The beginning of this story is taken straight from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the rest is all me.

I do not know who the romantic intrest will be, IT MAY BE SLASH if you don't like that don't waste your time by reading. New Chapters will be posted every Wednesday. Surprise chapters may also be posted depending on my muse.

Thank you for reading, have a great day!

The creature behind them jerked and moaned, and Harry and Dumbledore sat without talking for the longest time yet. The realization of what would happen next settled gradually over Harry in the long minutes, like softly falling snow.

"I've got to go back, haven't I?"

"That is up to you."

"I've got a choice?"

"Oh yes." Dumbledore smiled at him. "We are in King's Cross, you say? I think that if you decided not to go back, you would be able to . . . let's say . . . board a train."

"And where would it take me?"

"On," said Dumbledore simply.

Harry was quiet, he had a choice to make, while it should have been an easy choice Harry still had questions floating in his head.

"Before I make my choice, may I ask you another question Headmaster?"

"Of course."

"Did you know how the Dursleys treated me," Harry asked the question quietly, after all they discussed today the question almost seemed senseless, but he still needed to know.

Dumbledore was quiet for a moment, "The choices I made were for the greater good my boy. Sacrifices needed to be made, they may not have been the best choice for you but they kept you safe."

Harry knew, deep down, that Dumbledore was aware and after their previous conversation he couldn't say he was surprised, but the admission did hurt.

Harry also wondered if there was more to the Master of Death then Dumbledore let on, he was honest with him about the past NOW but the Master of Death would affect his future if there was any truth in it, and he didn't know if he could trust Dumbledore enough to tell him that part of his future.

What if he thought the power would get to Harry if it was true?

What if he was still trying to do what the thought he needed to for the "greater good"?

He didn't ask, but he knew he wouldn't get the answers by staying here.

Harry stood up and faced Dumbledore as he stood up as well.

"Thank you sir, for telling me everything," Harry said quietly after a few moments

"No Harry, thank you for letting me tell you. Thank you for giving me the chance," Dumbledore said smiling as the mist came in stronger and started to hide him from view.

Harry watched as Dumbledore fully faded away before the mist started to dissipate once again and he saw a dark figure standing where Dumbledore was.

"Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived, The Chosen one, Undesirable #1, so many names to chose from," the voice coming from the figure was raspy but smooth. The voice of a politician in the afterlife.

The man the voice belonged too looked like he had been a politician in his old life, His hair was slicked in a way that he had only seen on TV and the suit he was wearing Harry would bet was a few thousand pounds.

It was his eyes that held the most focus for Harry, a clear crystal blue ,that under any other circumstances would have been beautiful, were off.

Possibly not dangerous, but off.

"Who are you," Harry asked, idle wondering if he would be able to finally grasp wandless magic when faced with this unknown man.

"I go by many names, the one you may be most familiar with is Death..Your mastery of the Hallows has allowed me to come to you"

Harry couldn't help but think this had to be a hallucination.

Dumbledore, weird but okay.

Death however?

That had to be a sign of his actual death, or at the very least evidence of a coma.

"Your not in a coma or hallucinating. Dumbledore was to provide you another option however due to his own beliefs he did not. I am here to rectify the situation," Death said with no hint of emotion in his voice.

Harry decided if he was in a Coma or dead it couldn't hurt to find out more information.

"You're here because of the Hallows, and I'm your master," Harry said flatly.

"In a way, you can not control me but it does allow you extra….gifts shall we say. You will live longer then the average wizard, the power of the stone wont call to you as it does others. You will be able to use it sparingly however you wont feel the NEED, you were already the master of the cloak so that will not change," Death said in the same tone.

"Oh," Harry said, "Do you want the Hallows back? I don't need them."

It was true, he didn't need them. He would have missed the cloak of course but other then that the stone and the wand sounded like more trouble then he really believed they were worth.

"Regardless of which option you chose at the end of your life they will leave the mortal plain with you. You may find use for them in the coming time if you don't chose to leave now."

"Did Dumbledore know about this? That the Hallows were real?," Harry asked.

"Yes, the information had been provided to him before he talked to you for various reasons. I obviously kept an eye on him for this exact reason however."

Harry wasn't surprised, if the last 10 minutes had taught him anything it was that Dumbledore even with his guilt of what he did previously had not learned his lesson.

"If you don't mind Harry Potter we need to discuss your options and you need to make your decision, we are running out of time," Death said after a few moments of silence, "as I said, you have a third option. You may go with one of the options Dumbledore told you of, or you can go back in time to when you were a child and re-due the life you have had"

Harry started, "Even if that was possible, why would that be an option?"

"Your fate was meant to be something else, something more. People who were not meant to die, Sirius Black for example, died when they were not meant to. You have the ability make changes to effect those people. You also have the ability to provide Riddle a second chance, his fate was changed for the worst as well. You wont be able to change anything from before he tried to kill you, but after. After is something you can change."


Could he go back to change everything for just one person?

Hermione mentioned once that no good ever came from messing with time, that one change could severely effect everything else. He could bring back Sirius, but what would that change?

Would the change matter?

Death said going back had the option to not only change his life but also change Riddles life as well and if this was the case there would already be changes.

But could he chance it?

What if he made everything worse, in theory it already sounded difficult he couldn't imagine how hard it would actually be to do.

But what if it made it better, what if he could bring peace to the world that has suffered so much death, so much fear. Death said Dumbledore had meddled and changed so many things that would have been different if he had just been honest, or given another chance that he hadn't. Even know in death Dumbledore had kept information from Harry "For the Greater Good", who knows what the information he kept to himself effected everything else while he had been living.

"What about the Horcrux inside of me? Tom had to hit me with the killing curse to remove it, if I go back and try to change him, how would it be removed. Even if he's able to be changed I don't want it," Harry questioned Death.

"There are other options to remove the Horcrux, the goblins if Gringotts could remove it, there is also a spell created to remove the Horcrux from the Vessel, that would have worked to remove it from all of the items with out destroying them. The spell is what you would consider dark and not something Dumbledore would have looked into. This is something you can look into further if you go back. If you go back you would just be replacing your younger self, the Horcrux would already be removed. The effects it had on your magics would be removed as well. You would be stronger."

"Stronger, "Harry questioned, "What do you mean stronger?"

"Your magic was using itself to keep the Horcrux contained along with the protection of your mother and Dumbledore. This put a strain on your magic and did not allow you to fully access it. The Horcrux is gone now however the damage has been done to your body and mind. By entering your younger self you will be whole, your magic will be able to travel and grow correctly, you will be stronger. If you have further questions ask them now, your time is almost up to make your choice, if no choice is made you will move to the after regardless of your choice."

Harry didn't need anymore time to make his choice, the chance to be stronger was enticing. Stronger would mean he would have the extra power to keep everyone safe.

….that is if this wasn't a hallucination that is.

Harry took a deep breath, "I don't need anymore time. I want to go back to my younger self."

Death gave him something Harry thought was meant to be a smile, "One last thing Harry Potter, remember Dumbledore was not the only one keeping secrets. Watch the Weasleys as well, keep track of what they provide you and think fully on how you met them. What they were doing in that station calling out the word muggles loudly for anyone to hear. You will have several years before you are brought back into the world for Hogwarts, think about everything before making any permeate decisions."

Harrys' first thought was denial, the Weasleys were nothing but good to him. But with the knowledge that he has gathered in the last several minutes he couldn't be sure of anything.

Harry nodded, "I'll keep that in mind"

The final words Harry heard were, "This will hurt"

A searing pain went through his body started from his chest and the world went black.