And I'm up like a shot. Tikki, my kwami, knew exactly what to say to get me moving. Unfortunately, now I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
I dress as quickly as possible, running downstairs with only one shoe on. I hop and put it on as I shove a croissant in my mouth from the bakery and say goodbye to my parents.
Running down the block, I barely make it to school and am greeted with glares from everyone except Adrien. He smiles at me sympathetically, and I wonder what is going on.
I move to go to my seat, only to notice Lila is there. She seems to be crying, but I'm pretty sure I saw a smirk directed at me. Great, another lie. What trouble has she got me in now?
"Marinette, how could you do that?" Alya, my best friend, asks.
"Do what?"
"You know what. Lila just told us all how you've been sneaking around and telling her you'll take all her friends. She said you called her a privileged bitch."
"Not cool, Dudette." Nino, Alya's boyfriend, chimes in.
"And you believe her over me? How long have you known me? Why don't you trust me?" I say, looking at all of my angry classmates.
"Well, you do have a history of being violently paranoid about Lila… You're pretty mean to her, actually…" Rose, the sweetest student we have, mentions meekly from the back.
"Because she lies to you! I'm sorry for trying to protect you? I have bent over backwards to try to help you all, and it always gets thrown in my face as soon as Lila is involved. I'm done."
I don't even bother finding a seat. I see Adrien look at me with worry, but I just walk out. I'm done being the nice one. If they want me to be mean, fine. I'll be the queen of mean.
I leave the school. No one came after me. I thought maybe Adrien would, but it doesn't even matter.
"Marinette, are you okay?"
"I'm just done, Tikki. They're going to see what they want to see, so why not make it true?"
"Marinette, you can't let them get to you! You're Ladybug!"
"No! Ladybug is always the excuse when I feel like this. Not anymore." I close my purse, ending the conversation.
My first stop on my way home is at a hair salon. I use my credit card to cut my hair to shoulder length, dye it black, and add red tips.
My next stop is at a fabric store. I grab lots of black and red to go home and design my new wardrobe.
When I get home, I transform into Ladybug to sneak in through my balcony, rather than face my parents. As soon as I am inside, I drop transformation. Tikki looks at me worriedly, but I brush her off.
I design tons of outfits, my favorite being high-waisted black short shorts, a red crop top, and a cropped leather jacket. For shoes, I pull out some heeled converse. I also plan to wear heavier, darker make up – thick eyeliner and a smoky eye with a deep red lipstick. As I'm cutting fabric to create my masterpiece, I feel my eyes fill with tears. I will them back, but they spill over anyways. My vision blurs, and all I see are blurry colors and the glinting silver of my scissors. Before I know what I am doing, I have drawn the blade over my wrist. Crimson spills out, but I feel relieved. I do it a few more times before I register a tapping on my balcony door.
"Purrincess, please let me in. I need to know that you're okay." Cat Noir, Ladybug's partner, says behind it. I wipe my tears and actually see what I've done. I choke out a sob and rush over to my sink, cleaning the wounds and pulling my jacket down to hide them. I quickly let him in.
"Thank God, I was getting worried the longer it took." Then, he looks at me. "Woah your hair… It's pawsome, but why did you do it?"
"I'm done, Cat. I'm done being a doormat."
"What are you talking about?"
"Doesn't matter." I say monotone. "Please leave. I have work to do."
"No! I'm not just going to go!" I cry out in pain as he grabs the arm I just cut. Knowing he didn't hurt me, he rolls up my sleeve. "Marinette…" Oh shit. He used my name.
My cuts have been bleeding continuously as we talked, since I didn't get time to bandage it.
He drags me over to my sink and cleans my wounds again. Starting to bandage them, he asks, "What happened?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, Kitty."
"Marinette… did you do this to yourself?"
"So, what if I did? There's nothing to lose when you're friendless."
"But you aren't! You have me!"
"Cat, I only have you when you come around. I don't have anyone else. They want to paint me as the bad guy, then I will be."
"What do you mean?" He asks, looking at me almost with dread.
"I guess you're going to have to wait and see. Please leave. I have work to do."
I don't bother looking to see if he leaves. I just pick up my fabrics and get back to work. I hear the trap door close and breathe out a small sigh of relief. Tikki quickly floats over to me, though.
"Marinette, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Tikki."
Sensing I don't want to talk anymore, she nuzzles into my cheek, causing tears to fill my eyes again. I don't let them fall. I start sewing like my life depends on it.