Hey all! This chapter is a hard one for me, I hope it comes out right. Anyone else trying to beat the summer heat? I know I am. Here's the game changer. I hope you enjoy! Stay safe everyone! Please review, it helps me out quite a bit.

Dance Monkey (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli feat. Rabea & Hannah)



It was a white room, bright to my eyes as I shook my head and I could see a table before me with a single chair which matched my own. White. My eyes ran over the detail less room and my spine stiffened as the wall opened and three yautja walked in, two males and the big black one from before. Now that I saw more clearly I could make out the feminine curve of her waist, the rounded hips and Amazonian bust that I could never possess.

Was that a…a female?

I'd never been in the presence of the same sex and now that I was I could only be thoroughly and utterly overwhelmed. Her helm was off and her features were almost dainty compared to the broader planes of the males, frosty eyes not even glancing at me as she took her spot in the chair across from me.

How could I compare to that?

I felt ashamed for even lusting after my master when he had females like her. I was a freak.


"Ui'stbi. Interesting choice of a name…." Her voice was gravelly but full of authority, soothing but it prickled my skin as if I had somehow done something wrong. A hologram of images and slides of words came up from the table as she panned through them with one long claw. "…aren't you just so interesting."

"I'm really not." I squeaked as I dug my nails into my thighs.

"It would seem you don't know what we are…is that correct, sei-i?"

I lifted my chin. "You're badbloods."

Her chuckle rumbled out as she clicked. "I am Arbitrator Dhruv and this is my ship."


Then why were they attacking masters ship?

"Your master….has had a long and also very interesting past with us, little ooman." A image of my master appeared and I bit my lip. "Coming from a decorated clan but with seventeen counts of ooman trafficking on the flesh market it's a wonder he managed you, our lucky eighteenth."


"Ah you do not understand…" The void of her skin was sucking me in as I blinked like that of a fish. "Had you not set your beacon he might have slipped right through us unnoticed but you did us a great service."

"Ser…vice?" My voice shook slightly.


"It will allow you to be present at his execution once his ship is stripped of evidence such as unlawful experiments and moral behaviors."

I sank back into my chair. I was going to be sold? On a market to some stranger when master had trained me in the ways of the yautja warrior? Tears well up in my eyes as I numbly sponged at them with my wrist.

"Do you wish to be at the execution?"

Now I looked up at her and I nodded once.

Yes, it was time to set things right.