Brian & Ellie 5: Family Life

Based on the TV Series "Family Guy"

Sequel to "Return of The Labrador"


An Unearthed Biscuit

"Thanks for taking us to the rodeo, Mom." said Brian Jr.. "It's been an exciting show."

The New Griffin family were walking from the venue.

"I agree with my brother, it was exciting." said Sally.

"Well I'm glad you kids liked the rodeo." said Ellie. "These guys knew how to wrangle bulls and cows."

"Yeah, unfortunately Peter The Kid didn't go so well with that humping bull." said Dean.

"Please don't bring that up, Dean." said Brian. "That happened a long time ago, and I don't want to be reminded in front of our family."

"Gees, sorry Dad, at least we enjoyed it." said Dean.

"I agree with our son, Brian." she said. "At least you had to participate."

"I had to compromise, Elle." Brian said to his wife. "I didn't have to argue with you."

"I know you don't, hun." she said. "That's what we're here for."

Suddenly, Frank stopped and saw an object on the ground. "Hey, what the heck is that?" asked Frank. The puppies came close to Frank.

"Yeah, I wonder what it is," said Jenny.

"What could it be?" asked Brian-John.

"Now now, pups, don't pick that up." said their Dad, stopping them.

"Why not?" asked Mitzi.

"Because…" he said, pulling his collar. "...Because it's uhh… trash."

"Brian, why are you acting nervous?" asked his wife.

"Yeah, and why are you sweaty, Dad?" asked Dean.

"Umm… Well… I…" Their Dad struggles to say, then he swallows. "I… Whoo, is it hot in here or what? I wouldn't think my winter coat can take the heat."

"Brian, it's 62℉ (16℃) in Texas, what are you complaining about?" she said to her husband.

"Me? Complaining?" he said to his wife. "No, no, no. I would never complain. My only concern is my body temperature. I just couldn't control the weather."

Brian Jr. picked up an object. "Hey, it looks like some kind of tail." said Brian Jr. looking at it.

"It's not just any tail, Junior." said Genie. "It could be Grandma's tail."

"Of course, this tail belongs to Grandma Biscuit!" said Frank. Brian felt surprised.

"See what happens when you lie through your teeth?" said Ellie.

"I'd never lie, sweetheart." said Brian. "I just don't like litterbugs, that's all."

"Brian, when was the last time you ever saw those litterbugs?" she asked.

"I wonder where Grandma is." said Brian Jr.. "I'm starting to think that this is some kind of a treasure hunt."

"Treasure?" said Tammy.

"Yeah, the treasure of Biscuit Griffin." he said. "But where could she be?"

"Biscuit Griffin?" their Mum said giggling and blushing.

"Yeah, Mom." said Frank. "I wonder where Dad and Stewie buried her."

"Yeah Brian, don't you remember?" she asked her husband.

"Remember who?" Brian said, trying to hide it.

"Your Mom, Biscuit." she said. "We've heard that you and Stewie buried her, when she was stuffed." Brian rubbed his nape nervously, trying to hide his past from his wife and pups.

o - o - o - o - o

Later at the park where Brian and Stewie buried Biscuit, the family walked nearby it. "This must be the place where Dad and Stewie buried her." said Frank.

"This must be Grandma's grave." said Brian Jr. with the tail he's still holding.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Their Dad said, trying to stop them. "You're not planning to rob someone's grave, are you?"

"What are you talking about, Dad?" asked Mitzi.

"Yeah Dad, what's a grave without a tombstone?" Frank asked too.

'Dang, these puppies have got me there.' thought Brian.

The puppies are standing above the grave. "Okay, bros and sises, Grandma Biscuit must be at least 6 ft. deep." said Brian Jr..

"How are we gonna unearth our Grandma, Junior?" asked Genie.

"We dig with our paws." he said.

"Didn't we bring a shovel?" asked Martin.

"We don't need shovels, Martin." said Frank. "We're dogs, and we're gonna dig her out."

"What can we dig with?" asked Jenny.

"With our paws of course." said Coco.

"Okay, commence digging." said Brian Jr.. And with that, the puppies have started digging.

"Pups wait, you don't have to do this!" said their Dad trying to stop them.

"Oh come on, Brian." Ellie said to her husband. "This is good for our puppies. Remember your birthday wish? You wished to see your Mom again. When you wished for your Mom, our children wanted to see their Grandma, and even I wanted to see her too. What else would you have left to lose?"

"Umm… I don't know, my-" he said, before his wife interrupts.

"Okay, Brian, we have kids in front of us, so don't mention the word 'b-a-l-l-s'." she said silently, pointing her finger towards his crotch.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it." he said. "Sorry, Elle."

"It's okay, sweetums." she said. "It happens to everybody."

As soon as they dug, the puppies felt something buried. "Hey, I think I've found something!" said Frank.

"I think I've found it too!" said Sally.

"Well, what're you waiting for?!" said Brian Jr.. "Heave!"

"Ho!" said the puppies in chant as they heaved a stuffed female Labrador Biscuit out of the grave.

After the puppies have pushed out Biscuit from the grave, they rose out too. Ellie felt excited with her tail wagging, while Brian felt speechless. "Here she is, Mom." said Brian Jr.. "Grandma Biscuit, in the flesh."

"And fur." said Frank.

"Ooh, how exciting." said Ellie. "Now you finally get to see Grandma."

"Why am I not surprised?" said Brian facepalming.

"Brian, you made that wish, and now it came true." she said.

"Yeah Dad, like they'd say, be careful what you wish for." said Frank.

"Alright kids, you got me." said Brian knowing that he's been beat. "You've found your Grandma. I couldn't lie to you anymore. But only one problem, her tail's still missing."

"Don't worry, Dad, I've got it right here." said Brian Jr.. waving the tail.

"And I've some super glue, just in case I've packed it." she said.

"But let's not worry about the tail right now." said Brian. "We gotta refill that hole, before some kid falls into it."

o - o - o - o - o

Later at their holiday ranch, after Ellie super glued and sewed the tail back onto Biscuit in the correct place, the family gazed at her. "Wow, I've never seen Grandma Biscuit in our entire lives." said Mitzi.

"Or in Texas Drawl, our Meemaw Biscuit." said Dean.

"Meemaw?" said Tammy.

"Yeah Tammy, our Meemaw." said Brian Jr.. "Our Meemaw's happy to see us."

"I gotta hand it to you, Ellie." said Brian. "Some wishes are made to become true."

"Brian, I'm glad you made that wish," said Ellie. "Well at least you get to see your Mom again."

"Yeah, at least I have." he said.

"Oh, Grandma," said Brian Jr. hugging Biscuit. "We're so glad you're here. I'd sure wish you'd come home."

"Yeah, so you'll always be with us." said Mitzi.

"For a really long time." said Dean.

"I don't know, guys." said Brian-John. "Potty training is one thing, but bringing Grandma back from the dead? It's unethical."

"Come on, John." said Jenny. "At least we have our Grandma."

"Yeah, you'll get used to it, John." said Coco. "You should be appreciative that we unearthed her."

o - o - o - o - o

Later that night, the family is currently asleep in their beds. At this moment, Brian is starting to have a dream.

(Inside Brian's dream)

Brian was sitting on the pier drinking a sip from his hip flask by the lake, when he saw a boat floating towards him. Inside the boat, was his White Labrador Mum, Biscuit, who still wears her blue collar. The boat stops as soon as it's next to the pier. "Mom, is that you?" said Brian standing up.

"Hop in, Brian." said Biscuit. Brian does so. He almost couldn't believe his ears when he heard Biscuit talk in her charming Texan accent.

The boat is floating on the lake. They see the hills, trees, mountains and the shining sun. "What is this place, Mom?" he asked.

"This is heaven." she replied.

"H-Heaven?" he said.

"Yeah, pretty much." she said. "This is the place where we had to die and come up here."

"But, you didn't tell me." he said. "You didn't tell me that you were dying."

"Listen, son." she said. "I'm sorry you didn't get to breastfeed from me, right before you were being adopted. I didn't even give you a chance to say 'goodbye'."

"I'm pretty sure that was 9 years ago now, Mom." he said, landing his paw on her shoulder.

"I know, son. I know." she said. "Say, care to drink my milk one last time?" she then laid on her back showing her son her teats and nipples.

"Sure, Mom." he said. With that, he put down his flask, walked up to her, kneeled down, lowered his head closer to her chest, placed his muzzle mouth onto one of her nipples and began to drink her milk.

"Mmmmm." she moaned, as he is sucking her nipple.

Several minutes later, Brian finished drinking milk from Biscuit, he got up and licked his lips to taste the milk. "So that was what I would've liked from my early days when I had the opportunity to get milk from you." said Brian.

"It sure was, my son." said Biscuit sitting up. "Anyway, I've heard that you've wished to see me again on your 9th birthday."

"You did?" he said.

"Yeah, I've heard it while you were in bed with your wife, talkin'." she said. "You know, your soulmate, your best friend, and heck, you even made kids with her."

"You mean, Ellie?" he said.

"That's right." she said. "She's a fine woman. A she-dog as you call her. Your ring says it all."

He looked at his wedding ring. "I know, Mom." he said. "I also wished that you and Dad had seen us at our wedding."

"We already were, son." she said. "And we were sure to welcome Ellie into our family. And a huge congratulations for winning that dog show with her."

"Well, we both got first place, ha ha ha." he said chuckling. "And we both lived happily ever after."

"I'm sure you did, son." she said. "Your father and I are very happy for both of you." She and Brian hugged each other with a smile, their tails are also wagged.

She then unhugged after a half minute. "Y'know my old owner, Luke?" she asked.

"Yeah, I know him." he said.

"Do you remember me when I was stuffed, the second time you saw me again?" she asked.

"I remember." he said. "I was shocked to see you like that in stitches."

"I know you were." she said. "Since ol' Luke refused to pay for my funeral services, instead of burying or cremating me, he had me skinned, scraped off my hide, even used borax to dry my underside, and then, he stuffed me with cotton and sewn me up."

"That is rather sad." he said. "One thing still bothered me. Earlier today, most of my puppies had dug you out of the park. I've tried to stop them, but Ellie said that they wanted to see their Grandma."

"Well in this case, I am their Grandma." she said. "Son, you shouldn't try to hide me from your family. You should be honest. Just because you wanted to see me again, it doesn't mean it won't imply to Ellie and your pups either."

"Maybe you're right, Mom." he said rubbing his neck. "I thought that my past was in the past, but as long as I have you with Ellie and my pups, you too will be part of our family."

"Do you really think so, son?" she asked.

"Well if you want to be part of our Griffin family, you're more than welcome to it." he said.

"Thank you, Brian son." she said smiling. "What more could a mother ask for?" She and Brian hugged again.

"Mom, now that you're above the surface and still stuffed, does this mean you'll love me?" he said.

"I still do, son." she said. "I still do." she then started licking Brian's face.

(End of dream)

Turns out that it was Ellie that was licking Brian on his face the next morning. Brian backed away from her in his wake and shook his head of saliva. "Good morning, Brian." said Ellie. "Didn't notice the licks on your face, did you?"

"You're telling me." said Brian. "You just licked me out of my dream that I was on a boat with my Mom."

"You always had to remember your Mom, Brian." she said. "Now let's see how our kids are doing."

Downstairs, the puppies have fun being with their Grandma Biscuit, while their parents are preparing breakfast for their family. "See Brian, it wasn't so bad once you got used to having your Mom over." she said. "It rekindles joy into us."

"And you know what, I kinda like having Mom into our family." he said.

"I know you would, Brian." she said kissing him on his cheek. Brian blushed.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Chapter 9 is coming soon. Please keep in mind that this story was originally set before the Coronavirus outbreak. Sorry once again for my writer's block. I will try to finish this story as soon as I can.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from Family Guy, which is a registered trademark of FOX and The Walt Disney Company. I do NOT own any of these Family Guy related characters, they belong to Seth MacFarlane, FOX and The Walt Disney Company. The story I tell here focuses on my fantasy of Brian X Ellie is my own invention and is not purported or believed to be part of Seth MacFarlane's story canon. This story is for entertainment purposes only and is not part of an official plot. I am not making any money of this fan fiction using any Family Guy characters. I am truly grateful for Seth MacFarlane for his awesome show taking place in Quahog, Rhode Island, for without his show, my story wouldn't exist.